Love Don't Live Here Anymore (The Love Collection Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Love Don't Live Here Anymore (The Love Collection Book 3)
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Chapter Thirty-Two

Summer parked her rental car in her assigned parking spot in the garage. She had stayed up late last night, typing her resignation letter, but the perfect words had eluded her. She finally decided to keep it short and sweet and she would verbally relay just how grateful she was to have been a part of the medical administration at Emory. Her talk with Mr. and Mrs. Heyward was easier than she’d thought.

Mr. Heyward had told her that whatever she decided was fine with him as long as she didn’t decide to move out of the country. Mrs. Heyward was just as supportive and told her that wherever she and Akia went, she and her husband would still come to visit. Summer wondered just how loving and supportive they would be if and when she found someone else to love her just as AJ once did. Their blessings of a new relationship would be important to her because they had always welcomed her with open arms.

Not wanting to waste too much time, Summer dropped her things off at her office and was immediately graced with empathy from her coworkers. Their care and concern touched her heart, which made submitting her letter that much more difficult.

Summer walked back to her office and was a little surprised to see Moet standing at the nurse’s station, talking. Moet looked up at her and smiled. Summer smiled back to be polite.

“Do you have a minute?” Moet asked.

“Yeah, I have a few. Come into my office,” Summer offered. Once Moet entered, Summer closed the door and walked to her desk.

“Summer, I am embarrassed and so sorry for what happened. I know you know because Larita let me know that you weren’t feeling me like that. I’m not even going to lie or make excuses for myself. I have some deep-rooted issues that I need to deal with and I plan to do that sooner rather than later. I just hope that you and your family can find it in your hearts to forgive my indiscretions in hopes that we can move past this. You have been a great friend to me and I honestly don’t want to lose you,” Moet said.

Summer pondered her words before speaking. “Moet, thanks for apologizing and admitting your wrong doing. That does mean a lot to me. I had planned to talk to you about it, but things have spiraled out of control these past few days. My family is not an issue in this. My sister doesn’t know you, so she has no reason to hold a grudge. Me, on the other hand, I felt hurt and betrayed and never thought that
would do something like that. That was grimy and to be honest, I still do feel a way about that. I wasn’t raised to hold grudges either, but I will admit that you and I will never be the same. Our friendship as we once knew it is no longer. My sister comes first and always will and quite frankly, how can I be friends with someone I can’t trust? Don’t get me wrong, I wish you the best and I don’t hate you, but that incident made me feel differently about you as a person. Maybe that will change with time. I don’t know. Only time can tell that. But hopefully the whole incident was a fresh start for you and things will look up. Since you’re here, I’d like to let you know that I’m moving back to Dallas within the next four weeks. If all goes well, I will be out of here by Christmas,” Summer told her.

“Wow! I … I don’t know what to say. Thanks for being honest. I know this is no ones fault but my own, and I have to live with the decisions I’ve made. I’m happy for you that you’re going back to your family. I know how stressful things have been for you since you’ve moved here. And I heard about what happened with your car and the little boy. I’m sorry to hear that. Well, I don’t want to hold you up any longer. I wish you the best as well, Summer. And please know that I am deeply sorry about everything. I’ve made this bed so I must lie in it. Thanks for everything. I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for you, I may not have taken the steps necessary to get my life back in order. Not that it matters, but I have also begun repairing my relationship with my family.”

“Moet, that’s great!” Summer replied genuinely. “Family means everything to me and I’m glad that you’re working on making things right with yours,” she added as she stood. Despite what had happened between them, Summer never wished badly on anyone. She walked over and gave her a hug. “I hope things continue to go up for you. Get the help you need to continue living a healthy life.”

Moet nodded and hugged her a little tighter and a little longer. “Thanks,” she replied and exited Summer’s office.

Summer got off of work and went straight home. She was mentally exhausted and drained from everything. Larita invited Summer out for some drinks to try and get her mind off of her troubles. But Summer had to check with AJ’s parents before making plans. When she got home and saw that no one was there, she called them to see where they were.

“Hey, Summer. We took Akia out to see a movie and to the toy store. We actually just left so we may be a few hours. After we leave the mall, we plan to go out to eat and spend as much time with her before we head out in the morning,” Mrs. Heyward said.

Originally, they had planned to leave today but wanted to spend an extra night with Akia. In just a week, they had grown so fond of the little girl and had almost decided to bring her back to New Jersey with them for a little while. But Mr. Heyward had taken note of Summer’s current situations and felt that Akia would be a welcomed distraction from everything she was experiencing. They figured that since Akia brought so much joy to them, she would do the same for Summer.

“Okay, that’s fine. My friend asked me to join her for a few. Please call me when you guys get back. I miss little Akia Myari,” Summer stated.

She sent Larita a text and told her that she was available and confirmed the meeting place. Larita said that she would pick Summer up and told her what time to be ready. Two hours later, the two of them had finished three cocktails apiece and were feeling the effects of the alcohol. When Larita said that she wanted to go smoke, Summer was open to joining her. For years, she’d shunned the use of drugs but now that she had smoked pot every so often, she didn’t think the drug was so bad after all.

When they got into the car, Summer’s phone rang. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the hot shot prosecutor himself,” Summer slurred.

“Are you okay?” Vincent asked.

“Of course I’m okay. Alcohol makes everything better,” Summer said.

“Where are you?”

“I’m in the car … with a friend.” She smiled sheepishly.

“What friend and where are you headed?” Vincent asked.

“Larita. And to her place, so I can smoke some weed.” Summer giggled, causing Larita to do the same.

“I need to see you. Can I pick you up at home?” Vincent asked.

“No. You can meet me at Larita’s,” Summer retorted.

She didn’t want anyone coming to pick her up at home, especially since AJ’s parents were in town. Larita whispered that she would drop Summer off at Vincent’s place and listened as Summer relayed the offer. He reluctantly agreed. Larita made a quick stop at home and retrieved the clip that she had been smoking before Summer texted her. The two of them indulged and Larita was shocked that Summer had actually finished the whole thing with her. The three drinks coupled with the exotic weed had dismissed all inhibitions.

Summer looked at Larita, licked her lips, and squeezed her thighs. Despite all she had been through, a mind-blowing orgasm would be beneficial and she hoped that tonight would be the night she was able to accomplish it.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Larita pulled into Vincent’s driveway and he came outside to meet Summer at the car. When he saw how impaired she was, he shot an evil eye at Larita and she gave him a sinister smile.

“Thanks, I got her from here. I’m sure you must be going,” Vincent stated authoritatively.

“Oh no, I’m in no rush. In fact, I held my pee for so long. Do you mind if I use the bathroom?” Larita asked.

Vincent bit his lip in frustration, and then Summer spoke for him. “Of course, Vincent doesn’t mind. Come on.”

Larita got out of the car and walked toward the front steps, while Vincent waited for Summer to get her things and helped her out of the car. As they were walking up the driveway, Summer got a glimpse of Larita’s rear and stared pleasingly.
I’m not gay
, Summer thought. But she still couldn’t deny the fact that she was attracted to her friend.
Maybe it’s the alcohol and weed
, she reasoned. She realized that she was most lustful during her times of indulgence. Otherwise, when she was sober, she did more admiring than anything. Vincent unlocked the door and Summer went to sit on the couch. Larita asked where the bathroom was and Vincent walked her to that area.

Vincent headed back into the front room. “I called you because I wanted to let you know that I know that was your car that was stolen and killed that kid. I don’t think you will be getting it back, especially for a while. Technically, I’m not supposed to be discussing this with you, but I thought you might want more information.” Vincent helped Summer sit on one of the stools.

Summer stood and stepped in front of Vincent. “At this point, all I want is out. Fuck the car, fuck the house, and fuck Georgia. Since I came here, my life has been a fucking hell. And not a good fuck, you know, the kind that makes you squirm. It was a rough fuck, the hardcore kind. With no Vaseline,” she whispered.

He swallowed. “I know things have been rough for you but I don’t think Georgia has been all bad,” Vincent said, sounding kind of sad.

“I don’t know about Georgia, but you, my friend, have been nothing … but … good … to … me,” Summer said as she planted kisses on his face.

Vincent swallowed again.

“Am I interrupting something?” Larita asked. Vincent jumped but Summer giggled.

“Actually, no. I was just telling Vincent how hospitable he has been since we’ve met. Southern gentlemen tend to have a charm unmatched by others.”

“Oh, I know all about it,” Larita said.  

Summer decided that for once she would step out of character and live for the moment. With Larita standing so close to them and Vincent directly in her face, she decided that it was the perfect opportunity to show just how frisky she could be. She stepped away from Vincent and into Larita’s path. She placed her hands around Larita’s neck and began tongue kissing her passionately. Larita looked at Vincent and crinkled her eyebrows in confusion. She was taken aback by Summer’s actions but quickly decided to act before Summer changed her mind. Larita threw her handbag on the couch and rubbed her hands up and down Summer’s back. She continued to suck Summer’s tongue and reached over for Vincent to join them, but he snatched his hand back. Summer saw his resistance and smiled inwardly. To help rid him of the awkwardness, she put her mouth on his and kissed him just as sweetly.

“I’ve never had a threesome before. But I would love it if you would be my first,” she whispered in his ear.

Vincent grabbed her by the hand as she held Larita’s hand and led them both into his bedroom. As long as she was a willing participant, he was willing to engage.

When they reached the room, Vincent quietly asked Summer if she was sure and when she replied, “As I’ll ever be,” he didn’t waste any more time undressing down to his bare skin.  

Chapter Thirty-Four

It was Saturday afternoon and AJ’s parents had left, heading back home. Summer and Akia were dressed, with nowhere to go. After they’d all left the diner, they said their farewells and Mr. and Mrs. Heyward hit the road. Summer had gotten word that Sirad’s funeral was coming up in a few days and wanted to go pay Braxdon a visit. The only thing holding her back was the fact that she still had not heard from him and the distance was starting to bother her. Summer decided that she would stop by anyway and hoped that he was receptive to her presence. When she knocked on the door, Ms. Honey yelled for her to enter. Summer thought that it was rather unsafe and made a mental note to say something to her.

“Hi, Ms. Honey, did you know it was me at the door?” Summer asked.

“No, not necessarily,” she said with her southern drawl.

“Well, that could be dangerous. Please be careful,” Summer said.

“Who’s this pretty little child?” Ms. Honey asked, taking the attention away from her carelessness.

“This is Akia Myari. My deceased fiancé’s daughter. Akia, say hi to Ms. Honey.”

“Hi,” Akia said, holding on to her sippy cup.

“How’s Braxdon been doing?” Summer asked.

“Well, he seemed to be getting better but when the funeral home called and said they were short on the expenses and they wouldn’t release the body until they were paid in full, that got him all wound up again. He’s been out all night and most of the day, doing Lord knows what. I hope that boy ain’t back out there selling them drugs again. He was doing so good,” Ms. Honey said. She shook her head in shame.

“I hope not either. Is he still interested in going to school?” Summer asked.

“I don’t know. He talked about it for two days and was all excited over it and then when Sirad died, I haven’t heard him mention anything else.”

Just then, Braxdon rushed into the house and went straight back to his room. He didn’t even look into the living room to see who was there. Summer used that as an opportunity to go talk to him.

She followed him to his room. “Hey, how are you?” she asked.

“I’m living; so I guess that’s good,” Braxdon said curtly. He rummaged through his closet and shifted several shoeboxes as he searched for something. When he found it, he placed it in his sock and headed out of the room, past Summer, but she grabbed his arm when he passed her.

“Where are you going?” she asked out of concern.

“Why? What’s it to you? I got shit to do, and I ain’t got time for the twenty-one questions or a sermon; so what you want?”

“I wanted to see how you were doing but apparently my concern isn’t wanted so I guess I’ll be on my way,” she said. Before she even had a chance to walk out of his room, he was already past the threshold and on his way out the door. When Summer went back into the living room, she had tears in her eyes.

“Don’t worry too much, baby. That boy has been snappy since he lost his son. He cares. He just can’t show it right now.” Ms. Honey rocked in her recliner.

Summer let the tears flow and went to get some tissue. “I hope he doesn’t hate me for what happened. I wish I could change things, but I can’t.”

“Oh baby, don’t cry. Braxdon is hurting and it will take some time for him to heal from this. That boy was his life and now Braxdon feels like there is very little worth living for. I pray every day for that boy’s soul. I already lost one grandchild and I don’t want to feel what it’s like to lose another, especially Braxdon. That boy has been with me since he was little. He’s like my own son.”

Summer could hear the emotions welling with every word. She got off the couch and went to hug Ms. Honey. They said a prayer together and Summer left. 

“Why you cry, Summy?” Akia asked.

“Because Summy is sad.”

“You sad? I make you happy,” Akia said and Summer cried a little more. Unbeknownst to Akia, her words had just given Summer more comfort than her little mind could ever fathom.

Summer got herself together and decided to call Ginger to see what she was doing, but her number was disconnected. At first, Summer was sad about having to leave Georgia and the little bit of friends she had made since living there but now, as she struggled to find people to occupy her time, she felt like her decision to go home was the best.

Summer placed a call to Ginger’s caseworker. “Hi. It’s Summer. I just tried calling Ginger but her number is disconnected. Have you seen or heard from her lately?”

“Summer, hold on a moment,” the lady said. Summer heard the tail end of a muffled conversation and then she came back. “Hi. Sorry about that. Um, Ginger has been arrested.”

“Oh my goodness. For what?” Summer asked.

“Well, there’s been several complaints about things being stolen from staff and residents at the group home. At first, no one knew who was doing it but through process of elimination, everyone started to point fingers at Ginger. When the complaints started coming in, I approached Ginger about it and she denied the accusations incessantly. So I believed her. But last night, one of the staff members placed a hidden camera in the office and when they showed up this morning, Ginger was on camera stealing an unopened package that was placed there as bait.”

Summer sighed heavily and rubbed her left temple. She couldn’t believe that Ginger had done such a thing. Summer had her over at her place numerous times and nothing had ever come up missing. Had they not had the video, Summer would have bet her last paycheck that they’d made a mistake. “So what happens now?” she asked.

“Because she’s sixteen, she’s been arrested. She was arraigned just a little while ago but she goes back in front of the judge on Monday,” Andrea explained.

Summer thanked her for the information and immediately started wondering what she could do to help. She wasn’t any real kin to Ginger, nor was she an attorney or social worker, so getting a visit with her was slim. Knowing that Ginger had no one else who would sincerely advocate on her behalf, Summer felt that she needed to do everything in her power to help. She needed a favor and knew just who to ask for help.

With no real desire to do anything anymore, Summer drove straight home and decided that she would spend quality time with Akia, watching home videos and looking at photos of her daddy.

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