| Denfeld, The New Victorians , 117; also see "World Charter for Prostitutes' Rights" and Pheterson, "Feminism: 'Crunch Point,"' 41,154.
 | 123. Carse, "Pornography," 170; also see Burstyn, Women against Censorship ; Duggan and Hunter, Sex Wars ; Robin Gorna, "Delightful Visions: From Anti-Porn to Eroticizing Safer Sex," in Segal and McIntosh, Sex Exposed , 16983; Tong, "Women, Pornography, and the Law," 31011; Women, Sex, and the Law , 67; Susan G. Cole, "A View from Another Country," in Leidholdt and Raymond, The Sexual Liberals , 19495; Wendy Kaminer, "Pornography and the FirstAmendment: Prior Restraints and Private Action,'' in Lederer, Take Back the Night , 24147; Boyle and Noonan, "Gender Neutrality, Prostitution and Pornography," 4647.
 | 124. See Joan Nestle, "Lesbians and Prostitutes: A Historical Sisterhood," in Bell, Good Girls/Bad Girls , 13145; Gillian Rodgerson, "Lesbian Erotic Explorations," in Segal and McIntosh, Sex Exposed , 27579; Gorna, "Delightful Visions," 18081; Loach, "Bad Girls," 26674; also see Brownworth, "The Porn Boom"; Lisa Henderson, "Lesbian Pornography: Cultural Transgression and Sexual Demystification," in New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings , ed. Sally Munt (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992), 17391. For a fascinating discussion of lesbian and bisexual pornography, see Williams, "Pornographies On/scene," 25162.
 | 125. See Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 24, and Pateman, "Defending Prostitution," 562. Catharine MacKinnon remarks, "Perhaps a human being, for gender purposes, is someone who controls the social definition of sexuality." Feminism Unmodified , 158.
 | 126. MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified , 193. The organization known as Lesbians of Colour contend that pornography has a political history as a tool for the control of slaves, Catholics, and Jews. See Lesbians of Colour, "Racism in Pornography," in Bell, Good Girls/Bad Girls , 62; also see Andrea Dworkin, Pornography , xxxvi.
 | 127. Valerie Scott, "From the Floor," in Bell, Good Girls/Bad Girls , 121.
 | 128. McClintock, "Gonad the Barbarian," 113.
 | 129. See Speakers 1, 4, and 11, "'The Big Divide': Feminist Reactions," in Pheterson, A Vindication of the Rights of Whores , 178, 179, 190; Cole, "Sexual Politics," 3536.
 | 130. Alice Walker, "Coming Apart," in Lederer, Take Back the Night , 95100; Mayall and Russell, "Racism in Pornography," 177.
 | 131. Lopez-Jones, "Workers," 276.
 | 132. See Tracey A. Gardner, "Racism in Pornography and the Women's Movement," in Lederer, Take Back the Night , 10514; Walker, "Coming Apart"; Lesbians of Colour, "Racism in Pornography"; Collins, "Pornography and Black Women's Bodies"; Mayall and Russell, "Racism in Pornography"; also see Alexander, "Prostitution," 196.