Love and a Gangsta (11 page)

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Authors: Erick Gray

BOOK: Love and a Gangsta
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“I felt it ain’t really no one biz. What goes on between me and my wife is strictly between us.”
“Yeah, I hear you. So now that you’re a married man, you gonna have to start making that paper.”
“Like I said, I need time to think on it.”
“Soul, you ain’t the type of nigga to watch the game from the
sidelines, you’re gonna want in sooner or later. And now is the time for us to really play ball.”
“I’ll holla at you man.”
“Soul, I fuckin’ owe you this, when you got bagged with all that work, you kept your fuckin’ mouth shut, that’s real right there. You ate those charges like a man. You could a snitched on me too, but didn’t.”
“What you gettin’ at?”
“Soul, they don’t make niggas like us anymore. I trust you with my fuckin’ life. And I need a nigga like you to watch my back. Just in case shit gets ugly.”
“Nigga, you know I’m on parole.”
“We got that cover for you. I’m ready to pay off the right people, make some bribes, and do whatever it takes to keep muthafuckas off our backs. My money’s long.”
America was on my mind, but the offer was tempting. If I should become involved with Omega and it gets fucked up, I might end up back in prison. Then I may have to kill this nigga, we’ve been friends for too damn long. I love America, and I swear to God, I needed to start doing right by her. However, the inner demon was trying to bring the old me back out. I was a husband trying to keep on the straight and narrow. I made that vow to Raheem not to get involved in shit.
“I need time to think.”
“Ahight my nigga, think on it,” he said, pulling out a knot of bills from his pocket and peeling off four c-notes. “Here’s a little sump’n to hold you down for a few days.”
“I ain’t no fuckin’ charity case.”
“I owe you, my nigga. As many times you done looked out for me and had my back. I’m just tryin’ to help out a friend. You’d do the same for me. I know you need something to hold you down for the moment.”
I hated to be indebted to anyone, because I hate returning the favor. He was right. I had the hundred America left for me before she went to work, but that wasn’t going to last long.
“Soul, what you doin’ later on tonight?”
“Come by the club over on Liberty and 150th street. It’s called the Shack. People wanna see you and been asking about you.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“You’s a thinking ass, nigga. You feeling like Einstein and shit.”
“When you locked up, you start thinking ‘bout a whole lot of things.”
I gave him dap and watched Omega peel off before a weird thought hit me. The whole time he never asked about his brother, Rahmel. Omega acted like his brother never existed. It showed a sign of disrespect. I shrugged it off and continued inside the building. I promised America I would pick her up at the train station later in the evening. I didn’t want to miss her call.
I picked up America from the train station a little after eight that evening. She was coming from the studio. I had to admit it; I was jealous and made a small stink about it. America reassured me that it was only business and nothing more.
“Baby, I love you and only you.”
I smiled and dropped it. When we got back to the apartment, I cooked up fried chicken and catfish, biscuits, and green beans, her favorite. I learned how to cook when I was twelve because mom wasn’t doing it. I used to watch these cooking shows at my uncle’s crib and write down the recipes. When I had the chance, I’d practice in the kitchen. There were a few near incidents, but nothing too serious to burn the house down.
We had a full belly and were sleepy by ten that night. America was in the bedroom getting ready for bed. I was in the living room contemplating Omega’s offer. I had a ten o clock curfew with my P.O, but was willing to risk it. If he called or came by, and I was out, fuck it, I’d lie.
It was fifteen minutes after ten. I grabbed America’s car keys and shouted, “Baby, I’m goin’ out for a minute, be right back.”
“Out?” America shot back.
She came rushing into the living room wearing a long sleeper white
T-shirt and glared at me. “And you’re taking my car?”
“I gotta make a run real quick.”
“Omar, it’s after ten, pass your curfew with your P.O. What am I gonna tell him if he decides to call or worse come by to check on you?”
“He won’t.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because he won’t,” I snapped. “Don’t worry, I’ll be good.”
She sucked her teeth and continued to glaring. “At least tell me where you’re going.”
I didn’t want to tell her my location, nor did I want to lie to her. I was taking her car, and that made me feel less like a man. My silence made her even more irritated.
“You just gonna stand there and not say shit?”
“What you want me to say?”
“You know what…? Fuck it! You’re a grown man, Omar. I’m not trying to keep you on a leash. Do what you fucking please!”
The pain in her voice was resounding. I didn’t mean to diss America, but I needed some alone time. She went back into the bedroom and slammed the door.
She ignored me. I stared at the door for a short moment.
“Fuck it!”
I pulled up to this hole-in-the-wall they called the Shack. A few people were milling outside. I parked the car and made my way across the street. It was a balmy Monday night, with graying skies and I sported a wife-beater, some denim jeans, and Timberlands. I walked up to a nigga mean grilling at the door and collecting money.
“I’m here to see Omega.”
“Omega? Nigga, I don’t know any Omega?” he replied with the screw-face and sarcasm dripping. “It’s a dub to get up in this piece.”
I never paid to get into any club, and I wasn’t going to start now. We had it like that back when I was coming up.
“You ain’t got that dub; you ain’t gettin’ into this muthafucka. I let you know that now, nigga.”
“Who the fuck you talkin’ to like that?”
“Nigga, you best back the fuck down.”
I didn’t have a gat, but I had my pride and some hand skills to go with it. I was ready to knock this big mouth nigga flat on his ass.
“You know who I am, nigga?” I barked.
I was ready to bring it to this nigga. Suddenly, I felt an arm over me, I was about to react, but noticed that it was Omega.
“Soul, be easy, my nigga,” Omega said calming me down.
“Mega, what’s good?” I greeted him.
“Causing trouble already, Soul?” Omega joked.
“You know this nigga?” the bouncer asked.
“Nigga, you better back down, Dean. I just saved you from getting humiliated tonight,” Omega said.
“Whatever,” Dean said shooting me a smirk.
I laughed and followed Omega inside. It wasn’t anything spectacular, but a comfortable spot for a nigga to chill and get his drink on. It wasn’t crowded, but bitches were there.
The deejay was local and the bar was makeshift and stocked with beers, Hennessy, E&J, Alize, Grey Goose and bottles of Cristal. A few old bar tables were scattered around the joint.
I followed Omega to a small booth reserved in the back. Rap music blared throughout the speakers. A few girls were on the dance floor. We sat in the booth observing the place.
“What y’all fellows drinking?” a waiter asked.
“Bring us a bottle of Cristal,” Omega ordered.
He nodded and walked off.
“I’m glad you came, Soul,” Omega said.
“I had to come see.” I said.
He smiled.
“This your place?” I asked.
“Nah, this shit is a dump compare to what I’m used to. I come here for business mostly; I like the people, and the owner, he good peoples.”
A few of the ladies were clocking us hard. They were trying to be subtle. Moments later the bottle of Cristal and glasses arrived. We poured drinks and I downed mine quickly. Omega laughed.
Omega wanted to continue to talk business, but I didn’t come for that. I came to chill, drink, and forget about any problems.
“Oh shit, Soul, what’s good, my nigga?” I heard someone call out.
I turned to see Knocks. He came over and embraced me with a manly hug. Knocks was down to earth and stayed drunk the majority of the time. We reconnected for a quick moment and then he went to the bar to get himself another drink.
During the night I ran into several of the fellas, James, Loco, Mike, Tiffany, Norris, Pebbles, and my cousin Greasy came through with his wild ass. Kem and Kemp came through too, they were brothers that played ball and were almost drafted to the NBA, along with Monk, and Sky hollered at me.
It seemed almost everybody from around the way suddenly started to come through, showing me much love. Omega was confident I’d show up. He surprised the shit out of me by throwing a little welcome home party in my honor. I continued to get my drink on. It was good seeing everybody again.
“I hope you didn’t forget about me, cutie,” I heard a female say, as I was downing my fifth drink.
I turned around and standing in front of me was Alexis showing me some rhythm. She smiled at me and damn she was looking good. It’s been years since we’ve been together. I thought she moved out of state and got on with her life.
“Alexis, what’s good, beautiful? Been a long time,” I greeted.
“I know, I missed you,” she said, throwing her arms around me, trying to kiss me as if we were a couple.
I pulled back and told her to chill. I wasn’t trying to go there and knew by her body action, she wanted to pick up from where we had left off.
“Why baby?” she asked with a confused look.
It was hard to resist, but I had to. She was dangerous for my marriage. I hated that I loved looking into those hypnotic light green eyes, and feeling on her long, brown hair, with her skin supple like honey wrapped around a curvaceous figure. She was one woman that made a nigga weak.
We had a thing that got real serious before I was knocked. Shit she was by my side early that morning trying to help me get rid of the drugs. She was in love with me, and so envious of America, that she got my name, Soul, tattooed over her left breast. But she knew America always came first in my life. So she played the hand she was dealt, my second bitch.
We used to fuck all the time. She even became pregnant twice for me. Both times, I made her have the abortion. I didn’t love her like that and didn’t want the trophies. Her feelings were hurt, but she soon got over it and gave me the pussy again.
Clad in short black glazed leather wrap mini-skirt, stilettos and halter-top, her tits were looking so nice. Temptation was a bitch.
“You still with her ain’t you, Soul?” she asked, I could already see that jealousy seething within her.
“Let me buy you a drink, Alexis,” I offered. Turning to the bartender, I said, “Grand mariner and Pineapple.”
“You remembered my favorite drink,” she said with a generous smile.
“Of course,” I uttered. It was the most expensive drink in the place, thirteen dollars a glass.
Alexis stood by my side, sipping on her drink and chatting up old times. I decided not to reveal my marriage. She wasn’t ready for the news. Alexis wanted to fuck me tonight. It was hard to turn down her offer for a quickie and a blowjob. The bitch had gotten me hard by barely brushing against me.
The night progressed and I met privately with Omega outside, near his ride. He was rolling a blunt.
“Mega, let me holla at you for a minute.”
“Soul, you having a good time?”
“You know, it’s always love wherever I go.”
He chuckled and responded, “You conceited bastard.”
“You still smoke?” He asked, taking a long pull from the weed.
“Yeah, I still get down with the haze.”
I took the burning haze from his hand and took a long pull. It’s been months since I sparked up and the effect was immediate.

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