Love Is... (3.5) (7 page)

Read Love Is... (3.5) Online

Authors: Cassandra P. Lewis

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Gay

BOOK: Love Is... (3.5)
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“So, this is it!” I hold up my keys as I walk into the estate agents and Louise looks up, sticking out her bottom lip.

“I can’t believe you’ve sold your house, you absolute loser. Oh hello,” Louise looks Rafe up and down and smiles, “Well, I do hope you’re Rafe because my my my, you’re delicious!”  She holds her hand out and a laughing Rafe takes it.

“Bloody hell Lou, put your tongue away.” I smile and shake my head as we all make our way to her desk.


We don’t have a lot of time this weekend to catch up with Louise but I really want Rafe to get to know her, so I made her promise to come up to London in a couple of weeks.  Tonight we have lasagne with garlic bread, wine and parmesan funnily enough and my crazy parents’ company to enjoy.

“Jane that was really lovely, thank you.”

I smile as my Mum blushes at Rafe’s compliment of her cooking. She knows that both he and his Dad are amazing cooks, so it means a lot to her.

“Oh you’re welcome Rafe. I must say, it is really lovely to have you here, when my Matthew said that he was seeing Rosie’s brother, well I couldn’t have been more pleased. I love your sister dearly, I wish she would realise that my no good, arrogant shit of a son, is not the one for her...but alas it would seem that she’s going to see it through.”

Both Rafe and I almost choke on our wine. Did my mother really just say that?

“Mum, slightly inappropriate!” I say, amused at the nonchalant look on her face, and the fact that Dad seems completely oblivious while he demolishes what’s left of the garlic bread.

“Nonsense, you and I both know that he’s a prat, and he doesn’t treat that girl anywhere near as well as she deserves. Don’t tell her Rafe, but I secretly hope that she meets a total hunk and runs off with him.” Rafe is wide eyed and doesn’t seem to be able to respond, so he just smiles and sips at his wine, “Look at them,” Mum points at the picture of Michael and I on the wall. We were eight, Michael is smiling and casually holding a football under his left arm, his right is casually slung around my shoulder and I’m giving two thumbs ups to the camera, well to Dad. "They were inseparable, well the two of them and Louise of course. It’s so sad. I just don’t know what I did wrong.”  My mum looks sad and it breaks my heart.

“Mum, you didn’t do anything wrong, you and Dad have been amazing parents. Michael just changed, that’s nobody’s fault but his.”

When we got to senior school, Michael started to become arrogant. He was always more academic than me, better with numbers and science and was always being awarded for his achievements in the classroom. I was the sporty one, I was clever enough but I would always rather be outside playing. As we moved into our second year of high school Michael was hardly talking to me at all, he didn’t approve of my lack of interest in spending the summer holidays doing maths equations. I had Louise, who was like a sister anyway, so I didn’t fight for my relationship with my brother. We started to resent and then dislike each other, he wouldn’t even really speak to my parents much, he just turned into a total prat and because of it I really don’t have much time for him. I had no idea until tonight though that my mum apparently feels the same way.

“Hmm maybe, Rafe I apologise. It wasn’t my intention to get all deep, I just want you to know that we do love Rosie, and as a mother it hurts me to think it, but we know that she deserves better.”

Rafe just smiles in response, what do you say to that?


Day Twenty Nine - Rafe

Matthew and I had a really nice couple of days in Cornwall. I got to know his parents quite a bit and honestly, find them hilarious if a little inappropriate at times, but I know now why my Mam and Dad get on so well with Jane and David, they’re four crazy peas in a pod.

It’s day twenty nine today and we’re heading back to London. I can’t believe that tomorrow marks the end of thirty days, I’ve waited for this day to come and now that it’s nearly here, I feel nervous. I don’t understand it, I’ve slept with a lot of men but this is different. I’ve never loved anyone before, not really, not like this. Matthew is quiet too and I can only assume that he feels the same way.

There’s not much in the way of traffic so the journey home is a smooth one. We’re back in London by midday and Matthew has some work to do so he pulls up outside the café and smiles across the car to me.

“Thank you, for coming with me. It meant a lot.” I smile back and he takes my hand, “I love you Rafe, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I blush slightly before breaking out into a huge grin, “I know I am,” I wink, “I love you too. Come round later?” I ask,

“Yeah, I’ll call you when I’m done.”

I lean across the car and kiss my wonderful boyfriend. I’m ruined.


Day Thirty



“Matthew, bloody slow down! Are you trying to kill me?”

Freddie, one of my trainers wanted to come out on a run with me, but I’m so distracted by the fact that it’s day thirty that I’m not concentrating on my pace at all.

“Shit. Sorry mate, I’ve got a lot on my mind.” I lean forward with my hands on my knees and try to compose myself.

“Don’t worry, are you ok though? Is everything still going well with the new bloke? If you need to talk mate, I’m here.” Freddie shows concern and I half smile as I get my breath back.

“Great, really good. Thanks man, but you don’t want to hear about my relationship stuff.” I stand up and start to stretch out while Freddie takes a drink of water.

“Matthew, I’ve worked with you for two years, my sister and my best mate are’s nothing I haven’t heard before. Go on try me, it might make you feel better and leave me in one piece on the way back.”

I laugh and think sod it, why not?

“Ok, really though, if you want me to shut up you can tell me.” I raise my eyebrows and Freddie nods for me to go on. “Ok, so Rafe and I, we haven’t had sex yet.” I ignore Freddie’s wide eyes and continue, “We decided to wait thirty days to get to know each other, and today is day thirty, and I’m shitting myself mate! I mean, what if it’s horrible or I fuck it up in some way? I just feel like it’s my first time all over again!” I run my hands through my hair and realise that I’m pacing.

“Matthew, you love him right?” I stop and look at Freddie,

“More than I thought possible.”

“Then man up and rock his world!” Freddie smiles and I start to laugh,

“Best advice ever!”

“I’m serious mate, sex with strangers is fine, but when you love the person that you’re with, its mind blowing, trust me. Kate and I had  slept together when we were just friends and it was good don’t get me wrong, but when we got together we did the same as you, we took it slow and then when we did have sex, fuck me it made my toes curl. I felt like I couldn’t get close enough to her, amazing mate. You’ll have that. But you know just because the thirty days are up, doesn’t mean you have to have sex tonight. If you’re both thinking about it like a ticking time bomb that puts a hell of a lot of pressure on you both.”

I’m quiet for a moment.

“Shit, that really was good advice!” I smack Freddie on the shoulder, “Come on fat boy, work to do!”


“Hey Soph, where is he?” I came straight to the café after I finished at the gym. I showered there; I know how much Rafe likes it when I turn up straight from working out but just in case, I wanted to smell good.

“Oh hiya, we were quiet so he asked me to close up. He’s upstairs.”  She nods her head in the direction of the passageway that leads to the stairs and I smile as I pass her.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and can hear Adele’s dulcet tones coming from the flat. I smile as I climb and find the door open. Stepping inside quietly I see Rafe in the kitchen, he’s chopping and stirring and tasting.  I lean against the wall and watch him.

There are two glasses and a bottle of wine on the side and as Make You Feel My Love starts to play, Rafe closes his eyes and pauses for just a moment. He doesn’t know that I’m here yet and my heart swells as I watch, he’s doing all this for me.

When Rafe opens his eyes, he looks in my direction and a huge grin spreads across his face.

“Hi.” He walks towards me as he speaks and pulls me into a kiss before I can respond.  Holding my face in his hands he leans back a little to look into my eyes, “This doesn’t mean that I’m putting pressure on you, I just wanted to celebrate the fact that we actually made it.” He kisses me again, “There’s no rush.”

Adele finishes her last song and I put my hand on Rafe’s chest to let him know that I’ll sort the music out. I put my iPod on the dock and select the Rafe playlist that I’ve been adding to since I met him. Breathin’ Easy by the Sugababes starts to play and I turn to see Rafe pouring us each a glass of wine. This is so perfect.

We sit on the sofa and enjoy a quiet moment. Neither of us says a word, Rafe is next to me, turned in towards me as he strokes the back of my hand with his fingertips and then smiles when I turn my hand over and link my fingers with his. 'You Make Me Wanna' by Usher starts to play and we both smile. Rafe bites his lip briefly before leaning in to kiss me.

I lean forward, encouraging Rafe onto his back as I continue to kiss him. My heart is beating so fast with love for this man and I have to break away just to look down at him.

“God you smell good.” Rafe takes a deep breath in through his nose and smiles up at me, pulling at my shirt to bring me down to him.

Rafe’s hands stroke down my back and under the waistband of my jeans and boxers, he strokes and squeezes my arse, pulling me close to him and I groan against his lips. I lean to the left as my right hand pushes Rafe’s left arm up and over his head and then works its way up underneath his shirt. The hard ripples of his abs and the soft kisses along my jaw have me thrusting my hips into him, this is really happening…


Rafe pushes me back as the cooking timer sounds and grumbling, makes his way into the kitchen, adjusting the raging hard on in his jeans as he does.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I can’t help but laugh as I hear him mumbling and banging the pots from the oven down on the side and I shake my head with a smile. So much for no rush!


“Rafe, I have to cook for you soon. That was amazing, yet again!”

“Deal, I’m always happy to be waited on. More wine?” Rafe takes our plates into the kitchen as I nod and watch him walk away, damn I got lucky!

I stand and make my way into the kitchen, taking my place behind my man and wrapping my arms around his waist. 'Ordinary People' by John Legend starts playing and I kiss that spot below Rafe’s ear, right on cue, he whimpers. I kiss his neck and he puts the wine bottle down turning to face me.

“Matthew…” He doesn’t finish his sentence before I pull him into my kiss, pushing him back into the kitchen counter as he twists his fingers up into my hair.

Rafe pulls away, taking a deep breath and looking deep into my eyes. There’s an equal mix of love and desire in them as he takes my hand in his and pulls me gently out of the kitchen and towards his bedroom.  My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel nervous. I want this so much, but I want it to be perfect.

As D’Angelo starts to drift in through the open door, Rafe pulls me towards his bed. He sits and as he pushes backwards I stop and peel off my shirt. I need to feel his skin on mine now, he knows as he smiles and does the same. I swallow hard and take a deep breath as I look at him, he’s amazing.

I crawl onto the bed and come to rest above him, smiling briefly before he props himself up on his elbows to kiss me. We’ve slept in this bed together a few times, but we haven’t kissed in bed, especially not like this. It was too risky but now, as Rafe’s tongue finds mine, I can’t help but push my hips into him. Rafe lets out a low growl and pushes me over onto my back, pinning my arms above my head for a moment before moving down to kiss my neck, then my collarbone. As he moves down to kiss my chest Rafe starts to unbutton my jeans, I’m fit to burst as he slides his hands into my boxers and grips me for the first time, growling as he licks my nipple.

I can’t help but writhe under him as he strokes the length of my cock up and down. Fuck, I’ve been dying for his touch since the second I saw him.

“Rafe, I need…” I can’t say anymore as Rafe moves further down my body and briefly licks the end of my dick before standing and starting to unbutton his jeans, smiling as he pushes them and his boxers off.  He leans forward, rubbing his hands up my thighs and gripping his fingers into the top of my jeans and boxers, then pulls them down and off.

We’re naked together for the first time and my breathing is hard and fast, I need him so much. Rafe crawls back onto the bed, never breaking eye contact as he settles on his knees between my thighs; he leans down, licks his lips and takes me in his mouth.

“Oh god…” I sigh and close my eyes as Rafe licks and sucks at the length of my cock, massaging my balls and he circles the tip with his tongue. “Rafe, don’t make me come yet, please…” I’m breathing hard as I plead and Rafe sucks hard up the length of me, laughing as he releases me into the strong grip of his hand.

He looks up at me, his eyes so full of delicious promise as he twists his hand around my cock and rubs circles on the wet tip with his palm. I smile and laughing again, Rafe lowers back down and continues sucking me hard.

The need to come is taking over but I don’t want this to end. I reach down and push back on Rafe’s shoulders as I sit up. He quickly moves in close, kissing me frantically as I finally get my hands on him.

I grip him hard and gasp at the thickness, he’s so fucking beautiful. Rafe smiles and pulls me into kiss, his fingers raking through my hair, it’s intense and I break away.  My laboured breathing matches Rafe’s as he rests his forehead against mine. 

“Make love to me Rafe.”                   



We lay down together, kissing softly the whole time. My heart is swelling with my love for the man underneath me.  I want this to be perfect.

“You’re so perfect,” I break away from the kiss to look down at Matthew, there’s more that I want to say but I can’t remember any of it, I just need him.

Reluctantly leaving Matthew alone I move over to the bedside table for the essentials.

“Always prepared!” Matthew jokes and laughs as I put down a condom and bottle of Maximus on the bed. I smile as I resume my earlier position above him,

“I’m like a boy scout!” I joke.


The nerves are disappearing now, being replaced by pure desire. I squeeze a small amount of lube onto my fingers and start to spread it over Matthew’s ass while we kiss. As he starts to stroke his dick I know he’s ready and slowly push one, then two fingers inside. His reaction make my breath catch, he instantly pushes down onto my hand as I start a come hither motion inside.

“Fuck Rafe, that’s so good!”

His head is tipped back, pressing into the pillows as he breathes hard and lets out a small moan to let me know he’s enjoying it.

I can’t help but lean down and, pushing his hand away, start sucking his dick again, he’s too sexy, all I want to do is please him.

I look up and watch his abs contract as he writhes in pleasure, the muscles in his right arm tenses as he grips the sheets beneath him and his left hand works into my hair.

I can’t take anymore.  I kneel up between Matthew’s thighs and rip open the condom packet with my teeth. Matthew’s hand reaches up and takes it from me before he strokes my cock a few times and then rolls it on. He squeezes some lube onto his fingers and spreads it over me, kissing me the whole time. Then he lies back, encouraging me down on top of him.

This is new for me. Sex normally involves bending someone over something, and whilst I have done it face to face before, it's never felt like this. Never this close...this intimate.

Matthew puts his hands on my lower back to encourage me and I reach down to guide my way in. He gasps as I slowly push forward and I lean down to kiss him.

“I love you,” I moan through laboured breath. I’ve hardly got going yet and it already feels beyond amazing.

“I…oh god, I love you Rafe.” Matthew moans as I start to move.

I look down at the man that I love. His eyes are clenched shut as he bites his lip and enjoys the pleasure that I’m giving to him. I lower down as I start to move faster, pushing harder into him as he digs his fingertips into my shoulder blades, moaning in such a way that I know he’s close. I smile.

Matthew’s right hand moves between us, pumping between our stomachs as he brings his orgasm closer.

“Baby, I’m close,” I let him know that I can’t keep going for much longer and he just leans up to kiss me in response. As Matthew’s tongue finds mine it tips me over the edge and I come hard, stilling inside him as the warmth of his come spreads between us. “Mine…” I breathe, “You’re mine!”


It takes a moment before either of us speaks; I don’t think either of us can.

“Fuck,” Matthew breaks the silence, “That…was amazing!”

I laugh as I sit back on my heels and pull the condom off,

“Yeah, that’s one word for it!”

As Matthew sits up and kisses me, I can’t help but smile, he’s perfect.


“I was worried you know,”

Matthew is lying with his head resting on my chest as we lay in bed watching TV and I laugh.

“About what?  That I’d be shit in bed?”

“Well, yeah! I mean that we’d wait thirty days and then just not be compatible sexually,” He strokes his fingertips lazily over my abs as he speaks.

“Oh, and?” I ask, knowing the answer. Matthew turns to look up at me and smiles,

“Are you fishing for compliments Alvez?”

“Totally, I need every one I can get.”  I grin, and he laughs again, sitting up to face me.

“Well, truth is, I’m not used to being the bottom. I have been before but not for a long time. It was great, really fucking great!”

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