Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (69 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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BOOK: Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament
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I thought he had come to put me to

The fire- and blood-red shows that

the test, and I said to him, “Who are you?

this world must be destroyed through

For I know the one to whom I have been

blood and fire.

entrusted.” He said to me, “Do you not

But you who escape this world are

recognize me?” “No,” I replied. He said,

the part that is gold. For just as gold is

“I am the shepherd to whom you have

tested through fire and thus becomes usebeen entrusted.”

ful, so also you who dwell among themi

While he was speaking his appearare put to the test. Those who endure and ance changed, and I recognized him,

are burned by them will be made pure.

since he was in fact the one to whom I

For just as gold casts off its dross, so also

had been entrusted. And I was suddenly

you will cast off every grief and tribulathrown into confusion, seized with fear, tion, and be cleansed and made useful

and entirely broken up by grief, because

for the building of the tower.

I had given him such a wicked and fool

But the part that is white is the age

ish response.

that is coming, in which the chosen ones

But he said to me, “Do not be conof God will dwell. For those who have fused, but become strong in my combeen chosen by God for eternal life will mandments, which I am about to give

be spotless and pure.

you. For I was sent,” he said, “to show

And so do not stop speaking in the

you yet again all the things that you saw

ears of the saints. You now have the forebefore, since these are what will chiefly shadowing of the great affliction that is

benefit you. First, though, write my comcoming. But if you wish, it will come to mandments and parables; but write the

nothing. Remember the things written

other things just as I show them to you.


This is why,” he said, “I am commanding

When she said these things she deyou first to write the commandments and parted; but I did not see where she went.

parables—that you may read them regu

For there was a noise, and I turned around

larly and so be able to keep them.”

out of fear, thinking that the beast was

And so I wrote the commandments


and parables, just as he commanded me.

If then, after you hear them, you keep

them and walk in them and accomplish


them with a pure heart, you will receive

from the Lord everything he promised


you. But if you do not repent once you

25 After I prayed in my house, sit have heard them, but increase your sins ting on my bed, an eminent

still further, you will receive the opposite

looking man came to me, dressed in shep-

from the Lord. The shepherd, the angel

herd’s clothing—wrapped with a white

of repentance, thus commanded me to

goat skin around his waist, with a backwrite all these things.

pack on his shoulder and a staff in his

hand. He greeted me, and I greeted him

in return.

He immediately sat next to me and




one to be given something from his own



And so, those who receive something

26 “First of all, believe that God is will render an account to God, about why one, who created and comthey received something and to what end.

pleted all things, and made everything

For those who received because of hardthat exists out of that which did not, who ship will not face condemnation; but

contains all things but is himself, alone,

those who received out of hypocrisy will


pay a penalty.

And so believe in him and fear him,

And so the one who gives is innoand in your fear be self-restrained. Guard cent. For as he was given a ministry from

these matters and you will cast all wickthe Lord to complete, he has completed edness from yourselves and clothe yourit in a simple way, having no doubts selves with every righteous virtue, and

about to whom he should give or not give

you will live to God—if you guard this

something. This ministry that is comcommandment.”

pleted in a simple way becomes glorious

before God, so that the one who ministers

thus, in a simple way, will live to God.


And so guard this commandment as

I have spoken it to you, that your repen


tance and that of your household may be

27 He said to me, “Hold on to sim found to be in simplicity—and pure, inplicity and be innocent, and nocent, and blameless.”

you will be like young children who do

not know the wickedness that destroys

human life.


First, of all, do not slander anyone.

Nor listen gladly to anyone else who


slanders. Otherwise, you the hearer will


share the sin of the slanderer—if you

Then he spoke to me again,

“Love the truth and let all truth

believe the slander you hear. For when

come from your mouth, so that the spirit

you believe it you also will hold somethat God made to live in this flesh may thing against your brother. And so you

be recognized as true by everyone; in this

will share the sin of the one who slanders.

way the Lord who dwells in you will be

Slander is evil, a restless demon,

glorified. For the Lord is true in his every

never at peace but always living in disword, and there is no lie in him.

sension. And so, abstain from it and you

And so, those who lie reject the Lord

will always be in good standing with all.

and defraud him, not handing over to him

Clothe yourself with reverence, in

the down payment they received. For they

which there is no wicked stumbling

received from him a spirit that does not

block, but everything is smooth and

lie; if they return it to him as a liar, they

cheerful. Do what is good, and take what

defile the commandment of the Lord and

you have earned through the toils God

become defrauders.”

has given you and give simply to those

When I heard these things I wept

in need, not wavering about to whom you

bitterly. When he saw me weeping he

should give something and to whom not.

asked, “Why are you weeping?” “Be

Give to everyone. For God wishes everycause, Lord,” I said, “I do not know if I


can be saved.” “Why?” he asked. “Bedoes such an evil deed brings death upon cause, Lord” I said, “I have never in my


entire life spoken a true word, but have

So be on the alert and avoid this

always lived craftily with everyone, and

notion. For where reverence dwells, lawhave portrayed my lie as truth to all. And lessness should not rise up in the heart

no one has ever contradicted me, but has

of an upright man.”

trusted my word. How then, Lord,” I

I said to him, “Lord, allow me to ask

asked, “can I live, having done such

you a few questions.” “Go ahead,” he


replied. “Lord,” I said, “if someone is

“Your thoughts are good and true,”

married to a woman who believes in the

he said. “For you should have been con

Lord, but he discovers that she is having

ducting yourself as a slave of God; and a

an adulterous relationship, does the man

wicked conscience should not have dwelt

then sin if he continues to live with her?”

with the spirit of truth or brought grief

“As long as he is ignorant of the

to the reverend and true spirit.” “Never,”

affair,” he replied, “he does not sin. But

I replied, “have I heard such words so

if the husband knows about her sin, and


the wife does not repent, but remains in

“You are hearing them now,” he said.

her sexual immorality, and the husband

“Guard these matters so that the lies you

continues to live with her, he becomes

spoke before in your daily life may themguilty of her sin and a partner in her selves become trustworthy when these


other words are found to be true. For even

“What then should the husband do,

those other ones can become trustworthy.

Lord” I said, “if the wife continues in her

If you guard these matters and from now

passion?” “He should divorce her,” he

on speak only the truth, you will be able

replied, “and live alone. But if he marries

to give yourself life. And whoever hears

someone else after the divorce, he also

this commandment and avoids lying most

commits adultery.”

wickedly will live to God.”

“But, Lord,” I said, “if after the wife

is divorced she repents and wants to return to her husband, should she not be taken back?”


“Yes indeed,” he replied. “If her husband does not take her back, he sins, and

drags a great sin upon himself; for the

29 “I command you,” he said, “to one who sins and repents must be acguard your holiness, and do not cepted back. But not many times. For

allow any thought to rise up in your heart

there is but one repentance given to the

about someone else’s wife, or sexual imslaves of God. Because of repentance, morality, or any other similarly wicked

therefore, the husband ought not to

things. Otherwise you commit a great sin.

marry. The same applies to both wife and

But if you always keep thinking about


your own wife, you will never sin.

Not only is it adultery,” he continued,

For if this notion should rise up in

“if a person defiles his flesh; but also,

your heart you will sin, and if another

whoever behaves like the outsiders comsuch wicked idea should arise, you commits adultery. And so, if anyone continmit a sin. For this notion is a great sin ues doing such deeds and does not repent,

for the slave of God. And anyone who

you should avoid him and not allow him



to live in your midst. Otherwise you also

ments, once he has heard them, will live

share in his sin.

to God.”

This is why you have been ordered

to remain by yourselves, whether a hus


band or wife; for repentance is possible


in such cases.

“I still have some things to ask,

Lord,” I said. “Go ahead,” he

And so,” he said, “I am not giving

replied. “I have heard from some teachan occasion for matters to turn out this ers, Lord,” I said, “that there is no repenway; I am saying that the sinner should tance apart from the one that came when

sin no more. But with respect to his forwe descended into the water and received mer sin, there is one who can provide

forgiveness for the sins we formerly

healing. For he has the authority over all



He said to me, “You have heard well,

for that is so. For the one who has re


ceived forgiveness of sins must sin no

30 I asked him again, “Since the more, but live in holiness.

Lord has considered me worthy

And since you are carefully inquirto have you live with me always, bear ing about all things, I will show this to

with me for a few more words, since I

you as well—not, however, to give an

understand nothing and my heart has

occasion for those who are about to bebeen hardened because of my former aclieve in the Lord or who have already tions. Give me insight, for I am extremely

come to believe. For those who now besenseless and comprehend nothing at all.”

lieve or who are about to believe have no

He answered me, “I am in charge of

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