Love & Death (35 page)

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Authors: Max Wallace

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Aberdeen, Washington

Adamson, Jennifer

Albini, Steve

Alden (Aldo), Brent

Alton, Reginald

Azerrad, Michael


Barber, James

Barber, Tony

Barrymore, Drew

Barth, Ernie


Billig, Janet

Bjelland, Kat



Breuer, Joachim

Brewer, Colin

Broomfield, Nick

Broy, Steve

Bryant, Dan

Burckhard, Aaron

Burgess, Samuel

Burston, Geoffrey


Cameron, Donald

Carlson, Dylan

Carlson, Eric

Carroll, Linda

Carroll, Rosemary

Celebrity Skin

Clarke, Victoria

Cleary, Peter

Cobain, Don

Cobain, Frances Bean

Cobain, Iris

Cobain, Kim

Cobain, Kurt

biographies of
credit card of
death of,
Cobain deathy
drug use of
early years of
happiness of
journals of
and Love,
Love, Courtney
musical legacy of
and Nirvana,
and parents’ divorce
public statements by
and rehab
in Rome
stomach pains of
on tour

Cobain, Leland

Cobain, Wendy:
see also
O’Connor Wendy

Cobain death:

anniversary of
BBC documentary on
body discovered
cadaveric spasm
Carroll’s theories
case closed
copycat suicides
drugs in body
and frame of mind
grandfather’s opinion
Grant’s opinions
and Hoke
inconsistencies in
Love’s father’s opinion
Marshall’s opinions
media stories on
memorial service
police work on
scene of
suicide theory

Collier, Donnie

Collins, Britt

Come as You Are

Cope, Julian

Corgan, Billy

Cross, Charles

Crover, Dale

Curran, Todd


Dando, Evan

Decker, Ronald F.

Dewitt, Gary

Dewitt, Michael “Cali,”

Digman, Jeffrey

Dillard, Bonnie

Doyle, Tad

Draher, Allen


Endino, Jack

Entsminger, Matt

Erickson, Paul

Erlandson, Eric

Ervin, Quentin


Farry, Jackie

Finch, Jennifer

Fisher, Carrie

Fowler, Bobbi

Fricke, David

Froede, Richard


“Gallagher, Drew” (pseud.)

Gallagher, Todd

Galletta, Osvaldo

Geberth, Vernon

Geffen Records

Gelb, Edward

Gerdes, Al

Goldberg, Danny

Gold Mountain

Grant, Tom

Grateful Dead

Grohl, Dave


Hanna, Kathleen

Hard Copy

Harrison, George

Harrison, Hank

Hartshorne, Nikolas

Harvey, Paul

Haynes, Gibby

Hendrix, Jimi

Hewitt, Kathy

Hirschberg, Lynn

Hoke, Eldon

and Broomfield
and Cobain’s killer

Hoke, Eldon (

death of
as drinker
as “El Duce,”
and Love conspiracy
and Mentors
and polygraph test
and Sepedjian
and Wrench


Hopper, Jessica

Hubbard, Randi

Hucker, Stephen

Hutchence, Michael


I Hate Myself and I Want to Die
(Nirvana; orig. title)

In Utero


Janitor Joe

Jarrell, Max

Joplin, Janis



Kaspar, Daniel

Kingsley, Pat

Kirkland, Steve

Klugman, Ben

Kurt & Courtney


Lanegan, Mark

Law & Order

Lee, Richard

Lennon, John

Lenquette, Youri

Lester, David

Leuci, Santina

Levandowski, Von

Lewis, Roger

Live Through This


Lord, Mary Lou

Love, Courtney:

arrests of
biographies of
conspiracies of
drug use of
early years of
Grant hired by
and Hoke,
Hoke, Eldon
and Hole,
and Kurt, dating
and Kurt, marital trouble
and Kurt, marriage
and Kurt’s biographers
and Kurt’s death
and Kurt’s drug use
and Kurt’s music
media stories about
people afraid of
and Pfaff
and prenuptial agreement
public statements of
transformation of

“Love Buzz,”

Lukin, Matt


MacGowan, Shane


Maier, Scott

Marander, Tracy

Marshall, Denise

Mason, Jeff

Mason, Warren

Matley, Marcel

McDaniel, Frederick R.



Mercury, Freddie

Merritt, Mike

Moore, Caitlin

Moreland, James

Morrison, Jim




Nitzburg, Joe “Mama,”

Novoselic, Krist

Nugent, Ted


O’Connor, Pat

O’Connor, Wendy;
see also
Cobain, Wendy

O’Donnell, Sean

O’Hara, Charles

Oprah Winfrey Show, The

Osborne, Buzz


Palladino, Jack

Parker, Janis

Pavitt, Bruce

People vs. Larry Flynt, The

Peterson, Charles

Peyton, Elizabeth

Pfaff, Janet

Pfaff, Jason

Pfaff, Kristen

Pfaff, Norm

Plath, Sylvia

Platt, Jerome J.

PMK agency

Poneman, Jonathan

Povich, Maury

Pretty on the Inside


Ranaldo, Lee

Reay, Donald

Reed, Dave

Reed, Jesse

Reese, Tom

Rezabek, Rozz

Richards, Keith


Rooney, Andy

Rossi, Melissa

Rue, Carolyn


Sabow, James

Sandford, Christopher

Saturday Night Live,

Seattle Police Department

Senac, Lyle

Sepedjian, Karush

Sestini, Massimo

Shelley, Pete

Shults, Allen

Siskel, Gene

Smear, Pat

“Smells Like Teen Spirit,”

Smiley, Eric

Smith, Gary

Soren, Tabitha

Speers, Bradley

Spungen, Nancy

Stahl, Charles

Steele, Bobby

Stimson, Nial

Stipe, Michael

Stokes, Niall

Stout, Gene

Sub Pop


Terry, Antonio


Towles, Rev. Stephen

True, Everett



Unsolved Mysteries


Vanity Fair,


Walters, Barbara

Watson, Triona

Wecht, Cyril

Wheeler, Alice

Wilson, Duff

Wrench, Allen

Wright, Terry


Yates, Paula

Young, Kim


Zucchino, David

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