| and interlocking social oppressions, 13, 59-61, 98, 99, 104, 147
 | as pervasive and institutionalized subordination of women, 94, 112, 145, 153, 155-57, 158, 160, 164, 180, 184, 191, 194, 196, 197, 200, 201, 204, 205, 209, 210, 215
 | See also patriarchy; sexual intimidation of women; sexual victimization of women; sexual violence against women
 | oppression of women under patriarchy. See patriarchy
 | Packwood, Bob, 156, 212
 | Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), 92
 | Paglia, Camille, 191
 | on rape, 195-96, 201, 203
 | on sexual harassment, 193-94
 | partiality
 | antimale bias in feminism, 4-5, 157-58, 159, 192, 198, 204, 209
 | antisex bias in feminism, 4, 114, 129, 157-58, 159, 198, 204, 209
 | and care respect, 103