Saucers of the Illuminati

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Jim Keith

Foreword by Kenn Thomas

Adventures Unlimited Press

Saucers of the Illuminati

Copyright 1999, 2004 by Jim Keith

All rights reserved

ISBN: 1-931882-24-X

Adventures Unlimited Press

One Adventures Place

Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA

The classification of the constituents of a chaos,
Nothing less here is essayed.

--Herman Melville

Dedicated to Ron and Nancy

Other books by Jim Keith

Mind Control, World Control

Biowarfare In America

Secret and Suppressed

The Octopus
(with Kenn Thomas)

Black Helicopters Over America

Casebook On the Men In Black

Mass Control



Kenn Thomas

I remember Jim Keith writing this book. At the time, he was also working on an article for the coming issue of
Steamshovel Press
. Jim contributed regularly to the magazine and stayed in phone contact for research help and to chat conspiracy.

He mentioned that he was trying to summarize all of his current thinking in a single themed manuscript.

The original
Saucers of the Illuminati
, in fact, may have been Jim Keith's last contribution to the zine world. The original book had an 8x10 format, spiral bound and resembled more a magazine than a book. Then, many people who knew Keith at all knew him primarily through his small-circulation "fan" magazines (although it is hard to conceive of a conspiracy/UFO cover up "fan"),
being the most well known but certainly not the only example. Zines were the happening means of the parapolitical underground in those pre-internet days and Keith served as the super-celebrity of that scene, broadcasting his charm and humor through self-published photocopied wonders, but also writing letters and doing commentary for similar zines produced by others.

Going through my stack of Keith masterworks recently, I discovered
From The Hangar #1
from the early 1990s. In it, Keith published the rant of one Jason Bishop III, making declarations about humans working side-side with aliens in Dulce, New Mexico. Today it has become quite a familiar story, but at the time it was lore that had yet to reach the pinnacle of its currency in UFO circles. In fact, it was still part of what I see as a "barium meal" of UFO disinformation perpetrated by Air Force intelligence agents partly to drive a man named Paul Bennewitz insane.¡ In
Notes In The Hangar
, Jim presented the rant without edit and included several pages of critical response, declaring that he didn't necessarily believe any of it, but he believed in the importance of having it all discussed.

Saucers of the Illuminati
, Keith summarized his understanding of that history in a chapter entitled "MJ-12". That chapter remains one of the most concise and complete reviews of that important episode in the history of the ufological subculture,™ but at the same time comprises only a portion of what this book has to say. From there
expands upon Keith's notions about the arcane and occult forces behind human history.

It was a point of view that developed over time, actually re-doing
in 1998 in actual book form and now which resonates as a defining echo of the weirdness of the post-9/11 world, years after Keith has gone on to his reward.£ As the book cover attests, "as the 21st century approaches, many people suspect that something earth shattering is about to happen..."

On the phone back then with Keith explaining the over-arching view he felt he had captured in this new manuscript, I asked him if he thought he could really find a wider audience for the perspective. Wasn't it a bit obscure for the average reader?

We both had televisions on in the back ground as we spoke, both watching
CBS News
. As Dan Rather segued to the commercial, the newly redesigned CBS

logo graphic appeared in the upper left corner of the screen. It was the CBS eye neatly pressed within a pyramid. As I looked in surprise at how much it looked like the backside of a dollar bill, Keith asked, "What was that you were saying about obscure?"

¡. Thanks to Peter Dale Scott for this concept. It refers to planted disinformation used by intelligence agents in order to track the blow-back. In the Bennewitz case, this meant various Area 51 stories that emerged as part of the UFO circuit presentations of people like John Lear and Bill Cooper, and had peripheral players such as super-spook Gorden Novel and JFK researcher Lars Hansson.

™. The first book-length treatment of the topic,
The Bennewitz Papers
, written by one of Keith's compadres, Greg Bishop, author of the
Wake Up Down
anthology, is now pending publication.

£. Keith and I wrote
The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of
Danny Casolaro
, which became a hard-to-find cult classic. It currently enjoys a new edition, with one of three new chapters dealing with Jim Keith's unusual death. Among the many strange dimensions of Keith's passing discussed therein was the appearance of
bacteria in the kind of knee surgery that led to his early death. Keith had noted years ago the presence of
bacteria in the late 1970s cattle mutilations of New Mexico.
also killed our mutual good friend Ron Bonds, who published the first book edition of

Kenn Thomas publishes
Steamshovel Press
. POB 210553, St. Louis, MO

63121. Samples issue: $7; four issue subscription, $25. Checks payable to "Kenn Thomas," not
Steamshovel Press


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1. A Process of Decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2. The Human Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3. The Mind Manipulators . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4. Infiltration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5. MJ-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

6. A Symbolic Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

7. Increase of Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

8. Philip K. Dick and the Illuminati . . . . . . . 61

9. The Sirius Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

10. Demons and Adepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

11. Occult Espionage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

12. The Year of Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

UFOs at the Edge of Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

The Great Seal of the United States of America featuring what some believe to be the symbol of the Illuminati.

Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati.


In 1993 a miniscule two hundred copy photocopied

"researcher's edition" of my book
Saucers of the Illuminati
was rushed into print, upon my urging, by IllumiNet Press. My purpose for authorizing this informal edition was to get into print certain interesting connections that I had made between occult philosophy, the lore of UFOs, and the totalitarian New World Order - ideas that I had discussed at length with other researchers and that were already twinkling into being in a firmament of articles by some of those worthies. I was a little... paranoid is not the word I seek... concerned that by the time a proper paperback edition of
was ushered into being, that I might be accused of plagiarizing myself.

As it turned out, my worry was largely unfounded, and little of what I wrote about in '93 has been grappled with, understood, or even mentioned in the conspiracy or UFO press, much less by the
New York Times
. I take this to be positive proof that I was on the right track.

Actually, my sense is that the ideas in
tend to jump disciplines from political conspiracy, to UFOs, to the occult, in an attempt to synthesize the information in each. The researchers in those varied disciplines almost never have any truck with and so are confounded by their adjoining truckstops in arcane research. The Left Hand Path doesn't know what the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is doing, you might say. But these topics are, at the deepest levels, intertwined and clarify the notions of the others.

Another matter: the ideas in
Saucers of the Illuminati
are dangerous, not to mention extremely weird, and stray very close to Things You Are Not Supposed to Think. In fact, in current polite--

read mind controlled--society you are not even supposed to think that there are things that you are not supposed to think... Do you follow?

Since the lightning appearance and disappearance of the researcher's edition of
in 1993 copies have been completely unavailable, aside from a pirate edition that was rumored to have been put into print. That unavailability created a few misunderstandings about the book. Some speculated in print and on the Internet that the book was too incendiary, too Politically Incorrect, and that it went so quickly out of print because it was suppressed by the CIA or the Men in Black or somesuch. Those things have been known to happen in the annals of conspiracy research, of course, but not in this case. Simply, when I might have been expanding the text of
to a length more appropriate for a paperback, I was doing lots of other things: writing nine other books, chasing the wolf of velvet fortune, things like that.

But I finally got around to the revision in 1998. Now here is the bells and whistles version of
, with a lot of material not included in the book's original incarnation. Since the first appearance of the book, a great deal in the text has been clarified, and the revised work reflects new theories, new understandings obtained, and an arsenal of new smoking guns. Also included in this edition is the text of "UFOs at the Edge of Reality," a lecture delivered in Atlanta, Georgia in 1995.

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