Lipstick Kisses : A Sexy, Standalone Contemporary Romance (8 page)

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“Has he ever reached out to you in the last few months? Emails, texts, phone calls?”

“He did text me a few months ago, and I did share that I was moving, but I never said where to. You don’t think it’s him, do you?”

“I don’t know, Nikki. He got a little funny in the end, didn’t he?”

“It was his ego. He couldn’t believe that I was breaking off the engagement. It hurt Blake Langham’s massive ego. He said some pretty hurtful things in the end.” My stomach clenches as I recall the pain he caused me.

“I’m sorry, Nikki. He wasn’t a good guy in the end. He ended up being such a social climber. I’ve seen girls behave that way, but not usually a man,” Kelsey says, and she’s right. Either way, man or woman, it’s an extremely unattractive character trait. But the world is full of social climbers. They make me sick. LA has its fair share.

“Thank goodness I have an alarm system now, thanks to Jonathan.”

“He came through for you. He’s become a good friend to you,” Kelsey points out, flipping her laptop open so we can actually get some work done this morning.

“Yeah, I know, but it comes with strings attached. Guilt strings.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s jealous of Chandler and me being together, and he brought up how he missed us as a couple.”

As if I want to relive that lackluster time in my life. I should have known better than to fall into bed with him. Jonathan was a nice guy. We were spending quite a bit of time together as friends, but he was persistent in getting in my panties. Maybe he wanted more, I don’t know. But I realize now that I was on the rebound. I wanted to feel desired again, and I fell into bed with him. I regret that now.

“Oh really! What did you say?” Kelsey exclaims.

“Ugh—it was the last place I wanted to go with Jonathan. I told him he was a good friend. That’s when he mentioned how he missed us together as more than friends. I cringed like he does every time I mention Chandler’s name. Then he tried to place seeds of doubt in my mind about Chandler and me being together. As if I don’t question our relationship every single day, but the ass had to point things out. But I took the high road with Jonathan, and I told him he was a great guy and that any girl would be lucky to have him and his lack of finesse in the bedroom.” We laugh together at Jonathan’s expense, and I only feel slightly guilty about it.

“Don’t listen to Jonathan. He’s just jealous, obviously,” Kelsey points out, and I know she’s right. I should let his snide comments roll off me, but the insecure part of me thinks he may be right.


I’m taking Chandler home with me tonight to meet my family. My nerves have me on edge while we drive over to my parents’ house.

Hope my mom is nice to him. She could be so hard on the guys I’ve brought home in the past, so now, I don’t like to bring anyone home with me anymore. But I know it’s getting to the point where Chandler feels hurt that I haven’t had him meet my parents. I need to warn him about my mom.

“Chandler, I’m sorry I haven’t brought you home sooner. My mom can be so reserved and judgmental. I just want to warn you.”

“Not to worry, sweetheart. You should know me by now. I can charm the young and the old,” he quips. All he has to do is turn on his dazzling smile.

“You’re right. I should have nothing to worry about.”

We pull into the driveway, and there’s no sign of my dad’s surprise birthday gift. It’s not due to arrive until after dinner.

We get out of the car, and I take a deep breath.

“Here goes nothing,” I say out loud as Chandler takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.

We walk in the front door and I call out to them.

First, my mom comes out from the kitchen. She takes one look at Chandler and smiles.

“Hi, Mom, this is Chandler.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Chandler. I’ve heard so much about you,” she says pleasantly.

“Hello, Mrs. Russo. I hope it was all good,” he teases and turns on his charm.

“Of course. Nikki gushes about you,” she exclaims. I can’t help rolling my eyes. She’s laying it on thick tonight, which is so out of character for her.

“Sweet Pea,” my dad bellows, coming to greet us. He wraps me in a bear hug.

“Happy Birthday, Dad!” I greet him, returning the embrace with a smile. I love my dad.

“Who have we here?” my dad asks warmly.

“Dad, this is Chandler Winslow. Chandler, this is my dear old dad.”

“Who are you calling old, Sweet Pea?”

“Nice to meet you, sir,” Chandler says, shaking my dad’s hand.

“What’s this
business? Please call me Tony,” my dad says amiably.

“Come on in and have a seat in the living room. I’ll bring out the appetizers and drinks,” my mom says.

“What’ll it be, my boy?” my dad asks, walking over to the bar.

“A cold beer would be nice, if you have one.”

I follow my mom into the kitchen to see if she needs any help.

“Honey, Chandler is so handsome! You said he models? He must be in high demand with his good looks,” she gushes like a schoolgirl. I’ve never seen her quite like this before.

“Yes, Mom, he’s booked solid. He just got back from a shoot in New York.”

“How glamorous! Would you help me take this into the living room?” she asks.

Mom and I head out to the living room with food in hand.

My brother, Rocco, who lives at home, comes wandering into the living room. I see him eye Chandler and me.

“Hey, Rocco, this is my boyfriend, Chandler. Chandler, this is my older brother, Rocco.”

Chandler stands and shakes Rocco’s hand.

My brother then sits down and just stares at Chandler. What’s his problem?

After we visit in the living room, Mom gets dinner ready and on the table. She’s prepared an Italian feast in honor of my dad’s birthday. All of his favorite dishes are laid out on the table.

“Everything smells delicious and looks great, Mrs. Russo,” Chandler compliments.

“Thank you. Please help yourself,” she replies.

The Osso Buco is passed along with the Eggplant Parmesan. I love coming home to my mom’s home cooking. It warms me from the inside out.

“So, Nikki tells me you just returned from New York,” my mom says.

“Yes, I had a photo shoot for a menswear ad,” Chandler replies.

“Do you have to travel very often?”

“Sometimes, but I’d rather not if I can help it.”

“But why? It sounds so glamorous,” she asks.

“I don’t like being away from Nikki,” Chandler says, and my heart melts.

I look over at my gorgeous boyfriend. He’s a beautiful man on the inside and out.

My mom and dad exchange looks across the table. I haven’t brought a guy home since my ex-fiancée, and that was over two years ago. I think my mom was secretly afraid I’d be a workaholic, married to my job, AKA an old maid. You know how mothers can be.

Rocco doesn’t say much over dinner. If you ask me, I think he’s thrown off by how handsome my boyfriend is. I’m sure he’s wondering how I landed such a catch.

“Where are you from, Chandler?”

“Big Sky, Montana,” Chandler replies with a broad smile. I know he misses home sometimes.

“You’re a long way from home. What brought you out to the big city of Los Angeles?”

“I wanted a change of scenery, came out here, and fell in love with the beaches, so I stayed.”

“Were you also a model in Montana?”

“God, no. Once I came out here, I just kind of fell into it,” Chandler replies.

“I see,” my mom says. I hope she’s done giving him the third degree.

“Chandler is really in high demand. He has jobs lined up for the next six months,” I reply, bragging about my man.

“Good for you,” my dad says to Chandler.

Toward the end of dinner, the doorbell rings. I jump up in haste.

“I’ll go see who it is.” I know my dad’s birthday present has arrived.

“Who was it?” my dad asks.

“Your birthday present.”

“Well, where is it?” my dad asks in a jovial mood.

“Come out front and see,” I reply.

Everyone gets up from their dining chair, and I grab my phone. I want to capture the look on my dad’s face.

“Close your eyes, Dad,” I say, taking his hand.

“What on earth are you up to, Sweet Pea?”

“Just play along with me, come on.”

“All right,” he says, closing his eyes.

I open the front door and lead him by the hand to his large present sitting in the driveway.

“You can open your eyes now,” I say.

“A brand new Cadillac? Nikki, you’ve got to be kidding me. Is this really for me?” he asks in disbelief and wonder.

“Happy Birthday, Dad!” I exclaim, throwing my arms around him.

“Oh my goodness!” he says excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. “Nikki, this is too much, really,” he says, walking around the car in awe.

“Get in. I know how long you’ve wanted one, and fifty is a big birthday. So I wanted to get you a big present.”

My dad comes and wraps me in a tight bear hug, “Thank you, Nikki. But you shouldn’t have.”

My dad sits in the car, checking out all of the gadgets. My brother, Rocco, slides into the passenger seat.

“Honey, look how happy you’ve made your dad,” my mom says.

Chandler comes and puts his arm around me.

“You sure made your dad happy. Did you see how his face lit up?”

“Yes, it was priceless. And worth every penny,” I smile.

We all go back inside and enjoy the tiramisu my mom made.

Rocco is sulking, jealous again that he can’t afford to give such a grand gift. Well, maybe if he worked half as hard as I do, he could.

Once we get home and are tucked in for the night, Chandler tells me, “That was some birthday gift. It was very generous of you, sweetheart.”

“My dad deserves it. He has always there for me growing up and gave me a wonderful childhood. I’m happy I can afford to give him his dream car.”

“You are one sweet and amazing daughter. I can see how much your dad loves you.”

“I’ve always been his Sweet Pea, his Little Princess,” I remark.

“Yes, you are both of those things.”


Chapter Sixteen

We’re going to an awards banquet for Women Who Mean Business. The organization has nominated Nikki to showcase her accomplishments. I’m proud of her.

Nikki looks stunning in a white lace blouse and a long black floor-length skirt. She’s wearing her signature red lipstick.

“You look stunning, sweetheart,” I say, pulling her to me.

“Thank you,” she replies, her beautiful eyes capturing mine.

“We’d better get going,” she says.

“I’d rather stay here and ravish you,” I say, nibbling on her ear. Her scent is intoxicating. I’ve fallen hook, line and sinker for this girl.

“We have to make an appearance. Save your passion for later. I’ll be looking forward to having you later tonight,” she says.

My hand roams to her tush and gives it a squeeze.

“Hey,” she says, brushing her lips against mine.

“Let’s go then. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can come back here and I can make love to you.”

We arrive at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, where the awards banquet is being held.

At first, we mingle amongst the crowd in reception area and enjoy some champagne and caviar amongst other appetizers being served by the wait staff.

Nikki chats with some of the other businesswomen nominated tonight and of course, most of them are considerably older than my amazing girl.

But she holds her own, carrying herself with poise and grace. I guess you could say I’m her arm candy.

“I think it’s time to head inside and find out seat,” she says, placing her glass down on one the trays of a passing waiter.

She hooks her hand inside the crook of my arm, and we walk into the dazzling ballroom.

Our table is toward the front, near the stage.

We dine on scallop potatoes, filet mignon, salmon and French-cut green beans. The food is delicious.

A rather stout lady, who definitely looks like she means business takes the pulpit and welcomes everyone here tonight.

She announces the names of the women nominated tonight along with a laundry list of each of their accomplishments. They all are very impressive.

“And the winner of the years award for Woman of the Year is Nikki Russo of Lipstick Kisses.” The room erupts in applause and Nikki is moved beyond words.

“Oh. My. God. Chandler, I don’t believe it!” she exclaims, placing her hand on my thigh.

“It’s well deserved. Congratulations, sweetheart,” I say, giving my girl a tight embrace and a kiss before the crowd of onlookers.

Nikki makes her way up to the pulpit, and she’s beaming.

She pulls the microphone down close to her lips. That leaves me envisioning doing naughty things to her later.

“It’s and honor and a privilege to be nominated and be counted amongst  this remarkable group of women who mean business.” The crowd applauds.

“I dedicate this award to my father. He always treated me like I could do anything. He raised me to believe in myself and to have no barriers to succeed in life just because I was a girl. And I also thank my boyfriend, Chandler. His unwavering support and love mean so much to me. Thank you, ladies!”

Nikki continues with her acceptance speech and I feel incredibly proud of her. Then when she mentions me by name at the end, I have to blink back my tears of joy. I applaud louder than anyone in the entire ballroom.

“I felt so proud of you tonight. You’re one amazing lady. You’ve accomplished so much in such a short time. You’re incredibly driven and hard working,” I tell Nikki once we’re back home and tucked in bed for the night.

“Thank you, Chandler. That means a lot to me coming from you. When you are your own boss, it’s not very often someone praises you or gives you a pat on the back. My winning that award was like being acknowledged, like getting a pat on the back from my peers. From other women who work as hard as I do or maybe harder. It’s and incredible feeling. I can’t describe how elated I felt when they called my name,” she says, beaming with pride.

“You deserved that award. And my words of praise are from the bottom of my heart. Some days, Nikki Russo, I’m in awe of you. Like tonight. The other ladies didn’t hold a candle to you.”

“That’s very sweet of you, but to be honest, just being nominated is an honor. I still can’t believe I won. The other women are pretty inspiring as well.  We women have to work extra hard to get noticed and to be respected, and most importantly, be taken seriously.

“Believe me when I say you are taken seriously.”

“Am I now?” she says teasingly.

“Oh yeah, woman. I can remember at my first photo shoot with Lipstick Kisses. Everyone who works for you scurries around to please the almighty Nikki Russo,” I tease, tickling her.

“Chandler, stop!” she giggles uncontrollably.

I silence her with a hard and passionate kiss. I’m dying to ravage the woman who means business.

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