Lone Star 05 (26 page)

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Authors: Wesley Ellis

BOOK: Lone Star 05
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“You want another drink?” he asked, holding up the bottle.
“I'm talking to you, Thad!”
He took a generous gulp of the burning whiskey. “Sorry, Jessie.” His long, lean frame straightened as he stood. He rubbed his good hand over the stubble on his chin. “No,” he said finally. “No more manhunting for me. I guess I'm not coldblooded enough or dirty enough to make a go of that.”
“What are you going to do, then?” Her interest was keen, for this man had touched her in a special way. She didn't want his life to be a waste, as had too many others.
“Well, I've been thinking I may give ranching a try. I'll need to raise a decent stake, though. So probably you can find me riding line for a while. At least until I have enough to buy my own spread.”
“Thad Hill, you sure can make a woman red-hot angry when you've a mind to.”
“What in damnation do you mean by that?”
“You haven't said a word about the wages the Starbuck company owes you—or the bonus. Wouldn't that be a start? And if you wanted a loan—”
Thad looked down at the carpet, its pattern swimming before his eyes. “Can't take money from a woman, Jessie. You know me better than that.”
“But we agreed on it. And it's not from me—it's from the company. Can't you get that through your thick skull?”
When he met her gaze she was smiling again. The fist of tension in his gut eased off some. She was right. Where did he get off, being so prideful? And where would he ever make over five hundred dollars in one lump sum again?
It was difficult, though, for him to give in. He swallowed hard and said, “Hell, the kid's dead. I don't know what we accomplished out there—or how I earned the money.”
“If it hadn't been for you, Thad, we might all be lying out there dead along with Thomas. You did more than your share. And were wounded to boot.”
Strangely, the ache in his arm had diminished and he had nearly forgotten the awkward sling that supported it. Just being with her helped all the pain flow away. “Well, if you say so,” he allowed, a smile splitting his handsome face.
“Damn right I say so. I'll have Barbara draw up a draft for your wages and the bonus of five hundred dollars tomorrow. How is your arm, by the way?”
“I was just thinking how it doesn't hurt so much—when you're around. You do more good for me than the doc any day.”
“I better have a look at it now. It's probably time to change the dressing. Come on over here, will you?” She patted the soft mattress.
Thad joined her on the bed. She scooted up beside him, the silk fabric pulling tightly against her breasts and legs. A surge of deep desire coursed through him, but he held back as she took off the sling and unwrapped the dressing. He took a long drink from the bottle of whiskey.
“Looks pretty well healed—after that rough ride. And a couple days' rest was good for you.” Fetching the washbowl and a clean cloth, she tenderly washed the wound. “It could have been a lot worse.”
“That blamed McKittrick. If he hadn't spooked—that was one hell of a mess. I thought we had them where we wanted them. Should have known those boys wouldn't go down without a fight.”
“Elkin, too. He died hard.” They were silent as she finished preparing a new dressing. “This will have to do until I get the doctor back to see you. I'll do that tomorrow, too.”
“All this talk about tomorrow,” said Thad with a tinge of humor in his voice. “Today's not over with yet.”
Jessie pushed him down, easing a pillow under his head. “Well, there's so much to do yet today. First I have to bathe you properly, and shave you, then maybe we can get another bottle of whiskey smuggled up here, then I figure we can have a nice hot meal, and then ...”
Her bewitching eyes were locked on his. “That's what I like about you, Jessie,” he said, the lump in his throat gone now. He was tired, and a pleasant sort of pain was building between his legs. “You're always thinking ahead.”
Jessie Starbuck tossed back her flowing mane of bright hair. “Hush up, mister. I've got some plans for the next couple of hours you might be interested in.”
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