Love Is... (3.5) (13 page)

Read Love Is... (3.5) Online

Authors: Cassandra P. Lewis

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Gay

BOOK: Love Is... (3.5)
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“Rafael, let’s try this again shall we…Repeat after me!” Rafe laughs, as does everyone else and he nods at the smiling registrar, touché lady, touché!

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, passion, affection and respect, now and always.” Rafe repeats the words perfectly and meaningfully and smiles proudly when he’s done.

We sign the Register and smile for some photos and then return to our places in front of the registrar.

“Now that the ceremony is over and the experience of living day by day as legal partners is about to begin, go and enjoy each other and the love you share. Matthew and Rafe, you are now partners in law and I have great pleasure in congratulating you.” She nudges Rafe with her elbow, “Go on then, kiss him!”


“Ladies and Gentleman, please join me in rapturous applause as we welcome Mr and Mr Alvez-English.”

The master of ceremonies announces us into the rapturous applause of our friends and family and we finally relax.


After the desserts have settled, the MC announces that it’s time for the speeches. Joaquin is first to give his, followed by Rosie and then I’m up!

“Hi everyone, well it’s been said already by my father and sister in law, but on behalf of my husband and I,” everyone cheers and I smile down at Rafe before continuing “I’d like to thank you all so much for sharing this day with us. For Rafe and I, today marks both the end and the start of massive journeys for both of us. We’ve both come such a long way towards self-acceptance and we’ve both kissed a lot of frogs, Rafe more than me, I’d like to add.” Laughter again and Rafe raises his glass to Pippa, who laughs and raises her own,

“And we’ve both come up against our fair share of prejudice, but we stood strong and it brought us to each other, well technically, Rosie did that, but I think you get my point!”

Smiling, I reach down to take Rafe’s hand, “But here we are today with all of you, people that accept and love us for exactly who we are. We’re setting out on the start of the biggest journey of either of our lives, one that will take the rest of them and Rafael; there is nobody on this earth that I would rather share it with than you. In addition to the pleasure of really good coffee, you have shown me what love really is. You have shown me that there is no greater feeling than waking up next to that one person that means more to you than anything or anyone else in the world. You have shown me how big the human heart can really be and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life by your side. Thank you for saying yes.”


“Ladies and Gents, can I ask you all to gather around the dance floor for the first dance?”

Rosie announces that it’s time for Rafe and I to take to the dance floor. He looks me in the eyes and rolls his as he smiles as he stands, holding out his hand for me to take.

I’m filled with emotion (and champagne) as Hold On by Michael Buble starts to play as we walk to the middle of the circle of family and friends, hand in hand. We asked Rosie to pick the song for us to dance to so had no idea what to expect, but it’s perfect.

Rafe takes me into his arms and starts to sing along as we move. The words ‘
We are stronger here together, than we could ever be alone’
ring so true to me that I can’t stop the tears from pooling in my eyes. I adore this man; I’m not whole without him.

I’m lost in my husband as we move together. We’re the only two people in the room as far as I’m concerned.

Rafe continues to sing the words to me, bringing his forehead to mine as his own emotions start to get the better of him.

There's so many dreams that we have given up.

But take a look at all we've got,

And with this kind of love,

What we've got here is enough.

So hold on to me tight.

Hold on, I promise it will be alright.

Because we are stronger here together,

Than we could ever be alone.

Just hold on to me,

Don’t you ever let me go.

Hold on to me, it's gonna be alright.

Hold on to me tonight.

As the song comes to a close and our family and friends cheer and flood the dance floor around us, Rafe continues to hold me close to him.

“This was perfect,” he takes my face in his hands as he smiles, “Thank you for asking!”


“Goodnight Bro, have fun!” Rosie hugs Rafe tightly while Jackson shakes my hand. “Have fun!”

Rosie stumbles as she giggles uncontrollably and Jackson catches her.

“Goodnight little sis, be good!”


She winks, I think that’s what it was anyway, and then they head back inside. Rafe and I have a hotel booked for our wedding night and I can’t wait another second to have him to myself.


“I love you, so much.”

Rafe backs me into the room, undoing my tie as we walk.

“I should hope so.” I laugh as he takes off his jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt. I sigh. “You looked so sexy today; it has killed me waiting all day to get you back here!”

“Me too husband,” Rafe smiles and as I remove my shirt, his hands get to work undoing my belt, “but it was the best day of my life!”

Rafe kisses me once and pushes me back onto the bed behind me.

“Fulfil your husbandly duties!” I joke and Rafe smiles,

“You better fucking believe it!”

& Babies



“Hey sexy, are you ready for me to rock your world?”

Jackson is picking me up to go out for a few beers. Rosie is spending the night with Rafe and twists her fiancé’s nipple as she walks past him into our flat.

“Ahh!” Jackson rubs his nipple and starts to laugh.

“I’ll get my coat!” I smile, kiss Rafe goodbye and head out.

Jackson and I have become really good friends since he and Rosie sorted themselves out and got back on track. He trains with Rafe and I often and we catch up for a beer whenever we can...

“Do you ever look around and wonder what it would be like to be on the pull again?” Jackson sips his pint and looks around the bar.

“Yeah sometimes mate and it scares me shitless. I’ve got no game anymore,” I smile and Jackson laughs, “seriously dude, I’m whipped! If Rafe ever leaves me I swear I’m never going to get laid again.”

“I know what you mean!” Jackson enthusiastically agrees, “I’m such a pussy since Rosie, I sweat like a pervert in a brothel if another woman even glances at me sideways, I’m fucked! In fairness though, the sex is fucking immense, she has a higher sex drive than me!”

“Must be an Alvez thing, Rafe’s the same.”

“Do you think Joaquin and Bernie are the same?” Jackson grimaces as he asks the question and I laugh,

“Oh man! Don’t put that image in my head!”

“What, she’s a sexy older lady, man!”

“Mate! That’s your fucking mother in law!”

“Exactly, that’s my future man. Rosie is going to grow into Bernie one day and I’m not complaining about that. You’ve got Joaquin to look forward to one day!” he laughs again,

“Jackson, you are fucking with my head, seriously.” I can’t help but laugh, Joaquin in a good looking bloke for his age but he’s my father in law, that’s fucked up!


“Come on, you’ve got more than that!”

Jackson and I have just run ten miles and he’s bitching that he’s ready to head back.

“Mate, I’m a journalist. I sit down all day!”

I laugh, Jackson works out almost as much as Rafe and I, he just can’t be arsed because he drank too much last night.

“Come on old man, I’ll buy you a smoothie!”

“Old? I’m nine months older than you!”

“Yeah, but you look nine years older!” I run off backwards and Jackson picks up his pace.


“Thanks for meeting me mate; Rafe doesn’t mind you coming out for a beer does he?”

“No, he’s playing football tonight anyway, you ok?” Jackson called me later than normal to ask me to go out for a beer. I was on my own and watching nothing worth watching on the TV so happy to get out.

“Yeah, yeah I’m good. I erm, I need to ask you something, a favour I guess. Sort of!”

“Sorry Jackson, I’m not into dudes!” We both laugh and Jackson rolls his eyes.

“Twat! I’m trying to be all D and M here mate. I’m asking you to be my best man!”

“You serious?”

“Yeah, course I am. I love you man!”

“You sentimental twat. I’d be honoured.”

And just like that, I was Jackson’s best man.


“How’s the bromance?” Rafe jokes as I get in from the pub. He was back from football before me and keeps taking the piss out of how close Jackson and I have become. “You know if you leave me for Jackson I’m taking all your money don’t you?”

“I do, you can have it... I’ve heard he’s huge!” I hold out my hands to say just how huge and Rafe throws a cushion at me. I sit down next to Rafe on the sofa. “He asked me to be his best man.”

“Really? That’s nice. I like how close you two have become.” Rafe kisses my neck as he talks and I’m rapidly losing track of what I was saying.

“Really, you do? Erm I erm…”

“Bed!” Rafe gives his order and who am I to say no?


“What do you want then mate?”

Jackson is at the bar and eager to order when I walk into the pub.

“Erm, Carling bud, thanks.”


“Cheers,” I hold up my glass to Jackson and he smiles like the Cheshire cat…And keeps smiling. “What the fuck is up with your face? You look like the joker!”

“I’m going to be a Dad mate, Rosie’s pregnant!”

I nearly choke on the sip of beer I just took.

“You two are so backward…Baby first, then wedding! Congratulations mate, I’m guessing it’s a good thing by the sappy shit look on your face!”

“Thanks man, yeah I’m over the moon. We’re still getting married on Christmas Eve, Rosie doesn’t want to tell anyone yet so you can’t tell Rafe!”

“Jackson…” I hate keeping things from Rafe, we’re married!

“I know man I’m sorry but just until we know that everything is ok.”

Jackson grins again and starts to giggle like an excited little girl! It’s quite infectious and I laugh with him. I guess I’m going to be an uncle.


“Hello husband!” Rafe greets me as I walk into the flat after work. I still love it when he calls me that.

“Hey,” I lean down to kiss Rafe who is sitting on the sofa enjoying a coffee with a very pregnant Pippa. “Hi Pip, you look great babe.”

“I look like a fucking whale you lying shit,” she smiles, “but thank you!”

“I’m going to run a bath babe I’m knackered. See you later Pip,” I lean down to rub and speak to her bump, “bye baby Pip!”

“See you gorgeous, I’ll be in to you in a minute.” She winks and they both laugh.

“Has Pip gone?” I ask as I walk towards Rafe who’s cooking in the kitchen.

“Yep, thank god. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of seeing you half naked, or naked, or at all!” I laugh and Rafe playfully twangs the waistband of my lounge shorts. Rosie and Jackson are coming over for tea so I need to put some clothes on, but I can’t resist the way Rafe looks at me when I don’t have a top on, I do it on purpose just to see that look in his eyes. I think he does it back, so it’s fair!

“Pip looks great doesn’t she? It really suits her being preggo.”  I pick at the salad on the counter next to me until Rafe scowls at and I stop, with a smile.

“Yeah, she looks great. She feels enormous though,” Rafe laughs “I still can’t believe she’s going to be a mum!”

“Babies all round.” It’s out of my mouth before I realise it and my eyes are wide as I hope that Rafe doesn’t figure out what I mean. The slow turn of his head towards me tells me that he has!

“Oh my god! You know!” Rafe points the knife in his hand towards me and laughs then puts it down when I look at it.

“I do but you can’t…wait, you know?”

Rafe flushes red and then we both start to laugh.

“Oh my god, I have been dying not telling you and you knew the whole time.” Rafe comes to stand between my legs and I can’t believe that I’ve tortured myself over keeping a secret from my husband.

“It was hard for me too, but on the plus side…we’re going to be uncles!” Rafe grins and kisses me and I smile against his lips.

“That’s pretty cool!”


I got a little drunk that night and spilled the beans that I knew about the baby. Rosie presumed Rafe told me and was telling him off when a laughing Jackson admitted it was him…and then asked how Rafe knew, to which Rosie just giggled uncontrollably. The cat is now well and truly out of the bag thank god, so Rafe and I have been able to start going crazy in Mothercare.


Today is Christmas Eve. Well technically it’s now officially Christmas day as it’s just gone midnight. Rosie and Jackson became husband and wife less than twelve hours ago in a small registry office ceremony and a great party at the family tapas restaurant.

The evening didn’t go exactly to plan but had an exceptionally happy ending. At just seven months pregnant Pippa went into labour at the reception. It was scary for a while; she was so upset and panicking. Ben was totally supportive and Jackson was surprisingly calming.

I followed everyone to the hospital after helping Joaquin clean and lock up to be told that Holly Amelia Long was born at one minute past twelve, she’s a little early but a great size and very healthy.

“She’s amazing.”

Rosie comes out of Pippa’s room with tear stained cheeks and a smile from ear to ear. Ben is on the phone to Pip’s parents and Rafe is talking to Jackson. I have an urge to ask if I can go in and see the baby, but I can’t help but think it would be a bit weird without Rafe.

“Come on then, let’s go say hello.”

While I’m talking to Rosie about Holly I feel Rafe’s hand in mine and I’m pulled towards the door of Pippa’s room.

“Hey gorgeous,” Rafe says to Pip as we walk in. She beams at us and then at the tiny pink bundle in her arms. “Oh my god Pip!”  Rafe’s voice is full of emotion as he makes his way towards her and she passes Holly to him.

Rafe holds Holly and starts to talk to her, telling her that he’s uncle Rafe and I’m Uncle Matthew and that we’ll spoil her. He tells her that she has a cousin on the way from Auntie Rosie and Uncle Jackson and maybe there’ll be more one day. I know that he’s referring to us, but he doesn’t say it. As I look at him holding her, the love in his eyes and his natural paternal instincts kicking in, I want it, I want a baby with Rafe as soon as we can.

“It suits him doesn’t it?” Pippa speaks into my ear as I lean down to give her a kiss and I have to agree. I nod as I pull away and just smile.

I didn’t put any pressure on Rafe after we left the hospital. In fact I didn’t mention that I wanted to go for it at all. We’ve talked about it in the past and now that we’re married it’s obvious that we’re going to want to move to that next step eventually but I don’t know if he’s quite ready yet, and it was a pretty intense day as it was.

Everything was baby baby baby for the next few weeks. Pip and Ben brought Holly home and Rosie and Jackson found out that they were having twins. Rafe and I were in and out of baby shops all the time buying gifts and clothes for Holly and the twins.

I was desperate to tell him that I wanted to try for a baby. I had no idea how we were going to go about it or how long it would take. I’m thirty now and I don’t want to be too old to play with my kids but Rafe never brought it up, even though we were surrounded by it, so I had to believe that it just wasn’t on his radar yet.


“Rosie is having one of each!”

Rafe holds up the latest scan photo from his sister.

“A boy and a girl? That’s awesome! I bet they’re over the moon.” I take the picture and inspect it closely.

“They are. I wonder what we’ll have.”

Rafe says it out if the blue and I look up at him, it’s the first time that us having children has been brought up since we were in The Maldives. I smile.

“A rugby team, mixed sex of course!” Rafe laughs,

“Oh really, I was thinking maybe one of each, and then one for good luck!” I put down the picture and Rafe smiles at me. For a moment neither of us speaks and then I look down at my coffee cup.

“I want it Rafe, I’m ready. I really don’t want to wait any longer.” It takes me a moment to look back up because I’m unsure what Rafe’s expression will be, but when I do I realise I’m a damn fool.

“Are you serious?” He’s smiling and reaches across the table for my hands. “I’m ready too, so ready! Let’s do this!”





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