Lost Woods (31 page)

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Authors: Rachel Carson

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Radioiodine, entrance of, into food chains, 239–41

Radiolaria, 10–11

Radiolarian shell, 10

Rail(s), 72; black, 47; flightless, 68; Laysan, 71–72

Rathbun, Mary, 136

Rat(s), 69–70, 72; water, 21

RCA Victor records, 83

Reader’s Digest
, 24, 98

Red Rocks Lake Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41

Redstarts, 38

“Red tides,” 142–43

Reforestation, 19

Reindeer, 237

Research universities, chemical industry’s funding of, 201, 207–8, 221–22

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 83

Robins, 190–91, 216

Rock Creek Park, 161–62

Rockweeds, 79, 120, 144, 145, 174

Rodell, Marie, 63

Roosevelt, Theodore, 18

St. Helena, island of, 70

St. Nicholas
League, 12

St. Nicholas
magazine, 12

Saint Simon Island, Georgia, 129–30

Saipan, 73–74

Salmon, 16, 17

Salt marshes, 120–21, 129

Samphire, marsh, 121

Sand: diversity of geologic origin of, 139; purple, 122; reaction of larvae to, 141–42; voice of, 130–31, 132

Sandalwood, 71

Sand dollars, 128

Sanderlings, 57–58, 125–27, 130

Sandpiper, 56, 57

Sandstone, 32

Sargasso Sea, eels seeking, 19–23, 60–62

Sargassum weed, 19, 20, 22

Saw grass, 155

Scattergood, Leslie W., 136–37

Schaefer, Vincent, 175

Schmidt, Johannes, 20

Schweitzer, Albert, 192

Science(s), 187; artificial separation of literature and, 90–91; biological, 164–67; liaison between industry and, 207–9, 210, 221

Sea anemones, 5

Sea lettuce, 145

Sea Lion Caves, 115

Sea lions, 115

Seals, 38–39, 109

Sea mounts, 106


Sea slugs, 5

Sea spiders, 9

Sea urchins, 7, 122

Sedges, 238

Sediments, 105, 106, 236

Seed, treatment of, with chemicals, 204, 219–20

Seminole Indians, 157, 158, 159

Shad, 16, 17, 21

Sharks, 6, 11, 154; great white, 6

Shearwaters, 72

Sheep, 74, 216

Sheepscot River, 33, 34, 246

Shell Chemical Company, 208

Shorebirds, 47, 56, 57, 120, 126

Shrimps, 5, 59, 82, 127–28; sounds made by, 76, 82

Sibelius, Jean, 83

Silica, 10

Simon and Schuster, 53, 55, 150

Skimmers, 130

Skylarks, 71

Smith, S.I., 136

Smithsonian, U.S. National Museum of, 63, 136, 137

Snail(s), 5, 79, 80, 122; pelagic, 10; tree, 157, 158–59; winged, 7

Snow, C. P., 90

Songbirds, 216

Southport Island, Maine, 34–40, 111, 169; “Lost Woods” on, 111, 172–74

South Trinidad, island of, 68, 70

Sparrow, 127; fox, 47; song, 38, 47; swamp, 47; white-throated, 47.
See also

Spiders, 66–67, 159

Sponges, 5, 9, 153

Spraying, 201, 217, 233–34.
See also

Spruce, 39, 40, 118, 171, 174, 247

Squids, 82, 121

Stacks, 115

Starfishes, 5, 7, 59, 80, 153

Starlings, 24

Stevens, Christine, 189, 192–93

, 237–38

Sturgeon, 16

Sunfish, 21

Surgeon General, 241

Susupe, Lake, 73

Sutton, George Mitsch, 28

Swan(s): at Mattamuskeet Refuge, 41, 43–44, 46–47, 48; trumpeter, 43, 44; whistling, 41, 43–44; wild, 15–16, 44

Swift: Asiatic, 27; chimney, migration patterns of, 24, 25–29; Chinese, 26; Vaux’s, 26

Swinburne, Algernon, 77, 148

Swordfish, 60

, 138

Szady, Ma, 155

Tahiti, 70

Tamiami Trail, 155

Tapotchau, Mt., 73–74

Teal: blue-winged, 45; green-winged, 45

Temperatures, warming of, 135–36, 137, 138

Tern(s), 37, 68; black, 47; Sooty, 72

Test ban treaty, 242

Thalidomide, 218

Theta Sigma Phi, Carson’s speech to, 147–63

Thoreau, Henry David, 94, 166

Thrashers, brown, 216

Thrush(es): hermit, 33, 35, 47; wood, 12, 13, 47

Tides: full moon and, 116–17; new moon and, 169; red, 142–43

Tierra del Fuego, 86

, 206

Tinian, 73

Titmice, 71

Todd Point, 247

Tomlinson, H. M., 172

Tornado, 182, 184; in Worcester, Mass. (1953), 183–84

Tortoise, 66, 67

Toscanini, Arturo, 83

Toxophene, 235

Trade Winds, 180

Trilobites, 117

Tristan da Cunha, 69–70

Truman, Bess, 83

Truman, Harry S., 83

Tule Lake Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 234–35

Tunas, 60, 109

Turbidity currents, 105, 236

Turkey, 68; wild, 16

Ulithi Atoll, 72

, 145

Sea urchins

Utah State Department of Health, 240

Vancouver, George, 71

Van Dorn, Irita, 76

Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 150

Velsicol Chemical Corporation, 208

Vesper-sparrow, 13

Vineyard Sound, 54, 136

Vireo: red-eyed, 47; white-eyed, 47

Virginia’s Department of Agriculture, 216

Volcanoes, submarine, 10, 65

Wallace, Alfred, 70

Wallace, George, 191

Walsh, Bernard, 225

Warbler(s), 39; Blackburnian, 39; black-throated green, 39–40; myrtle, 39, 47; parula, 39; prairie, 47; prothonotary, 47

Washington Hospital Center, 223n

Washington Post
, the, 98, 189; Carson’s letter in, on misuse of pesticides, 189, 190–91

Waterfowl, 16, 17, 18, 19; migration of, 168, 171; pesticide residues in, 234; refuges, 41, 42–49

Watson, Mark, 14

Waves, 85–86; earthquake, 104

Wax myrtles, 47

Waxwing, cedar, 47

Weeks, Edward, 3

Westinghouse Science Writing Prize, 64

Whale(s), 6, 11, 109; blue, 6; sounds made by, 76, 82

Wheat, treatment of, with chemicals, 204, 219–20

Whelks, 120

White, E.B., 12

Wigeon(s), 45; European, 47

Wildlife, fight for conservation of, 15–19

Willets, 127, 129, 130

Williamson, Henry, 22

Will-o-the-wisps, 170

Willow leaves, 238

Wilson, Douglas, 139, 140–42

Wimpenny, R. S., 145

Winds: clouds and, 178, 179; jet streams, 185; Trade, 180

Wisconsin, University of, 208

Wisconsin Canners Association, 208

Women’s National Press Club, Carson’s speech to, 201–10

Woodcock, 204–5

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 76, 80n

Woods Hole Oceanographic Laboratory, 133

Wood Thrush, The
, 63–64

World War II, 82, 102; destruction of species in, 72

Worm(s), 7, 59, 134; annelid, 139; plumed, 128; tube, 5, 6

Wrens, Carolina, 47

Yale Review
, 64

Yellow-throat, Maryland, 13

The Concord Library

John Elder, series editor

Beacon Press

25 Beacon Street

Boston, Massachusetts 02108-2892


Beacon Press books are published under the auspices of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

Rachel Carson’s writing © 1998 by Roger Allen Christie

Compilation, Introduction, and text (other than Carson’s writing) © 1998 by Linda Lear

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

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Original drawings by Howard Frech for
Under the Sea-Wind

Courtesy of Shirley A. Briggs. Used with permission of the Estate of Rachel Carson.

This book is printed on recycled acid-free paper that contains at least 20 percent postconsumer waste and meets the uncoated paper ANSI/NISO specifications for permanence as revised in 1992.

Book design by Lucinda L. Hitchcock

Composition by Wilsted & Taylor Publishing Services


Carson, Rachel, 1907–1964.

[Selections. 1998]

Lost woods: the discovered writing of Rachel Carson/edited and with an introduction by Linda Lear.

p.   cm.

Includes bibliographical references.


978-0-8070-8547-9 (paper)

1. Nature.   2. Wildlife conservation.   3. Marine ecology.   4. Bird watching.

I.  Lear, Linda J., 1940– .   II.  Title.

3546    1998



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