Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (70 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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BOOK: Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament
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further repentance for their sins, but have

repentance,” he said, “and I give underreceived forgiveness for the sins they prestanding to all those who repent. Or do viously committed.

you not realize,” he said, “that repentance

And so the Lord has given those who

is itself a form of understanding? Repenwere called before these days an opportance,” he said, “is indeed a great undertunity to repent. For the Lord knows the standing. For the one who sins underheart, and knowing all things in advance stands that he has done something evil

he recognized the weakness of humans

before the Lord, and what he has done

and the intricate plots of the devil—that

rises up in his heart; then he repents and

he will do some harm to the slaves of

no longer does what is evil, but lavishly

God and will reek havoc among them.

does what is good; and he humbles and

And so, since the Lord is full of

torments himself, because he has sinned.

compassion, he had mercy on his creation

So you see that repentance is a great

and provided this opportunity to repent;


and the authority for this repentance was

I replied, “This is why, Lord, I am

given to me.

carefully inquiring about everything

But this also I say to you,” he said:

from you—chiefly because I am a sinner,

“whoever is tempted by the devil and sins

and I need to know what sorts of things

after that great and reverend calling has

I must do to live; for my sins are many

one repentance. But if he should sin and

and various.”

repent repeatedly it is of no benefit to

“You will live,” he said, “if you guard

him. For he will find it difficult to live.”

my commandments and proceed in them.

I said to him, “I have been made alive

And whoever guards these commandby hearing these things from you so ac



curately. For I know that if I no longer

sitive, feels cramped; and not having a

increase my sins, I will be saved.” “You

pure place it seeks to leave. For it is

will be saved,” he replied, “as will everysuffocated by the evil spirit, not having a one else who does these things.”

place to serve the Lord as it wishes, being

polluted by the irascibility. For the Lord


dwells in patience, but the devil in

32 I asked him again, “Lord, since irascibility.

you have borne with me once,

And so, when both spirits dwell in

reveal this to me as well.” “Speak,” he

the same place, it is unprofitable and evil

said. “Lord,” I said, “if a wife or, again,

for that person in whom they dwell.

a husband, should die and the survivor

For if you take a very small portion

marry, does the one who marries commit

of wormwood and pour it into a jar of

a sin?”

honey, is not all the honey spoiled? A

“That one does not sin,” he said, “but

great deal of honey is ruined by the least

anyone who remains alone has provided

bit of wormwood. It destroys the sweeta superior honor for himself and a great ness of the honey, which is no longer

glory to the Lord. But if such a one does

pleasing to the master, because it has

marry, it is not a sin.

become bitter and lost its value. But if

And so, maintain your purity and

the wormwood is not put into the honey,

reverence, and you will live to God. From

the honey is found to be sweet and is

now on, from this day in which you have

valuable to the master.

been entrusted to me, guard all these

You see that patience is sweeter than

things that I say and am about to say to

honey and is valuable to the Lord, and

you, and I will reside in your house.

he dwells in it. But irascibility is bitter

For your former transgressions will

and useless. And so, if irascibility is

be forgiven if you guard my commandmixed with patience, the patience is dements. And everyone will be forgiven, if filed and its prayer is of no use to God.”

they guard these my commandments and

“I wish to know, Lord,” I said, “the

proceed in this purity.”

inner workings of irascibility, that I may

guard against it.” “Yes indeed,” he replied, “if you and your household do not

guard against it, you destroy your entire

hope. But guard against it, for I am with


you. And all those who repent from their

33 “Be patient,” he said, “and un whole heart will abstain from it; for I will derstanding, and you will rule

be with them and protect them. For all

over every evil work and do all that is

have been made upright by the most revrighteous.

erend angel.”

For if you are patient, the holy spirit

that dwells in you will be pure and will


not be overshadowed by another, evil


spirit; but dwelling in a broad place it

“Hear, now,” he said, “the inner

workings of irascibility, how it

will rejoice and be glad with the vessel it

is evil and brings ruin on the slaves of

inhabits, and it will serve God with great

God by the way it works, and misleads

cheerfulness, flourishing in itself.

them away from righteousness. It does

But if any irascibility should enter in,

not mislead those who are full of faith,

immediately the holy spirit, which is sennor is it able to work against them, be



cause the power of God is with them. But

with patience and stand against irascibilit misleads those who are empty and of ity and bitterness, and you will be found

two minds.

with the reverence that is loved by the

For when it sees such people at rest

Lord. Take care that you never neglect

it inserts itself into their hearts, and with

this commandment. For if you master it,

no warning the woman or man becomes

you will be able to guard the other comembittered on account of some business mandments, which I am about to give

deals, or because of food or something

you. And so, be strong and empowered

trivial, or because of a friend or somein them, and may everyone who wishes to thing received or given, or because of

proceed in them be so empowered.” . . .

other such foolish matters. For all these

things are foolish, empty, senseless, and

unprofitable for the slaves of God.


But patience is great and mighty; it


has a forceful power that flourishes in a

spacious arena; it is cheerful, glad, and


free of anxiety, glorifying the Lord at all


times, having no bitterness in itself but

He said to me, “You know that

you slaves of God are living in

remaining always meek and mild. This

a foreign land. For your own city is a

patience, therefore, dwells with all those

long way from this one. If, then,” he said,

who hold on to faith intact.

“you know your own city, where you are

But irascibility is first of all foolish,

about to live, why are you preparing

fickle, and senseless. And then, from

fields, expensive furnishings, buildings,

senselessness comes bitterness, from bitand pointless rooms for yourselves here?

terness anger, from anger wrath, and

Anyone who prepares these things in

from wrath rage. Then this rage, which

this city, therefore, cannot return to his

is compounded of such evil things, beown city.

comes a great and incurable sin.

You foolish, double-minded, and

For when these spirits dwell in one

miserable person! Do you not understand

and the same vessel with the holy spirit,

that all these things belong to another and

the vessel no longer has sufficient space

are under someone else’s control? For the

but is stuffed to the brim.

ruler of this city will say, ‘I do not want

And so the sensitive spirit, which is

you living in my city; leave it, because

not accustomed to dwelling with an evil

you are not living by my laws.’

spirit nor with harshness, leaves the per

And so, you who have fields and

son and seeks to live with meekness and

houses and many other possessions—


when he casts you out, what will you do

Then when it leaves the one it had

with your field and house and whatever

inhabited, the person becomes devoid of

else you have prepared for yourself? For

the upright spirit and at last, being filled

the ruler of this country rightly says to

with evil spirits, vacillates in everything

you, ‘Either live by my laws or leave my

he does, being dragged back and forth by


the evil spirits, entirely blinded from any

And so what will you do, you who

good understanding. This then is what

have a law from your own city? Will you

happens to everyone who is irascible.

completely renounce your own law for

And so, avoid irascibility, which is

the sake of your fields and whatever else

the most wicked spirit. Clothe yourself

you own, and follow the law of the city



you are in now? Take care, because re


nouncing your law may be contrary to

your own interests. For if you want to


return to your own city, you will not be


welcomed, because you have renounced

While I was walking in the field

and considering an elm tree and

its law; and you will be shut out of it.

a vine, reflecting on them and their fruits,

And so take care. Since you are

the shepherd appeared to me and said,

dwelling in a foreign land, fix nothing up

“Why are you asking yourself about the

for yourself except what is absolutely

elm tree and the vine?” “I am thinking,

necessary; and be ready, so that when the

Lord,” I replied, “that they are extremely

master of this city wants to banish you

well suited for one another.”

for not adhering to his law, you can leave

“These two trees,” he replied, “symhis city and go to your own, and live bolize the slaves of God.” “I would like

according to your own law gladly, sufto know,” I said, “what these two trees fering no mistreatment.

you are speaking about symbolize.” “You

Take care, then, you who are ensee,” he said, “the elm and the vine?” “I slaved to the Lord and have him in your

see them, Lord,” I replied.

heart. Do the works of God, remember

“This vine,” he said, “bears fruit; but

ing his commandments and the promises

the elm is a tree that does not. Yet if this

he made; and trust in him, because he

vine did not grow up onto the elm, it

will do these things, if his commandcould not bear much fruit, since it would ments are guarded.

be lying on the ground, and the fruit it

Instead of fields, then, purchase souls

bore would be rotten, since it would not

that have been afflicted, insofar as you

be clinging to the elm. And so, when the

can, and take care of widows and orphans

vine attaches to the elm, it bears fruit

and do not neglect them; spend your

both of itself and because of the elm.

wealth and all your furnishings for such

And so you see that the elm also

fields and houses as you have received

gives much fruit—no less than the vine,

from God.

but rather more.” “How does it bear more,

For this is why the Master made you

Lord” I asked. “Because,” he said, “it is

rich, that you may carry out these minby clinging to the elm that the vine gives istries for him. It is much better to puran abundance of good fruit; but when it chase the fields, goods, and houses you

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