Like Lightning (12 page)

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Authors: Charlene Sands

BOOK: Like Lightning
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Day in and day out, he fought his feelings for her, but still, he wanted her. Little Maddie Brooks, the animal doc, the petite wholesome redhead who had knocked his world off-kilter.

He figured once she left Hope Wells, he could forget all about her. He figured with miles distancing them, he'd move on and so would she. She'd settle in at the new clinic in Denver, dive into her work and most likely, hook up with that Nick character.

Trey frowned, his lips pulling down the corners of his mouth.

“Don't you like the cake?” Maddie asked.

She had misinterpreted his sour mood. Trey sent her a reassuring smile. “I was just thinking that you're spoiling me. Nobody's ever baked a better cake than this, Maddie.”

“Really?” Her pensive mood lightened.

“It's the best I've—” he began, but halted immediately, noting Maddie's sharp gaze on him. He couldn't repeat the vow he'd spoken when they'd made love. The reminder would be too painful to both of them. “It's delicious.”

He took another big bite, taking immense pleasure as he chewed.

Maddie played with a bit of frosting on her fork. “You could always ask Darla to bake you one.”

Surprised, Trey nearly choked on a mouthful of food. “Darla?”

Maddie looked at him directly and nodded, her green eyes bright with curiosity. “Yes, Darla.”

Trey laid his fork down and leaned back in his chair. “There's nothing between Darla and me anymore.”

Maddie continued to look at him, waiting for more. Silently, Trey sighed, realizing that Maddie expected more of an explanation. He didn't like dredging up the past. Whenever he did, his recollections always proved what he knew in his heart to be true, that he wasn't cut out for relationships.

“We dated for a short time.”

Maddie remained silent.

“Darla went through a pretty messy divorce. I think I was the first man she dated after her breakup. And well, in the beginning it was nice. We had a good time together. But then, Darla got serious about us and I started feeling closed in—like a vise grip crushing my neck. I felt lousy about doing so, but I broke it off.”

“How did she take it?” Maddie asked.

“She wasn't happy and I'd hurt yet another woman. I'd made another mistake. For the longest time I felt guilty about that. But last night, she cleared all that up for me.”


“She told me, plain as day, she hadn't been ready for a relationship. She'd admitted that our breakup was the best thing that had happened to her. She'd needed time to straighten out her life. She's happier now than she's ever been. She has a long distance relationship with a man living in Corsicana, and that suits her just fine.”

A small smile graced her lips. “And she's got five healthy pups and a new mama to keep her busy, too.”

“Yeah, that, too.”

“You must feel relieved. All this time you thought you'd hurt her and she came out better for it.”

Trey couldn't agree. He'd entered into that relationship blindly, not realizing how vulnerable Darla would be after a terrible divorce. The potential for causing her pain had been there all along, but Darla had made her way through despite Trey's disregard for her feelings. “I bolted the minute things got too close for comfort, Maddie. There's no denying that.”

Maddie's expression changed. She lost the beam in her eyes, the smile on her face. “Is that what happened between you and me? You got that closed-in feeling?”

“Hell, no.” Trey shook his head and made a wide sweeping gesture with his arms. “With you, it was as if the whole world opened up and I was right smack in the middle of it.”

Maddie blinked.

Trey cursed. He never wanted to admit that to her. He never wanted to give her reason to hope. Yet, something deep inside couldn't allow Maddie to think he'd used her that night. He couldn't allow her to think she'd suffocated him. Just the opposite was true. She'd made him feel alive and vital and open to all good things.

“I felt that way, too,” she whispered.

Trey stood then and reached for her, guiding her up until she stood facing him. She looked so beautiful tonight, her sad green eyes catching the pale light. Trey couldn't resist holding her once more. He took her in his arms, splaying his hands around her tiny waist and spoke softly. “You're a dangerous woman, Maddie Brooks.”

She stared at the collar of his shirt. “Do I scare you, Trey?”

Trey tipped her chin up with a finger and their eyes met. “More than you'll ever know.” He bent down and kissed her on the lips. “So sweet.”

“It's the frosting,” she said softly.

He kissed her once again. “It's you, Maddie.”

Maddie reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer. The kiss went deeper this time and longer until the sugary sweet taste of Maddie was etched in his head for eternity.

In harmony, they both moaned, a quiet little plea that spoke of untold pleasure. Trey deepened the kiss further, driving his tongue in her mouth, mating with her in the most elemental way. Their bodies brushed once, then melded together perfectly as Maddie's soft supple form crushed against Trey's granite hard body.

Trey was at a loss to stop, his need for Maddie too great. He held her tight and kissed her passionately, igniting a spark that would surely burst into flames. He moved his hands to cup her bottom, molding her cheeks in his palms feeling the soft firm skin hidden under her dress, spurred on by her tiny little whimpers. Next he caressed the delicate small of her back, making small circles and gliding his hands over her. He slid them up to stroke her shoulders, until finally his hands found the back of her head. He wove his fingers into the silky copper strands, aching for all of her, wanting to take her to bed and make love to her throughout the night. And just as he began to speak those words, she pulled away, shaking her head, breaking off their intimate connection.

She closed her eyes briefly then opened them with regret and pain. “You're a better man than you think you
are, Trey. I wish you could see that you have more staying power than most men I know.”

She walked out, leaving him bereft, not from the aching hard-on in his pants, but from words spoken straight from the heart.


hat's a good wild stallion,” Maddie joked, holding a loose rope and walking with Storm along a path behind the ranch house. She'd finished work early and decided that a pleasant afternoon walk would do them both a world of good.

Maddie had made mistakes while living here at 2 Hope Ranch, but she planned to rectify what she could. And Storm had been high on her list. She'd never come up against an animal with so much resistance. Normally Maddie could coax a horse to do her bidding, but not Storm. He was definitely and infinitely a stallion with his own obstinate mind.

While she thought she'd gained the horse's trust, she really hadn't. She realized that she'd rushed him, thinking the little leeway he'd given her had been enough. So now, Maddie used a different tactic. She didn't want to destroy the animal's spirit, only settle him somewhat.

“You're not so different than Trey, you know,” she said, speaking freely along the path, with no worry of being overheard. “You're both headstrong and feisty as all get out.” Maddie let loose a quiet chuckle, a good release for her pent-up frustration. Last night, she'd wanted Trey as much as he'd wanted her. But Maddie was too much of a realist not to understand that until Trey came to grips with his heritage and his past, she'd only be letting herself in for more heartache.

As difficult as it was, she'd pushed Trey away last night for both of their sakes.

She moved along the path with Storm keeping her mind off Trey, speaking in a level voice with patience and care, hoping to create a special bond with Storm, hoping he would learn to accept her. “And afterward, if you keep up this good behavior, I'll give you a nice rubdown, a soothing little massage for your muscles.” Maddie worked out a kink in her shoulder. “I only wish you could reciprocate,” she said with a smile.

Maddie felt comfortable with this approach, taking small steps and bonding with the stallion as if he were hers. She understood Storm better now and realized he had a long way to go before he would relinquish his trust.

After thirty minutes, they headed back toward the ranch, Maddie feeling a great sense of accomplishment that Storm hadn't rejected the interaction between them. The stallion actually seemed content. She walked Storm into the barn, heading for his paddock, the largest in the building and Maddie's instincts took hold. As they bypassed a docile bay mare named Julip, one of Trey's cutting horses, she slowed her steps, careful and a bit wary of Storm's reaction.

Maddie had watched this particular mare during her
stay here, and she knew her to have the sweetest of natures. When Storm approached her stall, Julip sauntered over slowly until the two came face to face.

Storm bristled, breathing out nosily, stomping his feet. Maddie's heart pumped hard, hoping she hadn't made a big mistake. Normally, Storm stayed outside in his corral, too unruly and quite frankly, too lusty, to be thrown in with female horses.

But Julip merely stared at him, and if a horse could shrug and roll her eyes, Maddie was sure this mare had done just that. Julip turned her back on Storm and moved to the far end of her stall, clearly not impressed with the stallion.

To Maddie's amazement, Storm's little outburst nearly all but disappeared and she had to really tug on the rope she held to get Storm to move away from Julip's stall.

“Hmm. Interesting,” Maddie said, as ideas stirred around in her head.

“What's interesting?” Trey's low voice from behind gave her a start.

Maddie turned slowly, both she and Trey behaving carefully, aware of Storm's unpredictable nature. She stared into the deep disapproving eyes of Trey Walker. “Oh, nothing. Storm and I just went for a walk.”

Trey's brows furrowed and he winced. “You went for a walk
with him? Not a good idea, Maddie. I thought you'd learned your lesson.”

Maddie took her eyes off Trey. Looking at him standing there with hands on hips, wearing a black Stetson, dark shirt and leather-fringed chaps, the handsome cowboy stole all of her breath. Instead, she focused on the stallion, patting his neck gently. “Storm and I came to an understanding.”

“Yeah? And what was that?”

Trey was not happy. He wouldn't take his eyes off of Storm, as if he fully expected the horse to bolt, or worse.

“We had a nice walk and now I'm going to give him a rubdown.”

Trey blinked. He pointed at Storm and spoke with deadly calm. “You will not get in that stall with him, Maddie. To begin with, he's hardly ever in there. It's too confining for him. He won't like you invading his territory. You know well and good that he's more wild than tame.”

“I think he's ready.”

Trey folded his arms around his middle and dug in his boot heels. “No.”


“I forbid it.” Trey grabbed the rope from Maddie's hands.

Shocked, Maddie repeated his words, “You forbid it?”

Trey nodded.

Maddie's eyes grew wide. Her face colored with heat and the hair at the nape of her neck stood on end. “You're forgetting that I'm an animal doctor, Trey. I know animals better than I know people. I can do this.”

“He's not ready. He may never be ready, Maddie.”

She planted her hands on her slight hips and spoke forcefully. “I disagree. He's pigheaded like you, but unlike you, he'll come around.”

“Don't fight me on this, Maddie. I won't change my mind.” Trey led Storm away, turning him around to head toward the opened barn door.

Maddie fumed silently. Normally she wouldn't be so bold. Trey owned Storm. He had the final say in his treatment and care. Maddie had no rights when it came to the stallion. But still, it irritated her that Trey wouldn't
allow her this. He was as closed off as the first day she'd met him.

“Just who are you trying to protect?” Maddie muttered. And after Trey had left the barn entirely, she added, “Me or the stallion? Or maybe, yourself?”


Minutes later, Trey stood by the fence watching Storm race around the perimeter of the corral, his jet-black mane flying in the fading sunlight. The stallion was too spirited to tame, and though Trey had immense respect for Maddie's abilities with animals, he couldn't allow her to place herself in danger. Storm needed gentling over a long period of time—he couldn't be rushed. No doubt, Maddie had goodness in her heart. She was a positive thinker, believing that she could change things that were unchangeable. But Trey knew better, learning his lessons firsthand. He and Maddie probably would never see eye to eye on the subject.

He'd been harsh with her in the barn, perhaps overly so, to make his point. But the truth remained that he couldn't abide Maddie getting hurt again. She'd already made one bad judgment call with the stallion the night of the dust storm. She'd been fortunate in not sustaining life-threatening injuries. So he figured that while he couldn't do anything about the emotional hurt he'd caused her lately, he'd damn well see to it that she wouldn't get hurt physically while living on his ranch.

Trey presumed she'd be packing her suitcase soon anyway, anxious to leave 2 Hope, anxious to leave
He'd made one mistake after another with her. With all the best intentions, he'd tried protecting her and wound up hurting her in the process. She'd be better off without him.

Much better off.

A car pulled up, kicking up dry dust and coming to a stop right next to him. Trey turned to find his cousin Jack exiting his patrol car wearing his tan sheriff's uniform and a big smile. “Howdy, Trey.”

Trey wasn't in the mood for Jack's good humor. “Hey, Jack. What's up? Are you on duty or is this a social call?”

Jack glanced around, searching the property. “Maddie around?”

“You came out here to see Maddie?” Trey asked, masking his irritation the best he could. Jack didn't seem to notice, his gaze kept darting around the borders of the ranch.

“Nope. I came out here to see you.” He grinned and Trey's irritation grew at Jack's mysterious behavior. “So, where is she?”

Trey shrugged. “She's probably in her office, working.”

Jack glanced toward the old barn. “Good. I'm here on a mission. Caroline's throwing Maddie a surprise birthday party this Saturday night. She asked me to come over here to let you know about it. She didn't want to call the ranch, just in case Maddie picked up the phone.”

“It's her birthday?”

“Not until next week. She'll be twenty-eight and Caroline is dead serious about keeping this a surprise. That's why she's doing it early. She has this idea to get her over to her place. She wants you to bring her.”

“Me? How am I supposed to do that?”

Jack smiled. “She wants you to ask her out to dinner, so Maddie will dress up pretty and be ready. Caroline figured she'd call with a baby-sitting emergency
asking Maddie to come over to watch Annabelle for half an hour before your date. The rest of us will be there waiting.”

Trey began shaking his head. “No. I can't do that.”

“Sure you can.”

“No, I can't.”

“You can't?” Jack wore his stubborn Walker expression. Trey recognized the tightening of his mouth, the set of his jaw. He'd worn that same expression more than a few times himself. “Well, why the hell not?”

Trey confessed, “Because I doubt Maddie would go anywhere with me.”

Jack pursed his lips and eyed him with doubt. “I don't believe it. You two have been hot for each other since she moved in with you.”

“Believe it,” Trey said firmly.

Jack sighed aloud. “What happened?”

Trey refused Jack the details. He didn't need to know how Maddie's coming to live with him had been the best and worst time in his life. He didn't need to know that they'd lived in turmoil, Trey making one mistake after another with her. He didn't need to know how much Trey cared about her, willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe and protected. Hell, Trey had just come to that conclusion himself. “Doesn't matter. Maddie's not speaking to me.”

Jack's expression changed to a full out grin. “She's not?”

Trey cursed. “You don't have to be so damn happy about it.”

“I'm not,” Jack said, adjusting his expression accordingly. “But I'm sure if you turned on the Walker charm, you could get her to go out with you.”

Trey shrugged a shoulder. “Even if that were true, I'm not going to do it. It's best this way. Caroline is just going to have to figure another way to get Maddie over there.”

“The party's in five days, Trey. That doesn't give her much time. And why is it best that you don't ask her out?”

Trey shrugged again. “She'll be leaving soon. I'm sure of it. Moving to Denver is a great opportunity for her.” And he wouldn't be around to hurt her any longer. He wouldn't have to yearn for a woman he couldn't have.

“So, you're refusing?”

Trey nodded. “It's for the best. Trust me.”

Jack removed his hat and rubbed the back of his neck, contemplating. “I'm going to have to ask her myself then. Caroline trusted me with this and I'm not going to let her down.” Jack's mouth pulled down in a frown. “You think she's mad enough at you to agree to go out with me?”

Trey searched Jack's eyes. He could see his cousin's reluctance, but Trey had put him in a bad position. All in all, Trey realized Jack wanted what was best for him and as much as his cousin had teased and tormented, he wasn't eager to ask Maddie out. “If you ask her today, she'd probably join you on a trip to the moon.”

“All right,” Jack said on a sigh, before turning toward Maddie's office. “Hell, Trey. Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy.”


Maddie exited the barn leading Julip out, all saddled up and ready for a ride. Maddie needed the distraction and this little outing would help take her mind off the Walker men. They had confounded and confused her enough for an entire lifetime. She was barely speaking
to Trey, and just minutes ago, Jack had asked her out. She'd been quite stunned by his invitation to the Sheriff Department's Annual Benefit dinner, but he'd been so sweet and sincere, promising they'd not call it a date, but merely dinner with a friend. Maddie couldn't see any harm in going, so she had agreed.

“That's a girl,” she said, stroking the horse's forelock and patting her neck before mounting, determined to ignore her frustration and concentrate on the ride. Once in the saddle, she leaned down and gave Julip one last gentle stroke. “You're the sweetest little lady at 2 Hope.”

She rode toward the corral, keeping a safe distance from Storm and watched the stallion's reaction. She'd had a hunch about Storm and this experiment would prove whether she'd been right or not. The stallion raced to the fence, snorting air loudly, digging in and sifting dirt with his hooves, until he received what he wanted, the mare's attention. Julip glanced his way, seeming neither intimated nor interested.

Maddie missed working with Storm and had stayed away for two days, keeping busy with her own work and trying to forget about her heated conversation with Trey the other day. She kept telling herself he'd been within his rights. He owned the stallion and she had to respect his wishes.

But Maddie didn't have to like it. Seems that she and Trey butted heads more than got along these days. But she knew she could get through to Storm. She knew she could get him to trust, without breaking his spirit. And the sweet-natured Julip would be the one to help her.

She guided the mare slowly around the perimeter of the corral, several yards away from the fence. Julip seemed to enjoy the exercise and paid Storm and his ini
tial tirade little mind. They made the turn once, then twice as Storm watched on from his stance inside the corral.

Maddie continued to keep the mare to a slow pace and the third time they'd circled the corral, Storm approached them, and to Maddie's delight, he began to move along with them from inside the corral, slowly, but taking a slight lead as any dominant stallion would. “That's it, boy,” Maddie said softly. They continued on this way until Maddie felt it safe enough to guide Julip closer to the fence, so that now, it seemed the two horses rode beside each other, but for the separating fence. She picked up the pace and galloped around with Storm by her side.

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