Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3 (11 page)

BOOK: Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3
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He heard the silent question behind his first assistant’s light hearted tone. “You’ll like her, Mala.”

Her shoulders eased. “Good. Very good, Senate Leader. I will see you then.”




Zadal rested his head on the pillow, gaze fixed on Lindsey’s face. Knowing she’d make a full recovery lessoned some of his anger with himself. He slid the covers up higher around her shoulders, pleased that she no longer looked sickly. His thumb brushed over her cheek. Skin pink, she glowed with health again. Aside from the thin, red line on her neck no other bruise marred the perfection of her skin.

Tension flowed from his taut shoulders, strained muscles slackened and Zadal allowed himself to exhale in relief. Staring at her, he envisioned the plucky smile she often wore. Soft, frail, sweet. Not for him.

With a harsh groan, Zadal rolled onto his back. He shouldn’t have married her. Women like Lindsey deserved a man who knew how to care for them and Zadal debated if he was such a man.

Lindsey whined in her sleep and curled onto her side. His glance sharpened as he checked the slow rise and fall of her chest. Another whine and then she settled, facing the wall away from him. An unknown impulse compelled Zadal to roll toward her and wrap his arm around her thin waist. Her legs parted slightly as one knee bent and slid forward. Zadal’s thigh skimmed between the small space as she pushed back, bringing her butt in close contact with his awakening desire.

Zadal bit off another groan and forced himself to stay where he was.

He grimaced, having never done that before and continued his silent vigil.

Chapter 17


Sleeping with two men required less gymnastics than Lindsey expected. She woke to arms holding her securely from the front, a strong jaw resting by her temple and firm hands at her hips from behind. A thigh pressed between her legs and a very aroused male pressed against her butt.

The overall impression was one of safety and security with a little desire thrown in for good measure. It never crossed her mind to question the three of them in bed together. She searched for the right word. It felt…right.

“She’s awake,” Zadal murmured from over her shoulder.

The jaw on her head shifted and Baruk blinked at her in sleepy confusion. “How do you feel?”

Lindsey tested her head by easing it up from her pillow and back down. Both men released her instantly. No sharp pains. “I think I’m okay. What happened?”

She remembered the queasy feeling in her stomach followed by a ripping blast across her skull.

“Defective ear implant. You developed an infection which caused gradual blood poisoning.”

Lindsey winced. Zadal’s matter of fact recital brought back the memory of the dizziness and agony in her head right before she passed out.

“Am I alright now?” She seemed to be okay.

Baruk sat up, back to the headboard. “No thanks to us, the doctor says you will make a complete recovery.”

“It’s not your fault,” Lindsey rushed to protest. She gripped the white sheet, covering her nudity. “I can only assume this never happened before.”

“It shouldn’t have happened to you,” Zadal growled. Her rougher husband glared. “We should have listened to you.”

That was true but all in the past now. She hoped. Her hand went to the implant site but Baruk caught Lindsey’s hand.

“Don’t touch. It’s been removed. Allow the incision to heal.”

Zadal shifted behind her, weight balanced on his forearm and caressed her hip. “There is an alternative…”

Her stomach plunged. “No!”

“It’s made of plastique,” he continued, undaunted.

Lindsey pushed up to her knees in the center of the bed, facing both of them. “Please. I don’t want another.”

Baruk sighed and rubbed her sheet covered thigh. “Zadal is right. You need a means of communi—”

When his words broke off in stunned awareness, Lindsey nodded. Even Zadal sat up as it clicked in his head. “I’ve already mastered two of the Garulaxan languages in this region and well on my way to the third. I don’t need the translator.”

They wore matching frowns.

“Lindsey.” Zadal dragged her name out.

She leaned forward and braced one hand on his chest. The sheet dipped and his gaze dropped. “Please, Z.”

His eyes returned to hers, hazy with the beginning glow of desire she recognized. “I don’t like Z.”

Her lips twisted. “I don’t much care for the translator implant.”

The corner of his mouth ticked up and Baruk outright laughed before pulling her across the small space and onto his lap. “If we give in to this, you must promise to tell us…no force us to listen when something is wrong with you. It’s our duty to care for you and we almost lost you.”

Lindsey cuddled into his chest, her legs folded beneath her hips. “I promise.”

Zadal wavered then announced, “She lies, Baruk.”

Baruk laughed again.




Baruk’s relief left him weak. His wife’s bright eyes and disgruntled expression at Zadal’s words went a long way to lessoning his concern. He kissed her upturned mouth. Lindsey’s lips parted on a moan and her hands came up to grip his shoulders as he moved her to straddle him.

“I should let you rest,” he whispered in between nuzzling her jaw and kissing her satiny soft cheeks.

“Mmm, I feel rested.” She added a hip swivel for emphasis, aligning their lower half until his growing arousal nudged her entrance.

Baruk went still. He raised his head to study the heat blazing from her gaze. “Is it wrong that I’m considering taking you up on this blatant offer?”

Her head fell forward as she giggled, the carefree sound a definite sign she was on the mend. When her hiccupping laugh dwindled to snickers, she said, “Depends on what it says about me.”

Lindsey risked a glance at Zadal who hadn’t moved from his stretched out position behind her. “I didn’t mind being together on our wedding night. It was more than I could imagine.”

Instant guilt consumed Baruk. Work, the party and allowing Lindsey to become accustomed to their world left little time for them to bond. They needed to correct that. He stroked a hand down her side, the slight curve of her hip, enjoying the way she shivered from the light caress.

“What do you think, Zadal? Should we give into our wife’s subtle demands that we pleasure her this morning?”

Zadal leaned forward slightly to squeeze Lindsey’s bent leg. “I believe I will leave the task to you.”

In a rare show of humor that caused Lindsey to blush, Zadal smiled and Baruk didn’t miss the wicked look he flashed her. “I’ve already been on the receiving end of our wife’s demands recently.”

Lindsey slapped both hands over her face on a squeak. “Thanks a lot, Z.”

Zadal rolled from the bed and grabbed his clothes on the way out. “No, thank

The door closed behind him and Lindsey peeked at Baruk from behind splayed fingers. He grinned and tugged her hands down. “Have you and Zadal been spending time together without me?”

Worry dimmed her happiness of moments before. “It wasn’t like that. I mean, he was upset and then…”

Baruk put a finger on her lips and pressed. “I’m only playing, Lindsey. Garulaxan men don’t experience jealousy in the way you think. We’re very comfortable sharing our women with an approved lover and Triads work the same way. Both husbands understand and expect time alone with their wife.”

She grabbed his wrist, freeing her mouth and kissed him on the forehead. “I’m glad you told me that. I almost had a heart attack thinking I did something wrong.”

Baruk gripped her hips and slid lower in the bed. “Please, no more health scares. I’ve got plans for you.”

“Really.” Lindsey relaxed and wiggled on his lap. “Am I about to have my way with you?”

He smoothed his hands up her back, pushing the sheet from her hips on his way down and exposing her thighs bracketing his waist. Baruk stared at the hair at the apex of her thighs, moisture glistening on the folds of her hidden treasure. “I believe I’m about to have my way with you, wife.”

She leaned forward, her voluptuous breasts swaying over him. “I like that.”

“Like what?” Baruk cupped her round globes, alternating between squeezing the fullness and thumbing her rosy nipples. They crinkled in reaction.

Lindsey gasped but answered. “When you call me wife like I’m special to you.”

Baruk paused, her words catching his attention. He stared into her blue eyes and couldn’t imagine this woman ever not feeling special. “You
special to me.”

Doubt creased her brow, forming small lines. “You’re just saying that.”

He thrust his hot length against her. “I’m turned on,
. I want you,
. Fuck me,

She more than liked the last statement. Her arousal leaked on the bare skin of his abdomen. The buds of her nipples drew tight and Lindsey’s breath hitched as he made each assertion. Not waiting for her response, Baruk lifted her high enough to slide into her. Warmth and wetness soaked him and the firm clasp of her passage.

He groaned in ecstasy and pressed her down until their hips met. “Ride me. Now.”

Lindsey’s eyes glazed and a sparkle of excitement glittered from within. She palmed his chest, knees locked on his sides and rocked. Her internal muscles squeezed on the glide up and loosened on the shift down. She did this repeatedly until they both panted between each breath.

Sweat trickled between the crevice of her plump breasts, drawing Baruk’s gaze. He followed the path of a single drop as it caught on the tip of her nipple and wavered. His mouth watered and he longed to suck the droplet from her tender bud. Desire won out.

Baruk pressed his hands into her lower back, guiding her forward. “Lean up.”

She did so, adding another swivel of her hips that caused him to arch up, craving deeper penetration. Every plunge bathed his head in silky strokes and the sensations tingled up his spine. Baruk blocked out the pretty picture she made as she mastered his cock and lipped the pink tip in front of his face. He concentrated his efforts on one bud until a blush covered her chest. He switched to the other nipple and laved it with dedicated attention.


He released her with a plop.

Swollen globes bounced and the pink tips hardened as Lindsey’s pace became frenzied. He fell back as each slam of her hips forced him into the bedding. Baruk enjoyed the visual. Slim torso, flaring hips and every wobble sent his pulse racing. His heart battered in his chest and his body demanded he roll over and pound into her, releasing them both from the torture spiraling in ever shrinking coils. But he held off.

“I need to come,” she pleaded.

 Baruk held her waist, pinning her hips down and thrust harder, giving her what she needed. “Come for me, wife.”

Restricting her movements, enhanced the resistance and Lindsey jerked in his arms. She was beautiful as she came, her body undulating until she collapsed over him with a feminine whimper. His own pleasure boiled over and Baruk roared as he shot his release into her. Arms trembling, he pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head and he tried to catch his breath.

Nothing had ever felt this good. He could die from the intensity of the growing feelings in his heart for Lindsey.




Baruk and Zadal hovered over Lindsey for the rest of the day. Both stayed home from work to keep their eyes on her. For safety reasons of course. It wasn’t until they needed to disappear into their offices for an important conference that she’d manage a few minutes of alone time. It was amazing how free she felt without the nasty implanted translator.

Skipping, Lindsey headed for the servants’ dining room to sneak something to eat in between meals and came to an abrupt halt. A woman she’d never seen before stood, hip against the buffet laughing with Meeri, Kimsha and Everly. All four broke off their conversation at her entrance.

The newcomer broke the awkward silence by coming toward Lindsey with a ready grin, dimples flashing. “You must be Lady Lindsey. I’m Mala, first assistant to Senate Leader Baruk.”

At the friendly introduction, Lindsey relaxed. “Baruk and Kimsha both mentioned you.”

“It better have been good stuff only.” Mala shot a look at Kimsha, who rolled his eyes.

Mala faced Lindsey once more. “If there’s anything I can do to help you, let me know. I’m familiar with the running of Senate Leader Baruk’s household.”

“Thanks.” Lindsey added Mala to the list of pleasant people in Baruk’s home. Truthfully, outside of the work party, Zumei was her only detractor.

“No, really.” Mala placed her hands together and begged. “Give me something to do. Kimsha kept everything up to date and I’ve just come back from vacation with my husbands. I need a break from

Humor danced in the brown eyes. Lindsey relaxed further, feeling inclusive with this core bunch.

Even Everly snorted and winked at Lindsey. “Don’t listen to her whine, Lady Lindsey. She is well loved by Tarden and Emjor.”

something she can help me with.” Lindsey played along but did need help and Mala was the perfect choice.

Mala shook her hips and danced in a circle. “Yes, I knew from Baruk’s tone when we discussed you today that we’d get on fine.”

Baruk talked about her? Thinking of their early morning explosive sex had Lindsey shifting in place.

“Not like that,” Mala exclaimed.

Lindsey’s cheeks heated and the whole group broke into laughter.

Mala linked arms with Lindsey. “Come on. Tell me what you need and I’m glad to help.”

During the walk to Mala’s office, they discussed what Lindsey wanted to do and the woman stared at her in stunned silence.

Lindsey fidgeted. “Bad idea?”

“No.” Mala cleared her throat. “I think it’s perfect. We can use my office to find everything.”

Which brought about one small problem in her plan. “Well, I don’t have any money or
. Speaking of, how do I go about getting a job?”

And again Lindsey received Mala’s bug eyed stare only this time the woman fell against her desk laughing.

Hurt at the reaction from a potential friend, Lindsey turned to leave. Mala jumped in front of her, arms wide. “Wait! I’m not laughing at you. I’m trying to decide if either of them could have found a better wife. You just killed whatever doubt I might have harbored.”

“Actually, I found them.”

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