Read Linked Online

Authors: Barbara Huffert

Linked (19 page)

BOOK: Linked
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“Sh.” He tightened his arms. “Just give me a minute.”

“Okay,” she whispered. Tentatively, Tori stretched her arm over his waist. When he didn’t resist, she pulled herself closer until she was holding on as hard as he was.

“Christ, Tor.”

She angled her head to look at him. “Please tell me how I screwed up.”

“Screwed up?” He was stunned. “You really don’t get it. Listen to me. What you just did was so incredible it blew my mind. Kind of ironic if you think about it. You were the one afraid that you couldn’t handle it and I’m the one petrified.”


“Don’t you see? It was too good. The way you make me feel is so intense I’m scared to death that you might decide to do that again.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Tori, you know I already believe we belong together. The way you responded to me last night and how I acted had me close to losing it. When I told you it hadn’t ever been that amazing for me before I wasn’t lying. I knew everything we experienced was going to be overwhelming but I never expected it to be like that. For someone who thought the only way to suck cock was to swallow it whole you sure figured out exactly how to make it so insanely good for me that I’m in serious danger of breaking down and crying all over you.”

“I still don’t understand. I only did some of the things you told me about.”

“I may have given you the idea but you made each touch hotter than anything I ever felt before. You took my suggestions and turned them into things uniquely your own. Remember how I said I had no clue how to make you respond like you did and was following my instincts? Seems to me that you do too.”

Tori frowned. “You’re saying it doesn’t really matter that I lack experience. If I act instead of think, it’ll be good.”


“Wow,” she sighed.

“Hell yeah, wow! Christ, tiger, you damn near had my whole cock down your throat. Shocked the hell out of me when you didn’t spit it out. Watching your face while you were debating about what to try next had me so fucking hard. The sight of your tongue and lips on me is something I’ll never forget. You’re too sexy for my own good. And I won’t be able to let myself even think about how you felt when I’m in public or I’ll be locked up for indecent exposure eighteen times a day.”

“Oh, ha, ha, ha.” She giggled. “You can cut the crap now, Guy.”

Guy sighed. “Guess you’ll need some time to let yourself believe me.”

“Yeah, right. What is it with guys and handcuffs? Take away your control and give your cock a little attention and you go mushy on a girl.”

“Fine. I’ll drop this too for now. I promised not to push and I won’t. Just let me ask one more thing and that’ll be it.”

“Go ahead and ask. You will even if I say no so we may as well get it over with.”

“Am I really that bad? That’s not my question but I’d appreciate an answer anyway.”

“No.” She squirmed uncomfortably. “I’m just not used to someone expecting me to talk like this. Diana’s the only person who asks me for details and she’s much more subtle about what she wants to know and waits for me to be ready to talk.”

“Guess that makes me impatient, demanding and direct.”

“I’m sorry, Guy. I never met anybody like you before and, as much as I want to believe the things you’ve said, part of me is still having a lot of trouble accepting it. I know my parents were screwed up about me but there isn’t a switch to turn off all my insecurities. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not sure you understand what I’m up against because let’s face it, your life is completely different from mine.”

“That’s a good point and you’re right. I don’t know how it feels to be totally isolated and told I’m useless by the people who should have unconditional faith in me. I chose my life gradually and was surrounded by a support system every step of the way. I never needed to rebuild my self-image from less than nothing and I haven’t ever lived without trust. I grew up believing in myself and took for granted that others did too.

“It’s unrealistic of me to tell you how I perceive you once and expect you to agree instantly. But I am right about you. I’ll tell you constantly and show you in any way I can for as long as it takes for you admit how great you are. I’m sure I’ll be overbearing more often than not and I’ll apologize in advance. When you need me to take a break, I’ll try to give you one but I’ll need reassurance that you aren’t going to shut me out forever. And now I’ve made you even more uncomfortable. Damn, I never know when to quit.”

“We’re doing it again,” Tori stated softly when he fell silent. “You had a question before I started it this time. What embarrassing, personal detail did you want to know?”

“Nothing important. Curiosity really, so let’s forget it.”

“Un-uh. No way.” She sat up and poked his chest. “You don’t let me get away with changing my mind about asking things so you’re not doing it either.”

“Gee, I was hoping you’d miss that one. All right. Fine.” He gave in when she merely waited. “I was wondering if you actually like the way I taste or if you only tolerated it because you could tell how it affected me.”

Tori glared. “You can be such a jerk! Get out of my room!” She tried to push him off the bed with her feet.

Guy trapped her legs under his and caught her hands before she started swinging. “What the hell did I do now?”

“You really don’t know, do you?”

“Would I ask if I did?”

“Hmm, let’s see if this helps. Tell me, Detective Breauchard, last night after you made me come in your mouth so much that I was half afraid you were going to drown you claimed you enjoyed the taste of my pussy so much you could become addicted. Did you force yourself not to gag and keep eating me because I was so into it or did you mean what you said when you were done?”

“Ah. Not only am I a jerk but I’m an insulting jerk.”

“Guess you’re not completely French since you figured that one out so quickly.”

“Thanks but maybe you should let me make it up to you. So I know I’m truly forgiven.”

Tori guessed what he had in mind. “Yes, perhaps you should. So there aren’t any misunderstandings about this later.”

“No, we can’t chance that. Tell me what I can possibly do to make you smile again.”

“It would be best if it were related to our conversation.”


“Since your question made me start to doubt something I thought I knew, I think it’s only fair to have you prove that you weren’t pretending last night.”

“It would be the appropriate thing to do. You will give me enough time to restore your complete acceptance of how much I honestly love the flavor of your pussy?”

“That may take a long time.”

“So what? I insulted you. I won’t stop until I have your complete forgiveness no matter how long it takes.”

“Well, okay, if you insist.” He nodded. “But this time you’re not going to be the one lying on his back.”

“Absolutely not.” Guy tossed a pillow on the floor and knelt on top of it. He patted the bed in front of him. “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable right here and I’ll take care of the rest?”

It didn’t take long for Guy to have Tori whimpering. The night before he had used his mouth to attack her in keeping with the rest of his actions. This time, he caressed and teased, urging her higher and higher. Soon Tori was squirming, trying to press against him. With her legs over the bed she didn’t have any leverage so she lifted her heels next to her hips. Successfully arching toward his mouth, Tori’s brief triumph ended when Guy retreated.

“Oh, please,” Tori cried in frustration.

His teasing ceased instantly at the anguish in her tone and Guy gave her the attention she sought. His hands reached under her sprawled thighs and found hers. Tori clutched his fingers tightly as her climax sent her spiraling. He may have wanted to watch her face but it was tilted too far back for him to see because he kept his mouth on her the whole time she bucked and quivered.

Tori sighed with satisfaction when her pleasure ebbed. The man was simply too good to be true. Suddenly she became aware of the wide circle of lips pressed gently around her gaping core. “Hey.” She wiggled one finger against his hand.

“Mm,” Guy hummed as his lips formed a suction cup to link them together.

“Ooh,” Tori crooned at the new sensation he created. His mouth was massaging the outer edges of her pussy. He wasn’t touching any of the sensitive spots and he still managed to excite her beyond belief. The anticipation built quickly and she fully expected to feel Guy’s tongue lapping up her wetness. When he merely continued his current torment, Tori decided she’d waited long enough. “What are you waiting for? The whole purpose of this is to make me believe you like how I taste. No way is that going to happen unless you actually lick up some of my liquid and taste it.”

“Thought you’d never invite me,” he spoke against her.

With slow, thorough strokes, Guy’s tongue laved every inch of her swollen flesh, both inside and out. He made his enjoyment obvious with a stream of never-ending sounds.

“Guy,” Tori moaned.

“Hmm?” He vibrated near her clit without making contact.

“Why are you teasing me like this? You said you like to make me come.”

“I love to make you come. I’m atoning for my careless insult but you’re in charge tonight. I’m not teasing you I’m waiting for you to tell me what to do.” He returned to licking her.

“Oh,” she said flatly, knowing he was doing this partly to build her confidence. “I didn’t realize but I suppose that’s as it should be.”

“Mm hmm,” Guy agreed, temporarily pressing his lips to her.

“Okay, then I think it’s time for you point that tongue of yours and use it to make me come.”

“How?” He switched to licking her in the same fashion with the pointed tip.

“Like a cock,” Tori stated as she questioned why she wasn’t at all embarrassed by her behavior. “Start slowly,” she instructed and immediately felt Guy’s stiffened tongue penetrate her. “But don’t tease. Make sure you go deep.” The strokes lengthened. “Ooh yeah,” she moaned, lifting her hips to meet him. “More,” she demanded. “Faster. Harder.” Guy’s hands pulled hers so she was pressed firmly against his mouth. “Oh, oh, oh,” Tori chanted. In response, Guy curved the tip of his tongue so it rubbed the spot sure to drive her wild with each stroke. “Guuuy!” Tori screamed as he accomplished his assigned task.

Though Guy loosened the tension in her arms he hadn’t let go. Not that he could have with the way Tori was gripping his hands. As soon as she calmed enough to realize it, she relaxed, but only slightly. The next thing that registered was that Guy’s tongue was once again lapping up the evidence of her ecstasy.

“Perfect,” Tori declared softly.

“That’s the same word I use to describe you,” Guy stated between licks. He sensed her flash of self-consciousness and added, “Sh. Relax while I drink from you. Figure out what you want next. Take your time. There’s plenty here to keep me occupied.”

“Oh God,” Tori groaned at his statement. “Mm,” she purred a short time later when his attention cast another spell over her. She followed his suggestion and left her knees splayed open as they were after her orgasm. She sighed contentedly and acknowledged how completely comfortable she felt at the moment. That thought was replaced with one of disbelief. She never expected to find herself in this position. Never in a million years would she have even considered it was possible that a man like Guy would give her so much as a passing glance, let alone kneel at her feet and worship her drenched pussy as he was. No way did she imagine he’d make her feel the way he did. She would have insisted it was impossible that he’d want to touch her at all let alone spend so much time with his face in her crotch, contently swabbing her with his incredible tongue. The man not only had a body that women drooled over but a personality that would have drawn them to him even if he looked like a deformed troll. He was the perfect blend of strength and softness, control and compassion, demanding and giving, focused professional and humorous buddy, Alpha male beast and sensuous lover…

“Tori tiger,” Guy called through the haze Tori had drifted into. “Where’d you go, Tori tiger? Please come back.”

“Huh?” She blinked in confusion. “Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking.”

“I could see that. Mind if I asked what you were thinking about?” he asked as he continued to clean her with his tongue.

“You,” she blushed at her admission.

“That explains the way you were smiling.”

“Was I?”


The quick glance Guy gave her showed Tori how pleased he was with her honest response. He may sound like they were merely playing but that brief look told her it was so much more.

“I’m running out of cream. Can I have more please?”

“Since you asked so politely I’m sure that can be arranged. Perhaps if you push on the button right above where your tongue is.”

“Push it?”

“Yes, push it. Or maybe you have to pull it. Or is it a switch that you move from side to side? I’m not really sure but I bet you could work it out. I know it takes a long time to make it work but it’s the only way to get more of that cream you seem to be enjoying so much.”

“Oh, I most definitely am. Don’t you worry about me. I don’t mind a little effort to get more of what I want. You go back to your thoughts and I’ll take care of this but please tell me if you come up with any more suggestions of how to release the flow.”

Guy slowly turned his attention to her engorged clit. He clearly understood exactly what she meant when she told him how long it would take because his first touches were light and teasing. It was amazing how he managed to combine his lips and tongue, stimulating her gently without pushing her directly to completion. Very gradually, the touches grew firmer, pulling Tori closer to the edge.

“Mm,” Tori sighed. “That’s just about perfect. You didn’t have any problem figuring out how this works.”

“Just about perfect?” Guy sounded distressed. “That’s not good enough to gain your forgiveness. What else should I do?”

“Ah.” She shivered. “Let me think about it for a bit. You keep doing that and maybe it’ll help me.”

BOOK: Linked
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