| counseling, education, and prevention programs for, 4, 199, 201, 208
 | in culture of institutionalized subordination of women, 145, 155-57, 160, 200, 204, 210
 | false accusations of, 157
 | overlap with other forms of sexual intimidation, 161, 162-63
 | as patriarchal oppression, 155-57, 200, 204
 | pervasiveness, 139, 158, 202, 204, 210
 | as sexual intimidation, 158, 160, 200
 | subject/object dialectic in, 205-10
 | teenage, 163, 164, 169
 | of women of color, 199
 | women's responsibility for, 31, 192, 198
 | See also battering of women; sexual abuse of girls
 | sexual agency of women. See agency of women, sexual