Little White Lies (12 page)

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Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

BOOK: Little White Lies
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Maggie didn’t struggle, but she tried to reason with him one last time.

“Let’s talk about this, Nick,” she panted, then squealed in surprise when he tossed her on the bed.

“In case you haven’t noticed, sweetheart, I’m through talking,” he informed her as he quickly striped off the rest of his clothes. Nick threw another log on the smoldering fire. Flames licked at the dry wood, and the resulting glow outlined his body.

Maggie tried not to look at him. She
must not
look at him, she told herself sternly, as her eyes traveled over his muscular frame. Even though the room was dark, she could clearly see why she’d never wanted him in this room. No longer was it a feminine haven. Nick was a big man, and he cast an even bigger shadow with the firelight behind him. She would forever remember the man before her and how he looked tonight.

He began to remove her clothes. Nick’s strong hands slid up her legs and pulled down her skirt, smiling when he saw that she was sans panties. He pushed her tank top up and caressed her breasts, nibbling on her nipples through the lace of her bra. Maggie put her hands up to unsnap the front, but Nick took them and put them firmly down at her sides. He continued to tease and torment her while she arched her back, trying to get closer to his mouth. After what seemed to be hours, Nick moved to her neck and sucked softly as he deftly unsnapped the bra and pushed if off her breasts, revealing hard nipples begging for more.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, and he nipped at the lobe. His hand continued to take shameful advantage of her bare breasts; he tugged and worried first one nipple and then the other. Finally, he nibbled his way down her neck and arrived at the crest of her breast, kissing and lightly sucking everywhere but where she wanted it most. His hand slid down her ribcage and over her slightly rounded belly, gliding along as if it had no particular destination in mind. Reaching her core, he skipped the best part and caressed the insides of her thighs, encouraging her to separate her legs. Maggie wasn’t having it, but a light slap on each thigh changed her mind. Nick gently parted her lips and found an abundance of cream which he began to paint over every nook and cranny. He was quite the artist Maggie discovered, and she moaned when he found hidden treasure. Over and over again he gathered and painted, but he never entered her. His wonderful lips still worshipped at her breast, but he would not be rushed.

Maggie was beside herself. Her hips chased his fingers and her breast his lips. When she truly thought she would lose her mind, he entered her with his thick finger at the exact second he sucked her nipple firmly into his mouth. His thumb danced across her clit and she shattered into a million pieces. Maggie had no idea how she would ever put herself back together again, and she rode his hand like a mad woman.

Nick held her close as she weathered the storm.

“I’ve got you, baby. It’s all right. I’ll never let you fall, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear, stroking the hair back from her face. As soon as her breathing returned to a somewhat normal pattern, Nick attended to her other breast and brought her back to life with just a few strokes of his fingers. Maggie screamed as her body again shot through the clouds, and Nick held her as she continued to contract around his finger, soothing her and gently letting her come back to herself. When she had quieted, he rolled her over on her stomach and rubbed the tension out of her shoulders and lower spine. Maggie snuggled into the comforter with a sigh, pulling one leg up slightly into the position she liked to sleep, but Nick wasn’t having any of that yet. Patting her still warm cheeks, he alternated with short little spanks and soft rubs. Running his hand over her bottom, he let it slide lower and entered her from behind with his finger. Her immediate clenching and low moan let him know she was still with him, and he gently continued rubbing for a few minutes more.

Maggie had no idea who she was in bed with. The inexperienced Nick of fifteen years ago was gone. The passionate but hurried Nick of New Years was gone. The man in her bed tonight was someone she never imagined existed. His hot hands and hungry mouth knew exactly what they were doing, and he was in no hurry tonight.

Nick turned Maggie onto her back and kissed her deeply. His hands were again traveling the now familiar road, and she sighed softly. Kissing his way down her body, he caressed her tummy. Nick stopped and slid Maggie higher up on the bed. The damn thing was just too small for him, but he’d make due for now. Resuming his delightful journey, he continued downward until he positioned himself between Maggie’s legs. His broad shoulders prevented her from closing them, and that was exactly what he wanted.

Maggie tried to push his head away, but a crisp smack on her thigh had her rethinking her impulse.

Nick was in heaven. As far as he was concerned, there wasn’t a better place on earth than between his baby’s thighs. Even though he was hard enough to drill a right through the mattress, he still had the strength to hang on for a while longer. He loved watching Maggie come apart in his arms, and he fully intended to take advantage of this opportunity. Kissing and nibbling his way from one thigh to the other, Nick again avoided the one place she wanted his kiss. Sliding his finger into her tight channel, he continued to tease her while she panted and moaned beneath him. Finally taking pity on her, he pulled her clit into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he added another finger. The spasms started immediately, and Nick followed her long dance with amazing persistence. While she was still crying out her pleasure, Nick rose above her and holding her warm bottom cheeks in both hands, he entered her in one thrilling thrust. Maggie went wild. She was uncontrollable, starving for his possession and not even aware that she was sobbing his name over and over. Her nails scored his back as she bucked beneath him, and when he picked up speed she imploded, convulsing around him as he continued to fight his own climax. It felt so good; he never wanted it to end. Her heat, her cries, were all he lived for now, and he gave her everything he had. Maggie had no choice but to go with him into the storm, and as Nick exploded within her, lightening seared her once more. The last rainbow was another surprise.


* * *


Maggie awoke slowly just as the sun began making forays into her bedroom. Her head was on Nick’s shoulder and his arm kept her clamped to his side. Poor Nick was sleeping corner to corner on her bed and still his feet hung off. Opening her eyes, she studied the sleeping man beside her. God, he was magnificent. His face was relaxed, making him look younger than his years, even with the flecks of silver at his temple. His pecks were well defined, and his chest, which had a sprinkling of dark hair, rose and fell with his quiet breathing. And the mother of all blessings, he was on his back and not snoring. Her eyes traveled down his firm abs and trim waist, moving quickly to his strong thighs. As huge as they were, even his feet were attractive. Slowly moving his arm, she rolled onto her back and assessed her own body. Not too bad for having born three children she thought, although her slightly rounded abdomen bothered the hell out of her. As far as the rest of her, she might as well have been made out of butter. Maggie felt as though she didn’t have a muscle in her body. Every part of her was soft and languid. Other than a little soreness on her backside and between her legs, she never felt so relaxed. A blush began on her chest and quickly swept up over her face as she recalled her wanton behavior. Nick was an incredible lover. Maggie hadn’t had sex like that since…well not ever, she forced herself to admit.

Unfortunately, everything she’d been afraid of had come to pass. Nick had completely taken control of her. From the moment he’d swept her into his arms, he had owned her. Maggie had been utterly helpless against his skill and her desire. Even now, as she tried to get out of bed, his huge body lying on her hair trapped her. She was well and truly caught, like a butterfly on a pin. She was dead meat. She pictured herself as June Cleaver, scurrying around the house in heels and pearls, waiting for her lord and master to get home. She would be waiting at the door with his pipe, slippers, and the evening paper, as she presented her cheek for his kiss, asking “How was your day, Dear?” Well, scratch the pipe, Nick didn’t smoke, but… it could
happen. Once a woman lost her independence, she was toast. Still, her mind continued, he was a fantastic lover. I wonder if I could rent him, say like twice a week for… eternity. Hey, maybe being like Carol Brady would work out better. She wasn’t allowed to work either, but she’d had a maid! But what about the spanking thing? That was a little worrisome. She hadn’t seen any of those TV wives get spanked, but heck, who knew what went on behind the scenes. All those men were old-fashioned, no nonsense kind of guys, just like Nick. She didn’t even want to think about Lucy and Ricky, oh no, let’s not go

Maggie worked quietly to free her hair, and finally managed to get out of bed leaving only a few strands behind. Tip-toeing across the room to the bathroom, she closed the door without waking at him. Other than her bottom being slightly pink and her hair making her look like a wild banshee, there wasn’t a mark on her. Thankfully no hickeys marked her smooth throat, saving her from turtlenecks for the next week. A hickey would be
hard to explain to her mother. No, there was not an outward mark to show that she had spent the night being devoured by an insatiable lover. Nothing to show that she had lost count of the number of times she had come apart in his arms. He’d been gentle and relentless, never taking his pleasure until she was utterly spent. He was exactly the kind of man she always wanted, and as she got in the shower she wondered for a fleeting moment which of her friends she could get to take him off her hands.




Chapter Ten



The call from Rory came while they were eating breakfast. Jack Harley had been picked up this morning, and Rory wanted to let Maggie and Nick know as soon as possible. They found him drunk and sleeping in his car about two blocks from Maggie’s house. A shiver went down her spine that had nothing to do with Nick’s supportive arm around her waist as she spoke with her brother. She could tell from the sound of his voice that he wasn’t a happy camper when he asked to speak with Nick.

Maggie could only hear one side of the conversation, but it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what Rory was asking Nick.

“Yes, she’s fine,” Nick answered. “I took care of it. No, I don’t think she’ll do anything so foolish again,” Nick continued, shooting a look at Maggie that had her blushing immediately.

“Yes, I’ll tell her. Keep me informed if anything comes up. Thanks, Rory.”

“Are you and my brother through discussing what a bad girl I’ve been?” Maggie asked sarcastically as she began cleaning up the kitchen.

“For now,” Nick replied. “Although knowing you, I doubt it’s the last time the subject will come up.”

“What did my illustrious brother want you to tell me,” she demanded, hands on her hips, her defiance clear to see.

Nick admired her spirit. Standing there in her silky emerald green robe and bare feet, she thrust her chin out as her hair cascaded down her back. For two cents, he’d spank her rosy ass again and take her back upstairs, but this was serious and he wanted to make sure she understood. In a heartbeat he snaked his arm around her waist and lifted her right off the floor. When they were nose to nose, he looked directly into her amber eyes and delivered Rory’s message.

“He wanted me to tell you that if you ever put yourself or his niece and nephews in danger again, well…he said to tell you, the line forms behind him.”

“Oh,” Maggie gulped as embarrassment swept through her. Her arms crept around his broad shoulders as she buried her face in his neck.

“Oh, Nick,” she sighed weaving her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck. “Why am I such a screw-up?” she moaned. Before he knew what happened, the moan became a sob, and the sob became a wail.

Sweeping her up into his arms, Nick debated where to go with his almost hysterical woman. He decided on the big rocker in the living room, carried her there, and settled her on his lap. Rocking gently, he held her close to his heart and tried to soothe her.

“Sweetheart,” he told her as he tried to keep the smile out of his voice. “Everyone adores you, you know that,” he continued patting her back as she sobbed into his chest. “You’re smart and beautiful. You’re a wonderful mother, a hard worker, loyal, and dependable. I love your spirit and that you don’t back down if you believe you’re right.”

“Then… then why does everyone want to… to… span… spank me?” She pushed herself away from Nick’s chest to look into his eyes as tears dripped down her face.

“Baby, no one
to spank you,” he told her, pulling her back against his chest and starting the chair rocking again. “We just want you to be safe and to take care of yourself. I can only speak for myself, but as far as I’m concerned, you never have to have another spanking again.”

got Maggie’s attention. Sitting up, she wiped the tears from her face.

“Really?” she asked with a look of hope on her face.

“Really,” he assured her, unable to stop his grin.

Maggie sighed in relief and snuggled back into his arms. Nick held her close and kissed the top of her head.

“Wait a minute,” Maggie demanded bolting back upright. “Is this a trick?”

“Nope, no tricks,” Nick told her wrapping her in his arms. “I promise never to spank you again. As long as you never lie to me and never do anything to put your health and safety in jeopardy, your sweet little butt is safe from me.”

“Great,” huffed Maggie. “I knew it was a trick. Who gets to decide what’s safe and what isn’t?”

“Me, after we discuss it of course.” Nick calmly stated.

“Oh, of course,”’ she sneered. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. We both know what a big fat liar I’ve become, so let’s just say marrying you and getting my butt roasted three times a week isn’t exactly on my bucket list.”

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