Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: Trail of Evidence\Gone Missing\Lethal Exposure (14 page)

BOOK: Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: Trail of Evidence\Gone Missing\Lethal Exposure
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arly the next morning, Jonas hung up with Nicholas after getting an update on the search for Felix. Nothing yet. He turned to grab his jacket when his phone rang for the second time in ten minutes. He glanced at the caller ID, praying for a number he didn't recognize. An unfamiliar number might mean Felix had found or borrowed a phone and decided to call.

But he knew the number and his hopes plummeted. “Hi, Claire.”

“I'm happy to hear your voice, too.”

He winced. “Sorry. I was hoping you were Felix.”

“Of course you were.” Her voice softened and sympathy flowed through the line. “I'm sorry.”

“No problem.”

“Have you heard anything about him? Has anyone found anything at all that might indicate where he is?”

“No, but the officers were out looking all night and I'm staying right by my phone in case he calls again.” He sighed. “I was just getting ready to head to the office. Are you already there?”

“I came in. I can't sit at home doing nothing, you know that.”

“I know. I don't know what I'd do without you. All right. Is there an officer in sight?”

“Yes. Two of them. Parked right out front. They got here about the same time I did.”

“Good. You should be safe enough, then. I'll see you in a few minutes.”

He hung up with Claire and started gathering his wallet and keys when he remembered Chase was probably in his kitchen. Jonas descended the steps and found the man sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee. “Morning,” he said.

Jonas nodded. “Morning.”

Chase hefted the mug. “Hope you don't mind.”

“Are you kidding? You can help yourself to anything you need or want. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you guys are doing to find Felix and keep me safe.”

Chase's expression relaxed a fraction. “You're welcome. We've had guys out all night looking for him. They want a good ending to this story, too.”

“I know. And I know it's probably just all in a day's work for you, but—” He shrugged and grabbed his silver travel mug from the sink. After he filled it with the black brew, he took a sip and breathed in a grateful breath.

A knock on his door pulled Chase from his chair. His hand went to his weapon and he started for the door. “Brooke said she'd come get you this morning, so it's probably her, but we don't need to take any chances.”

Tension threaded across Jonas's shoulders. He was ready for this to be over, for his son to be home. To catch whoever was causing the problems and get this burden off his shoulders.

“It's me,” Brooke said.

Jonas shifted and set his cup on the counter. Brooke walked into the kitchen and their eyes met. As always, that special zing whipped through him. He blinked and waved to the coffeepot. “Chase was the hero this morning. May I offer you a cup?”


He filled her cup and handed it to her. “Are you ready to go see Mercy?”


“Claire called me. She's there now.”

Chase stepped to the door. “I'm going to head back to the office. Let me know if you need anything else.”


Jonas grabbed his keys and headed out after Chase.

“Hey, wait up,” Brooke called.

Jonas turned. Brooke was on his heels, holding out his phone. He took it from her with a crooked smile. “I guess I'm a little distracted these days.”

“You think?”

Jonas went to his vehicle.

Brooke bypassed him. “Go back on the porch and wait, will you?”

Jonas frowned. “Why?”

“I want to check the car.”

Her meaning dawned. “You think someone planted a bomb in my car?”

“I don't know. That's why I'm checking.”

Jonas stood on the porch, one hand cramped around his phone, the other around his cup. A bomb? The thought had never occurred to him. He watched her cover the car bumper to bumper. She'd even pulled out a small mirror to check the undercarriage.

Finally she pushed herself up off the concrete drive and held out a hand. “Toss me your keys, will you?”

Jonas narrowed his eyes. “So you can start it and see if it blows up?”

Brooke laughed. “I'm relatively sure it's safe. I don't have a death wish.”

“Then I'll start it myself.”


He stepped around her. “No way.” He opened the door and tossed his stuff inside and slid into the driver's seat.

Brooke crossed her arms and glared at him.

Jonas met her glare for glare. “Are you sure this thing's not going to blow?”

She sighed. “Yes. I didn't see anything to indicate a bomb. Nothing under the car, nothing under the hood. I'm willing to put the key in the ignition and start the car.”

“Then I trust you.” Without hesitation he inserted the key and turned it. The car started with a low growl and he realized he still held his breath.

Brooke shook her head and went to her own vehicle. She climbed in and motioned for him to go ahead. He pulled around her and drove the short mile and a half to his office. When he arrived at the parking lot, he noted the police officers and offered a short wave.

Brooke parked and climbed from the vehicle. He could see her tapping her hand on her thigh while she waited on him. She wanted to see her dog and couldn't quite hide her impatience. He led the way into the office, noting she scanned the area in spite of the police coverage. Nothing must have set off her internal alarm. She stepped inside and he shut the door just as Claire came from the back, her brow furrowed.

“What is it?” Jonas asked.

“You didn't turn the alarm system on when you left last night.”

“Of course I did.”

The woman's frown deepened. “It wasn't on when I got here.”

Jonas went to the panel. It was dark.

“Did you leave one of the cages open last night?” Claire asked.

Jonas turned, a ball of dread forming in his midsection. “No, of course not. Why?”

“Because I think one of the animals is missing.”

“Which one?” The dread blew up into outright fear as he rushed through the door to the kennel. Brooke stayed right behind. He came to a stop at the open cage.

“Mercy,” Brooke whispered. “She's gone.”

* * *

Brooke blinked, then blinked again as though the act would change the facts. The cage was still empty. “Someone stole her.”

“That's impossible,” Jonas snapped. “I remember activating the alarm system when I left yesterday. After all the crazy stuff going on, there's no way I would forget that.”

Brooke believed him. She spun to find one of the officers behind her. “Can you check the alarm system?”

“Of course.” He left and Brooke turned back to Jonas. “This is crazy. Why would someone steal Mercy? It's not like she can tell them what she knows.” She couldn't help the sarcasm.

He still looked stunned. And angry. He'd just about reached his breaking point and she didn't blame him. She was pretty mad herself and terribly worried about Mercy. Now she had to track down a missing teen and a stolen dog. She pulled in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “All right. I need to think for a minute. And call Gavin.” She pulled out her phone as the officer stepped back inside.

“Whoever it was is a professional. The box cover was unscrewed, the phone wire cut first, then the alarm wires cut and the cover replaced. Just to look at it you'd never know anything was wrong.”

Jonas reached across the desk, grabbed the phone and pressed it to his ear. “Dead.” He slammed it down.

Claire gasped. “I didn't even pick the phone up this morning. I saw the alarm was off and thought you must not have turned it on when you left. I was just going to read you the riot act and—” She pressed her fingers to her lips. “I'm sorry.”

“It's not your fault, Claire. Don't beat yourself up about it.”


“I mean it. Really, I think you should go home and stay there until this is all resolved. I'm going to call my clients and refer them to another vet.”

Claire and Brooke gasped in unison. “Jonas, your business will go under,” Brooke said.

“Right now, I can't worry about this practice. Mercy is missing. Someone is trying to kill me. I have to find my son.” He looked at Claire. “And I don't want to risk putting you in danger just because you happen to work for me.”

Claire's gaze bounced between Brooke and Jonas before she finally sighed. “Okay. You're probably right.” She bit her lip. “But will you stay in touch? Let me know you're all right and when you find Felix?”

“Of course.” Jonas escorted her to the door and Brooke dialed Gavin's number. Her heart was heavy. For Jonas and Felix and for Mercy. Please, God, don't let them hurt any of them. She knew why they wanted Felix—they thought he might still have the phone. That and they thought he could ID the guy he saw in the woods. But why would they take Mercy?

Gavin answered and Brooke drew in a deep breath. “Mercy's been stolen.”

“What?” His shout made her flinch, but she didn't back away.

“Someone broke into Jonas's practice last night and took her right out of the cage.”

“Any video?”

“No. The wires were cut. Telephone, video cameras, everything.”

“Of course they were.”

She could almost picture him pacing the floor of his office.

“You've got to find her, Brooke.”

“I know. If she can get away from whoever has her, she'll find her way home, but if they've got her tied up somewhere...”

“Okay, we'll put out a BOLO on her. Get her picture on the news and all that. I'll also have Fiona work any angles she might have in tracking Mercy. She has the GPS on her collar. Hold on one second.” Brooke held. She heard Gavin shout for Fiona. He came back on the line. “Okay, Fiona's on the computer right now.”

Brooke paced from one end of the room to the other.


“Not yet.”

Brooke paced another route. “Well?”

“Working on it, Brooke. Fiona?”

“Nothing like a little bit of impatience,” she heard the woman say. Brooke pictured her in a pink flowing skirt, matching Hawaiian shirt with pink flowers, her hair pulled up on her head and held in place with her glasses. “Brooke?”

“Yes, Fiona.”

“I can't track Mercy, I'm sorry. The GPS unit on her collar has been removed.”

Brooke groaned then pulled herself together. “All right. What now?”

“I want to have a meeting. Let's assemble the team, but tell Nicholas to stay on Jonas. I don't want him unprotected,” Gavin said.

“I'll do that as soon as we hang up.”

“Hanging up now.”

She dialed Nicholas. He answered with a gruff hello. “Hey, I need some more help. Do you think Margaret would release you one more time?”

Gavin was the captain and in charge of the investigation, but Margaret was Gavin's boss and had the final say in where Nicholas was assigned.

“If it's related to catching Michael Jeffries's killer, I think I pretty much have carte blanche.”

“Great.” She updated him about Mercy and her need to leave. “If you can cover Jonas, I'll work on finding Mercy.”

“I'm on the way.”

“Thank you.” She stopped and thought. “Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to run by my house and make sure Mercy isn't wandering around there. If she got away, that's the first place she'd go.”

“Do that. I'll take care of Jonas and see you at the office soon after.”

Brooke hung up and told Jonas, “I'm going by my house then on to the meeting. I'll check in with you after. Please text me and let me know if you find Felix.”

“Of course,” Jonas said.

His anxiety and worry grabbed at her and she just prayed that Jonas or one of the officers found him before anyone else. Because if the good guys didn't find him soon, she had a sinking feeling the bad guys would.


onas watched Nicholas and Brooke exchange a few brief words before she climbed into her SUV and pulled into the street. He said a short prayer for her safety and another for Felix and Mercy.

Jonas swung the door open for him and Nicholas stepped inside. “How are you doing?”

“Hanging in there. Still no word from Felix and now Mercy's missing.”

Jonas led Nicholas into the break room and pulled two sodas from the refrigerator. He tossed one to Nicholas, who caught it midair. “Thanks.”

“Sure. So what's next?”

Nicholas took a swig and sat in the nearest chair. “We keep digging, keep looking for Felix and searching for a way to outsmart the bad guys and catch them.”

They discussed different strategies and possibilities for the next several minutes. The phone rang and Jonas went to answer it. When he returned, he found Nicholas hanging up. “We got a sighting on your son,” he said.

Jonas's breath whooshed from his lungs. “Where?”

“Over off Hilton Street.”

Jonas frowned. “That's near his friend Travis's house. One street over, I believe.”

Nicholas lifted a brow. “You think Travis's been hiding him all this time?”

“I don't know, but I'm going to find out.” He grabbed his keys. “Who spotted him?”

“One of the patrol officers. He called for him by name and the boy turned so he feels like it's definitely Felix.”

Jonas headed for the door.

“Hold on a second. I'll drive.”

“And I'll call Brooke.” Jonas donned his vest under Nicholas's watchful eye, then dialed Brooke's number on his way to the vehicle. Her phone went to voice mail for the next two times he tried to call. “She's not answering.”

“We'll keep trying.”

Throughout the ride to the Fuller home, Jonas dialed Brooke's number. The fact that she wasn't answering concerned him.

“Maybe she found Mercy and is getting help. We'll call her again as soon as we leave here.”

When they arrived at the Fuller home, Jonas climbed from the vehicle with Nicholas right behind him. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell. No one answered. He'd called the school to check and see if Felix had shown up, but he was reported as being absent. Travis was also absent. Jonas wasn't surprised.

No one answered the door. He turned to Nicholas. “The parents are probably at work.”

“Do you have a number?”

“I have cell phones, not work numbers.”

“Let's try them.”

Jonas dialed the first number and paced while the phone rang. Just when the thought it might go to voice mail, Charles Fuller answered. “Charles, this is Jonas Parker.”

“How are you? Have you found Felix?”

“No, no, we haven't. I'm at your house right now, though. He was spotted not too far from here. Did you know Travis wasn't in school today?”

“What? I dropped him off this morning myself. What do you mean he's not in school?”

Jonas winced at the man's shout. He didn't blame him, though. “I think the boys may be together. If so, we need to find them.”

“Does this have to do with all of the trouble you've been having?”

“You know about it?”

“Just what Claire's shared with my wife.”

Jonas grimaced. Claire and Hilary Fuller had become friends when she'd brought the Fuller's cat into the office during Jonas's first week of practice. He knew they regularly met for lunch. He shouldn't be surprised Claire would confide in her friend.

“Do I need to come home?”

“No, but do you know where the boys might go to hang out and try not to be spotted?”

Charles paused, then sighed. “No, I can't think of anyplace. Travis doesn't say much. He has his phone with him, I'll give him a call. You can hold this line while I call on another.”


Jonas waited. He glanced at his watch, his impatience building. Finally, he heard the phone click. “Jonas?”


“He's not answering, but I have software on my computer at home that will allow me to track his phone. I'll be there shortly.”

He looked at Nicholas. “Just give me the number, I have a feeling I can get it tracked faster than you.”

The man paused for a second, then rattled off the number. Jonas related it to Nicholas and the man got on his phone. He heard him asking for someone named Fiona. “Thanks, Charles.”

“I'm on my way home. I'll help you look for the boys.”

And pray they found them before the bad guys did.

* * *

Brooke drove to her house, praying for Felix, Jonas and Mercy. She pulled into her drive and got out of her car. “Mercy? Girl? Are you here?”

The dog didn't come out from under any of the shrubbery lining the front of her house. Brooke decided to do a perimeter search and walked to the edge of the property then down the side of the house. “Mercy? You here?”

Again no sign.

She had a feeling the search was in vain, but she had to look around the entire area before she would be satisfied. She continued to the back and wound up at the trees lining the back fence. She couldn't help looking up, searching the trees, remembering how easy it had been for someone to climb one and look down into her backyard. She shuddered and moved on until she circled back to her car. With a sigh and a heavy heart, she realized Mercy was either too far away to find her way home or she was unable to get away from whoever took her. Or both.

Brooke decided to make one more pass and check the backyard. She didn't see how Mercy could have gotten into it, but the dog was clever. Brooke opened her front door, stepped inside and shut it behind her. She walked through to the kitchen then pushed open the door that led to the yard. “Mercy?”


Brooke finally decided to give it up. The dog wasn't here. She reached for her phone to call Gavin and grimaced when her hand landed on her empty clip. She must have left the device in her car in her haste to check for Mercy. She stood on the porch for just a moment, thinking. They'd stolen Mercy. They'd stolen Felix's sweatshirt. Why? The two were connected and her mind immediately put it together. They wanted Mercy to track Felix. Of course. She couldn't believe it hadn't clicked sooner. She had to call Gavin. And Jonas.

Brooke stepped back inside the house and reached for the kitchen wall phone. And stopped. Smoke? Not something-on-fire smoke. Cigarette smoke. Stale cigarette smoke.

Someone was in her house?

Her brain scrambled. Had she locked the front door behind her?


She spun, had a flash of something moving toward her head. Blinding pain.

Then blackness.

* * *

Jonas, Charles Fuller and Nicholas searched the house from top to bottom with no sign of the boys. They covered the yard area and several officers cruised nearby streets. Jonas prayed one of the officers spotted Felix or found someone who'd seen him. They returned to the house to wait. Max stayed by Nicholas's side, his intelligent brown eyes never straying from his partner.

Jonas looked at the dog, then at Nicholas. “You know, it's highly likely that if Travis is helping Felix out today, he's been helping hide him all along.”

Nicholas scratched Max's ears and nodded. “I was thinking the same thing.” He looked at Charles. “Do you have something of Travis's that Max can sniff? Then I can turn him loose and see what he comes up with.”

“Of course.” Charles disappeared down the hall, then came back with a blue sweatshirt. Nicholas took it and held it out to Max who nosed it. He huffed and snuffled it one more time, then lifted his head.

“I'll take him outside since we know the boys aren't in here. Hopefully, he'll catch the scent and take us on a walk.”

Jonas stared. “That's why.”

“What?” Nicholas turned.

“That's why they stole Felix's sweatshirt and Mercy. They want to use Mercy to find Felix.” He lifted his gaze to lock it on the other officer's. “I've got to get in touch with Brooke.”

* * *

Brooke rolled and groaned. Something kept nudging her in the ribs while little people drummed on her brain. She winced and tried to sit up, but found she couldn't do it. Her head lay on something hard. She pulled her eyes open, trying to figure out what truck had hit her. The flu? The ringing in her ears finally stopped then started up again.

She blinked. Then blinked again. The fog hovering over her mind lifted when she saw the black-booted feet in front of her face. Squinting against the raging headache and the sudden burst of nausea, she drew in a steadying breath as the memory rushed in. She'd come looking for Mercy. Someone had been waiting on her and caught her off guard.

“You awake?” a gruff voice asked.

She closed her eyes, praying, trying to move her hands. Something held them together. Duct tape? At least they were in front of her. She moved her feet. Not bound.

A harder kick to the ribs. She gasped, opened her eyes and cried out at the excruciating pain that lanced through her head. The room spun, the darkness beckoned.

“Yeah,” the voice said. “That's what I thought. Don't pass out on me again or I'll just shoot you and move on. I need information and can't get it if you're unconscious.”

Brooke didn't move, didn't breathe. The pain eased a bit and she tried opening her eyes once more. Her gaze landed on her attacker and her training kicked in. Midthirties, strong, sleeveless muscle shirt, tattoo of a scorpion on his right shoulder. A year-round tan, five-o'clock shadow.

The man from the vet's office.

The man Felix had seen on the cliffs.

The man who'd been trying to kill them to get to the phone. “Can't get it if I'm dead either.” A spark of something flashed in his dark eyes. Admiration? More likely annoyance. “If you want information, I suggest you quit hitting me,” she rasped.

“Guess you got a bit of a headache, huh?”

“A bit.”

He moved his weapon about an inch from her nose. “I hit you a little harder than I meant to, but don't worry, it's going to quit hurting real soon.”

Fear flickered, but she made sure it didn't show. “What do you want?” she asked.

“The phone.”

As he spit the two words, she heard the ringing again and realized it was her cell phone. Not exactly the one he was after. He didn't know that one had been turned over to the Capitol K-9 team. She studied him as she waited for another round of nausea to pass. “I don't have it. Haven't you figured that out by now?”

The man spat. “But you can get it.”

“Who killed Michael Jeffries?”

“Wouldn't you like to know?” He laughed and seemed genuinely amused. Brooke tugged at her hands, trying to be subtle, but needing to know how strong and well wrapped the tape was. Another tug. Her hope took a nosedive. She'd need some time to work her way out of the tape. And by the look in his eyes, time was something she didn't have. He shoved the weapon closer. “Now. Where's the phone?”

* * *

Jonas kept dialing Brooke's number. And it kept going to voice mail after the fourth ring. Why wasn't she answering? Nicholas seemed concerned as well when she didn't pick up his call either. “I'm calling Gavin.”

“I'm going to Brooke's house. She said she was going to check and see if Mercy had come home before going to the meeting with your boss.”

“I'll drive,” Nicholas said.

They climbed into the vehicle and Max settled himself in his designated area in the kennel. Nicholas shut the door. Worry pinched Jonas and he tried her number once again. He hung up on the voice mail.

Nicholas called his boss and Jonas listened to the conversation. “Brooke's not answering her phone. Is she already with you?” Nicholas looked at Jonas and shook his head. Brooke wasn't there.

Nicholas drove quickly and efficiently, his eyes focused on the road and on his task. Jonas watched the clock. They weren't that far away, but if Brooke was in trouble, every second might count.

“Gavin's sending backup,” Nicholas said as he took the next left.

“Will they beat us there?”

“Not likely.”

They slowed in front of Brooke's house. Jonas had his door open before Nicholas pulled to a stop. He raced to the front door, then stopped and took a deep breath. He couldn't go bursting in. He had to assess the situation. He felt Nicholas's hand on his arm. The man's face resembled a thundercloud. Jonas nodded and fell back. Nicholas stepped to the kitchen window and peered in. Jonas noted the front door was cracked and knew Brooke was in serious trouble. She would never leave her door open.

Nicholas stepped back and pulled his weapon from his holster. “He's got her tied up in the kitchen with a gun to her head.”

Jonas felt his heart stop. The world around him simply froze. Then accelerated at warp speed. “What are we going to do?”

“Wait for backup.”

“What if we don't have time to wait for them?”

Nicholas took another look. “We're going to have to create a distraction.”


“Knock on the door.”

“And then what?”

“Get out of the way.”

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