Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (25 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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BOOK: Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament
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pride, frivolity, envy, passion, carelessheart, and wept bitterly, so that John ness, violence, lust, slaves, money, precould only silence him by saying to him, tence, and all the other similar obstacles

“Drusiana has departed this unjust life

which exist in life; it is the same for the

for a better hope.” To this answered Anhelmsman who takes his course for a dronicus, “Of this I am certain, John, and

quiet journey and is opposed by the ad

I have no doubt in the belief in my God.

verse winds and a great tempest and a

My hopes are grounded on the fact, that

mighty wave, when the heaven is serene;

she departed this life pure.”

it is the same for the husbandman who is

opposed by untimely weather and blight

66 After she was interred, John and creeping worms appearing from the took Andronicus aside, and

ground; for the athletes, the near miss,

having learned of the cause he sorrowed

and for the craftsman the obstacles to

more than Andronicus. And he kept sitheir skills.

lence, considering the threats of the enemy, and sat still a little. When the breth69

ren were assembled to hear which words

“The believer must above all

things consider the end and

he would say concerning the departed, he

carefully examine how it will come,

began to speak:

whether energetic and sober and without

impediment, or in confusion and flatter67 “When the helmsman who ing worldly things and bound by pascrosses the ocean has landed sions. Thus one can praise the beauty of

with the ship and passengers in a quiet

the body only when it is completely nahaven free from storms, he feels secure.

ked; and the greatness of the general

The husbandman who sowed the seed-

when he has happily finished the whole

grains in the ground and cared for them

campaign as he promised; and the excelwith great pains is only then to enjoy a lence of the physician when he has sucrest from his labors when he has harceeded in every cure; and so one praises vested abundant corn in his barns. Whoa soul filled with faith and worthy of God ever promises to take part in a race should

if it has happily accomplished that which

rejoice only when he has obtained the

it promised, not one of which made a

prize. He whose name is entered on the

good beginning, and gradually descended

list of prize-fighting should triumph only

into the errors of life and became weak,

after he receives the crowns. And thus it

nor the numb soul which made an effort

is with all races and skills, when they do

to attain higher things and was afterwards

not fail at the end, but are carried out, as

reduced to perishable, nor that which

they were intended.

loved the temporal more than the eternal,

nor that which exchanged the perishable

“So I think it is with the faith


for the lasting, nor that which honored

which every one of us practises,

what was not to be honored and loved



works of dishonor, nor that which acwhen he fell down, the serpent sat on cepted pledges from Satan and received


the serpent into its house, nor one which

was reviled for God’s sake and after72

wards was ashamed, nor one which con

On the following day John and

Andronicus and the brethren

sented with the mouth but did not show

went at the break of day to the tomb in

it by the deed; but we praise one which

which Drusiana had been for three days,

refused to be inflamed by filthy lust, to

so that we might break bread there. And

succumb to levity, to be ensnared by

when we were about to start, the keys

thirst after money, or to be betrayed by

were not to be found. And John said to

the strength of the body and anger.”

Andronicus, “It is right that they are lost,

for Drusiana is not in the tomb. Never

While John continued to preach


theless, let us go, that you do not appear

to the brethren that they despise

neglectful, and the doors will open of

earthly goods for the sake of the eternal

themselves, since the Lord has already

ones, the lover of Drusiana, inflamed by

given us many other things.”

the influence of the polymorphous Satan

to the most ardent passions, bribed the

When we came to the place, the


greedy steward of Andronicus with

doors opened at the master’s

money. And he opened the tomb of Drubehest, and at the tomb of Drusiana we siana and left him to accomplish on the

saw a beautiful youth smiling. When John

body that which was once denied to him.

saw him, he exclaimed and said, “Do you

Since he had not procured her during her

come before us here also, noble one? And

lifetime, he continually thought of her

why?” And he heard a voice saying to

body after she was dead, and exclaimed,

him, “For the sake of Drusiana, whom

“Although when living you refused to

you are to raise up. I found her almost

unite with me in love, after your death I

defiled on account of the dead man lying

will dishonor your corpse.” Being in such

near the tomb.” And when the noble one

a frame of mind he obtained the opporhad thus spoken to John he ascended to tunity to execute his impious plan

heaven before the eyes of all. And John

through the accursed steward, and both

turned to the other side of the tomb and

went to the tomb. Having opened the

saw a young man, the very prominent

door, they began to take the graveclothes

Ephesian Callimachus—for this is what

from the corpse, and said, “What have

he was called—and on him a huge snake

you gained, unhappy Drusiana? Could

sleeping, also the steward of Andronicus,

you not have done this while you were

named Fortunatus, dead. On seeing both,

alive? It need not have grieved you if you

he stood helpless and said to the brethren,

had done it willingly.”

“What does all this mean? Or why did

the Lord not reveal to me what took place

While they spoke and only the


here, for he was always concerned for

shift remained, there appeared


something wonderful, which people that

do such things deserve to experience. A

When Andronicus saw these


serpent appeared from somewhere, bit

bodies, he jumped up and went

the steward, and killed him. And the serto the tomb of Drusiana. And when he pent did not bite the young man, but

saw her in her shift, he said to John, “I

encircled his feet, hissing fearfully, and

understand what took place, blessed



servant of God. This Callimachus loved

have accomplished this when this fearful

my sister. And as he could not get her,

beast killed Fortunatus with one bite bealthough he tried it often, he no doubt fore my eyes? And this deservedly so,

bribed this accursed steward of mine with

for he encouraged me to such madness,

a great sum of money with the intention—

after I had already desisted from the ill-

as one can now see—to accomplish his

timed and dreadful frenzy—but he frightpurpose through him. For this Callimaened me and put me in the state in which chus said to many, ‘If she will not yield

you saw me, before I arose. But I will

to be me alive, rape shall be committed

tell you another great miracle, which

on her death.’ This, O master, the noble

nearly slew me and almost killed me.

one saw and did not allow her earthly

When my soul was seized with mad pasremains to be violated. That is why those sion and the incurable disease was trouwho engineered this are dead. And the bling me, when I had already robbed her

voice which came to you ‘Raise Drusiof the grave-clothes with which she was ana!’ foretold this. For she departed this

dressed, and went from the grave to put

life through sorrow. And I believe him

them down as you see, I turned back to

who said that this is one of the men who

perpetrate the abominable deed. And I

was led astray. For you were asked to

saw a beautiful youth covering her with

raise him. As for the other I know that

this cloak. Rays of light fell from his

he does not deserve salvation. But one

face upon hers, and he turned to me

thing I ask of you. Raise Callimachus

also and said, “Callimachus, die, that

first, and he shall confess what took

you may live.” Who it was, I knew not,


servant of God. Since you have come

here, I know that it was an angel of

75 And John looked at the corpse God. And this I truly know, that the true and said to the poisonous

God is preached by you; and I am sure

snake, “Depart from him who is to serve

of it. But I pray you, see to it that I may

Jesus Christ!” Then he rose and prayed,

be delivered from this fate and dreadful

“God, whose name is rightly praised by

crime, and bring me to your God as a

us; God, who overcomes each harmful

man who had gone astray in scandalous,

work; God, whose will is done, who alabominable, deceit. On my knees I ask ways hears us, make your grace now effor your help. I will become one of ficacious on this youth! And if through

those who hope in Christ so that the

him some dispensation is to take place,

voice may also prove true, which spoke

make it known to us, when he is raised!”

here to me, ‘Die to live!’ And it is al

And the young man immediately arose

ready fulfilled. For that unbeliever, godand kept silence for a whole hour.

less, lawless man, is dead; I am raised

by you as a believer, faithful and godly,

When the man had regained his


that I may know the truth, which I ask

senses, John asked what his inof you to reveal to me.”

trusion into the tomb meant. And having

learned from him what Andronicus had

And John, rejoicing, contem77

already told him, how he passionately

plated the whole spectacle of

loved Drusiana, John asked further

the salvation of people and said, “O Lord

whether he had accomplished his wicked

Jesus Christ, I do not know what your

design to commit rape on the holy earthly

power is. I am amazed at your great

remains. And he replied, “How could I

mercy and endless forbearance. Oh, what



greatness descended to servitude! O unfurther strengthened in you who alone speakable freedom, which was enslaved

can do what is wholly impossible with

by us! O inconceivable glory, which has

man, and have given salvation and rescome upon us! You have kept the grave urrection, and let Drusiana come out

from shame, and redeemed that man who

comforted because, in consequence of the

contaminated himself with blood, and

conversion of the youth, she no more has

taught him to be chaste who meant to

the least impediment to long for you!”

violate dead bodies. Father, full of mercy

and compassion toward him who disre80

garded you, we praise, glorify, and honor

Having spoken thus John said,

“Drusiana, arise!” And she

you and thank you for your great goodarose and came from the tomb. And when ness and long-suffering, holy Jesus, for

she saw that she wore nothing but her

you alone are God and none else; you

shirt, she was perplexed how to explain

against whose power all devices can do

what had happened. Having learned

nothing now and in all eternity! Amen!”

everything from Andronicus, while John

was upon his face and Callimachus with

After these words, John took


tears praised God, she also rejoiced and

Callimachus, kissed him, and

praised God.

said, “Glory be to our God, who had

mercy upon you, child, and deemed me

Having dressed herself and


worthy to praise his power, and delivered

looked around, she saw Fortunyou by a wise method from that madness atus. And she said to John, “Father, he

and intoxication and called you to rest

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