Lone Star Valentine (McCabe Multiples) (14 page)

BOOK: Lone Star Valentine (McCabe Multiples)
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She peered up at him thoughtfully. “Thanks. I may take you up on that.”

He grinned. “Looking forward to it. And, Lily...” They could be seen by anyone going in or out of town hall, so he resisted the urge to take her all the way in his arms and instead contented himself with a brief squeeze of her hand. “I don’t think I’ve told you,” he said huskily, “but you look incredibly beautiful today.”

* * *

, and a nice one at that. I don’t understand why you’re so upset,” Violet said when she came by on a break from the hospital to see if there was anything she could do to help Lily.

Lily moved away from her computer, where she had been writing her opening remarks for the celebration, and went back to bundling brochures. “Because he meant it.”

Violet rolled her eyes and moved to lend a hand. “Do you know what I would give to have a man in my life who would pay that much attention to me?”

Lily plucked more brochures from the printer’s shipping box. “You have guys who are interested in you.”

“None like Sterling.”

Her fiancé’s death had hit her hard. Particularly since in the end, there had been so little she could do, even as a physician, to help. “You’ll find someone else,” Lily soothed.

“Like you have?” Violet snapped a rubber band around another bundle.

Lily flushed guiltily.

“Come on, Lily,” her sister chided. “You’re head over heels...”

Lily blushed. “In lust with him.”

Silence fell. “That’s it?” a disbelieving Violet asked finally.

“It’s all it can be.”

Violet shook her head. “Now you’re beginning to sound like Poppy.”

Who they all knew was in love with her best friend, a career soldier deployed in the Middle East, but just wouldn’t admit that anything else would ever be possible.

Violet walked over to hug her. “You have an opportunity here, Lily. Don’t blow it.”

Lily thought about her sister’s advice the rest of the afternoon. And she was still thinking about it when she met up with the rest of the volunteers at the county fairgrounds.

Gannon was easy to spot.

He was surrounded by single women all clamoring for his attention. With his hair rumpled, his tall body clad in a muscle-molding knit shirt and jeans, he looked sexy as could be. Watching, Lily felt a pang of jealousy twist in her heart. Maybe it was foolish, but she wanted him to be all hers. And no one else’s. Not now. Not ever.

He walked over and, not caring that there were a lot of other people watching, gave her a one-armed hug and a kiss to her temple.

Not sure she was ready to go public with their “whatever kind of relationship this was” yet, Lily immediately drew back. Blushed furiously. Then put her hands on her hips and asked in a commanding tone, “Do you know where Miss Mim is?”

Totally unrepentant, he flashed a grin as big as all of Texas. “Actually, she assigned you to work with me.”

Lily groaned. It was hard enough as it was to keep her feelings under wraps, and now she was going to be in forced proximity with him! “Did you arrange that?”

“Didn’t have to,” he drawled. “Miss Mim thought of it all on her own.”

Fighting off the thrill Gannon generated whenever he was near, Lily shut her eyes. Then, biting down on an oath, she forced herself to look back up at him. “She’s matchmaking!”

Gannon leaned forward to whisper in Lily’s ear, “Works for me.” His hand slid around her back, caressing gently. “And it should work for you, too.”

Something was working within her—that was for sure. It did not matter anymore how risky it was, or how impractical. She wanted to be with Gannon, more than ever. For them both to be all in—to each other. And she preferred it to be without either a cheering section or an audience, which was, as they all knew, pretty much impossible in a small town, where anonymity was definitely not the order of the day.

Fortunately for everyone’s sake, she and Gannon had no more time for flirting, given all that had to be done and the long list of chores Miss Mim had assigned them.

For the next two hours, Lily and Gannon worked together setting up a long line of shade awnings. They unloaded tables and folding chairs and arranged them to make an outdoor cafeteria beneath a pavilion. Meanwhile, others worked on opening up and cleaning the wooden booths the food vendors would use.

Lily and Gannon were about to break for dinner when Lily’s sister Rose came to get them. “There are some organizational problems. Miss Mim wants you and Gannon in the fairgrounds office, pronto.”

* * *

heated argument going on between members of the steering committee when they arrived. Not surprisingly, Rex Carter was at the center of it.

Miss Mim turned to Gannon. “Have you stepped down as grand marshal and head judge?”

He shrugged his broad shoulders affably. “Not officially, but if that’s what you all need me to do, I’m happy to comply.”

Marybeth Simmons stepped in. “We can’t ask Gannon to do that for one of Rex’s rogue ideas, especially since it was announced weeks ago that Gannon is the grand marshal.” The local PTA president turned to look at one and all. “I think we should stick with that.”

Lulu Sanderson interjected with the savvy of a barbecue-chain heiress and adept businesswoman, “Except that it’s also been announced that Bode Daniels is going to be the grand marshal and head judge, too.” She looked at one and all. “We really don’t want to be accused of false advertising.”

“Maybe we should let Bode head up the parade and Gannon be the chief food critic,” Erin Monroe-Wheeler said. “Or vice versa.”

“Not sure that’s such a good idea,” Rex muttered, tipping his black Resistol back on his head.

Everyone turned to him.

Rex tugged at the string tie around his neck. “Well, given the fact that they’re both romantically involved with Lily in one way or another,” he said.

Lily choked. “Excuse me?” She felt herself flushing fire-engine red.

Rex squared his shoulders. “You have a son with one, and whatever is going on now with the other guy. Sorry, Gannon, but it’s obvious to one and all you two have the hots for each other. And that, uh, might be too complicated a situation for the public at large.”

To Lily’s consternation, Gannon wasn’t the least bit upset that their attraction to each other was becoming a matter of public record. At least so far as members of the steering committee were concerned.

He stepped in, completely composed. “It’ll be fine,” he told everyone calmly. “Bode and I will split the duties as we see fit. Or whatever works...”

Talk continued a little while longer. Finally, it was decided not to make too big a deal of it. After all, Bode could be so swamped with press attention he wouldn’t be able to do the chili festival justice, and that was what they all wanted and needed most: the event to run smoothly so as many funds as possible could be raised for the various community projects underway.

“Are you really okay with sharing the limelight the next couple of days?” Lily asked later, when the evening’s events were wrapping up.

Gannon walked her as far as her SUV. Despite the rigorous activities of the evening, he still looked full of energy, not to mention handsome as all get-out in his flannel shirt and shearling jacket. “It could get awkward,” Lily persisted.

He raised his brow. “As if it already hasn’t been.”

She nodded. “Point taken.”

Silence fell.

He stayed where he was, not touching her, clearly wanting to. His gaze drifted over her face. “It’s still early.”

For what? Lily glanced at her watch, thinking she should be completely worn out, but wasn’t. “Nearly eleven.”

He shrugged, still looking as if he wanted to kiss her again. “There are a couple places in town that stay open late...”

All places where they would be seen together and commented on, once assumptions were made.

Of course, people would still talk if they sought a quieter sanctuary. But at least then no one would know exactly what was being said. Or in what manner. And since his family ranch was out of the question...

Lily hitched in a breath and whispered, “You really want to come back to my place, don’t you?”

He locked gazes with her and sauntered closer, looking as relaxed about what was happening between them as she wanted to be. “Shows, hmm?” He rubbed his thumb across the curve of her lower lip.

Lily knew a lot was riding on her attitude. “You understand you won’t be staying long?”

The corners of the mouth that had given her such unbelievable pleasure quirked up in a self-deprecating smile. “I’m okay with whatever you want tonight.”

And that seemed to be, in his view anyway, more time alone together. To kiss and make love and further whatever this turned out to be between them. The question was, what did she want? More passion? An enduring friendship? A simple love affair? Assuming anything between her and Gannon could ever be uncomplicated.

Or enough of a boundary to keep her from sacrificing her whole heart into a future that was not likely to happen? At least not the way she wanted it to materialize.

Lily did not know.

And yet, the moment they walked into her house, the intimacy surrounded them. Gannon looked around while she turned on a light. “It’s quiet.”

Lily nodded. There were times when she would think it was too quiet—without Lucas. Not tonight. Tonight it seemed just right.

She reached up to Gannon and stroked his jaw. “It always is when Lucas is with my folks.”

He nodded soberly, looking deep into her eyes. “I like quiet,” he said softly.

Lily said to heck with protecting herself. Rose on tiptoe. Circled her arms about his neck and guided his head down to hers. “And I,” she looked at him gently, tenderly, “like you.”

* * *


the words Gannon had been waiting to hear, but he supposed the declaration was something. Especially since she had spent most of the past few days drawing him maddeningly close, then pushing him abruptly away.

He went still, waiting to see what she would do.

For a second, he thought she was going to change her mind and ask him to leave. Then something in her expression changed, and her guard lowered. A faint smile tugging at her lips, she went up on tiptoe. Eyes shuttering closed, she pressed her lips to his. Wantonly. Hotly. Then sweetly and tenderly.

Passion swept through him, the need to make her his stronger than ever. “If you want me to leave,” he murmured, luxuriating in the soft silky feel of her, “you’re going to have to kick me out of here—now.”

Lily shook her head, already unbuttoning his shirt. “You can stay.” She stroked her hands across his chest and kissed him again. “So long as you realize,” she murmured, her lips blazing a trail down his throat, “this is only a temporary thing.” Her hand went to his fly. “For as long as you’re in town.”

He swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs, to her bed. “Or longer...”

She gasped as he gently set her down. “Gannon...”

He kicked off his boots, bent to tug off hers, then dropped them on the floor and stretched out beside her. A softly glowing night-light and the moonlight shining in through the windows provided the only illumination in the room. He rolled so she was beneath him and kissed her hard and soft and every way in between, aware she was everything he had ever wanted in a woman and more.

“I’m not going to put limits on my feelings or wants and needs, Lily.” He slid his hands beneath her sweater, finding one taut nipple, then the other. He lowered his head, breathing in the scent of her, letting his lips follow his palms. “And neither,” he whispered as her head fell back and she arched up against him, making a tiny little whimpering sound that sent his senses swimming, “should you...”

Lily hadn’t meant to end up making love. Again. Hadn’t meant to be so reckless. But she couldn’t seem to help herself.

There was just something about him that drew her to him like nothing and no one else.

Something that made her let down her defenses and open up her heart. A connection that made her go all fluid and warm.

He’d been so kind to her, so good to her son.

He tasted so good, so undeniably male.

As his hands slid down her hips and he pulled her against him, she felt him, hard with need.

All her life she had longed to be wanted the way he desired her. The surprise was that she needed him, too. Not just this way, their bodies pressed intimately together, but emotionally, as well. As his hands moved over her, undressing, caressing, she gave him full rein. He took her with the hunger and need she possessed.

Afterward, they cuddled close. Gannon stroked a hand down her back. Pressed kisses in her hair. “What is it?”

How did he always know?
Lily asked herself. Finally, she whispered, “You don’t want me to answer that.”

He shifted so she was beneath him. Framing her face with his big hands, he looked down at her, his expression serious. “Tell me,” he urged.

Lily swallowed at the rough note of possession in his voice. “I don’t want to use you to make myself feel better.”

“So what are you saying exactly?” He nudged his knee playfully between the two of hers. “You want to use me to make yourself feel

She laughed despite herself and felt a melting sensation in her middle as he settled in the cradle of her thighs. With effort, she tried not to make too much of her fears. “My life is a mess right now.”

He favored her with a sexy half smile, his gaze roving her face. “Good thing I’m here, then.” He bent his head and kissed her again.

Lily moaned. Much more of this, and she’d end up falling in love with him. If she wasn’t already! Her hands clasped his shoulders tightly. “You’re confusing me even more.”

Smug male confidence exuded from him in mesmerizing waves. “And here all I really wanted to do was turn you on.”

She gasped as he found her breasts. “Gannon.”

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