| sexual aggression. See sexual violence against women
 | sexual assault. See sexual violence against women
 | sexual deviance
 | and care respect, 108
 | feminist disagreements over, 67-70, 84-102, 107
 | pornographic depictions of, 84, 114, 124, 134, 136, 137, 146
 | as replication of oppressive power relations of patriarchy, 41-42, 68-69, 76, 83
 | and sexual violence, 76, 156, 182
 | social stigma of, 83, 89, 96, 128
 | from the "view from somewhere different," 108
 | See also butch/femme role-playing in sex; man/boy love; pedophilia; sadomasochistic sex; sadomasochistic sex, lesbian
 | sexual difference
 | as dialectical relation between gender and sexuality, 72