Lilac Temptress (21 page)

Read Lilac Temptress Online

Authors: Elizabeth Davis

Tags: #romance, #love, #new orleans, #love story, #historical, #romantic, #historical romance, #louisiana, #1800s, #1800s fiction, #adult romance, #victorian age, #1800, #1800s story, #1800s novel, #romancenovels

BOOK: Lilac Temptress
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Even though women seemed to understand
that Drake had no time for love, they still flocked to him, each
one confident that she would be the one to tame his heart. Daniel
had his doubts, however, that anyone could ever curb Drake’s

Drake caught Daniel’s quibbling
expression. “Daniel if you have something to say, speak and get it
over with,” he said wearing a firm game face.

Just thinking—splendid
Drake. Just splendid.” Daniel said nothing more, periodically
looking back to check on their new companions.

We’ll take an hour to
break for lunch!” Drake heard their comrades calling from up ahead.
He slowed, dismounted and tied his horse to a tree as the others in
his party did the same. A few men started a small camp off the
roadside. Drake began helping by gathering firewood.

Sierra watched Drake whittling away on
sticks, starting a fire. The men around him quickly worked the fire
up into a blaze. Kyle cared for the horses, and Girard, after doing
what he could to assist, had taken a seat at the base of an
enormous moss-draped oak.

Sierra was acutely aware of how all
the men glanced her way intermittently, and a few kindly smiled at
her while they labored.

She decided to busy herself, not
wanting the men to see her as useless. She knew she could do just
as well as any man when it came to setting up camp, and she began
to help by warming beans in small tin pots. She passed out pieces
of bread as the men settled and vicariously listened to Daniel tell
stories about the pleasures of his travels across the Old World. He
was a sophisticated man who held a whimsical sense of humor, she

Sierra occasionally found herself
giggling with the men, who bellowed with laughter over Daniel’s
hilarious anecdotes. As she glanced around the group, she noticed
Kyle sketching the scene. Drake was close by, sitting with Girard,
but Drake felt quite distant and she suddenly wanted nothing more
but to be near him.

With eagerness, Drake watched Sierra.
She certainly was different from any woman he had ever known. He
found it to be quite entertaining how she dissuaded the men from
catering to her every whim, and he was simply astonished to see her
work so hard to set up and break down camp. No woman he had ever
known would have worked the way she did.

I’m beginning to
understand why you decided to bring her,” Girard spoke low, with
scrutiny in his voice, between mouthfuls of beans. “I misjudged

Drake rose to his feet and walked away
from Girard, making it apparent that he was not happy with the
conversation—he had already been very vocal in stating that he
would not speak about Sierra while they journeyed together. He
remained silent, continuing to observe Sierra at a small distance.
By time Daniel had finished his last story it was time to pack up.
Sierra began humming a melodic tune to help the time pass faster.
The men smiled in appreciation, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by
Drake. He didn’t like that Sierra serenaded them all. He wanted her
song to be for him alone, but then he realized just how selfish and
irrational that sounded; men were going to find her to be as
captivating as he did.

You have quite a lovely
voice. I’ve enjoyed the presence of your company.” Jackson
approached Sierra while she wiped a pot clean.

And so have I!” another
man called out quickly.

Me, too!” a different man

Sierra blushed, unable to respond to
all the flattery she received at once, and soon there was laughter
throughout the campsite as each man vied for her

I don’t mean to interrupt
your endeavors gentlemen, but we must get moving,” Drake called
over his shoulder, saddling his horse. Kyle and Girard did the

Excuse me, gentlemen.”
Sierra smiled kindly at the men before whirling around and walking
toward Drake.

I wished you would have
come and sat with me and kept me company,” Sierra said, watching
Drake secure saddlebags to his horse.

Oh—but you had the company
of so many fine gentlemen, and with them so close to you, vying for
your affections,” Drake momentarily paused, “I became insanely
jealous and refused to join the competition, for fear that I might
lose.” He winked at her.

Sierra, eyes twinkling, stood next to
Drake for a moment smiling back at him.

Go to Kyle and mount up.
We ride out in a few minutes,” Drake advised her. Sierra did as she
was told.

* * *

The journey had been a long
one and only a few hours held nightfall at bay.
As they
approached New Iberia, the
swampland became more tolerable. Sierra glimpsed the thickets of
palmetto and water lilies growing throughout the bayou. Above her
head she glanced at the live oaks, pecan and noble forest trees.
Stately trees met in canopies of dangling moss, soaring as waves of
banners saluting them, welcoming them.

Do you love New Iberia,
Daniel?” Sierra asked to her companion who currently rode alongside
her and Kyle.

Yes, it is a lovely and
wonderful province. A man who would not be satisfied with New
Iberia would not be satisfied with the Garden of Eden.” Daniel
smiled warmly at Sierra.

Sierra thought she might
come to know and like Daniel very much. “Tell me more,” she gasped,
taking in the lovely plantation homes. She so loved hearing Daniel
speak, and
had quickly learned that he
could make the most dulling subjects sound exhilarating.

Most of the houses in the
parish are plain and comfortable, but these plantation villages,
called the quarters, show the wealth and possessions of their
lords.” Daniel pointed out the orange groves and medlar trees in
the distance.

On the border of the
swamp, there is a growth of gum, ash, oak and other fine timber,”
Daniel explained. “Its soil is rich and fertile. Small farmers, in
addition to the sugar crop, could raise milch cows for
sale—producing dairy for the New Orleans market, and provide
poultry, eggs, garden vegetables, fresh pork, broom corn, hay,
fruit or other commodities such as cotton—all worth a small fortune
for transport to New Orleans. Even on the hottest days, cooling sea
breezes roll over New Iberia giving health and long life to its

All very nice,” Kyle
replied enthusiastically. “How long will we stay here?”

Only for tonight—our
business here is brief. Steamers from New Orleans, and vessels from
the ocean penetrate into New Iberia’s very center,” Daniel smiled
at Sierra continuing, “and of course the Southern Pacific Railroad
connects to New Orleans. Tomorrow morning, we shall all be on that

Daniel glanced ahead at Drake who
peered back at them often. “I should be off to speak with Drake. We
arrive at our destination soon.” He nodded his parting and galloped

I think I like him,” Kyle

I think I do as well.”
Sierra clung to her brother.

* * *

Sierra noticed that their surroundings
became livelier as they made their way toward the city of New
Iberia. The road they traveled grew wider and more populated. Drake
slowed to ride beside her and Kyle protectively.

Sierra gaped at the scuffling of
people along their path. The inhabitants were a mix of Acadians,
Italians, Spaniards, Mexicans, darker people of color, and
occasionally Sierra saw multicolored baskets carried on the backs
of the Choctaw Indians. The city’s business district showcased
pretty small-frame houses, inns and markets. Sierra even noticed
the courthouse, financial institutions, playhouses, art galleries
and a trader’s exchange building on the main street.

We will stay at a French
chateau I admire. You will find its colorful rose gardens with its
sweet fragrance very exquisite,” Drake shared.

I wish to stay someplace
modest, Drake,” Sierra insisted. She and Kyle were not completely
empty handed, but they could not use up their savings on fancy
manors. She wished to pay for their own boarding, meals, train
tickets and she even planned to make herself serviceable when they
reached Drake’s estate in New Orleans. She would not take advantage
of Drake or allow him to think that she would.

Drake detected Sierra’s pride and
warmly said, “As you wish.”

The inn Drake selected was still more
elaborate than what Sierra might have chosen for herself and Kyle,
but her pride was too strong to allow Drake to cover their boarding
costs, so she dug into their modest savings to pay for a room that
she and Kyle could share.

Sierra,” Drake pulled her
aside in the lobby, “I have some business with these men who are
awaiting me at the entrance. It must be completed immediately, and
afterward they will not continue onward with us into New Orleans.
However, Daniel and Girard will. We’ll be back shortly and in the
meanwhile you and Kyle should eat something, rest, and enjoy the
comfort of the inn. There will be lively music and dancing tonight
in the courtyard. You might enjoy it.”

Sierra beamed at Drake before saying
her goodbye. She and Kyle followed the bellboy who carried their
light bags to their room. After eating a hearty crawfish stew that
had been brought to their room for dinner, they napped a few hours.
Waking and feeling refreshed, they made their way into the spirited
courtyard where they found Drake having drinks with Daniel and

Finally, our special
guests have arrived.” Drake grinned and pulled out a chair for

Well rested, I hope,”
Daniel added.

Yes, thank you,” Sierra

Kyle took a seat, absorbing his
surroundings. People enjoyed themselves and danced accordingly to
the festive tunes that the live band played. “Excuse me. There is a
lady standing there that I would like to dance with.” Kyle pardoned
himself with a grin, and made his way through the crowd to the
other side of the courtyard.

He moves swiftly on the
ladies,” Daniel laughed.

You must all forgive Kyle.
He is green and impatient.” Sierra watched her brother for a
moment, dancing to a jig with a pretty young girl, and then she
turned her attention back to the men in her company.

Girard sat quietly sipping his brandy,
his eyes fixed on her.

I hope everything went
well with you gentlemen this evening,” Sierra spoke uneasily in
Girard’s presence.

Very well,” Daniel
replied, before taking a large gulp from his mug. “And I am as
eager a man as your brother. Will you honor me with a dance?”
Daniel inquired, rising from the table and reaching for her

Sierra smiled nervously while rising
to her feet, taking Daniel’s hand.

Drake sat stupefied, staring at the
pair. Daniel behaved in a most forward manner and Drake didn’t know
if he should be enraged or not. Regardless he was disturbed and
resentful. Would he have to compete with his own friend for the
pleasure of Sierra’s company?

Drake glanced at Girard, whose
interest was piqued by the dancing couple as well. Having enough of
feeling like a desperate bystander, Drake rose to his feet,
hesitating for the slightest of moments as he contemplated
interrupting their dance.

You would draw her away
from Daniel?” Girard asked curiously. From his vantage point Sierra
and Daniel made a more suitable match, he thought. Daniel had no
lady waiting to welcome him back in New Orleans. He was sure
Isadora would not sit idly by while another woman claimed her
prize. Maybe he should make a move on Sierra himself. After all,
like Daniel he was unattached.

I only want to dance with
her. There is no harm in that, my friend.” Drake jolted Girard out
of his thoughts by patting him on his shoulder, before walking onto
the dance floor.

May I have this dance?”
Drake asked politely while smiling at the couple.

Daniel reluctantly nodded, maintaining
as much of his charm and grace as possible, before taking his

Sierra radiantly smiled at Drake,
standing for a moment to take in the sight of him. Drake received
both of her hands into his and led her into movement. He realized
it had been too long since he had last touched her soft

Where he led she followed. Weaving
rhythmically, matching his paces to her own. She soared free when
he spun her around and she thought that they moved very well

Drake’s thoughts flowed along a
similar, but more devilish path as he speculated the many other
ways that they could move perfectly in sync. He wanted nothing more
than to continue touching her, and he didn’t want anything to ruin
the moment.

They whirled around in circles in
rhythm with the music. Sierra tossed her head back, laughing, and
Drake laughed with her, exhilarated. He pulled Sierra close against
his body suggestively. He could almost taste her sweet breath
against his cheeks and took pleasure in seeing how the glistening
moisture on her smooth skin made her thin blouse cling to her

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