Peggy Holloway - Judith McCain 04 - Jupiter Returns

Read Peggy Holloway - Judith McCain 04 - Jupiter Returns Online

Authors: Peggy Holloway

Tags: #Mystery: Thriller - Psychologist - Psychopath - Houston

BOOK: Peggy Holloway - Judith McCain 04 - Jupiter Returns
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Peggy Holloway - Judith McCain 04 - Jupiter Returns
Number IV of
Judith McCain
Peggy Holloway
Peggy Holloway (2011)
Mystery: Thriller - Psychologist - Psychopath - Houston
Mystery: Thriller - Psychologist - Psychopath - Houstonttt
Jupiter, the psychopath from Portrait on Wicker, has escaped the institution for the criminally insane and is out for revenge against Judith McCain and Tracy Carr, who were responsible for putting Jupiter away. The convict’s rap sheet lengthens with identity theft, kidnapping, and murder of a loved one.
Being a former cop, Jupiter knows what the police will do next. Will Judith and Tracy have enough time to figure out what Jupiter wants?











Cover Design by Patti Roberts of Paradox Book cover Designs and Formatting

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This is a work of fiction. Names characters and incidents are figments of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.



Copyright 2011 by Peggy Holloway

Revised 2013



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By gots2know - See all my reviews.
This review is from: Terror on the Beach (Kindle Edition) Five stars.

I just couldn’t put this book down once I started it. This writer makes very interesting characters which makes your imagination run wild. Would highly recommend this book




Review by:
lora roara
on Jan. 12, 2012 : (no rating)
A wonderful read. Suspenceful to the end!
(reviewed within a month of purchase)



5.0 out of 5 stars
Outstanding mystery
, January 28, 2012


See all my reviews

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This review is from:
DOUBLE SHOCK (Kindle Edition)

I am happy to be the first to review this book.
I could not put it down. It is set in southeast Georgia in 1969, it begins with the heroine frying her extremely abusive husband in the tub with a hair dryer. But she cannot understand why everyone in town, including the hunky sheriff, is determined to accept it as an accident and cover up the justified murder share. I grew up in North Georgia in the turbulent 60’s, just as things were changing drastically in the South. Do not dismiss this story as fantasy that could not have happened. It was within the realm of possibility then, but not today. But we must never forget that we can be doomed to repeat the past if we forget the tragedies of the past.



Review by:
Lynn Thompson
on Jan. 30, 2012 :
Double Shock is spectacular. When I first started reading this book I wasn’t sure I would like it. Several pages in I found that I had a hard time putting it down. I read it in a day. There are a lot of twists in this book and the characters in the book aren’t what they seem to be! I would love to explain this book, but I don’t want to ruin it for other readers.
(reviewed within a week of purchase)



Review by:
Gloria Antypowich
on Jan. 31, 2012 :
Review by Gloria Antypowich
When Ramona Ramsey finally had enough of her husband Jake’s cheating and physical abuse, she decided she would end it; when the opportunity came she murdered him. history; in some measure, on different levels, it still thrives there today. Within the pages of this book you will find hate, love, pain, fear, intrigue, action, loyalty, betrayal, defeat and victory; a broad spectrum of human emotions in a believable setting.
(reviewed within a week of purchase)



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No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.





Ben and I had just returne
d from the honeymoon we had had to postpone when we got married. I had been in the process of selling my private practice when we got married and then Mimi had had a heart attack and well it was just one thing and then another.

We had been married for almost two years before we left on the much needed cruise.
We had taken a month to sail around through the Panama Canal and end up in Miami after island hopping. From there we caught a plane back to Houston. I kept my maiden name so it is still Judith McCain.

I am a psychologist and I now work for the FBI on a consulting basis.
I only rarely take on private clients unless they are connected to an FBI case. My consulting job takes me out of town often. Ben isn’t crazy about that part of my job but when we do have time to get together it is that much more wonderful.

I love Ben with all my heart but it took me a long time to grow up enough to be able to handle a healthy relationship.
My twin sister, Julia and I have had our share of unhealthy relationships but we’ve come a long way considering where we both came from.

As soon Ben and I
walked in the door to the mansion, where we live with my grandmother, Mimi, she came in shaking like something had scared her half to death.

“Judith, there was a woman here
this morning, who called herself Jupiter. She said she has come back and will get her revenge. Who is she? She scared me so badly.”

, my God!” I said. “I wonder how she got out and how she knew where to find me. Mimi, you and Ben stay here. I have to go talk to Tracy.”

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