Lost Honor (19 page)

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Authors: Loreen Augeri

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Lost Honor
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She cleared her throat. “You can lean back again.”

He tried to crush his need for her, but it was growing impossible. He had successfully avoided this tortuous situation for the past week, the longest of his life, always making sure someone accompanied them until she headed to her cold, lonely berth and he, the impersonal hammock. But now, she was so near, and they were alone, and her fingers…

She shifted his arms and bent to soap them. The two buttons on her shirt had released. He gazed down into the opening and spied her naked breasts. He almost lost his senses and leaped on her, but lunging for and snatching his vanishing sanity by his fingertips, he only stared at the perfection, mesmerized. She rinsed his arms and then hesitated.

He dragged his attention from the erotic sight to her expressive face where a battle played across the surface as she stared into the water. He raised his hand to her soft cheek, and her gaze swept to his, telling him she longed to explore and comfort him but further intimacy frightened her. Only there was nothing to be scared of. He would never hurt her.

Morgan curved his hand around the back of her neck and slowly but firmly pulled her down to meet his eager lips. Gliding back and forth across the moist petals, he tantalized and seduced away her inhibitions and fears before sliding his tongue inside her mouth.

She tasted of freshness, springtime, and sassy female as she matched his movements and entangled her tongue with his. He had to have more of her, needed more. Rising from the depths of the water, never breaking contact with her mouth, he stepped out of the hip bath. Still dripping, he eased her into his embrace. One hand rose and kneaded the fullness of her breast, flicking the pebbled nipple. She moaned and pushed her breast more fully into his hand.

What she offered wasn’t enough. He had to feel hot, naked flesh beneath his hand, nothing else would satisfy him. His blood surged and heated with an intensity he’d never experienced. Ripping the shirt from the waistband of her pants, he yanked it over her head and flung it into the air to land who knew where. He didn’t care. Only Arianna mattered.

Morgan dipped his head and sucked a rosy nipple into his mouth. Arianna jerked and then groaned. She tasted delicious, salty yet sweet. He worked a hand to her pants and released the buttons. He had never undressed a female wearing pants, and it felt strange and unusual, but it matched the girl before him who fired his blood. Scooping her into his arms, he feasted on her mouth once more as he carried her to the bed and laid her down. He jerked the pants and drawers off her shapely legs, leaving her naked and fully exposed, an incredible sight.

Her gaze traveled down his chest to his erection where her eyes widened with horror and wonder as she viewed it for the first time. He would love for her to stare at him all day, but he couldn’t leave her to wonder and imagine what horrible things his manhood could do to her, and he needed to touch her everywhere.

He stretched out beside her and cupped her cheek. “Don’t worry, love, I will not take your virginity. I want to show you the pleasure two people can share.” His tongue thrust into her mouth. She relaxed and then melted as his hand caressed her entire body, memorizing every inch.

This seduction was wrong, but he couldn’t help himself. If he didn’t have her, at least a piece of her, he would burst into flames. After tonight, he would be fine. His need would end after this encounter.

His finger slid between her hot folds, circled her bud of womanhood, and then sank into her. She was tight, wet, and ready for him. Yet, only his finger could venture there. Retreating to her sensitive nub, he caressed and swirled as she arched her inviting hips. He plundered her delectable mouth as his other hand massaged a firm breast and lightly pinched her nipples.

Arianna squirmed, moaned, tensed…and then exploded. He plunged his long middle finger into her hot vagina, making sure not to damage the sign of her virginity, and thrust in and out as her hips followed his movements.

He pulsed. Ached. Craved relief. Needed her. When she quieted, he grabbed her hand and curled her fingers around his rock hard shaft and guided it up and down. Her eyes still glowing with passion, she followed their joined hands with fascination. He released her, and she stroked it on her own.

Oh God!
He couldn’t believe the sensations. Intensified beyond the normal limits. “Faster, harder,” he moaned.

She hesitated and then obeyed.

He held back until he couldn’t control it any longer. Then, he stiffened and erupted. All over her hand. He pumped and pumped and pumped, freeing the tension that had built to an unbearable level this past week. Would he ever stop?

When his senses returned, Arianna’s wet hand still gripped his cock.


Arianna had never experienced anything like this in her entire life. It was new, amazing, and exciting. Society wouldn’t approve of her actions, but she didn’t care. Her virginity was still intact for her future husband, and she had never felt closer to another person.

Only she wasn’t sure what to do now. Morgan’s seed dripped from her hand.

“Wait right there.”

She marveled at his broad, muscular back and trim buttocks as he jumped from the bed and sauntered away from her. He grabbed a towel and then turned. His manhood still stuck straight out, large and hard. Did it always look like that? Andrew’s didn’t or else the blanket that concealed his lower half would have risen to form a tent.

He dropped to the mattress, and wrapping his fingers around her wrist, he wiped her hand.

“I’m supposed to be caring for you.”

He smiled. “You did. Very nicely.”

Her face heated. “You need sleep. It is time you return to your bed.” She wound the blanket around her. “I will take the hammock.” She started to rise, but he grabbed her upper arm to halt her.

“I want you with me.”

The idea intrigued her. Should she? Could she? It wouldn’t hurt anyone, and she would love to remain enveloped in his arms. “But what about Mark?”

“He won’t enter the cabin without permission. I’d lock the door, but somehow the key ended up on the ocean floor.” He threw her a pointed look.

“I wonder how that happened?” she said with a guilty shrug of her shoulders.

“So will you stay? I won’t do anything. I only wish to hold you.”

She didn’t want to reject his offer, and how could she refuse after all he had done for her? “Yes.”

“Good. Now unbind your hair.”

Confusion marred her brow. “But it gets tangled if I sleep with it down.”

“I love your hair. It is so soft, the color dazzling, and it always smells wonderful. I’ll help you brush it tomorrow.”

She couldn’t deny such a simple request if it would please him. She pulled the braid to the front and separated the strands until her tresses hung free.

He sifted his fingers through the mass, spreading it around her like a veil. “So beautiful,” he murmured. He enclosed her within his protective embrace and eased her down to lie beside him. Instantly, he fell asleep. She didn’t know how he stayed awake as long as he had, fighting the storm.

It was the captain’s duty, but he was also strong and courageous.

He had promised he wouldn’t take her virginity. She should be glad, but in reality, she was disappointed and would have given it to him if he had asked. Although she feared his huge manhood wouldn’t fit inside her. Wouldn’t fit inside any woman. As always, he had sought to spare her pain. She had loved the caress of his hands, the thrust of his tongue, and what he had done to her between her legs. Her heart and body had soared to the heavens and back. It was like standing atop the maintop platform, the world open, free, and spread wide before her. At the time, only the two of them had resided in the magical world he swept her into.

She rejoiced he felt the same great affection for her as she did for him. He would never have touched her that way if he didn’t. He was far too honorable.

Or was he? She had five brothers and had learned their views. They had bedded women they didn’t love, and some they didn’t even like. She didn’t understand it until now. They never spoke about such matters around her, but they detailed their exploits when they mistakenly thought she was not near. As the youngest in the family, she had to possess the skill of sneaking around to survive.

Arianna mentally shook herself. What he felt didn’t matter. He wasn’t right for the life she must lead. The life she must carve out for herself. She would grasp what she could, what gave her joy, and guard her heart and emotions. Friendship was all that must exist between them.

Chapter Twelve

A pounding shot through Morgan’s head. Had he drunk too much last night? He never imbibed while he captained a ship. A warm form curled against his side. Arianna. His manhood stirred to life as he recalled the intimacy they’d shared. The thudding continued, and his eyes flew open. His glared at the door where someone knocked. “What is it?” he growled.

“Captain Danvers, a ship has been sighted off the leeward bow.”

A ship. Was it Shark’s? Excitement blossomed. And then he remembered they were dead in the water with no mainmast. No matter. His brother might be within his reach.

“I’ll be there shortly.” He glanced at Arianna and found her staring at him.

“Is it the ship your brother is on?”

“I hope so.” He longed to take advantage of her seductive body again this morning—one encounter had not satisfied him. If they remained discreet and he didn’t deflower her, no one need know he pleasured her as she did him. When Arianna and he went their separate ways, no one would be hurt, and he wouldn’t be in constant agony for the remainder of the trip. There was no dishonor in that. She would still be a virgin when Andrew thrust his manhood inside her and believe he was the first to teach her.

His stomach knotted. His heart squeezed. Anger grew. He would not think about Andrew doing what he longed to do. That stupendous experience would never be his. Morgan wrapped her in his arms and kissed her passionately. Then he released her and vaulted from the bed. His needs would have to wait.

As he dressed, Arianna did also. “You don’t have to get up. Go back to sleep.”

“I’m going with you.”

He paused. Denying her would do no good. “I’ll allow it for the moment, but if it is Shark, you will obey my commands.”

She didn’t answer, just continued throwing on her clothes. Bloody hell! She was stubborn. He would press his point if and when the time came.

He exited, and she ran along beside him. He waved her up the ladder to the main deck before he followed. Hurrying to the quarterdeck, his second mate filled him in. He snatched the spyglass from his hand and scanned the waters off the bow, marking the ship rapidly gaining on them. From the reports he had received from the captains of his ships, he believed this was the schooner that had been raiding his line.

And a woman was not safe from a band of pirates.

He spun and grabbed Arianna’s shoulders. “Listen to me and do exactly as I say.” He stared into defiant eyes, and his temper ignited and spilled out. “This is no time to defy me. Your life could be at stake. I want you to run back to the cabin, bind your breasts, and stuff your hair under the cap you wore when I first met you. If they ask, you are my cabin boy. Then go stay with Doctor Stevens. It’s dangerous for you to be alone.”

She straightened her shoulders. “I will stay here with you and help defend the ship.”

He shook her. “No, you won’t. There is no telling what they might do if they discover you are a female, and I am not fighting against them.”

Her blue eyes widened in amazement and confusion. “You’re surrendering?”

“I have to. There is no way I can outrun them or maneuver without the mainmast, and I refuse to risk the lives of all on board.”

She jerked away from him and plunked her hands on her shapely hips. “But if they are as ruthless as you say, we might all perish if we surrender. I would rather die fighting.”

His body cried out for battle, but he knew it was futile. There was always another way, and he would find it. First, he had to protect Arianna from those murderous ruffians.

“You are not going to fight or die. I am the captain of this ship, and you will obey me. Now go.” He glanced behind him. “And hurry.”

She marched away.


She whirled to face him. The hopeful, desperate spark in her eyes told him she believed he had changed his mind. Pain pierced his chest. He had to dash her hopes and be firm with her.

“Follow my orders, exactly. Promise me you will.” Although he intended for his tone to be harsh, it didn’t carry the weight he sought.

Disappointment and then anger lined her face as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Arianna.” Fury rang in his voice. He would never be able to live with himself if anything happened to her. “Promise me.” She didn’t react well to browbeating, but he didn’t have time to sit down and convince her his orders were for her own good.

“I will try.”

“Promise,” he insisted. She would never break her vow once she gave it.

She opened her mouth and then snapped it shut. Her hands fell to her side. “Oh, very well.”

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