Lingerie Wars (The Invertary books) (44 page)

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Authors: janet elizabeth henderson

BOOK: Lingerie Wars (The Invertary books)
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"Want to go look at the space downstairs and see what we can do with it?" he said to the top of her head.

"Not right now," Kirsty said. "We have more important things to do."

She took his hand and led him along the hallway and into the bedroom. She opened the curtains wide. Over the road, white snow covered the remnants of her old life, making it clean. She turned to Lake, who did that raised eyebrow thing he thought was cool. Kirsty pointed to the old armchair beside the bed.

"Have a seat," she ordered.

He did as he was told, with an amused smile on his face.

Slowly, Kirsty began to untie the belt of her blue wool dress. Lake's eyes went wide. She let the dress fall open. Lake licked his lips.

"I owe you a striptease," she told him. His eyes shot to hers. "In daylight."

He thought for a minute and then he grinned widely.

"Caroline," he said.

"Yep," Kirsty said as she let the dress fall to the floor. "You should never have expected her to lie."

His gaze darkened as it followed the length of her. Kirsty's heart raced within her.

"Remind me to thank her," he said in that husky lust laden voice of his.

Kirsty reached behind her to unsnap the pink La Perla bra she'd nabbed from Lake's shop - from her shop.

"You may have won the bet, but I'm still keeping your shop," she told him. "This doesn't change that."

Lake grinned at her.

"I wouldn't expect otherwise," he said as she threw the bra at him.

"As we both know," she told him as she hooked her thumb into her panties. "The shop is a separate issue."

He didn't answer as she wiggled her hips to slowly lower the satin and lace.

"After all, you were very clear that I had to fight back," she said as she kicked off the underwear.

She took a step towards him, wearing only the black high-heeled boots he loved so much.

"Looks like that backfired on you, soldier boy," she told him with pride. "Especially seeing as you have completely and utterly lost this lingerie war."

Lake gave her that grin of his that said he knew better, then he grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap.

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In the meantime, Invertary book two, is due out soon!

Coming late 2013!

To sign up for information on release dates go to
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This is a self-portrait I did when I was going through my ‘blue period’ – we affectionately call it ‘Janet Smurf’. Now you can see why I write instead of paint!

But enough about that—here’s a little about me. I was born in Scotland and now I live in New Zealand. I’ve been here almost ten years and I absolutely love it! I’m married to a lovely Dutch man who tolerates the fact I make fun of him on my Facebook page. I have two adorable little girls and several mad animals that eat up a lot of my time during the day. This means I do all my writing in the dark when everyone is asleep. I put on some music and entertain myself with stories of people falling in love. It’s such fun to watch the characters screw up from the comfort of my wee office!  I’m a trained artist, an ex-teacher and travel junkie. But most of all – I LOVE to talk to people! So if you want to contact me, then please do.

Here is my facebook page

Here is my website

Here is my Amazon page

A big thank you to fabulous Scottish fashion photographer
Jodie Mann
for letting me use her beautiful photos on the cover of my book. And another big thank you to Irene Wadsworth, designer of
Impractical Clothes
whose work features in Jodie's photos. Two very talented Scottish women who make my book look wonderful.

Thank you to the ladies of
Romance Writers New Zealand
for their support, humour and encouragement. I would feel like a nutty hermit without you!

Thank you to Liz Dempsey, who reads all of my books searching for mistakes, even though she'd rather be reading horror!

Thank you to my wonderful supportive husband, who after eighteen years together still makes my heart race. Without you entertaining the kids, there would be no books. Although, there would be even more if you stopped constantly interrupting me to ask how the work was going! I love you very much and hope that one day you'll actually read more than the acknowledgement page and make it through a whole book!

And, last but not least, thank you to my readers. You lot are lovely! Your letters of encouragement and support have a huge impact on my life and I appreciate them ever so much. Thank you for reading my books.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidentaCopyright © 2013 Janet Kortlever

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior permission can be obtained by contacting the author through her website. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.

Cover photos by Jodie Mann

Clothing in cover photos by Impractical Clothes

Author's website:


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