Love Don't Live Here Anymore (The Love Collection Book 3) (23 page)

BOOK: Love Don't Live Here Anymore (The Love Collection Book 3)
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Chapter Thirty-Eight

The surprise farewell party that her coworkers had planned for her was something Summer would always remember. Folks who didn’t know her volunteered to provide coverage for the staff who did, so they could attend. Even Eugene showed up to wish her well. The two of them hadn’t spoken much since she’d set him straight about who she hung out with. But it still didn’t seem to affect the way he felt about her. Eugene had paid for the caterer and the hall where they had the party. He knew that she had a little one to take care of, so he made sure he had it at a family-friendly place so Summer could bring Akia if needed, and that meant a lot to her. They laughed, shared memories, and some even gave her parting gifts. She felt blessed to have had the opportunity to work with such great people.

The day before she was set to leave, Ginger had finally contacted her. Andrea had told her someone from the district attorney’s office had contacted the judge in the juvenile system and put in a good word. Ginger wasn’t placed in juvenile detention but she was ordered to perform community service, no probation. Summer made a mental note to contact Vincent and thank him for everything. Ginger’s consequences or lack thereof, was simply because of him.

Andrea told her that at first Ginger was too embarrassed to call Summer but knew that she had to face her before she left to go back home. Summer had saved her life and treated her like a normal human being, despite her shortcomings, when others hadn’t paid much attention to her at all. Ginger’s heart ached at the thought of losing her closest friend. When she’d finally gotten over her discomfort, she had practically begged Andrea to bring her to see Summer. So when Andrea called and asked if they could come by, Summer instantly obliged. Andrea had barely parked when Ginger jumped out of the car and headed to Summer’s front door. When Summer opened the door, Ginger fell into her arms and hugged her tightly. The two of them cried and hugged until Ginger loosened her grip.

“Summer, I’m so sorry I let you down. Please don’t leave. I promise I’ll do better. I won’t ever let that happen again. Summer, I need you,” Ginger cried.

“Oh Ginger, it has nothing to do with you.” Summer rubbed her back. “Come in and have a seat.” When they sat, Summer spoke. “Ginger, everybody makes mistakes, even me. I don’t hold what you did against you, but it did disappoint me. I want you to be the best you can be and have everything that makes you happy in life. Sometimes, we’re dealt a rough hand and we have no control over it. But what we do have control over is how we go about life. You are smart, talented, sweet, caring, and the list goes on. Don’t let your home situation cause you to do things that you know are wrong. There have been many times when you were here and you never stole from me; so there was no reason to do what you did. I know you don’t want a sermon, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t let you know how I felt about the situation. Things could have turned out worse for you and you and I both know that’s not you. So please promise me
yourself that you’ll be on the up and up from here on out,” Summer pleaded.

“I promise.” Ginger nodded. “Will you stay?”

“Ginger, honey, your actions have nothing to do with me leaving or staying. I miss my sister, my nephews and niece, my brother-in-law, and my friends. I came here with my fiancé and since he passed away, I feel like things have gone downhill for me. So that’s why I’m choosing to go home. I’ve met some really special people here, including you, and I will always keep in touch. I will visit and you can visit me too, okay?” Summer said as she got choked up.

Ginger was like her little sister and it really hurt her to have to leave her behind. Now she knew what it was like for Autumn to make those sacrifices for her and how she always wanted more for Summer than she wanted for herself at times.

“I only have two more years of school left. When I graduate, can I move to Dallas so I can attend college there?” Ginger asked eagerly.

Summer glanced at Andrea, since she didn’t have a clue as to how the system worked. “As long as Andrea and the powers that be approve it, then I would love to have you in Dallas,” she told her.

Ginger hugged her again. “I love you, Summer.”

And that caused Summer to break into tears. She had told Ginger before that she loved her but she had yet to hear her say it back. “I love you more, Ginger.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Even though Moet had fucked up, Larita still felt like they all needed one last hoorah before Summer left to go back home. She called Summer first and asked her if she was available to go out for dinner. She told her to meet her at Bar One for dinner and a cocktail. She then called Moet and asked her to do the same. Larita silently said a prayer and asked God to allow Summer to view this as something amicable. Summer wasn’t an unreasonable person, but one of the first things she’d learned about her was that she definitely was her sister’s keeper.

“Hey, chica!” Summer said when she greeted Larita.

“Hola, mamacita. Hello, Akia,” Larita said.

“Hi,” Akia said in her shy voice.

“I still can’t believe you’re leaving me tomorrow. Do you need more help with anything?” Larita asked.

“I know right. Um, no. For the most part, I’m good. I just have to bag the rest of my clothes and Akia’s, do the same with shoes and purses, and then I’m straight. I know you said you wanted the living room set, so the people you recommended contacted me and said they would be there in the morning to move it to storage. The rest of the stuff, I’m donating to the shelters,” Summer explained.

“I’m really going to miss you, Summer.”

“I know. I’m going to miss you too.”

“Don’t hate me, but I invited Moet to join us.”

Summer looked up and saw Moet heading their way. She gave Larita a look, one that she couldn’t quite read.

“Hey, y’all,” Moet sang.

“Hey, girl,” Larita replied.

“Hi, Moet,” Summer said. 

“Oh my goodness. Is this AJ’s daughter?” Moet asked and Summer nodded. “She is so cute. Hi, Akia.”

“Hi,” Akia replied.

Summer couldn’t deny that Moet looked like a new woman. Gone, seemed to be the woes of stress. Her face looked clearer, healthier and she appeared happier over all.

“How’s everything with you?” Summer asked. 

“Everything is good, real good. I testified to the abuse and Kareem was sentenced to two years. My family is back speaking to me and our relationship seems stronger than ever. I moved out of my old place last week and I’m actually staying with my parents for the time being. I’m in a better place; I really am. Thanks for asking. How is everything with you? I know you got your hands full.”

“All is well. So you really are going back home then, huh?”

“Yeah, I just feel it’s best. I miss my family and I want Akia to grow up around her little cousins. She needs to be with other kids. Plus, my sister and I can help one another out and spend time together.”

“Wow! It’s probably for the best. I’m a little sad,” Moet said. “Summer, I hope you don’t hate me. I am really not that kind of girl. I was in a dark place and wasn’t thinking about anyone but myself. If I could rewind the time, I would,” Moet confessed.

“Thanks, Moet. That means a lot; it really does. I don’t hold any ill feelings. If you say you’re sorry then who am I to say otherwise and hold on to that burden. It is what it is and hopefully we can all move on from that,” Summer said.

Larita held up a drink. “To life! Letting go of the bad, embracing the good, and focusing on the future.”

Everyone clinked glasses.

“Summer, I have to go pee,” Akia said.

“Okay, honey, come on. When the waiter comes, order chicken fingers and fries for Akia and I’ll take the grilled buffalo chicken salad, minus onions and peppers,” Summer said to Moet and Larita.

When they were exiting the bathroom, Akia ran ahead of her and bumped into a lady.

“Sorry about that,” Summer said. “Akia apologize to the lady.”

“Sorry,” Akia said.

“Oh, it’s okay. She is too adorable. How old is she?”

“She’s one and a half. She’ll be two in April,” Summer said as she looked at the woman quizzically. The lady had a familiarity to her that Summer just couldn’t place.

“Oh, there you are,” the woman said to a guy who had just stepped inside of the restaurant. “Look at how cute she is. She makes me want to start working on one now.”

To Summer’s surprise, the guy was Vincent. And at that second, she realized that the woman she had been talking to was the same one she had seen him with at the airport.

Vincent looked at Summer, then the little girl, and back to Meisha. “Yes, she is cute.”

The waiter signaled that their table was ready and everyone went their separate ways. Summer wanted to thank him for looking out for both Braxdon and Ginger but the timing wasn’t right. If Vincent wasn’t going to make it known to Meisha that he knew Summer, then she wasn’t going to open that can of worms. She and Akia walked back to their table and resumed as if nothing had taken place.

For the rest of the night, Summer couldn’t help but think about Vincent. She had struggled with whether she should tell him she was leaving and finally decided that he definitely deserved that much from her. After she put Akia to bed, she retrieved her cell phone and decided she would send him an email instead of a text or BBM. Meisha was in town and something told her that the two of them were cozier than they were last month. She opened her Yahoo! account and started typing his name in the To section. There was a lot she wanted to say to him but she didn’t have the desire to put it in an email. Some things were better said verbally.



I just wanted to thank you for being my friend since day one. I will never forget your hospitality and sincerity. I also want to thank you for helping my friends during their times of need. That says more about your character than any of those other things we’ve discussed. In case you haven’t heard, tomorrow is my last day in Georgia. I have decided to go back home to Dallas. When I saw you last night, I wanted to tell you but didn’t want to cause any drama. Even though our last encounter wasn’t the most pleasant, you still have a special place in my heart. I hope things work out for you and I wish you all the best. Take care.


Love always,



After proofreading, Summer sent the email and closed her phone. She was watching reruns of
Golden Girls
when her doorbell rang. She looked at the time and noted it was close to midnight.
Who the hell could that be
, she wondered. For a second, she thought it was Vincent coming by after reading her email. But when she peeked out the blinds and saw Braxdon’s car parked out front, she sucked in a breath. As soon as she opened the door, Braxdon threw himself into her and started hugging her tightly. “Miss Lady, please don’t leave me. I need you, shorty. I need you in my life.” He sobbed.

Summer pulled her head back to look him in the eyes and her heart broke at the sight of his tear-stained face.

“I can’t leave now, but I promise I will make that move with you. Just give me some time, please?” he begged.

Summer held him tight. Out of everyone, Braxdon had touched her the deepest. She knew that he had a lot of potential and was certain that he would make something of himself.

              When he lifted his head to kiss her, Summer could smell the alcohol on his breath and immediately got upset because he had been drinking while driving. “Braxdon, what are you doing driving after you’ve been drinking?” she yelled at him.

Summer was extremely upset that he could do something so careless, especially since he had a history of DWIs and Vincent had put his career on the line to help her out by helping him. She walked back into the living room and left Braxdon standing there. When she didn’t tell him to get out, he took that as an open invitation to stay. He closed the door, locked it, and followed her. He removed his jacket and shirt on his way. He had never been inside her place and felt compelled to look around. But right now wasn’t the time to tour. He was on a mission to keep Summer close to him and he wasn’t trying to lose focus. When he arrived in the front room, she was sitting on the couch with her face in a knot.

“Why you mad, Miss Lady?” Braxdon asked as he stood in front of her, bare chested.

“You know why I’m mad, Braxdon. I just told you.”

“Come here. Stand up,” he said as he pulled on her arm.

“No, I don’t want to stand. I’m comfortable where I am.”

“Stand up, Miss Lady!” he said, this time with more authority.

Summer didn’t budge, and in one swift motion, he scooped her off the couch, sat down, and placed her on his lap.

“I didn’t drive,” he said and then waited for her to respond. When she gave him that “You think I’m stupid” look, he laughed. “I didn’t. My cousin and her man drove me here and left my car. Damn, have some faith in me.”

Summer looked into his eyes to validate his story and smiled. “You better not have.”

“I love you, Summer; I really do. I’m going to miss the shit out of you. Every time I think about you driving away tomorrow, it takes something out of me. I tried getting Siyahna to let me take Brenda with me, but she wasn’t hearing that shit. Of course my Gram gave me her blessing. She wants me to keep you close.” He smirked. That caused Summer to chuckle as well. “Damn, you got me all fucked up. Got me sweating you and shit.”

Summer cared about Braxdon a lot. And she couldn’t tell whether what she felt was a degree of love or not, but whatever it was, it went deep. “I’m going to miss you too, Mr. Jones. And you can visit me anytime you’d like.”

“Anytime?” he asked as he licked his lips.

Summer adjusted her position so that she was now straddling him.

“Any … time … you … want,” she said as she gently planted kisses all over his face. She rested upon his full, juicy lips and kissed them repeatedly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and added more passion to her embrace.

Braxdon looked into her eyes and returned the sentiments. Summer had never had sex on her furniture before and was set to donate it to her friend, so she thought twice about the act she was about to commit. She then quickly reasoned that Larita was the biggest freak she’d ever met and she might as well Christen the piece before her friend had a chance to.

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