Love Inspired Historical January 2015 Box Set: Wolf Creek Father\Cowboy Seeks a Bride\Falling for the Enemy\Accidental Fiancee (83 page)

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For Lydia, Grace would continue what they had started.

Chapter Eight

s expected, Lydia captivated London. As soon as their new clothes were delivered, Aunt Aggie began accompanying them on morning calls, alfresco luncheons and some evening soirees and card parties. They attended many with Lord Weston's sisters.

Almack's had not been stormed, though vouchers had come. The decision was made that it would be best if Lord Weston was with them on that auspicious occasion. And as they had not been sanctioned to dance the waltz by the august patronesses of the prestigious institution, Aunt Aggie had decided that they would not attend any balls until they were able to do so. Grace was so happy to allow Lydia to ease into her Season. She could not wish for more.

Indeed, Lydia glowed, as Grace knew she would. Her sister was the perfect combination of beauty, humility and charity in one package, and she was so proud of her.

Grace had taken care of Lydia since the death of their mother ten years before. She'd felt called to console her father, tend to her eight-year-old sister
manage the running of the household. Seeing Lydia blossom so made all of that seem worth it.

Grace did not share the fact that she was not enjoying herself. When they had agreed that Lydia should be introduced to Society first, she had not known there would be
contact with Lord Weston. She had not seen him since the day she'd met his sisters. She missed him! Well, not
of course, but a friendly face and someone to make her laugh.

Only yesterday, she'd been put in the most awkward situation. She was having tea with Aunt Aggie and one of her aunt's friends when Jamison interrupted with a note and a box for her.

She recognized the bold black scrawl of Lord Weston:

Dear Grace,

As I am apparently forbidden open contact with you during Lydia's introduction into polite Society, I am sending this to you by my secretary for safety.

I regret sincerely that I cannot put it on your finger myself. I truly do regret that, Grace. I will present you with the necklace and earrings when I hope to have that pleasure.



Almost immediately her hand had begun to tremble as she'd realized what was in the box.

Aunt Aggie had urged her to open her package. She had declined and said it would wait, but her aunt would not hear of it.

Grace had no choice. She'd opened the velvet box, and the awestruck sounds from Aunt Aggie and her friend confirmed her own thoughts as to the beauty of the ring. It was dazzling, a square-cut emerald surrounded by what seemed to be hundreds of tiny, shining white diamonds. It was more elegant than she could have imagined, yet not the least bit opulent. It was just what she would have chosen, given the option.

Suddenly, Aunt Aggie's friend went silent. Grace knew it was the natural progression of the woman's thoughts to wonder why Lord Weston had not wanted to put it on her finger himself. Grace had blushed, and her aunt had to swear her friend to secrecy and tell her of their decision to introduce Lydia first.

Yes, she would be better, Grace told herself, when the moratorium on seeing Lord Weston was over!

* * *

In White's, across Town, Brandon was sitting alone in the corner, thinking along the same lines. A voice behind him said, “The elusive rake finally succumbs to Cupid's arrow, yet sits here alone at his club. Has Rake Weston finally lost his touch?”

“Dennis, you rogue, stow it,” Brandon said, slapping the tall man heartily on the shoulder while shaking his hand. “Sit down, sit down. Where have you been hiding yourself?”

“As much as I hate the tittle-tattle, old man, I am afraid that is what everyone has been asking about you.” Lord Hendricks sat in the chair opposite from him and crossed his legs.

“What do the gossips want to know

“Why Lord Weston seems to be avoiding his betrothed of less than two weeks. Great guns, Brandon, they are placing bets at Brook's that it is all a practical joke you are playing on Society because you are bored with us.” Dennis became still. “Or are you already bored with her?”

“Botheration! What a mess.”

Looking at his friend, Brandon could not stop himself from thinking of the last time he'd been in a romantic tangle. Lord Hendricks's older brother, David, had helped him in his disastrous attempt at the elopement he could never forget. But when David was killed in that tragic carriage accident, Brandon took responsibility for helping Dennis get through the rough time, teaching him a little about managing an estate he had never planned to inherit.

Brandon debated for one moment telling his friend the truth behind his betrothal; he would trust Dennis with his life! But he had an obligation to Grace first. How odd that made him feel, when he had known her for little more than a s'ennight!

“Do give over, Brandon. If you do not wish to tell me, that is fine, but I would like to help if I can.”

“It is not anything you can help with, my friend, but I appreciate the offer. It is a wretched coil that only I could get into, but as far as I know, it will be over on Friday.”

“Is that all the explanation I am to receive?” Dennis asked with a laugh.

“No, I do not mind explaining. It is rather complicated and you will join me in wondering where my manhood has gone. Indeed, now that I think on it, I will give you the short version and you
do me a favor! What say you?”

“Until I know the favor, I believe I will withhold judgment.”

They both laughed.

“Smart man. I assume you have heard of my whirlwind romance with Lady Grace Endicott. Have you met her yet?” At the shake of Dennis's head, Brandon continued. “I think you will like her. In any event, she has this decidedly beautiful sister. If you have not heard
you will, my friend, because all of London is agog with it. She is much younger than Grace who is overseeing her sister's comeout.

“Her sister is very shy, however, and between Grace and her aunt,
my two sisters, they have decided to introduce Lydia into Society slowly. Apparently, I would be in the way in that endeavor. So instead of allowing me to dance the nights away in my betrothed's arms, those four silly women have determined that only on Friday at the theater may I begin to squire Grace through the rest of the Season. They did not, however, count on my inconvenient reputation and a society so given over to idle prattle when they decided upon their plan.”

Dennis laughed out loud.

“Oh, pipe down, you young dog.” Brandon said, scowling halfheartedly. “You are the tenth person to ask me why I bothered to get leg-shackled when I did not wish to be around my betrothed.”

“So, then, what is the favor you need from me?” inquired Dennis warily.

“We are one gentleman short for the theater party on Friday. I told my sister Elizabeth I would come up with someone, which scared her to death, by the by, but I did not know you were in Town. The young beauty has no escort. Will you come?”

“I would even be
your sister's
escort to get a chance to be part of this! With all of London watching the famous marquess and the lady who caught him, I wouldn't miss it.” Dennis chuckled. “I am sorry, but now that I know the truth, I find I am enjoying myself immensely!”

“I hope to be doing the same soon, my friend, very soon.” Brandon signaled to a waiter. “Will you join me for dinner? I met with Lord Langdon the other day and we have several things to discuss.”

“Of course.”

They ordered dinner and Dennis became pensive for a moment. “I want to let you know that there is another rumor flying around Town that is not so funny.” Brandon raised his eyebrow in question. “The widow Winslow is angry about the rattle.”

He sat up straighter in his chair. “Patrice knew where she stood with me all along.”

“It appears she did not. She is intimating there was an offer made, though the people that believe that are few and far between.”

“I could certainly clarify that there was no offer made, if she so wishes,” Brandon said, clenching his jaw. “But I will not waste my time.”

“What if your betrothed hears of it?” Dennis asked.

“Grace knows all about Patrice. Well, not
about her. In truth, Grace knows about all of my past indiscretions. She loves me, anyway,” Brandon said like a lovesick pup, with a hand over his heart.

Dennis only laughed.

Dinner was pleasant, as it always was in Dennis's company, but Brandon could not concentrate. His mind was greatly occupied with the upcoming Friday night and the thought of seeing Grace again—with his ring on her finger.

* * *

Grace was overjoyed that Friday had finally arrived. She thought about the shallow and selfish people she had met during her own Season, remembering one reason she had not accepted any of the offers for her hand. But somehow, the vanity and pettiness seemed multiplied during this Season.

No matter. Tonight she would see Lord Weston again and she was like a giddy girl. He might be a rake, but he was by far the most interesting man she had ever met. She realized she had missed him dreadfully.

She was also looking forward to the theater. She wanted to see one of the famous Shakespearean plays. But she was honest enough to admit that she wanted to see it in Lord Weston's company.

It had been arranged that he and Lord Hendricks would escort Grace and Lydia to the theater, where his sisters would meet them.

Grace took special care with her toilette this night. She had not seen him in more than a s'ennight and for the first time in her life wanted to compare favorably with Lydia. Lord Weston had sent her a dozen red roses that morning with a card telling her how much he was looking forward to seeing her. She'd placed them in her room, enjoying the delicious way their fragrance wafted in the air.

Grace's wardrobe was simple; her nature allowed nothing more. But tonight she had an idea! She would wear her ivory gown and make its only embellishment his roses.

The dress was satin, but below the Empire
waist was an overskirt of ivory lace that caused the satin beneath to shimmer as she moved. The neckline was high in the back and came to a sweetheart bodice in the front, with more lace along the edging. The sleeves were short and belled, and the full-length ivory gloves Aunt Aggie had loaned her were perfect. There was no other ornamentation to the dress.

But she took lace and red ribbon and tied them around three rose blossoms, fastening them with a clasp in her hair. The ribbons streamed down through long curls falling from the top of her head, while the roses created a soft contrast to her dark auburn hair.

Next, she tied red ribbon around the short stems of three more roses, which she pinned to the V of her neckline, leaving the ribbons hanging down the front. They rested beautifully against the lace. She wore pearl drop earrings, praying the effect was elegant enough for an evening at the theater.

When Aunt Aggie and Lydia came to let Grace know the gentlemen were waiting downstairs, they both halted at the doorway and stared, transfixed.

“I hope that is a good reaction,” she said in a teasing tone, “or you will never get me to leave this room!”

Lydia rushed forward and took her hands. “Grace, you look so

Grace smiled at her. “I will settle for beautiful and allow that you are breathtaking, dearest.”

Lydia smiled, but said seriously, “I have some outward beauty, Grace, and I seem to get all of the accolades for it, but wait and see. Tonight, every eye will be on you. And I pray that someday I will have your inner beauty, as well.”

“That was the loveliest thing to say. But do not worry, only this last week I have seen my baby sister begin to blossom into a woman to be valued in every respect.”

Aunt Aggie told them to hurry, as the gentlemen were waiting, and both girls suddenly became nervous. Grace put her arm around Lydia's waist and they walked down the stairs arm in arm. Lydia whispered, “I believe Lord Weston actually
fall in love with you when he sees you tonight, and we might just have that wedding!” They were both smiling as they neared the bottom of the steps.

As they reached the men, it seemed each sister had eyes only for one.

“My lady,” Lord Weston said, so very seriously, “may I tell you how utterly beautiful you look tonight? And how I have missed you.”

She thanked him shyly, believing him sincere by his tone.

He raised her gloved hands to his lips and kissed them. As he stared into her eyes, her heart fluttered like a butterfly and she felt herself to be truly, deeply admired. Was this what Lydia felt like each day of her life?

That brought Grace back to her duty. She turned toward her sister, to bring her forward, and her eyes widened as she saw the flush on Lydia's face and the shy curtsy she made before the tall, handsome stranger. Grace had never before seen her glow like this. The gentleman was getting the full dose of Lydia's beauty.

“Grace, Lydia, may I introduce you to one of my closest friends, Dennis Henderson, Lord Hendricks.” Grace curtsied to him, but then smiled as she realized he was completely unaware of it. She looked over her shoulder into Lord Weston's eyes and a knowing twinkle in his eyes met hers.

He appeared to be waiting for some comment from his friend, but after several seconds, realized none would be forthcoming. “I have never known him to go quite this long without
words, but I assure you he is usually quite garrulous. Hmm, his mind must be elsewhere.”

Lord Hendricks scowled at him, but then regained his manners. “I am pleased to meet you, Lady Grace, and I congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials. Although I can see it is my friend here who should be congratulated.”

He turned to Lydia and said softly, “I am also pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Lydia, and appreciate the opportunity to escort you tonight. I know the line will be too long in the future to squeeze me in.”

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