Love in the Air (18 page)

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Authors: Nan Ryan

BOOK: Love in the Air
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“Oh,” Kay said, looking up at his dark, unreadable face. “Thank you. I…I forgot.” She lifted her hand, took the hose and automatically moved a step backward, pulling the door completely open.

For an interminable time, Sullivan stood there in the doorway, saying nothing, his burning eyes devouring her.

“Kay,” he finally managed, and it was no more than a strangled whisper.

“Yes, Sullivan?” She held her breath.

He moved into the room. He closed the door behind him, his eyes never leaving her. “Kay, I…I hurt. I hurt so bad, baby. Help me. Hold me.”

A flood of love and happiness washed over her as she murmured softly, “Oh, my darling,” and stepped into his embrace, flinging her protective, eager arms up around the strong column of his neck.

Sullivan leaned to her and his arms enclosed her, desperately pressing her warm, willing body up to his tall, hard length. “Love me, honey. Please, love me. Kay,” he gasped thickly against her sweet-smelling damp hair.

“Dear God,” Kay marveled aloud in muffled awe against his shoulder. “You care. Sul, you still care.”

“I said I’d care forever—” he slid a lean hand up to cradle her head, gently pulling it back so that he could look at her “—and I meant forever, Kay.” His eyes were filled with love and desire.

“My Sul.” She looked up at him, her blue shining eyes mirroring her happiness and relief.

“Kiss me, Kay. Kiss away all my pain. Love me.”

His mouth slowly descended to hers. Kay watched not his mouth, but his eyes, as warm, parted lips gently settled on hers. She shivered as she saw those dark eyes closing in ecstasy, the long, sweeping lashes fluttering down to tickle her sensitive cheeks. Then her eyes also closed as she surrendered totally to the masterful mouth moving hungrily upon hers.

Sullivan was gently nipping at the soft flesh inside her bottom lip, teeth raking playfully, before he sucked the lip into his mouth for an instant. He released it, kissed the left corner of her open lips and said against her cheek, “Kay, sweet, I want to kiss you all night long. I want to kiss you enough to make up for all the years I starved for the taste of you.”

His mouth moved back to hers, his tongue sweeping across her small, even teeth, then sliding into the darkness behind them. Kay clung to his neck and let the warmth in her body and his rise unchecked while his hot tongue explored the tingling, sensitive inside of her open mouth. It was his to invade, his to claim, his to taste and drink from.

Sullivan did just that. His lips, teeth and tongue possessed the sweet, dark cavern of her mouth. He took his time, intent on drawing all the honey from her, feeding ravenously on the sweetness he was starving for, could not get enough of, could no longer live without.

When at last his mouth reluctantly separated from hers, Sullivan lifted a hand to push aside the scratchy terry robe’s lapel from Kay’s left shoulder. He lowered his burning lips to the gentle curve of her neck and shoulder, kissing the warm, clean flesh.

Nibbling there, he murmured huskily, “Oh, Kay, my only love, I want to kiss you all night and all over.” Gently he bit her neck. “I want to kiss your nipples and your navel and your knees.” His open lips pressed ever hotter caresses to the side of her throat while she trembled happily against him and felt she would surely burst into flames from his words as well as his kisses.

Sullivan lifted his head. “And I want you to kiss me, too, baby. I want your gleaming little mouth to claim mine, to drive me wild as only you know how. Will you do that for me?”

Kay, her hands locked behind his head, pantyhose still clutched tightly in slim fingers, said breathlessly, “Lower your head and I’ll show you.”

Sullivan eagerly bent his head as Kay stood on tiptoe and began slowly, teasingly kissing his full mouth. Her lips played with his, nibbling, licking, withdrawing, finally twisting provocatively. Kay ran the tip of her tongue along the inside of his upper lip and Sullivan sighed into her mouth and pressed her closer, his hands spreading on her robed back.

She made him wait no longer. Kay opened her mouth wide and brazenly darted her tongue deep into his mouth. She felt him shudder against her and felt powerful and happy and grateful all at the same time. She explored and savored just as he had done and swayed contentedly against him when his tongue met and mated with hers.

They continued to stand there kissing in the moonlight, their breath growing increasingly labored and loud, their bodies growing hotter and hungrier. Sullivan’s mouth never left Kay’s, but he gently pulled her arms from around his neck, took the pantyhose from her clenched fingers and dropped them to the carpet. He placed her empty hand inside his open shirt, directly over his hammering heart. The feel of his warm, hair-covered flesh beneath her hand added new fire to Kay’s burning body and she wrenched her mouth from his and began to frantically shove the white, rumpled shirt down from his wide shoulders, over his long arms and off.

Inflamed by the sight and scent of him, Kay, her blue eyes glazing, leaned to him and began to press heated lips to the broad, dark chest, murmuring, “I want to kiss you all over, too, Sul. All over, all over.”

“Yes, my darling,” he was saying from over her head while his hands worked at the stubborn knotted sash of her terry robe. Kay let him handle it expertly. Never bothering to disturb her obsessive kissing of his wide, hair-roughened chest, Sullivan deftly managed to maneuver one slender arm, then the other, from the robe. So caught up was Kay with the hard male chest she was busily caressing, she hardly knew when the robe slipped away.

Suddenly she became very aware of her nudity. Sullivan’s warm, sure hands were pressing her close, his fingertips gliding down her naked spine to the small of her back. Kay’s lips lifted from his chest and she looked up at him.

“I love you, Kay Clark,” he said and pulled her closer. Thick, black curly hair tickled the full, swelling breasts he’d exposed. The contact was warm and wonderful. Kay’s already tingling, tautened nipples responded instantly to the feel of the strong male chest, pleasantly abrasive, rubbing against her as Sullivan kissed her once again.

Kay stood naked against the man she loved and kissed him and kissed him and was never quite certain how they arrived at the bed. Did they walk to it? Did Sullivan carry her? She couldn’t recall. She knew only that her head now rested on the soft, fat pillows in the darkness and that the sheets were cool and clean beneath her bare, hot body.

Sullivan was stretched out beside her, his handsome face barely visible above hers in the darkness. A long, heavy leg was resting over her own; she could feel the smooth, slick fabric of his pants against her naked thighs and wondered fleetingly why he still had them on.

“Kay,” he was saying, a hand raking through her hair, “there’s not been one week, one day, one hour that I did not miss you.”

“It’s been the same for me, Sul. I swear it.”

“Has it, sweet?” His lips were scattering worshipful kisses over her flushed cheeks, her damp temples, her quivering chin, her fluttering eyelids. “Say it then, Kay. Say you love me. Tell me, please.” A lean hand moved down to caress a swelling, ripe breast.

“Sul, I love you. I have always loved you and always will. I belong to you, now and forever.”

The hand at her breast tightened upon tender flesh. A finger circled the tight little crest and Kay sighed with pleasure. “Oh, honey,” he whispered in the darkness, “I love you, too. So much. So much I…” His hand released the breast and moved down to her narrow waist as his mouth again took hers in a deep, drugging kiss.

While the fingers of one hand tangled in her long hair, holding her mouth to his, the other hand continued to glide tenderly down her body, slipping around a bare hip, fingers spreading upon the soft rounded cheek of her bare bottom. He shifted, pressing her closer to him, letting her feel the throbbing heat behind his zipper, while his tongue went deep into her mouth and his chest pressed heavily upon her breasts.

For a long while they stayed in that position, taunting each other, pleasuring each other, savoring every magical, mystical step on the erotic road to fulfillment. Into each other’s mouths they murmured love words.

Sullivan lifted his head. His eyes flashed at Kay and he pulled from her embrace. Kay watched, enraptured as he rose from the bed. She heard the zipper slide down, squinted to see as he took off his dark tuxedo pants and tossed them over a chair. He was only a large, shadowy figure; Kay could make out little save the powerful contours of his strong, male body: the chiseled, wide shoulders, the flat belly, the long legs.

The moonlight that slashed into the room covered only the lower half of the bed. Sullivan was undressing by the head of the bed. Kay’s eyes stayed on him and she guiltily wished that he’d move down into the light. Kay glanced down the length of the bed. Only her slim legs shown in the moonlight, sliced off midway up her thighs.

“Kay.” His velvety voice was very deep and loving.

“Yes?” She squinted back in his direction.

Sullivan’s arm came out of the darkness. He reached for and found her hand. Gently he pulled her up to kneel on the bed. Kay, her entire body now awash in the moonlight, breathed shallowly, sat back on her heels and saw Sullivan step out of the darkness and into the light. He placed a bent knee on the bed behind her, leaned down and gave her mouth a kiss. When their lips separated, he put a hand to the silvery crown of her head and gently pulled it against his chest. He let her head rest there for a time while he bent over her, kissing the silky hair atop her head.

Sullivan did it for a reason. Kay took advantage of it, just as he’d intended.

Above her head he was saying softly, “Kay, I’m going to turn you so that we will be lying with our heads at the foot of the bed.”

Kay, slowly tearing her curious, wide eyes away from the throbbing rod of heat that so fascinated her, tipped her head back to look questioningly up into his dark, smoldering eyes. Sullivan could read her puzzlement.

“Because, darling,” he said softly, a hand cupping her cheek, “if we lie with our heads on the pillows, I won’t be able to see you.” His head slowly bent to her and Kay moaned deep in her throat when a warm, soothing mouth closed over her aching right nipple. Sullivan circled the little peak with his tongue, raked sharp teeth over it and Finally gently sucked on it for one sweet, heart-stopping minute.

When he lifted his head, his hand took the place of his mouth as his explanation continued, his voice heavy with desire. “Kay, when I make love to you…when I take you, I want you to be looking into my eyes,” He smiled at her. “I want to see the pain and the pleasure and the love in your dazzling blue eyes when you feel me enter you.” Sullivan brushed his lips to her open mouth and gently maneuvered her down once more onto the bed, on her back, her face awash in the light of the moon, long silvery hair spread out around her fragile face. “There,” he said, pleased, “isn’t that better?”

Loving him completely, longing to please him in every possible way, Kay nodded dreamily. “My darling Sul,” she whispered and lifted a slim hand to his dark head as he stretched out by her. “I promise to keep my eyes open wide if that is what you want.”

“Kay, sweet, sweet Kay,” he said thickly and let his hand glide slowly down from a full, rounded breast, over delicate ribs to her narrow waist. Fingers hesitated, spreading briefly over the flat, female stomach, its texture of smooth, warm satin. “God, you’re a beauty,” he said, his dark eyes watching with pleasure the quivering belly his hands were awakening. “You know,” he said thoughtfully, “you’re all tanned except for a lovely white strip across your full sweet breasts and your lower hips and thighs. It seems hardly fair that the most beautiful parts of your body are denied the caresses of the sun.”

Kay sighed happily. “I’m afraid nude sunbathing would be frowned on even in the islands.”

Sullivan, his hand moving lower, murmured, “We’ll see,” and bent to kiss each pearly white breast in turn while his hand possessively closed over the silvery triangle of curls between her legs. He gently urged her satiny thighs apart and Kay moaned softly and tossed her head to one side, whispering his name.

Silky female flesh, wet from wanting, was his to claim, to caress, to make his own. Gratefully, and with awe close to reverence, Sullivan’s hand tenderly accepted that which was lovingly offered and he, too, moaned, beholding the sweet, angelic face of the only woman he had ever loved.

Sullivan agilely shifted, moving his long, lean body between her parted legs. He was over her now, looking down at her, weight partially resting on her. His mouth dipped to hers for a searing kiss of unrestrained passion and into her mouth he said, “I love you, Kay; never stopped, couldn’t. Make me whole again, baby.”

“I will, my love,” she said with assurance, putting her small hands to his wide shoulders and looking directly up into his dark eyes while he lifted her hips to him and slid into her with a deep, sure thrust of his powerful male body.

It hurt very much like it did that first time, but Kay, her eyes wide open, looking into Sullivan’s, bit the inside of her lip and felt the pain turning to pleasure, while above her, his breath warm upon her face, Sullivan murmured soothingly, “My love. I’m sorry, I’ll stop, I’ll wait.”

“No,” she sighed, her tight little body gripping him, sheathing him, loving him. “I want it. I want you to love me.”

Sullivan sprinkled kisses over her cheeks and shoulders and breasts and felt her soft body slowly begin to relax and mold itself to his. Fleetingly wondering why there was pain for her, pain almost as intense as that night so long ago when she’d been a virgin, he let it slip from his mind as logical thought took flight and there was only his beautiful, silver-haired love moving provocatively beneath him, looking into his eyes, lifting her lovely head to press kisses into his throat, over his jaws, along his shoulders.

His passions flaring white-hot, Sullivan began to rotate his hips, driving deeper and deeper into the warm, moist sweetness holding him so tightly. His hands were clutching her hips. He was lifting her to him as their rhythm increased and they moved gloriously together.

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