Lipstick Kisses : A Sexy, Standalone Contemporary Romance (12 page)

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Chapter Twenty-Three

I don’t know what’s up with Nikki.

Why is she trying to play matchmaker all of the sudden?

Honestly, I can find my own man. Although I guess I haven’t had the best luck with choosing the right men.

So today is the day. I dressed exactly how my bossy boss told me to.

“How do I look? Do I pass your inspection?” I ask, walking into Nikki’s office this morning.

“Turn around,” she commands in her
I mean business

“Yes, you look fabulous. But here, use this shade of lipstick,” Nikki says as she rummages around in her desk drawer before finding the right shade and handing it to me.

I go back to my desk and finish primping.

Shit. I look up from my desk, and I see a drop-dead gorgeous, David Beckham lookalike striding in my direction. I swallow hard, and my throat goes bone dry. I reach to take a sip of my coffee for sustenance.

My palms start sweating, and I wipe them off on my too-tight pencil skirt.

“Good Morning. How can I help you?” I say to the gentleman now standing at my desk.

“Morgan Daniels. I’m here to see Nikki. We have a ten o’clock,” he says in the hottest British accent I’ve ever heard, and I just about die.

“Oh yes, she’s expecting you,” I manage to stammer out.

He leans on the hutch of my desk and asks, “And who might you be?” He pierces me with his crystal blue eyes.


“I’m . . .I’m Kelsey, Nikki’s assistant,” I stutter, flustered by the attention he is giving me.

“It’s a pleasure, and I do mean pleasure, to meet you, Kelsey. I don’t remember meeting you the last time I came in, and I’m sure I would’ve remembered meeting someone as gorgeous as you.” He dazzles me with a panty-dropping, sly grin.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I reply.
What a skirt-chaser
is right.

“Let me show you to the conference room.”

I stand in these ridiculous shoes and try not to trip as I walk down the long, white-tiled corridor to the conference room. I can feel the heat of his gaze as he watches me walk around my desk. My nipples harden just from the look he’s giving me. I look at the ground in sheer embarrassment and offer a small, knowing smile.

“Morgan, nice to see you,” Nikki says, standing to greet him with a handshake once we walk into our high-gloss, ultra-clean, modern conference room.

Nikki likes to have all of her meetings in there. Her office is filled with samples and is in disarray most days.

“Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, tea or water?” I ask Morgan.

“Some coffee would be nice. Black, please. Thank you, Kelsey,” he replies.

I turn to leave, but not before Nikki hits me with a nod of approval and a smirk. The little matchmaker.

When I bring Morgan his coffee, my hands are shaking as I hand it to him. Hope he doesn’t notice as I offer him a stiff smile. The guy is so devilishly handsome that I’m a nervous mess around him. I get out of the conference room as fast as I can without tripping in my f*ck me pumps—that Nikki bought me, by the way. I don’t know how she can wear these every day of the week.


Chapter Twenty-Four

“Nikki, you have a very attractive assistant,” Morgan says the minute Kelsey closes the door.

“Oh, Kelsey? She’s been with me since day one.”

“Is she married?”


“Does she have a boyfriend?”



“Are you interested?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

“What do you think, love?”

“I thought she might be your type.”

“Most definitely,” he replies with a broad grin before he takes a sip of his coffee. “You still dating that pretty boy model, Chandler Winslow?”

“Who are you calling pretty boy? You are just as pretty,” I retort.

“You flatter me, but few men are as pretty as Chandler Winslow, my dear. His face graces many a magazine cover, not my ugly mug,” Morgan says, all modesty. But honestly, he could be a model.

We get down to business, discussing packaging ideas to showcase our line in his Morgan Cosmetic stores. It was quite a coupe for Lipstick Kisses when he approached us to carry our line.

“I’m getting hungry. It’s about lunch time,” Morgan declares, glancing at the vintage Rolex on his wrist. He is always dressed and accessorized to the nines.

“Did you want to grab lunch together?” I ask to be polite.

“That sounds good. Can we invite Kelsey along?”

“You don’t waste time, do you?” I smile at him across the table.

“I believe in seizing every opportunity when it presents itself,” he replies, cool as a cucumber. So smooth. I hope I’m not setting Kelsey up for heartache. I regret it for a moment.

“One of the many reasons for your success.” I smile. “Let me go and see if she’s still here and hasn’t left for lunch. I’ll be right back.”

I stroll down the corridor toward my office, and I can see Kelsey sitting at her desk. She’s on the phone. I motion for her to come to my office. Once she ends her call, she walks into my office.

“Morgan took the bait. He inquired about you after you brought him his coffee. He basically asked if you were available, and I gave him an emphatic yes. Now he wants you to join us for lunch. What do you say?”

“Oh God, are you serious?” Kelsey says in a hushed squeal. Then she buries her face in her hands, suppressing a smile.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I ask.

“God, I am so nervous around him. I sputter like an uncoordinated schoolgirl. Didn’t you see my hand shaking when I gave him his coffee? I am never going to make it through lunch without doing or saying something stupid. He is way out of my league. I can’t go out with him.” Kelsey admits her insecurities about a man like Morgan finding her attractive.

“You can, and you will. Come on, let’s go. We can’t keep a man like Morgan Daniels waiting.”


Chapter Twenty-Five

“Give me a minute to freshen up. Do I have to go?” I plead to Nikki.

“Yes, touch up your lipstick. We’ll be waiting for you in the conference room,” Nikki says, grabbing her purse.


I grab my purse from my desk drawer and pull out my cosmetic bag filled with Lipstick Kisses makeup. I check myself in my compact, touching up my lipstick and powdering the shine off my nose.

I steady myself, straighten out my skirt, and take a deep, calming breath. I can do this. I just need to put one foot in front of the other and not trip in these ridiculous heels.

“Kelsey, I’m glad you could join us,” Morgan says, his eyes piercing mine as soon as I stroll into the conference room.

This guy oozes sex appeal up the yin yang. It sends a rush of warmth through my body.

We decide to walk to lunch and go to Nikki’s favorite café near our building. I’m glad it’s not too far to walk in these pumps—that are killing my feet, by the way. I feel like I have to swing my hips more in these crazy shoes. I can sense Morgan’s eyes on my behind.

Morgan takes the seat across from me. My heart is pounding in my chest. This so won’t work for me. Why did I agree to come to lunch with them? I’m a freaking bundle of nerves. How can I ever be myself around a guy like this? Thank goodness Nikki is here.

Once we order, Nikki keeps the conversation going as Morgan mostly sits there, staring at me.

“So, Kelsey, how do you like having Nikki for a boss? Bet she’s tough as nails to work for,” Morgan teases, throwing a sexy wink in her direction.

“Nikki has her moments, but I love working for her. I admire her drive and tenacity,” I reply.

“Good answer.” Nikki smiles.

“How do you like living in LA?” I ask.

“Very different from London, but I like living here. Have you ever been across the pond?” Morgan asks.

“Can’t say that I have, but I would love to travel to London someday. Actually, I would really love to take a long trip and travel all around Europe.”

“I’m thinking of campaigning hard in the UK next year. Morgan is going to help Lipstick Kisses become a household name across the pond,” Nikki informs me.

“Yes, I think it will big a huge success over there. I already have my UK customers asking for more and more of your makeup in our stores,” Morgan chimes in.

“Kelsey, I was actually going to ask you to help market for us. I’m seriously considering having you head up our operations in London,” Nikki turns and tells me.

I just about fall out of my chair. “What? This is the first I’ve heard of it,” I reply, flustered as both pairs of eyes are on me. I reach to grab my water glass and take a sip.

“You would be perfect. You’re single and have no family to tie down in LA.” Nikki elbows me and smiles mischievously.

“And I could show you around London, give you the lay of the land so to speak,” Morgan says, his voice dripping with that sexy British accent.

“Wow, Nikki. I don’t know what to say. That would be an incredible opportunity for me. But don’t you think Stewart would be a better candidate for that position?” I reply. The thought of all of that responsibility makes me hyperventilate.

“Nope, you would be perfect. Don’t worry, it won’t happen for a while. But I just though I would throw that out there and get you used to the idea.”

We finish our lunch talking about business and I notice Morgan stealing glance at me every chance he gets. My entire body flushes under his intense scrutiny.

This hot and sexy man unnerves me like you wouldn’t believe.


Chapter Twenty-Six

Today is my first ob-gyn appointment, and Chandler insists on coming with me, as hard as I tried to dissuade him. He has been the adoring boyfriend, I must admit. Even sweeter than usual.

“Are you sure you want to come with me? I’m fine going by myself,” I say when he comes to pick me up at work. One last-ditch attempt.

“Nope, I’m coming too. You’re too independent for your own good, Miss Russo,” he says, wrapping me in a bear hug. Then he gives me a peck on the lips, and we need to get going.

“How did you find this doctor?” Chandler asks on our drive over to the doctor’s office.

“Stewart, from the company—his wife just had a baby, and this is her doctor.”

We arrive at the medical building and park in the parking structure. I stare straight ahead and take a deep calming breath.

“You ready?” Chandler asks, taking my hand in his and giving it an encouraging squeeze.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I sigh out with a faint smile. I’m scared.

“Everything will be all right Nikki. Remember, a child is a blessing,” he reminds me sweetly.

“I know. Let’s go in,” I reply, leaning over and giving him a kiss before we get out of the car.

Dr. Liu’s waiting room is filled with women at different stages of pregnancy, from little bellies to almost ready to pop bellies, women of every shape and size. I cringe a little inside at the thought of bloating up like a beached whale. But I try to put it out of my mind as I sign in at the front desk.

The wait is rather long, and I can tell Chandler is getting fidgety.

“See, I told you. You didn’t need to come.”

“I’m fine. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he says, squeezing my hand and giving me a reassuring smile.

“Nikki Russo.”  A nurse steps into the waiting room and calls my name.

We follow her back, and the first thing she does is take my weight, then she shows us to one of the exam rooms. She asks me a few questions.

“Dr. Liu will be in shortly,” the nurse says.

The petite Dr. Liu comes into the exam room, and she’s a bundle of energy.

“Hello, Nikki, I’m Dr. Liu,” she says, greeting me first.

“I’m Chandler, baby daddy,” Chandler says, introducing himself before I have a chance to.

“Nice to meet you,” Dr. Liu says, shaking his hand. I can tell she’s trying to determine if we’re married because her eyes immediately cast down to our hands. I know she is checking for wedding rings. I’m self-conscious about it.

“When was your last period?” she asks.

“A couple of months ago. I’m on the pill, and I am so diligent about taking my pill every single day,” I reply.

“Sometimes, other medications can affect the effectiveness of the birth control pill, such as antibiotics. Were you on any lately?” she asks.

“Yes, actually. I was put on a course for a bad sinus infection I had over a month ago.”

“Well, you’re here today, and you are expecting,” Dr. Liu says with a sympathetic smile.

“I know. It’s just a surprise to us. We’re still getting used to it,” I admit.

Dr. Liu does an examination and talks about what to expect with pregnancy. Then she proceeds to ask us both a laundry list of health questions.

“Dr. Liu was nice, I liked her. I found her to be very reassuring,” I say, once we’re in the car, driving back to the office.

“Yeah, she seemed very capable. I called my mom and told her that we’re expecting,” Chandler says.

“You didn’t! What was her reaction?” I ask, turning in my seat to face him. I haven’t even had the guts to tell my parents yet. He’s putting pressure on me.

“She was happy for us. I could hear the smile in her voice. She loves the idea of becoming a grandmother and holding a baby again,” he continues.

“That’s sweet of her to be so positive about it all,” I reply.

“When are you going to tell your parents?” he asks.

“God, I don’t know. Soon, I suppose. I just wanted to see the doctor before I did to make sure everything was all right. Maybe I’ll go home for dinner and tell them,” I say, giving an excuse for why I’m stalling.

“How do you think they will react to the news?”

“My mom will be worse than my dad. I know that much. I’ll revert to a teenager when I tell them. They still treat me like one sometimes.”

“I suppose we never grow up in our parents’ eyes,” he says with a chuckle.

“Yes, I’m proving to them that I’m still acting like an irresponsible teenager by getting myself knocked up,” I reply, full of sarcasm.

“Hey, quit beating yourself up about it. It takes two, you know, and I, for one, am happy about it. I’m happy to be having a baby with you, sweetheart. I hope she’s as beautiful as her mother,” Chandler says, taking my hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

“What makes you so sure it will be a girl?”

“Just a hunch, I guess. Makeup princess Nikki Russo has to have a girl to do all those girly things with,” he teases, and I laugh. This is the first time I feel like I’ve smiled all day. I need to accept the fact that I’m pregnant and will be having a baby in a few months. I need to get my head around it and be happy about it. Chandler amazes me. He seems to be rolling with it, actually embracing it. Interesting how the man is more excited than the woman, in this case. I can be such a man, devoid of emotions and lacking in compassion and love.

Chandler, on the other hand, exudes warmth and kindness to all. I’m one lucky, lucky girl. I know that.




I’ve decided today is the day I’ll face the music and go over to my mom and dad’s house after work. Chandler is working late on a photo shoot across town, so I can go alone to break the news to them.

I don’t even call first. I just drive through rush hour traffic on the 110 Freeway to make it over to the home where I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley.

I let myself in with my key.

“Mom, Dad, I’m home,” I call out, like any other normal time I come over.

“Nikki, I didn’t know you were coming over. It’s nice to see you, dear,” my mom says, rushing out of the kitchen and wiping her hands on a towel before she gives me a warm embrace.

I’m shaking, nervous as hell to tell them my news. I’m not sure how it will be received, but of course, I know it won’t be good. I hope my brother isn’t here.

“Sweet Pea, you’re home. Come here and give me a hug,” my dear old dad calls to me from his recliner in the family room.

“Hi, Dad,” I smile, giving him a hug.

“What brings my little girl home? It’s always good to see you. You been working hard, as usual? Too hard, if you ask me,” he says.

“Yeah, I’ve been working.”

“You still seeing that pretty boy, Chandler?”

“Yes, Dad, I’m still with Chandler.” I sigh.

“He’s a nice young man. I like him.”

My mom is busy in the kitchen, getting dinner ready, but I have to just come out with it and tell them before I lose my nerve.

“Mom, can you come sit with Dad and me in the family room? I have something to tell you,” I request, and she gives me a look of concern. And so she should. This is big, life-changing news I have to share.

“What is it, Nikki?” she asks, scurrying to join my dad and me.

They sit next to me on the sofa. My heart starts racing. I’m on the verge of tears, and I feel like I’m fifteen years old all over again and I’m in big trouble.

“What is it, Honey?” my dad asks first, placing his hand on mine.

“I’m pregnant.” Now, my lips start quivering and the tears start flowing like a river.

A look passes between my parents before my dad tries to reassure me.

“That’s great, Nikki,” he says encouragingly, but it’s my mother’s words I’m afraid to hear.

She just stares at me with tight lips and a look of total disapproval.

My dad gives her a nod, as if to say, ‘say something nice to your daughter.’

“How far along are you?” she asks.

“About eight weeks. Chandler and I went to the doctor last week,” I squeak out.

“Will he be marrying you?” Is the next question out of my mother’s mouth. Even though I knew it was coming, I hadn’t prepared an answer.

“He asked me, but I said no,” I reply, telling her the honest to goodness truth. I brace myself for what comes next.

“Why on earth did you say no? You’re going to have his child. He’s the father of your baby. You should be married before you bring this baby into the world,” she says. The expression on her face adds the unsaid words,
are you that stubborn and stupid?

My dad sits here silent, his hand still on mine as he gives it a squeeze.

“Now that I’ve told you my news, I don’t want to talk about it any more. Please honor my decision. I never wanted to be that girl who has to trap a guy into marrying her. I refuse to be.”

My mother gets up in a huff and returns to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.

“I knew she’d be completely unsupportive. That’s how she has always been, ever since I was little. She’s such a
tough love
kind of mother,” I turn and say to my father. He, on the other hand, has always been there for me with words of encouragement and love. My dad is the warm one of the two of them.

“She’s just in shock, that’s all. It’s not how she wanted it to be for you,” my dad says, and I can hear the disappointment in his voice.

“I know, Dad. I was raised a traditional Catholic girl. I didn’t mean for this to happen, but it did.”

“How is Chandler taking the news?” he asks gently.

“He’s there for me. He loves me. He insisted on going to the doctor with me and has been a real sweetheart, actually.”

“He’s a boy with family values. I can tell that much.”

“He really is. I witnessed it all when I went with him up to his family’s ranch in Montana.”

I hear my phone bing from inside my purse.

“That’s probably Chandler, looking for me,” I say as I stand to go get my phone and see who it’s from.

Chandler: Where are you, Princess?

Nikki: At my parents’ house.

Chandler: Just finishing up at my shoot. I guess I will just head home then.

Nikki: Sounds good. I’m having dinner here.

Chandler: Text me when you get home.

Nikki: Will do.

Chandler: I love you.

Nikki: I love you too.

I toss the phone back in my bag. “Where’s Rocco?” I ask my dad.

“He’s out with his girlfriend.”

“He has a girlfriend?” That’s news to me.

“Yeah, he met her through friends, so he claims,” my father replies, sounding skeptical.

“Have you met her? Do you like her?”

“She’s all right. She’s not Catholic or Italian,” my dad says.

“You have to get off that, Dad. Chandler is not Catholic, nor is he Italian.”

“I know, I know. I’m being old-fashioned,” my dad says with a smile.

I’m relieved Rocco isn’t here tonight. He would gloat. His kid sister, the apple of his parents’ eye, has disappointed the parents. She got herself knocked up. He will laugh at my expense.

My mom gets dinner on the table, and once we all sit down, there is an awkward silence. What’s there to say? The mood is somber.

“So you’ve been to the doctor?” my mom finally asks.

“Yes, I’m going to the same doctor Stewart’s wife goes to. She’s very nice. I like her. Her name is Dr. Liu.”

“When are you due?”

“April 17
. I can’t figure out how they come up with the date.”

“You came late. That’s why you weighed over eight pounds,” my mom says. “You need to eat healthy now that you’re expecting. You can’t just live on coffee.”

“I know, I know.”

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