Little White Lies (10 page)

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Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

BOOK: Little White Lies
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“Spank me, Nick”, she told him, trying to keep her voice from cracking. “I earned it, I deserve it, and I just want to get it the hell over with. Then we’ll talk.”

Nick couldn’t have been more surprised if she’d told him she’d been abducted by aliens. His heart swelled with pride as it became clear to him just what she was saying. It may have sounded like “Spank me, Nick”, but what it really said was “I trust you. I value you and your judgment, and I will submit to you when you have my best interest at heart.” His beautiful Maggie did love him whether she would admit it or not.

Nick helped her get her leggings and panties down and guided her gently over his lap. He looked at her lovely bottom and knew he would remember this moment for the rest of his life, the moment his gorgeous Maggie submitted to his discipline. Oh, he knew he could have overpowered her. He was far superior in size and strength. He also knew there would be times in the future when it might come to that, and he was committed to doing whatever it took to keep her safe and sound. For now though, he would savor every second of this unexpected gift.

Nick ran his hand softly over her bottom, caressing and soothing as she quivered over his lap. He could hear her rapid breathing and was sure her heart was fluttering in her chest like a trapped bird. He almost wished he could forgo the entire spanking, and concentrate on bringing her pleasure, but he knew that wasn’t possible. He had to follow through on everything he promised, even things that were decidedly unpleasant for them both. Not that he wouldn’t enjoy turning her little butt a stunning shade of red when she had it coming, and feel damn satisfied doing it, but tonight was a little different. Yes, she’d earned it, and he was going to administer a genuine bad girl spanking, but in his heart he truly wished he didn’t have to.

As Nick’s hand began to fall, Maggie tried to keep her squirming to a minimum. This wasn’t too bad, she thought. A warm tingly heat began to permeate her bottom as he made sure not to leave any part of her untouched. Pausing briefly, Nick rubbed as if to take away the sting, and Maggie found herself breathing harder, not from pain, but from something totally unexpected.

“Why are you getting spanked, Maggie?” he asked softly.

“Um… for fibbing and…”

“Maggie…?” Nick asked again in a scolding tone while delivering several harder smacks to her already warm ass.

“For lying,” she answered quickly, “and for other things that I can’t think of right now”.

“Why can’t you think of them now?” Nick asked, trying not to grin.

“Well, right now I’m a little distracted,” she panted, torn between actually liking what he was doing so far and fear of what she knew was probably coming. He sure hadn’t been able to make her enjoy that damn wooden spoon!

Nick turned up the heat and the speed, peppering her backside with crisp slaps that built on the fire already blazing on her rapidly reddening bottom. As Maggie began trying to wiggle away, he tightened his arm across her back and pulled her to him, close and tight. It was important she understand she wasn’t going anywhere until he decided to let her go. Soft whimpers were now escaping from her lips, and he kept the pace steady until he had covered every inch of her bottom several times. Holding his hand on her ass and testing the temperature, he questioned her again.

“Are you going to lie to me again, angel?”

“I don’t think so,” Maggie answered, trying to be honest at long last.


“I’ll try not to, really, really try,” she panted.


“No! No, never lie to you again. Nope, won’t happen. Please, Nick, I’m truly sorry,” she begged, getting more frantic by the second.

“Okay, sweetheart, let’s finish this up,” he told her, beginning to spank her upper thighs firmly.

! Are you kidding me?” she shouted, fighting for all she was worth to get away.

Nick merely pulled her more securely against him and began spanking with ever increasing fervor, making sure he reddened her thighs and then concentrating on the bottom of her cheeks. Much as he loved her, he needed to let her know that her behavior would not be tolerated.

Maggie was sobbing over his lap by the time the last smack fell, no longer even attempting to get away. Nick let her cry for a few minutes, gently rubbing her back and whispering endearments. When he felt sufficient time had passed, he pulled her up and planted her firmly on his lap, cuddling her against his chest as she hissed with pain.

“It’s alright, darlin’,” he soothed, sliding his hand gently along her hip, careful not to touch her hot bottom. Nick continued to whisper sweet nothings into her ear as he wiped the tears away, kissing her cheeks, her eyes, and finally her mouth. Maggie’s lips quivered under his, and his heart stopped until she began to respond, her hand sliding into his hair as she surrendered yet again. When she finally broke the kiss and rested her head on his shoulder, he rocked her in his arms, thanking his lucky stars.

When Maggie finally began to get up, Nick stood and let her slide gently to her feet. Beyond embarrassment, she didn’t even try to cover the lower half of her body as she slowly made her way to the stairs.

“I’ll be down in a few minutes,” she told him, sniffling sadly.

Nick hid his grin. No way was she going to make him apologize. She earned every hard lick.

“Okay, sweetie, take your time.”

Upstairs, Maggie surveyed the damage in her cheval mirror. Damn, her butt was red, but she was truly surprised to find no bruises. The way it felt she was sure there’d be welts, but there were none. She found it hard to believe something that hurt that bad did no permanent damage.

Grabbing the aloe from her bathroom she very, very gently smoothed it over her skin, feeling instant relief. From her closet she took out her fullest long, gauzy skirt and slipped it on along with a pair of sandals and a tank top. No way was she putting on panties; the heat was just too uncomfortable. She fixed her hair, used eye drops to get rid of the red, and added enough makeup to hopefully conceal the fact that she’d spent the last half hour sobbing like a baby. Damn, that man had a hand big as a paddle. She’d have to be real careful not to find herself in the same position again. Maggie got a mint green hoodie to match her outfit and snagged her softest bed pillow before heading downstairs.

Nick was waiting impatiently, hoping the fireworks were over for the night. He had poured them each a glass of wine and watched, mesmerized, as she picked hers up and drained the entire glass without coming up for air. Dabbing daintily at her lips with a tissue, she then slipped into her hoodie, and walked up to him. Grabbing his shirt, she pulled him down to her height and planted a kiss on him that took his breath away.

“Take me to the Police Station,” she demanded, and picking up her purse and pillow, she swept out the door.

Maggie was trying to climb into the truck by the time he caught up with her and having a hell of a time. He put the pillow on her seat and scooped her up in his arms intending to set her gently on her bottom. Catching a whiff of her scent, he held her in his arms until she looked up into his eyes. The raised eyebrow caused her heart to skip a beat, and his blue eyes blazed into hers.

“Next time, no aloe and no pillow unless I say so,” he scolded, setting her down on the pillow a little more firmly than necessary.

“It hurts,” she shot back, rubbing where she could reach as he climbed into his side of the truck.

“It’s supposed to, and no rubbing either.”

Maggie stopped rubbing, and he could have sworn he heard her growl. Nick smiled and started the truck, backing out onto the street.

“Who was that parked outside when I pulled up? He left in a pretty big hurry.”

Maggie put her head in her hand and took a deep breath.

“It would be better it we waited until we get to the station,” she replied evasively. Hopefully, she would get to speak with an officer alone. She planned on involving Nick on a strictly need to know basis, if at all possible. She couldn’t even conceive of another spanking in the near future, and the less he knew the better.




Chapter Eight



Things didn’t look promising when they got to the police station. The Sergeant at the front desk gave a whoop and came around, and the back pounding and hand shaking began. Great, just peachy, Maggie thought. Could this night get any better?

“What brings you here, Nick?” Sergeant Mulvaney asked with a smile. “I assume the good counselor is staying out of trouble,” he teased, looking at Maggie.

“I guess that depends on who you ask, John,” Nick replied. “This little lady is Maggie Cassidy and she wants to talk to an officer. I’m not too sure what it’s about, but I’m
interested. Who’s on duty tonight?”

“That would be Detective Rory O’Malley. Let me ring through to him.”

Maggie’s shoulders sagged in defeat. Was everyone conspiring against her? Of every police officer in the city, she had to get the only one she didn’t want to talk to. She loved her brother with all her heart, but he was the one person who would take this much more seriously than it probably was. Rory was every inch a cop, from the top of his coal black hair to the tips of his shoes, and every bit of the six foot four inches in between. Rory took
seriously. He was ex Special Forces, and despite his seemingly congenial disposition, he had a mind like a steel trap. Everything was weighed, measured, and stored away for future reference. Nothing escaped his notice, and he was a wizard in all things cyber. Even though he was part of a large close-knit family, it always seemed as though there was something he wasn’t sharing—something just under the surface, if you could only figure it out. Her mother called him Black Irish, and with his piercing blue eyes it wasn’t hard to understand why. Physically, he was the oldest and strongest of the siblings. Rory was still unmarried, but not for lack of every girl in their neighborhood trying to snag him. Privately, Maggie had always thought that most of her high school girlfriends had used their friendship as a way to get to Rory. It had never worked of course, but even today she had a couple of friends who would love to use their relationship as a springboard right into Rory’s massive arms.

As Rory came down the hallway, he was already assessing the situation. He hadn’t seen Nick Kord in over fifteen years, but the minute he set eyes on him he suspected he was Jason’s father. The resemblance was just too striking to be a coincidence. Maggie had her back to him, and every few seconds he could see her reach back and rub her bottom. Interesting. When Nick looked at her and raised his eyebrow, she immediately stopped. Has little Miss Maggie finally met her match? Rory had liked his brother in law and was genuinely sorry to lose him, but Maggie had run that show, even though she would never admit it. She did what she wanted, when she wanted, and Jim never said boo. If she had wanted to ride naked through the streets like Lady Godiva, Jim would have said, “All right, honey, have a good time.”

“How are you, Nick? Good to see you,” Rory said reaching them and shaking Nick’s hand firmly.

“I’m good, Rory, good to see you too,” Nick replied and meant it.

“What brings you here, Cupcake?” he asked with a grin, knowing she hated the nickname, and sliding his arm around her shoulder for a quick squeeze.

“Bad judgment,” she replied, trying to turn and walk away.

Nick grasped her arm and turned her in a complete circle till she ended up nose to chest with her brother. “She has a problem and seems reluctant to discuss it. I was hoping we could find a little room where we could talk and get to the bottom of this.”

“No problem,” Rory responded taking a hold of Maggie’s other arm. “We’ll use my office. John, hold my calls unless it’s an emergency.”

Maggie wasn’t sure if her feet actually touched the floor on the way to her brother’s office. With one Neanderthal on each side of her, she had very little choice in the matter. Once seated behind his desk, Rory was all business except for the name Cupcake Cassidy he scrawled across the top of his legal pad. Maggie yelped when Nick’s hand came down firmly on her knee, preventing her from giving her brother the swift kick he deserved.

“All right, let’s have it,” Rory ordered, and before she knew what happened she spilled out the entire story. Refusing to meet either of their eyes, Maggie started with Jack Harley’s threats and the assault at work. She softly told about being followed, the hang-up phone calls, and tonight’s most frightening episode with the drive by and Jack actually getting out of his car across the street. By the time she was finished and raised her head, Rory’s blue eyes were hard as glass, and he had a tick in his jaw. She didn’t even want to look at Nick, but she could hear him cracking his knuckles.

“What did Mason say about this? You did tell him?” Rory questioned as he picked up the phone and dialed a number. “I need a warrant,” he informed whoever answered on the other end.

“Well, not exactly…”Maggie stated, squirming on her chair.

“What the hell does that mean?” Rory thundered. With a quick, “I’ll call you back,” he slammed down the phone.

Maggie jumped up and tried to get past Nick, but quickly changed her mind when he rose and looked down into her eyes. Oh, this is not good, she thought, sinking gently back onto her chair.

“I told Mason,” Nick said tightly. “As soon as I found out what had gone on, I was on the phone. Mason fired him the next morning, and we thought that was the end of it.” Nick continued, still standing and running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Neither one of us knew anything about the other incidents,” he finished, glaring at Maggie. “If we had, it probably wouldn’t have gotten this far.”

“Maybe not,” Rory replied, “but you never know. There are a lot of men out there who get off on terrorizing women. This jerk may be one of them. I’ll get a warrant, and we’ll pick him up as soon as we can find him. This is stalking and possibly a felony, so hopefully we’ll be able to put him away for a while. In the meantime, you have three choices, Cupcake. You can go stay at Ma’s; I’m sure you’d enjoy that,” he grinned. “You can hang around here until one and go home with me, or you can go home, but Nick stays with you. What’ll it be?”

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