Lights, Camera... Nude!: A Guide to Lighting the Female Nude for Photography (14 page)

BOOK: Lights, Camera... Nude!: A Guide to Lighting the Female Nude for Photography
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Light #1
The sun, with the sky as a mega diffuser, is the most abundant, powerful, and the lowest price light source you will ever find. But sunlight is also fickle and unreliable; but with some practice, outdoor light can become your ally.




Kaitlyn P.

When shooting this photo, it was so overcast that the studio strobe that I brought outdoors provided about half the light on the model.

# 2
A softbox to the right of the camera, at about a 30-degree angle to the axis of the camera, provides fill light. Notice the fence, top of the car, and back of the car are dark and flat. These areas were lit with natural light, too far from the strobe to receive much light from it.


The 1/60 second shutter speed allows some blur to dramatize the falling water, but is fast enough to freeze any movement from the model.


Be mindful that fill light from a strobe can create an artificial look outdoors. For example, notice the hot spot created by the strobe on the front fender of the car.


Practical Tip: Weigh down your light stands or the wind can blow them over.






Lighting Diagram 16: Overcast day, strobe fill

Swimming Pool, Reflector



Photo 63: Shooting nudes outdoors offers many spontaneous options




Model: Sarah S.


Lighting Setup#
Skill: Moderate
Light Kit:1
Model Zone:




Lighting Diagram 17: Swimming pool


A collapsible reflector is an easy outdoor fill light. Position the reflector on the shaded side or in front of the model where it catches direct sunlight and reflects it back toward the model. Bring a couple of assistants to hold reflectors, and to act as lookouts if you’re concerned about interruptions from onlookers.


Light #1
creates some sparkle in the water and helps boost the diminutive sun lighting.


The more elaborate your outdoor lighting setup, the more assistance you’ll need and the more time you’ll spend setting up and moving your equipment.


With natural light, there are multiple light sources. The sun is the main light, and fill light is reflected by the sky and ground. Just as in the studio, light outdoors bounces off many surfaces. On a cloudy day, the fill light is more pronounced, and the sun more diffused, lowering contrast.



Submerged Nude

Lighting Setup#
Skill: Moderate
Light Kit:2
Model Zone:


Photo 65: Submerged nude


Model: Sarah H.




Lighting Diagram 18: Submerged nude


Model: Sarah H.




In this shot, water from a running hose and a bit of rain provide ripples in the pool in which the model poses.


An umbrella creates a round reflection in the water, also visible is the light bouncing off the white wall behind the umbrella, squared off by the outline of a doorway. This can be eliminated by hanging black fabric on the wall.


A gridded strobe head adds some punch to the model’s face and torso.


Overcast sky provides fill light, about 2 stops less than full exposure.


Three characteristics make water shots distinct:


is simply the property of water that allows you to see through it.


causes you to not see through the water, but the light source when the camera angle is the same as the angle of the light coming from the other direction.


causes the appearance that the right leg is larger than the left. Refraction can add interest or distraction to a submerged nude.

Continuous Light

The preceding lighting diagrams mainly show how to use studio strobes (flashes). Strobes are the preferred by nude photographers because the powerful, on-demand output makes easily stops most motion and achieve desired depth of field. However, you can photograph nudes with continuous light that suits your budget.


The main advantage of continuous light, especially to those who are beginning or expanding their nude photography skills, is that what you see is what you get. Disadvantages include difficulty in color balancing and excessive heat.


In the photo below, the only illumination was two strands of rope lights. The exposure was 10 seconds at f 3.5. Although the low level of monochromatic illumination in this example is impractical for many poses, it evokes a range of possibilities available with continuous light of various intensities.



Photo 66: Continuous light


Models: Stephanie S., Alicia J.

Lighting Exercises

This assortment of exercises provides a guided path for learning through exploration and experimentation with lighting. Each exercise should take about 20 minutes to perform, not including setup. Analyze the images on your camera’s screen as you go, but don’t forget to examine them closely on your PC afterwards.

Body Cropping
Attach a long fixed lens, or a zoom lens that has a long focal length. Choose a lighting setup that interests you and begin photographing cropped images of your model. Shoot approximately 6 to 12 inches of the model at a time.
Check out the lighting of each shot. Is your lighting effective and interesting for the whole model?



Photo 67: Close-up (strawberries optional)


Model: Ashley G.

Spinning model
Choose a lighting setup that interests you.
Have the model slowly turn as you photograph her.

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