Love In The Library (30 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Bolen

Tags: #Regency romance

BOOK: Love In The Library
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"Mr. Bexley wasn't very dear at all."

He whirled toward her. "What can you mean?"

"Surely you know he preferred to spend his time at Mrs. Baddele's—never with me."

His eyes rounded. "Forgive me for saying it, but your
dear Mr. Bexley
was a profligate fool."

"Oh, I couldn't agree with you more."

Stunned by her revelation, he was silent for a moment. "You  truly deserve to have a husband who cherishes you." He remembered her confession to Longford about loving a penniless man. "I shouldn't like to see you throw yourself away—again—on an unworthy man."

In that instant, he felt like something exploded inside of him. Dear God, could she. . . surely a woman of such perfection would not want a dull stick like him. "Pray, Mrs. Bexley. . ."

"Do you think, when it is just you and me, you could call me Catherine?"

His heartbeat accelerated. "As I was saying. . . ahem, Catherine, I don't like the idea of you throwing yourself away on an unworthy man."

"What does it matter to you?"

He turned to the dear woman. He could never tire of that lovely face. "Since that first day when my refusal caused you to cry, I seem to have appointed myself to look after you."

Her voice softened. "No one's ever treated me with more concern."

He moved closer to her and murmured. "Would you mind if I kissed you again?" He felt if he didn't kiss her right then he would go mad from the want of it.

She answered by molding her torso to his, encircling him with her arms, and lifting her face to his.

He settled his lips over hers, softly at first, then hungrily, all thoughts rushing from his head. Only one thing mattered at that moment: the intense pleasure this delicate, adorable, loving creature was giving him.

Before he did something that might shame him, he summoned the will to stop, but he could not stop holding her against him.

Though he had no experience on which to base his assumptions, he thought perhaps she enjoyed kissing him as much as he enjoyed kissing her. Which meant there was a probability that he just might be that penniless man she fancied herself in love with. The very idea of her being in love with him made him extraordinarily happy.

"Airy? Do you think there's a probability that you could. . .ever settle down with a woman like me?"

"You know I'm a dull old stick?"

"You are not! You're the most unselfish, courageous, brilliant man I've ever known."

He couldn't help himself. He kissed her again.

"I would say there's a very high probability that I could grow old with a woman exactly like you," he murmured between nibbling kisses.







Six months later. . .


All of her dearest friends had returned to Bath and were to gather here at the Assembly Rooms tonight. It was the first time since she and Airy had married that they would see Glee and Blanks. Not that Catherine had seen them yet. In fact, she hadn't even seen Airy since they walked in the door half an hour previously. He'd gone off to the card room to see his brother.

She had brought Annie as well as her own sister, whom she would be presenting in London soon—now that she was a lady of means. The girls were both the same age, got on famously, and were both looking for the ideal suitor. Her fondest hope was that each of them could find a true love as wonderful as Airy.

The very thought of how complete her life was now that she'd united with the finest man in all of England caused her insides to flutter. Each time Airy's amused gaze met hers, she fluttered anew. The connection between them was extraordinary. Not that her dear husband was able to articulate his feelings about how close they were. Incapable of speaking of his love for her, he
his love with his frequent displays of concern, with his desire to be with her above all others, with the physical intimacy that neither of them ever tired of.

She felt as if she'd never lived before Airy slipped that gold band upon her finger that magical day at Bath Cathedral.

Glee, on the arm of her handsome Blanks, breezed up to where Catherine sat. Promptly getting to her feet, Catherine and Glee hugged, and Glee began to gush about how happy she was that two of her favorite people had married. Then she turned to Blanks. "Do go find Mr. Steffington."

Blanks dutifully left the two ladies alone to continue their conversation. "I always knew Melvin would make someone a wonderful husband, but I cannot imagine him ever actually proposing marriage. It seemed
part of his personality was never properly formed."

Catherine giggled. "That is so true. I'm still not precisely certain how it came to pass that we were able to convey to one another our desire to marry, to never be parted. I would have to say it was a proposal by a committee of two."

"I love that!" Glee's head looked to the left, then right. "Is it true what Felicity told me about Longford?"

"I don't like to speak of it, but it is true." Now that time had passed and so much happiness had been bestowed upon her, she held no rancor, only pity for the misguided man.

"He should be in prison!"

"He's paying for his crime in other ways. He's so humiliated, he's left Bath and will never show his face in London, either. I feel sorry for him." Then Catherine smiled at Glee. "I must congratulate you on producing a little Blanks."

Glee's lashes lowered. "I had help." Then she looked up and smiled. "I know he's mine, but baby Gregory is the most perfect little boy, though I can't express that opinion in front of Felicity. She thinks their three sons are all perfection."

Catherine placed a hand over the almost imperceptible swell of her midsection. "I do hope ours is son."

Glee's eyes widened. "I had no idea you were breeding. . .  I thought- -"

"You thought I was incapable because my first marriage produced no children." She too had thought she would never bear a child, and now she was excited enough about the impending event to shout it from the spire of Bath Cathedral.

"It truly won't matter if it's a girl or boy. You and Melvin will adore either one."

"Surprisingly, Melvin's wonderful with girls and boys both. He's never shy with what he calls little people." As she spoke, she saw Melvin moving toward her, his eyes never leaving her.

He bid good evening to Glee, then addressed Catherine. "I've come to claim Mrs. Steffington for the waltz."

She adored to hear herself addressed as Mrs. Steffington.

On the dance floor, he asked, peering down at her with concern, "Are you certain it won't disturb the babe for you to dance?"

"I am certain."

He squeezed her hand.

"I've been thinking, Airy."

"Heaven help me. . ."

"Do you realize your new book will be out the same month next summer as our babe?"

"It's not really my book. I just translated it from the original Greek."

"It will have your name on it, and I shall be inordinately proud of my brilliant husband."

"I pray you never speak like that to others."

"Only to those whose last name is Steffington. Your siblings are as proud of you as I am."

"I was just thinking about the first time we danced together in this very chamber. That afternoon—in our library—you had asked me to come that night. Why?"

"I didn't understand it, but I knew you were the only one I ever wanted to dance with."

"It's the same with me. You're the only one I ever want to be with. Ever."

He may not have used the word
, but he didn't have to. No woman could be loved more, nor could any woman love more than she loved her Airy.


The End


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Love in the Library
(Book 5 in
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Thank you from Cheryl Bolen


The Brides of Bath


If you enjoyed reading
Love in the Library
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The Brides of Bath


The Bride Wore Blue

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Cheryl Bolen's writing draws you into her fast-paced story. 4 Stars –
Romantic Times


Cheryl Bolen returns to the Regency England she knows so well. . .If you love a steamy Regency with a fast pace, be sure to pick up The Bride Wore Blue. –
Happily Ever After

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For six long years Thomas Moreland has dreamed of the beautiful young noblewoman who rescued him from death. While amassing his fortune in India, not a day passed he did not recall Felicity's fair loveliness, did not recall the silken tones of her sweet voice, did not desire to possess her.


Now a widow, Felicity Harrison does not recognize the handsome nabob as the young man left for dead by highwayman years earlier. Though she wants nothing more than to snub the arrogant man who promises to rescue her family from financial ruin in exchange for presenting his sister to Society, she cannot snub him. She must force herself to bear his company. But the longer she is with him, the more she has to force herself to remain true to her dead husband's memory. Why is it the humbly born Thomas Moreland possesses more nobility that any man of her class? And why is it she finds it harder and harder to mourn a dead man when Thomas's virility awakens her deepest desires?
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With His Ring

(The Brides of Bath, Book 2)


Texas Gold's Runner-up for Best Historical Romance 2002


Highly recommended. –
Under the Covers


Cheryl Bolen does it again! There is laughter, and the interaction of the characters pulls you right into the book. I look forward to the next in this series. 4 Stars –
Romantic Times


With His Ring is a good book. Once you start reading you will not want to put it down. . .The secondary characters are a blast. They will have you laughing right along with Glee's stunts. –
The Romance Readers Connection


If you liked Cheryl Bolen's first installment in her Brides of Bath series set in Regency England, you'll like this one. With His Ring has plenty of sensuality. –
Happily Ever After

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Glee Pembroke has turned down countless offers of marriage because she has secretly been in love with her brother's best friend, Gregory Blankenship, all her life. When she learns Gregory will lose his considerable fortune if he's not wed by his twenty-fifth birthday, she persuades him to enter into a sham marriage with her. What he doesn't know is that she plans to win his heart. She will do everything in her power to make him happy—including mimicking the ways of a "fast" woman since he's noted for alliances with women of that sort.


Why did he ever allow himself to marry the maddening Glee? He'd thought they would have great fun, but at every turn, she exasperates him. Why does she persist in wearing the bodice of her dresses so blasted low? Why do other men persist in flirting with her, his wife? And why in the blazes has his heretofore complacent life been turned upside down by this sham marriage? He finds himself longing for a real marriage, but for reasons he cannot divulge, that can never happen.
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The Bride’s Secret

(The Brides of Bath, Book 3)

Previously titled
A Fallen Woman)


You'll fall for A Fallen Woman, the latest Regency romance by Cheryl Bolen. .this emotional story of a woman's journey from despair to triumph has what we all want from a love story. –
In Print


A story of healing, forgiveness and change that will make readers cheer. –
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I would recommend A Fallen Woman to anyone." –
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Since his commanding officer in the Peninsula took a bullet meant for him, James Moore, now the Earl of Rutledge, feels responsible for the dead man's young son and the boy's exquisite mother, Carlotta Ennis—so responsible that he offers to marry the lavender-eyed beauty. Though their marriage was not to be a love match, Carlotta's torturing presence has James yearning to make her his true wife.


Though she did not love his lordship, her desperate situation forced her to accept his proposal. Little did she know she would come to crave being with him, would hunger for his every touch. If only she could be worthy of the fine man she's married, if only she can keep him from learning her dark secret . . .
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