Looking for Trouble (Nashville U Book 1) (18 page)

Read Looking for Trouble (Nashville U Book 1) Online

Authors: Stacey Mosteller

Tags: #friendship, #alpha male, #school, #dating and sex, #Nashville, #country, #Southern, #Sexy, #coming of age, #south, #New Adult, #college

BOOK: Looking for Trouble (Nashville U Book 1)
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The atmosphere inside the gym is the number one reason I play sports. Fans are cheering, the home team—us—is taunting the away team—Central Kentucky—and the team is having a fucking fantastic season. Twenty games into the season and we’re sitting at 16–4. It’s a much better season than my team had. We only won four out of twelve.

Kat’s sitting three rows down to the right, close enough for me to see her, but since I’m sitting behind her, she can’t see me acting like a creeper. Just sitting here makes me feel like all I need is a pocket full of candy and I’ll be ready to lure girls like her to my lair. I should start practicing my leer now. She’s sitting with her friends, talking and laughing, something she hasn’t been doing much of recently thanks to Max.

The gym is starting to fill up, and just before the game starts, I see first Peyton walk in, then Max and Sophie. I sent him a text when I sat down so he’d know where I was, so it only takes him a few minutes to find me. He doesn’t even notice Peyton walking nearby; he’s so focused on keeping Sophie with him. They climb the steps, slowing everyone behind them because of Sophie’s precarious movements. Her heels are way too high for climbing bleachers. One wrong step, and she’ll have a broken ankle. Hell, she could have a broken neck if she falls all the way down.
Stupid girl

Once they sit down beside me, Max leans close to ask in a low voice, trying to keep Sophie from hearing, “Where’s Kat?” I nod toward where they’re sitting, and he murmurs, “Thanks,” before turning his attention back to Sophie. I stare at him for a minute, trying to figure out why he’s so concerned about Kat’s whereabouts
, and why the fact that he is bugs me, but the game begins, and I focus on the court.

The first two quarters go quickly, and the closer it gets to the end of the game, the more antsy I get on Wyatt’s behalf. He told me he was planning to propose outside the locker room, since this is where their relationship started. He’s so whipped. I figured it wouldn’t be in the middle of things. He wouldn’t want to put Peyton in the spotlight like that, plus he’d be worried she’d say no in front of everyone, and he’d be embarrassed. Guy has no clue just how gone for him she is.

When the final buzzer sounds, the stadium, at least our side of it, erupts into cheers and celebratory screams. The Nighthawks won 97-66, which means the proposal will be the icing on a very fucking good cake. Max and I start to make our way down to the row Kat and Peyton are sitting on and wait for them to meet us in the aisle. Sure, it doesn’t make the people having to walk around the three of us happy, but they’ll get the hell over it.

Scarlett and Becca are the first out into the aisle, and they make their way down the steps to leave room for Kat and Peyton to reach us. Kat gives Max and Sophie a wary glance, but Peyton links arms with her, pulling her down the stairs in front of us before the situation can get awkward. I breathe a sigh of relief before following them down.

The group of us heads for the locker room to wait, and even though Peyton gives us all what the fuck looks, she doesn’t ask why we’re all following her. It takes a little over twenty minutes before the first basketball players leave, including Liam and the guys who sat with us at dinner. They know what’s about to go down, but they don’t hang around. Romance and flowery shit isn’t Liam’s cup of tea. It’s not mine either, but Wyatt’s one of my best friends, and I’ll support him in whatever, even if saddling myself with a wife at twenty-two isn’t what I want to do.

Peyton and Kat are whispering to each other in the corner when Wyatt finally leaves the locker room. He looks a little green, and I hope he gets through this without ralphing all over his soon-to-be fiancé. When she notices him, she breaks away from Kat to rush him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She peppers his face with kisses, praising him for the way he played. His hands immediately cradle her ass—I’m not ashamed to admit I looked. Peyton has a nice ass.

When he sets her down, he keeps his eyes locked on hers, and while I can’t see hers, love is shining out of his. God, that makes me sound like a sappy shithead. It’s true. Wyatt takes a few steps back, putting distance between them. Peyton’s posture changes, she’s obviously wondering what’s going on, and when he drops to a knee her hands come up to cover her mouth, and she gasps, whispering, “Wyatt … what?”

I make my way over to stand beside Kat, who’s watching the scene unfold with eyes full of unshed tears. Wyatt pulls a small, pale blue box out of his pocket and opens it, holding it so Peyton can see the ring inside. He showed it to me just after he bought it. It’s on a platinum band, and the stone is shaped like a square. He called it “princess cut” which had me clutching my stomach in laughter. It was just too perfect. Wyatt obsessed about the size, hoping a half carat wasn’t too small. By the look on Peyton’s face, the size is the last thing she’s thinking about.

Wyatt reaches up to take her left hand in his, her right still covering her mouth. “Peyton, it was almost exactly a year ago when you came to watch me practice, and our relationship began to change. Doing this here, in that same gym, just seems right. It’s where we began, and where we’ll begin a new chapter in our lives.” Tears start to fall, unchecked, down Peyton’s cheeks. Wyatt reaches up to brush them away with the hand not holding hers, and her breath catches.

“P, I love you when we’re cuddling on the couch, when we’re fighting, and probably most of all, when you’re prickly. Getting close to you wasn’t easy, but the fact that you let me into your heart, that you love me the way I love you, is something I will
take for granted.” Kat starts to cry softly, watching Wyatt pledge his love to her best friend. I wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into me. She comes willingly, placing one hand on my chest and laying her head on my shoulder as she continues to watch our friends.

Wyatt has to clear his throat before he can continue, clearly overcome with emotion. “I want to be your husband, for you to be my wife. I want to be your family, your rock when yours tries to push you down. I don’t ever want to be without you, Peyton. Will you marry me?”

Peyton nods, unable to say the words through her tears. Wyatt takes the ring out of the box and pushes it onto her finger, kissing it before releasing her hand. As soon as he does, she throws herself at him. He falls back, his ass landing heavily on the hard floor. She presses her mouth to his and not wanting to intrude on this part of their moment; I catch Max’s eye and nod toward the doors leading outside.

He lifts his chin in acknowledgment and gets Scarlett and Becca’s attention. Annabelle didn’t come to the game, being around so many people makes her nervous, but she’s meeting us at Peyton and Wyatt’s apartment when we leave here. Kat’s still clinging to me when we walk outside, and I don’t attempt to dislodge her. I don’t know why I’m not pulling away from her now that we’re outside, but having her pressed up against me is comforting.

I do finally pull away a little so I can meet her eyes. “Do you need a ride to their apartment? Max and Sophie are riding with me, but there’s still plenty of room for you in my car.”

“No,” she says softly, pulling away from me, and wiping her eyes on the sleeve of her hoodie. “I’m riding over with Becca and Scarlett. We have to stop and get Annabelle; then we’ll be over.” Kat looks over at where Max and Sophie are standing, arms wrapped around each other’s waists, and her face falls. She turns back to me to say, “Besides, I don’t think I’m ready to be in an enclosed space with

I laugh at the venom in her voice. “Whatever you want, Kitty Kat.” The nickname makes her glare at me, but at least she doesn’t look sad anymore. She walks over to where Scarlett and Becca are standing, and the three of them walk into the parking lot. My car was parked over here earlier, when we came for dinner, so I don’t have to go very far. I make my way over to the driver’s side, then have to holler at Max. “C’mon you two. Can’t you stop sucking face long enough to at least get in the car?” Sophie’s cheeks turn so red it’s easy to see, even in the dimly lit parking lot.

Max unwraps his arms from around her, placing one hand on her back to lead her over. He opens the passenger side door and moves the seat so she can climb in before scooting in beside her. I know they’re going to make out the entire way to Wyatt’s, but at least I won’t have to listen to them talk … or argue.

Thankfully, the ride to Wyatt’s apartment is short, and I don’t have to listen to their moans and groans for long. They’re so engrossed in each other’s mouths—and bodies—they don’t notice me park, turn off the car and get out. I have to lean back in and pull the seat forward, to get their attention. “Let’s go. No bodily fluids in my car unless I’m the one causing them.”

Sophie gasps, covering her face with her hands, and Max curses. “Fuck you, Clay.”

“No thanks, little brother. You’re not my type.” He rolls his eyes while I hold out a hand to help Sophie and her way-too-high heels out of my car. I don’t want her damaging the interior. When Max moves to get out, I let go of the seat. That asshole can fend for himself. He mutters more unflattering names for me as he pushes it forward again to climb out. I push the door shut and press the lock button before heading up to wait for Peyton and Wyatt to arrive. We’re the first ones here, so it’s just the two lovebirds and me. Fun.

Luckily, they ignore me, and it’s only five more minutes before our newly engaged friends show up. Max and Sophie start to follow them upstairs, but I grab his arm to stop him. Sophie pauses, and he gestures for her to go ahead. She does, but not before she looks between the two of us as though she expects a brawl to break out any second. I roll my eyes at her idiocy. It wouldn’t be a fight. All I’d have to do is punch him once, and he’d be out.

“What do you want, Clay?” He’s all but putting his hands on his hips; he’s so agitated. “I’m sorry we were kissing in the backseat of your car. There. Are you happy now?”

I shake my head. “You’re a moron. I don’t give a shit about that.” I look away, running a hand through my hair. Just thinking about what I’m about to ask makes me uncomfortable. I finally turn back to him to say, “Look, I just wanted to ask if you would keep the PDA to a minimum tonight.”

“What? Why?” He blinks rapidly, the request taking him by surprise. “Why do you care if I make out with Sophie? Damn, dude, you’ve done way more with other girls in front of me.”

My cheeks heat with an uncharacteristic blush, but I hold his gaze. “It’s not about me, you idiot. Just please? We’re supposed to be celebrating Wyatt and Peyton, not the fact that you finally figured out what your cock is supposed to be used for.”

“Oh fuck off.” Max exclaims, but his indignation is ruined by the sudden smile. “You’re a real SOB; you know that?” This time, he’s the one shaking his head. “Fine,” he sighs. “If it’ll make you leave me alone, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Then, he smirks. “At least for now. I make no promises about the ride home later.”

I groan at the mental image, but inside, I’m sagging with relief. At least I won’t have to worry about him making certain other people uncomfortable with his excessive displays of affection. My work here is done, and just in time too, because I see Kat and her friends walking over to us.





“Do I have to go to this party?” I ask Scarlett for probably the third time since we left the game.

She groans in frustration. “
! Your best friend just got engaged, and she’s expecting you to come celebrate with her. Stop being a whiny bitch!”

That’s the thing I love about Scarlett. Like Peyton, she doesn’t sugarcoat things. If you’re acting like a whiny bitch, she’s going to tell you, and she isn’t going to be nice about it. “Okay, okay. Sheesh. I’ll shut up now.”

“Good girl,” she says with a grin as she parks her car. The canary yellow bug is as loud as her clothes and hair. No one could ever accuse Scarlett of wanting to be in the background.

The four of us climb out of her car and see Max and Clay talking at the foot of the stairs. They stop talking just before we reach them, and we walk up the stairs together, them letting us go first. The door to Wyatt’s apartment opens just as we reach the landing, and Peyton moves to let us walk by. “Hey guys,” she says happily. She’s beaming, showing off her ring to each of us girls as we walk by.

“Hey babe. You ready to leave that bastard you’re living with to run off with me yet?” Clay flirts, and I turn to see him wiggle his eyebrows at her. Saying that would normally have Wyatt kicking his ass, but I’m sure he’s too happy to care about Clay running his mouth like an idiot.

She laughs. “Not even close.” Peyton looks back toward the living room and says, “Go on in, y’all. Make yourselves at home.”

We walk into the homey living room, and can see Wyatt and Sophie standing at the bar separating the room from the kitchen. Sophie is talking animatedly, her hands flying all over the place. Max goes straight over to her, and Scarlett and Annabelle squeeze onto the love seat, while Becca stretches out on the floor.

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