Loose Women, Lecherous Men (86 page)

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Authors: Linda Lemoncheck

Tags: #Social Science, #Feminism & Feminist Theory, #test

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41. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
16669; MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 82; Griffin, "Rape," 324, 32729; Allison and Wrightsman,
, 5254; Hall, "'The Mind That Burns in Each Body,"' 32849; Tracey A. Gardner, "Racism in Pornography and the Women's Movement," in
Take Back the Night: Women on Pornography
, ed. Laura Lederer (New York: William Morrow, 1980), 10514; Angela Davis,
Women, Race and Class
(New York: Random House, 1983), 172201; Valerie Smith, "Split Affinities: The Case of Interracial Rape," in
Conflicts in Feminism
, ed. Marianne Hirsch and Evelyn Fox Keller (New York: Routledge, 1990), 27187.
42. See Barrie Levy, "Introduction," in Levy,
Dating Violence
, 6; Canache, "Domination and Control," 72; Schechter,
Women and Male Violence
, 23238; Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law
, 17072; also see Evelyn C. White, "The Abused Black Woman: Challenging a Legacy of Pain," in Levy,
Dating Violence
, 8493, and
Chain Chain Change: For Black Women Dealing with Physical and Emotional Abuse
(Seattle: Seal Press, 1985).
43. Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
125; Barnett and LaViolette,
It Could Happen to Anyone
, xxxxiii, 62; also see Tifft,
Battering of Women
, 13, 16, 19, 5153; Levy, "Introduction," 611; Elizabeth A. Stanko,
Intimate Intrusions: Women's Experience of Male Violence
(London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985).
44. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
135, 138; Barnett and LaViolette,
It Could Happen to Anyone
, 4043, 5961, 63, 10910; Kathleen H. Hofeller,
Battered Women, Shattered Lives
Page 256
(Saratoga, Calif.: R & E Publishers, 1983), 3031, 7075; Leslie Berger, "New Line in Battle over Batterers,"
Los Angeles Times
, 13 October 1993; also see Ann Jones,
Women Who Kill
(New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980).
45. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law,
12728; Levy, "Introduction," 16; also see Ganache, "Domination and Control," 69; Hofeller,
Battered Women
, 4966; Martin,
Battered Wives
, 2543.
46. MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 160; also see Martin,
Battered Wives
, 69.
47. Ganache, "Domination and Control," 7879.
48. On the failure of women to report their abuse, see Hofeller,
Battered Women
, 9495. On lesbian battering, see Lobel,
Naming the Violence
; Suzanne Pharr,
Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism
(Little Rock, Ark.: Chardon Press, 1988); Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women (MCBW),
Confronting Lesbian Battering: A Manual for the Battered Women's Movement
(St. Paul, Minn.: MCBW, 1990).
49. See Ganache, "Domination and Control," 7879, 8183; Levy, "Introduction," 13.
50. See Walker,
The Battered Woman Syndrome
; Barnett and LaViolette,
It Could Happen to Anyone
, 94101; Judith Lewis Herman,
Trauma and Recovery
, 7495.
51. Rush,
The Best-Kept Secret
, 2.
52. Sandra Butler,
Conspiracy of Silence
, 32.
53. See Larsen,
Life after Rape
, 6374; Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 18587; Sandra Butler,
Conspiracy of Silence
, 56.
54. See Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 15360, 22831, 23738; Sandra Butler,
Conspiracy of Silence
, 5859, 6467, 7374, 7993.
55. See Rush,
The Best-Kept Secret
, 1315, 15869.

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