Like Lightning (14 page)

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Authors: Charlene Sands

BOOK: Like Lightning
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“May I come in?” she asked and Trey opened the door wide to allow her entrance.

She stepped into the middle of his room and looked into the depths of his dark eyes. “I, uh, wanted to tell you, that I've made my decision about leaving for Denver.”

Trey swallowed and took a deep breath, nodding his head. “I figured.”

There was no question in his eyes, no regret, either, it appeared, but resolute resignation. He didn't ask her intentions and Maddie couldn't bring herself to discuss her decision. Tonight wasn't the time. Trey's bedroom wasn't the place.

“And I wanted to thank you for this.” She opened the box she held and lifted out the bracelet. “It came as quite a surprise. The whole night has been full of surprises,” she said in earnest. “But this…it's the most precious gift I've ever received. I'll treasure it as much as I'll trea
sure my time here with…my time here at 2 Hope.” She handed him the bracelet. “Will you put it on me?”

His large work-roughened hands fumbled a bit trying to undo the clasp. He leaned in to get a better look and they bumped heads. Both chuckled awkwardly and when he gazed into her eyes, Maddie knew she couldn't leave his room tonight. She couldn't sleep her last night at 2 Hope alone, when Trey was only a few rooms away.

“There,” he said, taking her hand and turning it to admire the bracelet. “It fits.”

His slight touch alone sent shivers throughout her defenseless body. Maddie smiled up into his eyes. “It does—a perfect match to my necklace.”

“The jeweler used a sketch I'd made and well…he did a pretty darn good job.”

Maddie touched Trey's cheek with one hand. “You went to all that trouble for me?”

He shrugged a shoulder, in that same way he had of brushing off a compliment but he spoke softly with quiet determination. “No one's more deserving than you.”

Staring directly into his eyes, she couldn't doubt his sincerity. Tears she'd held back, fell then, one at a time, slowly, trickling down her face. “It's the best gift I've ever received, but it's not enough, Trey. I guess I'm a greedy woman, because I want more.”

Maddie unzipped her dress, allowing the material to skim graciously down her body. She stepped out of it, her gaze never leaving Trey's face. She stood before him in her strappy sandals and her newly purchased bold red underwear. “I want one last parting gift. One more night with you, Trey Walker.”


rey's heart slammed into his chest seeing Maddie's tearstained face, realizing that this would be her last night at 2 Hope. This would be their last night together. He'd always known that Maddie wouldn't stay. Hell, he'd done everything in his power to push her away.

And it had worked.

She planned on leaving.

But Trey couldn't push her away tonight. Hell, he didn't have
much willpower, not when every cell in his body cried out for her. Not when he ached to hold her in his arms, kiss her adorable heart-shaped mouth and caress her smooth porcelain skin. How could he possibly deny her a last request, when he wanted the same?

Trey knew that in the morning he'd wake up broken, a shattered shell of a man who would feel the loss of her leaving for a long time to come. But that didn't matter
because she would move on to something better. She'd carve out the life she'd always wanted. She'd be free of him and the heartache he'd caused her.

He looked at her sweet expectant face, then followed the lines of her body down to each alluring curve and hollow, making a complete and thorough sweep.

“Like I said before, I'd want you with or
those sexy things. You're beautiful, Maddie.”

Maddie cast him a coy smile. “Without?”

Trey smiled and took her into his arms, pressing her body up to his. Her hands grazed his bare chest then moved up to circle his neck. His groin tightened and his heart pounded like a schoolboy being granted his first kiss. “There's time for
I sorta like the
for now.” He toyed with the crimson strap of her bra. “Did you wear them for your party?”

Maddie lifted up on tiptoes and kissed his lips softly, but far too quickly. “No, I put them on afterward. For you.”

“God, Maddie. You're killing me. You know that?” This time, he bent his head and kissed her; it wasn't soft and fast, but a long drawn-out kiss, a hot exploration of lips and tongues with bodies meshed together and hearts pounding.

Without another word, Trey took her hand and led her to his bed. He sat down then gestured for her to sit next to him. “I've dreamt of making love to you here, sweetheart.”

“I was only a few steps away,” she whispered.

“Don't I know it.”

Moonlight streamed in, casting Maddie in a soft glow. Trey had always thought Maddie in the moonlight to be a beautiful thing, but never more than tonight. Light shimmered on her coppery hair, framing her pretty face and bringing a lustrous sheen to her smooth skin.

Trey took a steadying breath and plopped down on the bed, his head hitting the pillow with a soft swoosh. “It was all I could do to keep from coming for you in the middle of the night.”

Maddie's eyebrows lifted with uncertainty. “Really?”

“Don't doubt it. It put me in more than one sour mood in the morning.”

“Trey, why didn't you?”

“Shh.” He lifted up to place a finger to her lips. “You know why, but let's not go there tonight, okay?”

She nodded and he kissed her softly on the lips. “We've wasted so much time,” she whispered.

“And all we have is tonight.”

Trey leaned back again onto the bed, making room for Maddie. He took her hand and turned her toward him. She straddled his thighs and used both her hands to touch his chest, exploring, caressing, wrapping tiny chest hairs around her finger, toying with him.

Trey thought he would die from the pleasure, both physical and visual. He'd never felt or seen anything more enticing, than watching Maddie atop his body, having her way with him.

She leaned down to kiss his lips, her thighs rubbing his, her torso tight against him, her red lace-encased breasts crushing his chest. Trey groaned aloud, his erection pressing the confines of his jeans, and he knew he'd have a walking hard-on for days to come, each time he'd be foolish enough to think about her like this.

Maddie broke off the kiss and wiggled down enough to explore his chest with her lips. She kissed his throat, his shoulders and his torso, then made hot wet circles around his nipples with her tongue.

“Damn, Maddie,” he uttered, barely containing another groan.

To Trey, everything with Maddie had been about self-control. He'd resisted her for so long and right now, all he wanted to do was flip her onto her back and drive his hot erection into her until both were sated and spent, but Trey held back. He wanted it all with Maddie. He wanted her to take pleasure and give pleasure all night. He wanted their last night together to be perfect.

“I'm about to bust out of these jeans, honey.”

Maddie glanced down and shot him the sexiest, dewy-eyed look Trey had ever seen. It didn't help matters, not at all.

She gestured to his zipper. “Want me to…uh.”

“Yeah,” he uttered, “although that might make it worse.”

“But in a good way,” she said, sliding off him long enough to unzip his jeans. She helped him slip off his pants and boxers, then returned to lie down next to him. When her hand cupped his manhood, Trey jerked, more than a little surprised, but all the more pleased.

They faced each other in the darkness as she moved her hands on him, gliding up and down effortlessly. He kissed her again and again as she proceeded to turn his world upside down.

And after several long moments and a near mishap of nature, Trey grabbed her hand and held her still. “How about we do the

Maddie chuckled softly as he reached around and unfastened her bra.

is pretty damn good, too, sweetheart,” he said, removing the garment entirely to catch sight of
Maddie's breasts spilling out. He cupped her breast in his hand and leaned down to kiss the rosy-tipped crest.

Maddie moaned and wiggled her body. Trey continued to kiss her, using his tongue to moisten each nipple, then suckle gently, until she was hot and wet from his lusty caresses. “So beautiful,” he breathed out, holding back, wanting to prolong this pleasure for as long as possible.

There would never be another woman in his life like Maddie Brooks. She was intelligent and wholesome, funny and sexy, innocent and bold as can be. Trey liked the way she gave all of herself to him. He liked the daring side of her. She'd been the best sex partner he'd ever had and she'd probably hold that title for the rest of his life. Hell, there wasn't one damn thing he didn't like about her.

“Trey?” Maddie lifted her head with a question in her eyes. “Did you go somewhere?”

Trey kissed her again, guiding her back down onto his bed. “Just regrouping,” he said, realizing he'd lost his focus. He'd been in the middle of making love to a beautiful woman and bittersweet, niggling thoughts had crept into his head. He shoved them away, concentrating on Maddie and making her his, if only for tonight.

He slipped his hand down her torso, his fingers sliding under the red lacy thong and began stroking her softly.

“Mmmm, I like the way you regroup,

Trey groaned. Maddie had a way with that one word that sent his heart racing and his body into overdrive. His strokes became faster and she moved her body with more urgency, until Trey couldn't hold back another second. He knew the time was now.

He reached for the bedside drawer and withdrew a condom. He'd picked them up shortly after their first time together, not trusting himself to keep his vow. At least this way, he'd be responsible, if not rational.

“Old ones?” Maddie asked, her brows lifting.

“New ones,” he replied honestly, “with only your name on them.” He handed one to her and once she'd fitted it into place, he slipped off her panties with one efficient move and entered her slowly.

Maddie cooed, a soft pleasured sound. “I've missed you, Trey.”

Trey slammed his eyes shut, overwhelmed with the very same sentiment. The first time with her had been amazing, but this time their joining meant more than satisfying lust and desire. This time, it counted for more emotions than he could name.

Trey thrust into her, absorbing every sensation, every nuance that was Maddie, committing it to memory. They moved together in sync, wrapped in each other's arms, climbing the limitless ladder of pleasure. And minutes later they climaxed in unison, two bodies joined, two hearts aligned.

Together they sank back to earth, sated and complete. Trey took Maddie in his arms and held on tight with each moment drawing closer to dawn when he'd awaken an empty, hollow, defeated man.


Too soon Maddie woke from a blissful, easy sleep. She opened her eyes to find Trey beside her, one arm draped protectively and provocatively below her waist. She smiled at the man she loved with her whole heart and reached up, not quite touching his face, allowing her fingers to get close enough to nearly caress him. And
that's how it was with Trey. Maddie had almost touched him, but she hadn't been able to get close enough to wake him out of his self-imposed sleep. She wanted to shake him and shout that he wasn't cursed, that he was a man she could count on, again and again.

But Trey had to decide that for himself. She knew that now. And she hoped that someday he'd come to that realization before it was too late.

Maddie rested her head against the pillow and sighed quietly. She'd be leaving him soon, the hour nearing dawn. But she took a minute to relive the night, recalling the way Trey made her feel when he touched her, recalling his hands on her body, making magic, creating tingles and shivers. She recalled his lips on hers, so vividly, the way he claimed her mouth with gentle command, forceful and demanding, but also so sweet and tender.

He left no part of her untouched, making her feel treasured and loved. Having his hands on her body seemed as natural as breathing. There was no shame, no regret. Making love with him, having him inside her was like the old cliché, coming home.

Right as rain.

Good as gold.

He'd made her bold, when she'd never been before. He'd made her ache then he soothed her. He'd made her wanton then he sated her. He'd brought out her inner self, the one she kept hidden from everyone else. Trey had filled her body, but he'd also filled her heart and her mind.

He'd done his best to push her away, yet she'd never felt closer to another human being. Her heart cried out for him in the worst way, but she knew that he had to come to terms with his past, to gain his future.

Maddie sighed again, staring at Trey as he slept soundly. They'd made love twice tonight, each time being so different, so compelling, so

A ray of predawn light entered the room, the dusky stream that appeared before the sun lifted high enough to brighten the sky. Maddie knew her time at 2 Hope was up.

She rose from the bed, glancing at Trey one final time, her eyes growing wide enough to hold back tears, then she left his room.

She'd be off the ranch before dawn.


Trey punched open the screen door and stepped out onto the front porch. Sunlight beamed down and slapped him in the face, making him squint. “Damn it.”

He'd overslept this morning for the first time in ten years. Old feelings of despair had washed over him, and it had been all he could do to drag himself out of bed today.

Maddie had left 2 Hope.

He'd been successful in his quest to drive her away.

And he hated himself for it.

Trey sat down on the bench seat and hung his head, thinking back on all the mistakes he'd made with her. Kissing her that first time had been his downfall. He'd known better than to get involved with the wholesome, sweet Maddie Brooks. She was a keeper and he couldn't keep her.

God, how his head pounded.

“Headache, boss?” Kit asked, riding up on Julip.

More like heartache. “Nah, I'm fine. Taking her out for some exercise?”

Kit grinned and Trey wondered what the hell he was so happy about this time of the morning. “Something like that. Take a look-see.”

Kit rode toward Storm's corral.

Trey stood and called out. “Hey, don't get her too close.”

But his foreman pretended not to hear. He rode Julip closer to Storm. Immediately, Trey strode over, thinking Kit had lost his mind. “Careful!”

“Watch this,” Kit said and continued until Julip was nose to nose with Storm, from opposite sides of the fence.

Trey reached the fence and stared at the two horses that were eyeing and sniffing each other like childhood sweethearts. He shot his foreman a curious look.

“That's not all,” Kit said, still wearing that silly grin. Cued by Kit's soft clicking sound, Julip began to saunter around the perimeter of the corral at a moderate pace. And before Trey could blink his eyes, Storm joined in from his side of the fence, matching Julip stride for stride as if the two were out trotting on a Sunday excursion.

“I'll be damned.”

Kit made three circles around each time, Julip allowing Storm to set the pace as the two moved together.

And when Kit returned, a triumphant smile on his face, Trey shook his head in disbelief. “How'd you do it?”

“Not me. Maddie. She asked me to continue working with Julip and Storm. Seems she found a way to settle your wild stallion, without breaking his spirit.”

This time, Trey did blink, three times, taking it all in. Maddie hadn't given up on Storm. Even though he'd confronted her, she never quit. He should have known. Maddie Brooks wasn't a quitter.

Storm came up to nudge Trey's hand. The stallion huffed out air and shook his head, so that his ink-black mane shifted. This was the first time Storm had ap
proached him in a nonaggressive way. Trey reached up and stroked his mane, then patted his head with affection. “What a surprise.”

“Nah, just nature taking its course, I'd say.”

“Yeah,” Trey replied, “maybe.”

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