Little Fish (3 page)

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Authors: Kari Ware

BOOK: Little Fish
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I heard him sigh. "Yeah, I know. But you said you'd call me. I know what guys are like out here."

I rolled my eyes, my other phoneless hand pawing self-consciously at my roots. "Sorry I got preoccupied enjoying myself."

"Come on now, you're making me feel like a dick." I could hear Anna's voice in the background but couldn't quite make out what she was saying. Her voice sounded happy enough, though. I ran my hand through my voluminous curls, thoroughly disappointed at the prospect of having to attempt to dye it all again.

"It’s fine, Calder. I'll be over to Anna's in a little bit, okay?" I started to exit the restroom, spotting Alex still sitting at the table waiting for me. He was glancing down at the watch on his wrist and drumming his long, slender fingers on the table top.

"Okay, Win. I'll see you then." The phone clicked, and I glanced at the screen to realize that he'd ended the call before even saying goodbye. He was taking his big brother role a little bit too seriously, I had decided, but I put Calder out of my brain once I saw Alex smiling towards me as he rose from his seat.

"Decide where you wanna go next?" He asked, offering me his hand as any true gentleman would. I slid my own long hand into his own, feeling the rough skin of his palm against my fingertips. I shrugged my shoulders; I really had no other expectations, other than a fantastic goodnight kiss. He'd already been such a wonderful date, gone way over the top than I would have expected. Obviously, despite my body's unwavering protests, anything further would have to wait.

"No, I think I should be heading home actually. My brother's having a conniption. It's past my curfew." I tried to joke off my irritation, but I still felt it clinging to me as Alex put his arm around my waist and led me out of the restaurant.

"Ah, he's still operating under the impression that I'm a serial waitress murderer?"

That made me laugh. We stood on the sidewalk outside of the front doors, Alex leaning against the wall and lighting a cigarette as I stood in front of him. It was his third one in the couple hours we'd been together. I rested my hands on my hips as he puffed out a small stream of smoke. "More like operating under the impression that he needs to make up for how shitty he was to me when we were in high school."

He nodded thoughtfully. "I'm sure there's some long, angst ridden explanation behind that rather loaded statement?"

"Naturally," I replied, unconsciously stepping closer to him. He noticed before I did, dropping his cigarette to his feet and stepping it out after only two drags on it. He reached for my hand and pulled me another step closer to him, keeping my hand firmly in his grasp.

"Is it incredibly arrogant of me to assume I can still request a kiss after you just watched me light up a cancer stick?"

Definitely not, I inwardly decided. Without hesitation, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. They were thin but decidedly full, and soft. Just right, and perfectly contrasting with my own natural pout. I hadn't been kissed in years and it was a much missed sensation. I felt my own fingertips brush against his prominent squared jawline, grazing the short amount of sandy blonde stubble on his chin, and his arms wrapped around my lower back. It felt like fireworks shooting off inside of my body, something I couldn't remember ever feeling before with the boys I'd kissed in junior high and high school.

After what felt like only a short moment, Alex pulled away from me. My chest heaved bitterly; I hadn't wanted it to end so quickly. It was like a reawakening in me, bringing to life feeling I had pt on the backburner for so long in favor of escaping home and starting anew. I looked at him and saw a satisfied grin on his face. Maybe he had felt the same way, too.

"Well, I guess that was a good answer." I watched him rub his lips together, and my face got hot. His arms were still around me and our noses were near touching, his head titled downward to accommodate my height. My jawline itched a little from where his stubble had rubbed against me, but I thought it might seem off putting if I scratched it with our faces so close together. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and Alex cleared his throat a little. "So, are you really sure you want to go home yet?"



I wasn't completely sure how it had happened, how I had completely surrendered my common sense so easily and drowned in Alex's oceanic gaze. I felt my entire body tighten and ache when his arms rested around me, an exhausting feeling of unfulfillment coursing through me. It had been so long since I had genuinely wanted someone, wanted them for myself and not just want them because they took the effort to try and get me. Was it stupid? Of course; any decisions made below the beltline always were, in my experience. I'd made just as many mistakes as any other bored high school girl, but part of me rationalized that this was something I was doing for myself. I wasn't just going along because Alex wanted me in that moment: I was doing it because I actually wanted him, and damn if I didn't deserve to get something I wanted.

The limo door had barely been shut all the way before we were on each other, his long nimble fingers sliding up the tight space between the fabric of my skirt and my warm thighs, gripping the skin and massaging it beneath his fingertips. A surge of heat passed through my lower half as he hiked my skirt up so I could straddle him comfortably. The limo started moving, the driver hidden to us behind the black tinted window, but he was the least of our concerns.

His hands moved up my sides and beneath my modest breasts, kneading his fingers against them through the fabric of my shirt and bra as his lips ferociously returned to mine. A small noise escaped me into his own mouth, and I began to feel him harden through his pants against my black boy short panties, my favorite lace trimmed pair. My hand slid down his chest to the front of his pants, fingertips teasingly rubbing against his growing manhood. He let out a small gasp against my mouth, like he hadn't been touched in as long as I had. His lips ceased attacking mine for a moment. "I've been hoping for this since I first saw you. A beautiful woman like you..."

But I had spent enough time talking, and before he could finish his thought I was pressing my lips to his again and opening his mouth with my own hurriedly, like my supply of oxygen was coming through him. I could feel my heartbeat pulsating through my entire body. I couldn't take it anymore. I began tugging at his zipper, lost in my own frenzy that I actually pushed his helping hand away so I could do it myself. He chuckled against my mouth. "Nice to see a woman with initiative."

"Oh, just shut up and fuck me."

"Oh my God, are you guys gonna go out again?" Anna sat down on the floor of her apartment, back against the foot of her couch as she handed me a wine cooler as I sat on my knees across from her. She was beaming like I had just told her a fairy tale, which actually, I supposed it really did sound like one. Especially since I left out the part about the frantic limo sex that had lasted long after Alex's driver pulled up along the curb in front of my apartment complex. It was kind of freeing to be so reckless, to just do something because I wanted to. I had a moment of panic where I thought that perhaps his driver, an older gentleman with greying hair, would open the door in the midst of me riding Alex as if my life and sanity depended on it, but Alex had assured me that Cliff would wait for his signal that we were ready to leave the vehicle. I figured I would just tell Anna what had happened later on, when it was just the two of us. When Calder wasn't eyeing me suspiciously from the kitchen where he was pouring himself a rum and Coke. Apparently Anna's tequila distraction plan hadn't worked as well as she had anticipated.

"Yeah, he's taking me out on Saturday. He said it's just going to be a little get-together so I have a heads up on how to dress this time." I blushed. Calder came and sat down next to Anna, running a hand over his ever-growing black hair. She rested her head against his shoulder, chocolate colored waves falling along his arm. They seemed to be getting to be closer than just being a date for his boss's birthday party this weekend, like perhaps a relationship might even blossom. They were kind of a perfect pairing, in my opinion.

"So you gonna bring him around for us to get to meet him, too?" Calder finally piped up, wearing an expression that reminded me so much of his father. Dan used to make that same face at me when he would catch me coming home from a party at three in the morning when he sat up and waited for me long after my mother had passed out. It wasn't a look I particularly liked; it was very accusatory almost, a silent 'Don't lie to me, young lady' message. I had to refrain myself from squirming with discomfort.

"Yeah, once we go out a few more times. I don't need you scaring him off, ya know." I quirked a brow at Calder, trying to dissuade his suspicion as I took a small sip from y drink. "And what about you two, huh? What's all this cuddly, lovey dovey stuff?" Calder looked down at Anna, who beamed like she had just won a game show and scooted half an inch closer to him.

"Just gettin' to know each other, Win."

Friday and Saturday morning seemed to drag on for an eternity. I performed a little less than stellar at work, my head in the clouds with all of my curiosities of what would happen on my second date with Alex. I hoped we would have sex again, my whole body tingling with anticipation at the thought. It had been so incredible, such a real, raw experience. I finally felt like a woman, in control of my own desires and how and where I wanted them taken care of.

When I got home from the diner on Friday, he called me just as I was walking in the door to ask how my shift had gone, that he would've come in to see him if he hadn't been in a meeting for the morning and buried in blueprints for the afternoon. It was sweet , I thought, especially because he was genuinely interested in my day. Not what I was wearing, or if I'd talk to dirty to him while we were both alone; just asked about my day and if I was excited to see him the following day.

I spent all of Saturday morning trying to find the right outfit and right hairstyle, eventually settling on a pair of solid black leggings and a blush pink peasant style shirt that fully covered to below my buttocks. The neckline was tasteful; yet still low enough that a little bit of cleavage from my average sized breasts were visible. I threw on a few black glittery bangles on my right wrist, perfectly visible from the three-quarter inch sleeves, and pair of chunky black heels. My hair was wild as ever, so I thought it best to just throw it up in a ponytail to keep in out of my face. I was pretty pleased with my outfit, though I had no second opinion because Calder and Anna had gone out for dinner before his employer's birthday party. I wondered ironically if there would be strippers there.

My phone went off as I sat on the couch waiting, causing my heart to sail pathetically high into my throat. "Hey, you on your way?" I asked without hesitation, a grin growing across my face. Alex chuckled on the other end.

"Be there in five, kiddo. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you either."


Seeing Alex in something other than a suit had been strange. It was like wearing a suit had been his signature thing, but here he was in black button down shirt and dark jeans, waiting for me outside of his limo with the door ajar and a broad grin on his face. One corner of his mouth upturned, it looked almost impish. Maybe he was reminiscing like I had been, my lower region burning with remembrance of him inside of me and his hands guiding my hips. I resisted the tremble creeping up in my bones as he kissed me in greeting.

"Hey, beautiful. You look..." He glanced me over as I slid into the back seat. "Wow." I giggled as I scooted over to make room for him, and he followed right behind me, sitting so close that our thighs touched.

"The feeling is mutual. I don't think I've ever not seen you in a suit. I like it, though." I nuzzled up beside him, and pressed a kiss to my temple and rested an arm around my shoulder. The limo pulled out and began driving up the street without me even noticing until we had been going for a few minutes; I was too entranced by Alex, wrapped up in my own anticipation.

"Well, it won't be the last time. I thought maybe you'd like to come by my place tonight. It doesn't have a view like the Senator's, but it's got its own advantages." A smile grew across his face, the scarred side of his cheek refusing to upturn to match the other side. I itched to ask what had happened to him, why his nerves were clearly dead end and how his otherwise flawless face had been marred, but for some reason a small voice in the back of my head told me it was too soon to ask about it. Another voice told me this was a stupid reason since we'd already had sex, but I decided that I didn't want to know yet. A little mystique might be good.

"Yeah, that sounds great. You leave for London on Monday, right?" I asked almost sadly. Everything had happened so quickly that the thought of him being gone as suddenly as he had arrived was kind of an emptying feeling. He sensed my disappointment and tugged me closer with his arm.

"My flight leaves at eleven. But hey, it'll only be a few days and then things can get right back to where they were. And it's not like either of us can't pick up a phone and call each other." His eyes, those beautiful blue pools, looked almost hopefully at me, waiting to see if his words had given me any comfort. I pressed a small kiss to the corner of his mouth, and he chuckled quietly. "That's my girl."

After a few silent minutes between the two of us, which I was more than content to partake in despite the fact that I had been mentally and physically prepared for more fantastic sex, the limo stopped along the curb of a building I recognized immediately once the door was opened. The illuminated pink sign was in no way mistakable, and I nearly sighed aloud before catching myself.

Showponies...Oh boy.

As I learned very quickly, Alex had designed Showponies for Freddy Danvers nearly six years previous, and he and the balding older man had been friends ever since. I glanced over my shoulder constantly, searching for Calder and Anna as Alex chatted with Freddy. The bass of the club music was pounding so hard I could feel it in the soles of my shoes, and the dim lighting made it almost impossible for me to keep an eye out for the two people I was completely waiting to ambush me and embarrass the hell out of me in front of Alex.

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