Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: Trail of Evidence\Gone Missing\Lethal Exposure (16 page)

BOOK: Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: Trail of Evidence\Gone Missing\Lethal Exposure
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Isaac clapped Jonas on the back and looked at Brooke. “He knows you. Impressive. You'd better hang on tight to this one.”

“Go away,” she said, her tone mild.

Isaac laughed.

Jonas looked at Felix. “I guess you're coming with us.”

“Ugh. Do I have to?”

Before Jonas could respond, Isaac said, “Why don't I have an officer drop him at his buddy's house and stay with him until we're done with your meeting?”

“Yes,” Felix begged. “Please.”

“That's fine.” Jonas nodded and Felix punched a fist into the air. Isaac made the arrangements and Felix got his stuff together.

After they left, Brooke looked at Jonas and the tender look in his eyes was nearly her undoing. She didn't want to go to the meeting, she wanted to stay home, take some more medication and then snuggle down into Jonas's arms while Felix played with Mercy.

Instead, she drew in a deep breath. “I'm ready when you are.”

Jonas led the way to the car and she climbed in. Mercy hopped in the back with Felix. Brooke kept stealing glances at him as he drove, his hands strong and sure on the wheel, his gaze alert as he watched the other drivers. He shot her a glance and caught her watching him. A smile slid across his lips. “You never did tell me what you realized.”


“Earlier, you said you realized something and then said you'd tell me later.” He shrugged. “It's later.”

Brooke bit her lip, then stiffened her spine. She'd made a mistake eight years ago. It was time to do things right. “You asked me why I'd never married.”

“Right. You said your career was your focus.”

“That's what I said. That's what I had convinced myself I believed, too.”


“Jonas, the reason I never married is because—” Did she dare? Her heart pounded and her palms started to sweat.


“Because of the fact that I can't have children, yes, but also because I just couldn't find”

His breath caught and he pulled to the side of the road. “I can't just let you walk into a meeting as though you didn't just say that. You're going to be a little late.”

She nodded, shrugged and couldn't stop the little laugh that escaped. “It's okay. I'm always a little late. They expect it by now.”

“Tell me what you meant by that last statement.”

“I dated a few guys after we went our separate ways. I even got up the nerve to tell one of them that I couldn't have children.”

“And he dumped you?”

The leashed violence in the words almost made her smile. She shook her head. “He said it didn't matter, that we could always adopt. He himself was adopted and he'd always hoped the woman he married would be open to going through the process with him.”


“I was stunned. I'd already planned my reaction, steeled myself for when he walked away.” She spread her hands and blinked back the tears. “And then...he didn't.”

“So what was the problem?”

“I realized at that very moment that I didn't love him. I wanted to. I tried. But I just didn't. But his reaction made me sick to my stomach, too.”

“I'm confused.”

She gave a small hiccupping laugh. “I know. When he said that we could adopt, it hit me that I should have told you. I started playing the what-if game. I nearly drove myself crazy. I told myself I'd hurt you enough and that I didn't deserve you. So, I threw myself into my work and did my best to forget you,” she whispered. “But I couldn't. Because I loved you. I've always loved you, Jonas. I've never stopped and I'm so sorry for hurting you and I hope you can forgive—”

He kissed her. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and gently pulled her closer. She went still, her brain whirling. Then told it to shut up and kissed him back. An I-missed-you-I'm-so-glad-to-be-back-with-you kind of kiss. When he finally pulled away, Brooke had to concentrate on breathing. Her face felt hot, flushed. “Wow.”

“Yeah. Double wow.” He blinked, stared at her for a few seconds then shook his head. “Wow.” He cranked the car. “Let's get you to your meeting. I'll be waiting outside when you're done and we'll finish this conversation.”


“And tell everyone that they're invited to a cookout at my house tomorrow night.”

“A cookout?”

He shrugged. “For those who can make it. Everyone has really put their lives on hold—some even on the line—for me and Felix. I'd like to do something for you all.”

She nodded. “All right, I'll pass the word.”

“Oh, and one more thing.”


“I love you, too.”

* * *

Fifteen minutes later, Brooke slipped into her chair and ignored the good-natured teasing of the guys. She barely heard them as she replayed the kiss over and over in her mind. The kiss, the words, the look on his face...

Fiona entered the conference room and Brooke shifted into a more comfortable position. The bandage on her left temple made the skin under the tape itch, but she resisted scratching it.

“Do we know anything about the guy we caught at Brooke's house?” Chase asked.

“Not much,” Fiona said. “He's got a nice rap sheet that includes armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. However, I did find one interesting thing.”

“What's that?” Gavin asked.

“He was in rehab for a while. He completed the program, got out and got a job.”


“He worked in the janitorial department of Thorne Industries.”

Brooke sat up straight as she processed that bomb.

“Which means we can tie him to Congressman Jeffries,” Nicholas muttered.

Gavin shot him a dark look. Nicholas didn't look away.

Isaac tapped the table. “So is he talking?”

“No,” Gavin said. “Not a word. Said someone called him and asked if he needed some fast, easy cash. He said yes and the person gave him his instructions. He has no idea who the voice on the other end was.”

“Of course not,” Brooke said.

“But we can tie him to the aide's death. We found Paul Harrison's wallet in Damian's apartment.”

“Excellent,” Brooke murmured.

“Any word on Erin Eagleton?” Gavin asked.

“Nothing,” Chase said, his jaw tight, eyes narrowed. “We'll find her, though.”

“It's possible she's dead,” Nicholas said.

“She's not dead.” Chase's voice rose a fraction and the room went silent. Chase cleared his throat. “Sorry. I just don't believe she's dead or that she had anything to do with the shootings. She'll explain when we find her.”

Brooke again noted the hope, the faith in Chase's voice and wondered at his relationship with Erin—who'd been Michael Jeffries's girlfriend.

“Then we need to hope she turns up soon. I'm ready to solve this case. Any more on the internet service provider trackings?” A few weeks ago, someone researching bills introduced by Congressman Jeffries had been tracked to rural Virginia. The research had gone all the way back to his first term.

Chase exhaled and shook his head. “No, nothing since then. If it's Erin, she's gone quiet.”

“We've made a statement to the press that we've found the phone and that we're pulling information from it. Hopefully, that will deter whoever hired Mr. Sharples to go after Felix.”

“He should be safe now,” Nicholas agreed.

“Good,” Gavin said. “Now...”

Brooke fidgeted and Gavin's voice faded. Jonas was waiting on her and she wanted to finish their conversation. Hope made her giddy and unable to totally focus on the conversation around her. She just wanted to take a break, to go be with Jonas.

“You okay, Brooke? Do you need to take off?”

She blinked at Gavin's question. She touched the bandage on her forehead. Then stood. “Yes, I think I do.” For more reasons than one.

Gavin nodded. “Someone will call you with an update.”

“Great.” She walked toward the exit then turned. “Oh, you're all invited to a cookout at Jonas's house tomorrow night at five-thirty.” She slipped out of the conference room, a smile spreading across her lips.


rooke looked around. The cookout was a huge success. How Jonas had managed to put this together so fast, she'd never know. Probably had a caterer for a client who owed him a favor. Burgers and hot dog smoke filled the air and her nose twitched while her stomach rumbled.

Everyone had been able to make the cookout, including Cassie and Gavin, Adam and Lana, Nicholas and even Chase who refused to give up the search for Erin Eagleton. He kept looking at his phone and she knew he was hoping Fiona would have something for him to work with. So far, there was nothing.

All the dogs were in attendance and behaved perfectly in spite of the tempting aromas that drifted past them.

Jonas was dressed in a ridiculous apron that said Real Men Wear Aprons. He kept shooting her secret smiles and she figured she'd never need to use makeup on her cheeks again.

Felix's attitude had changed overnight and he and Jonas seemed to have turned a corner in their relationship. Last night, she'd left them alone to give them time to talk even though she wanted to be with Jonas. He needed to be with his son and she was all right with that.

Nicholas stepped up beside her. “How's the head?”

She touched the bandage she'd just changed that morning. “Still aching, but nothing some ibuprofen and I can't handle.”

“I'm glad.” He paused and took a sip of his tea, his eyes on Jonas, who threw a football to Felix. “You love him, don't you?”

She sighed. “Yes. I do.”

“He's a good man. I approve.”

She laughed. “Thanks. That actually means a lot.” She sobered. “How's it going with Selena Barrows?”

He shook his head. “She's a feisty one, no doubt about that. She's desperate to find her cousin and pushes me on a daily basis about our progress, but clearly Erin's not too keen on being found.”

“Do you think she's still alive?”

“I hope so because I think she's the only one who knows what happened the night Michael Jeffries was killed and his father, the congressman, shot and left for dead.”

“Besides the murderer.”

“Exactly,” he murmured.

She caught Jonas's eye. “Excuse me.”

Nicholas smiled. “Of course. I wouldn't want to get in the way of true love.”

She punched Nicholas in the arm and made her way over to Jonas. “You don't need an apron, you're not cooking.”

“I know, but Felix gave it me for my birthday a couple of months ago and I figured now was a good time to test drive it.”

He stole her heart in so many ways. “You're a wonderful dad, Jonas.”

He leaned over to place a light kiss on her lips. The crowd faded away. “I love you, Brooke. I feel like I've loved you forever. How do you feel about adoption?”

She blinked. “As you can imagine, I've thought about it a lot. Why?”

“So you've thought about it. Does that mean you're open to it?”

She gave a small laugh. “Of course. Are you?”

“That's why I'm asking. I think you'd be a great mother.”

Tears surfaced. She blinked them back. “Thanks, Jonas. I like to think I would.”

“So, do you want to adopt some kids?”

She wasn't slow. She caught the meaning behind his words. “I think that would be lovely. One day.”

“One day...soon?”

“Possibly. That depends.”

“On what?”

“On how soon the father of those adopted kids wants to adopt.”

“He wants to pretty soon, I'm sure.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Jonas glanced over his shoulder and she saw him wink at Felix who seemed to have a boundless amount of energy. He bounced on the balls of his feet. At his dad's wink, his eyes went wide. He shoved a hand in his pocket and pulled out a whistle. Jonas nodded. Felix blew the whistle. Everyone went quiet.

Felix said, “I have an announcement to make.” He looked at Jonas. “Actually my dad has a question to ask.”

Brooke looked at Jonas. He swallowed hard and gave a small laugh. “Okay, maybe I shouldn't have invited all these people because I'm really nervous now,” he whispered. “But, oh well.” He dropped to his knee and a soft gasp escaped her.

The crowd stayed silent.


Indecision flickered in his eyes. “Is it too soon?”

And Brooke knew. She had no doubts. Jonas was the man she would marry. “No, it's not too soon.”

His brilliant smile flashed at her. “Brooke, it's been a long time coming, but—” he took a deep breath “—I love you. Will you marry me and fill up our house with Felix and a bunch of other kids from the children's home?”

She didn't hesitate. “Yes,” she whispered. “A thousand times yes.”

Felix whooped. Clapping and cheers broke out. Jonas lowered his lips to hers and gave her a thoroughly approving kiss. Then he swept her off her feet and swung her around in a circle. When he placed her back on her feet, Mercy bounded over and barked. Jonas scratched her ears and Felix dropped to the ground to hug her. When Felix stood, he looked up at Brooke and gave her a shy smile. “Does this mean I get to call you Mom?”

“You don't have to, but I would be honored for you to call me Mom if it's what you want,” she said.

“I want.” He blinked rapidly and sniffed, then stepped forward to wrap her in a hug. “Thanks...Mom.”

Brooke had to clear her throat before she could speak. And she could only squeak out, “You bet...son.”

Felix released her. Jonas looked like he might join in the crying fest, but then people started in on the congratulations and Brooke found her tears gone, laughter taking their place. After a few minutes, she flung herself back in Jonas's arms. “Thank you.”

“I should be the one thanking you. You've made Felix and me complete now.” He took her left hand in his and slipped a beautiful diamond on her ring finger. “I've had that ring for a long time.”

“I don't know what to say,” she whispered.

“Say you'll stay with me forever.”

She nodded through the tears that had surfaced once again. “I'll stay. Forever.”

Another kiss followed another hug, with his arms wrapped tight around her and her head nestled against his healing shoulder.

She sighed and sent up a thankful prayer. She was right where she wanted to be.


* * * * *

If you liked this
watch for the next book,
by Margaret Daley,
available June 2015.

And don't miss a single story in the

Book #1:
by Shirlee McCoy
Book #2:
by Terri Reed
Book #3: TRAIL OF EVIDENCE by Lynette Eason
Book #4:
by Margaret Daley
Book #5: DETECTING DANGER by Valerie Hansen
Book #6: PROOF OF INNOCENCE by Lenora Worth

Keep reading for an excerpt from EXPLOSIVE ALLIANCE by Susan Sleeman

BOOK: Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: Trail of Evidence\Gone Missing\Lethal Exposure
3Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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