Lost Woods (30 page)

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Authors: Rachel Carson

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Goat(s), 69, 70, 71, 74; mountain, 17 and I7n

Goldenrod, 122

Good Reading
, 164

Goosefish, 154

Goteborg Laboratory (Sweden), 145

Grass(es): beach, 119; dune, 131; marsh, 42, 121; prairie, 19

Great Lakes, 16

Grebe(s), 47; western, 235

Griffiths Head, 247

Grouse, 16

Guam, 73

Gulf Stream, 22, 106, 152

Gulls, 35–38, 120, 131, 247

Gums, 42, 48

Gumwood, 70

Gypsy moth, 217

Haddock, 8

Halibut, 8

Halle, Kay, 223n, 224, 226

Halley, Edmund, 70

Halos, around sun or moon, 184

Hammocks, 157

Hanford Laboratories, 238

Hardwoods, 174

Harrison, Ruth,
Animal Machines
, 192, 194–96

Harvard University, 133, 137

Hawaiian Islands, 67, 70–72, 74–75

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 30

Hawk(s), 30–32, 69, 183; duck, 27

Heezen, Bruce, 105

Hemlock, 174

Hen, heath, 17

Heptachlor, 205

Heron(s), 47, 121; great blue, 35, 47; green, 47, 120; little blue, 47; night, 120

Herring, 7, 21, 143, 144, 145; migration of, 36–37; river, 16; round, 137–38; sea, 137

Hexachlorobenzene, 219

Hogs, 69–70

magazine, 111, 113

Honouliuli Forest Reserve, 71

“Hot spots,” 239

Howe, Kay, 41

Howe, Quincy, 55, 150

Howlett, Duncan, 246

Hudson, William Henry, 94, 166

Hueper, W. C., 219

Humane Biology Projects
, Carson’s introduction to, 192

Hummingbird, 13

Hurricane, 182

Hydroids, 138

, 7

Illinois Natural History Survey, 208

Industry, liaison between science and, 207–9, 210, 221

Insect control, 212–14


Intensivism, 194–96

Interior, U.S. Department of, 24, 100, 234

International Geophysical Year, 103

Iodine, radioactive, entrance of, into food chains, 239–41

Iron, 10

Islands: conservation problems of, 72–75; evolution of, 63, 65–72; migration to, 66, 67; species extinction on, 64–65, 69, 70, 73 and 73n, 74

Jaegers, 58

Jefferies, Richard, 94, 162

Jellyfish, 59

Jet streams, 185

John Burroughs Memorial Association, 95

John Burroughs Memorial Medal, Carson’s remarks at acceptance of, 93–97

Johns Hopkins University, 14, 15, 149, 207

Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 240

Jones, James,
From Here to Eternity
, 90

Journal of Economic Entomology
, 208

Juniper, 39

Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Permanente Medical Group, Carson’s lecture to, 227–45

Kansas State University, 208

Kelps, 144

Kennedy, John F., 201

Kingbird, Arkansas, 47

Kingfisher, 38

Kinglet, ruby-crowned, 47

Klamath Lake, 18

Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 234–35

, 81

Korean War, 83

Koror, island of, 73

Lack, David, 69

Lanai, island of, 74–75

Lanai Ranch, 74

Lantana, 71

Lapps, Scandinavian, levels of radioactivity in, 237, 238

Lark, horned, 47

Larvae, ecology of, 138–42

Laysan, 68; Rails, 71–72

Lichens, 78, 174, 237–38

Life, origin of, 229–30

Limestone, 157; rocks, 32

Literature, artificial separation of science and, 90–91

Livestock, inhumane methods of raising, 192, 194–96

Lizards, 67

Lobster, 7, 33, 136

London Dumping Convention (1972), 109n

Loons, 47

Lord Howe Island, 69

Lysenkoism, 210

McGill University, 137

McKay, Douglas, 98, 100

Mackerel, 7, 56, 58–60

Maine, Gulf of, temperatures of, 135–36

Maine coast, 114–15, 122.
See also
Southport Island, Maine

Mallard(s), 45; Marianas, 73 and 73n

Mangrove swamps, 114, 134

Maoris, 68

Maples, swamp, 48

Marine Biological Laboratory, 15, 54, 77, 101, 148

Marshlands, cultivating or managing, 47–49

Martha’s Vineyard, 17

Maryland, University of, 14

Maryland Legislature, 23

Masefield, John, 77, 148

Massachusetts coast, 122, 152

Massachusetts Fish and Game Department, 205

Massachusetts Pesticide Board, 214

Mattamuskeet, Lake, 42–43, 44

Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41–49

Maui, island of, 71

Mauritius, island of, 68

Mayr, Ernst, 64, 69

Meadowlarks, 216

Menhaden, 7, 137

Merrymeeting Bay, 171

Metabolites, 144, 145

Mexico, Gulf of, 138

Meyer, Agnes, 189

Michigan State University, 191

Micronesia, Trust Territory of, 73

Midway, 72

Migration, 48; of chimney swift, 24, 25–29; of herring, 36–37; of waterfowl, 168, 171; of whistling swans, 43

Milky Way, 6

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 12

Minnows, 21

Mint, 75

MIT, 184

Mites, spider, 214

Moa, 68

Mockingbird, 47

Mohorovicic (Moho) discontinuity, 104

Mollusks, 7, 10, 145

Monarchs, 247

Monsanto Chemical Company, 208

Moon: full, tides and, 116–17; new, 169, 171

Moore, Marianne, 90

Moose, 17 and 17n

Morison, S. Eliot, 12

Mosquitoes, 158, 159

Moss(es), 78, 174; reindeer, 39, 238; Usnea, 39

Moth, gypsy, 217

Mountain Lake Sanctuary, 172

Mouse, meadow, 121

Muller, H. J., 242–43, 244

Mullet, 57

Munro, George C., 74

Murphy, Robert Cushman, 68

Museum of Comparative Zoology, 138

Muskrat, 19

Mutations, 244

Mynahs, 71

Nantucket Channel, 152

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 104, 209–10, 213; Committee on Oceanography of, 103

National Advisory Committee on Radiation, 241

National Agricultural Chemical Association, 210

National Audubon Society, 189, 190, 215

National Aviation Trades Association, 210

National Bison Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41

National Book Award for nonfiction, 90; Carson’s remarks at acceptance of, 90–92

National Council of the Teachers of English, 164

National Museum, U.S. (Smithsonian), 63, 136, 137

National Parks and Wildlife Refuges, 73

National Park Service, U.S., 99, 123–24

National Research Council, Pacific Science Board of, 73, 75

National Symphony Orchestra speech, Carson’s, 83, 88–89

National Wildlife Restoration Week, 18n, 19

Nature Conservancy, Maine Chapter of, 172, 174

Nature Magazine
, 24

Navy, U.S., 73, 82

NBC Symphony, 83

Needles, 115

Nests, birds’, 13; building of, 26–27

Newagen, 246, 247

New Yorker
, the, 111, 201, 202

New York Herald-Tribune
, the, Book and Author Luncheon Speech, Carson’s, 76–82

New York Post
, the, 204

New York Times
, the, 53, 111, 162

New Zealand, 68

Nickel, 10

Nobska Point, 77, 148

Norfolk Virginian-Pilot
, 216

North American Wildlife Conference, 215

North Pole, 57

Nuthatch, brown-headed, 47

Ocean, middle regions of, 80 and 80n–82

Ocean floor, 8–11, 60, 236; new discoveries about, 103, 104–6

Oceanography, 101, 103

Old-man’s-beard, 39

(TV show), 175–76

Oregon coast, 115

Orinoco River, 66

Orioles, 13; orchard, 47

Orion, 122

Orkneys, 86

Osprey, 38

Oven-bird, 13

Owenia fusiformis
, 140–41

Owls, snowy, 58

Oxford University Press, 53

Oxygen, introduction of, into atmosphere, 230

Oyster(s), 5, 145; rock, 120

Ozone layer, formation of, 230

Pacific War Memorial (1946), 72–73, 75

Palau Archipelago, 73

Paleozoic Era, 78, 116, 118

Palmetto, 157

Palms, fanleaf, 71

Pamakani, 71

Pamlico Sound, 41, 42, 49

Parathion, 206

Parker River Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41

Parks, 162; State and National, 124

Park Service.
National Park Service, U.S.

Passamaquoddy Bay, 137

Patagonia, 57

Peaked Hill Bars, 118; beach at, 119–20

Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of, 53, 150

Pelican, 235; white, 47

Pennsylvania Federation of Women’s Clubs, 215

Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 172

Perch, 21

Periwinkle(s), 79, 120, 174; common, 79; rough, 79–80

Pesticides, 197, 211; attempts to repair battered image of, 202–3; Carson’s address to Garden Club of America on, 211–22; and chemical industry’s funding of research universities, 201, 207–8, 221–22; entry of, into natural food chain, 234–35; genetic damage from, 243; as long-term, widespread contaminants, 233; misuse of, 113, 187, 189, 190–91, 193, 205–6; NAS committee on relations of wildlife to, 209–10; news stories about, 203–5; spraying of, 201, 217, 233–34

Peterson, Roger Tory, 30, 96

Petrels, 72

Pettersson, Otto, 159–60

Phoebe, 38

Phosphorescence, in surf, 169–70

Photosynthesis, 230

Phytoplankton, 145

Pigeon, passenger, 16, 17

Pigs, 74

Pines, 39, 40, 42, 174

Pipit, 47

Plankton, 6–7, 139–40, 143, 144, 145; pesticides in, 235; radioactive materials and, 236–37

Plover, Pacific Golden, 67

Plymouth Laboratory, 139

Pollution, 197; Carson’s lecture on, to Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, 228–45; dangers of, 187; of imaginary town (in
Silent Spring
), 197–200.
See also

Polychaete, tube-building, 140–41

Poppenhager, Don, 155, 156, 157

Porphyria, 204, 219

Prawns, 9

President’s Science Advisory Committee, 201

Pteropods, 7

Public Health Service, U.S., 241

Quail, 216

Quartz, 139

Rabbits, 72, 216

Radioactivity: in Alaskan Eskimos and Scandinavian Lapps, 237, 238; development of, in marine life, 108–9, 236–37.
See also
Atomic waste

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