Read Love Song Series Box Set Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Love Song Series Box Set (20 page)

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I look at Julie then back to the picture the technician gave me. I can’t believe it; we’re having a boy. My life couldn’t be any better right now. I have Julie back, a beautiful daughter, and now I’m going to have a son too. I’m so fucking happy that it scares me. If I lost them now, it would kill me. I have to do something to make sure that they’re mine forever.

I make a decision
as I think of my family. “We need to stop by the garage on the way home.”

Jenny squeals and starts to jump up and down.
“I want to tell Poppa about the baby. Please!” she begs. Julie just laughs and nods her head in agreement.

Well, it looks like we’re all done here,” the technician says. He writes something on a yellow piece of paper and hands it with a disk to Julie. “Just give that paper to the receptionist. She’ll get you set up for your next appointment.”

cleans up as soon as the guy leaves the room. We walk up to the receptionist’s desk, and Julie talks to the lady for a moment. She pulls out her debit card and starts to hand it to her, but I grab her hand and shake my head. I pull out my wallet and hand the woman mine instead.

You didn’t have to do that,” Julie says as we’re walking out of the office.

I know.”

I can take care of myself,” she says. Her voice is different, bitchy almost. What the hell? I’m not having any of this crap.

I stop walking and grab her hand.
Pulling her to me, I wrap my arms around her middle. “I know you can, baby, but I want to help. I wasn’t there for Jenny. You had to do it all on your own. Please, let me do this.”

At first, I think
she’s going to argue with me, but remarkably, she doesn’t. Instead, she smiles and kisses me softly. “Okay, Jase.”

We pull into Pop
’s garage twenty minutes later. I’ve barely stopped before Jenny is jumping out of the truck. She heads straight to the garage. As I get out of the truck, I hear her yell. “I’m getting a little brother!”

By the time I get inside
, everyone is all smiles. I hear a few congratulations, but I ignore them all and head straight to the office. Pop is behind his desk, and Shane is sitting on the counter. I look over at him. “Keep Julie and Jenny busy for a minute. I need to talk to Pop.”

What’s wrong?”

Not a damn thing. As far as I’m concerned, everything is perfect,” I say with a smile.

Shane nods his head, jumps down, and heads for the door.
As soon as it closes, I walk over to Pop’s desk. “It’s time.” I know I’m wearing a ridiculous smile, but I can’t help it. “I want Mom’s ring.”

You’re the first to ask, so it’s yours.” He nods and opens the top drawer of his desk then pulls out a small velvet-covered box and hands it to me.

You got nothing else to say?” I ask, expecting to get a lecture on treating Julie right, but he just shakes his head.

There’s nothing I can say. You’re a good man, son. You learned your lesson when she left the first time. There’s no need in me telling you shit that you already know,” he says with an even bigger smile than mine. With that, he stands up and walks out of the room.

I open the box and look at my mom
’s ring. It’s not all that big, but I wouldn’t give Julie anything else. It was my gram’s ring before it was my mom’s. My grandpa got it in Germany when he was fighting in WWII. He proposed the day he got home. Grams gave it to Pop when he wanted to marry Mom. Now, it’s my turn to give it to Julie.

I stuff it in my pocket and walk
back into the garage. Shane has his laptop out, and everyone is looking at something on it. I walk over and see my son’s image on the screen. Looking over at Julie, I see that she’s staring at me. She slides up to my side and grabs my hand then looks back at the laptop. I can’t take my eyes off of her as images of her being mine forever flash through my mind. I touch the jewelry box in my pocket and try to think of a way to convince her to marry me. I need to do it right.



We arrive home after stopping at the garage, and Jenny’s still talking about the baby.
I laugh at her mile-a-minute chatter. It’s impossible to not get caught up with her excitement. She’s gushing to Bethany that she can’t believe she’s going to have a little brother, but she also keeps saying that it would have been better to have a little sister. I wonder whether or not she’ll be as enthusiastic when our boy is keeping her awake at night. Maybe then she won’t be telling me that I need to have a little girl next time.

Jase has been quiet since the appointment.
He seems distant. I’m not sure what’s wrong. I thought for sure he wanted a boy, but maybe not.

You okay?” I ask him as soon as Jenny and Bethany leave the room.

Jase looks at me.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I’m not convinced, but maybe I should let it go. I don’t want to burst my happy moment.

actually calls for a celebration. Pizza will help nicely, but I have a better idea. I send Bethany and Jenny to pick up some movies while I call and order the pizza. As soon as they walk out the door, I grab Jase’s hand and pull him to our room.

Once in the room, I walk backwards
, beckoning him to me. I pull my shirt over my head, letting it fall from my fingertips, and bite my bottom lip. Jase gives me one of his signature panty dropping smiles, “Are you wanting to play, baby?” he asks, shutting and locking our door.

Uh huh.” I nod.

He tugs his own shirt off, discarding it
, then flicks open the button on his jeans. I rush over, staying his hand, and then I drop to my knees in front of him and slowly work down his zipper, freeing his hard length. “I’m going to make you a very happy man.”

His hands cup my face gently
. “You already make me happy, happier than I ever thought possible.” He smirks down at me. “But, if you want to suck my cock, who am I to stop you?”

I wrap my hand around his thickness and run circles around the head with my tongue. Jase
’s head drops back, and he exhales heavily. He’s so fucking sexy when he’s lost to my touch. My only thought as I suck his cockhead into my mouth is giving him pleasure. His hands thread through my hair, and his hips gently thrust into my mouth. I take him deeper, swallowing around his cock when it breaches the back of my throat. I love having him in my mouth, but it doesn’t last long.

Ah, fuck, baby,” he says while using the hold on my hair to gently pull me away. I release his cock with a pop and can’t help but pout. My man always wants to have his way.

He picks me up
, and I toe off my shoes as he walks us to the bed. He lays me down then pulls my pants and panties off in one quick motion. Grabbing my hips, he pulls me to the edge of the bed, and without pausing, he kneels in front of me and buries his face in my pussy. Within minutes, my orgasm is right there, waiting to devastate my senses. His tongue circles my clit, drawing out the pleasure without giving me the satisfaction of release. My hips move of their own accord as I try to get his mouth back where I need him. He grips my thighs, forcing me to still. The only thing I can do is watch his mouth devouring me and plead for him to give me what I want.

’ve lost count of how many times he’s brought me to the brink then backed away. My muscles are quivering, and my throat is hoarse from moaning. I can barely register he’s stopped tormenting me when he pushes my thighs open further and slams his cock deep into my pussy. The orgasm that he’s been teasing me with rushes through my body like a violent storm, ripping screams from my lips and causing my body to shudder.

Again, Julie,” he demands, punctuating each thrust by grinding his pelvis into my clit.

Can’t … oh God … Jase …”

You can, and you will come for me again.” His thumb swirls around my swollen clit, and somehow, someway he is coaxing another orgasm from my spent body. I can feel it building, and I swear it’s going to tear me apart from the inside out. “That’s it, baby.” His hand moves away, and his glazed eyes focus on where we are connected. “Look how your pussy takes me.”

I glance down, mesmerized by how he disappears into my body. My pussy is swollen and dripping around his cock,
and it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. “Fuck, Jase, I’m coming,” I nearly shout as my pussy clenches around his cock. I feel him swell inside me as his cock jerks and he plants himself deep, releasing into me.

He collapses on top of me, holding himself up so he doesn
’t hurt me or our son. God, our son; that thought has tears swimming in my eyes from happiness.

Jase lifts away, helping me settle into the bed more comfortably
. “Hey, what’s this?” he asks, running his thumb under my eye.

Just so happy. I love you, Jase.

Love you too, Jules,” he says, resting his palm on my stomach, cradling both me and his baby at the same time.

’re quiet for a few minutes, and I’m about to fall asleep when I hear Bethany and Jenny come in. I start to get up, but Jase pulls me back. “I want to take you somewhere special, so be ready when I get home tomorrow.”


I may be at work, but I’m not really here. My mind is on tonight, thinking about asking Julie to marry me. What if she says no? I shake my head at my own thoughts. That’s not going to happen. She is going to say yes, even if I have to beg. I want to be a real family. Fuck this temporary living with her shit! I want it to be permanent. I want to make a home for our two children. I want to have a real fucking family.

’m going over the words I plan to use to propose when Shane walks up. “What’s wrong with you today? Most of the time, you would have had this shit done in an hour or two, but you’ve been at it for damn near three hours. I don’t even think you’re half way done yet.”

I look toward the
‘68 Fairlane I have been working on and shake my head. “My mind’s on something else.”

Shane chuckles.
“I figured that out myself. What I want to know is what the fuck you’re thinking so hard about?”

I’m going to ask Julie to marry me tonight.”

Shane whistles.
“Shit, man. Big move, but I’ve got to say, it’s about damn time.”

I nod
. It’s past time as far as I’m concerned. “Should have asked her a long fucking time ago.”

Yeah, you should have, but you got a second chance. Make sure you do it right this time,” Shane says with a smile. “Don’t even think about asking Matty to be your best man. I call that shit right now.”

That’s fine with me. I want you both by my side that day.”

What day?” Matty asks as he walks up.

I’m asking Julie to marry me tonight,” I explain for the second time. Might as well get this out there now. I’m impressed that I’ve been able to keep it to myself all day. “I got Mom’s ring from Pop yesterday.”

Matty smiles
as he slaps my shoulder. “About fucking time.”

That’s what I said,” Shane pipes in.

Don’t fuck up this time,” Matty continues in a serious tone.

Said that shit too,” Shane says with a chuckle.

Shut the fuck up.” I’m just about to slap the smile off Shane’s face when Pop sticks his head out of the office. “I don’t pay you boys to stand around talking. Get your asses to work.”

After a little grumbling, we all get back to work
. As I slide under the Fairlane, I make myself a promise
. I won’t fuck up this time.



I’m just getting off work, and I’m so tired that I would rather be anywhere but shopping, but Jase has planned a special night for us, and I want to get a new dress for tonight. So, instead of rushing home to veg out on the couch, I’m walking around the town square, looking for a place to buy something to wear for our big date. Jase won’t tell me where we’re going, but I know he has something big planned. I want to look nice, so I’ll make the effort. There really aren’t many places to shop in our little town, but I don’t want to drive all the way to Nashville. I’ll settle for Tessa’s dress shop. I hope they’ll have a few maternity dresses.

As soon as I walk in, I
spot Brittany. She hasn’t tried to approach me in weeks, even though I have seen her a dozen times. In fact, when she sees me, she walks the other way. Jase said she’s been acting the same way with him too, even if he’s alone. I’m not complaining, but it’s a total 180 from what she was doing. Am I nervous? Hell yeah, I am.

I walk to the counter and ask the clerk if they have anything that I could wear
, motioning toward my ever-growing baby bump. She points me to the back with a smile. I just reach the maternity clothes when Brittany walks up. “I heard Jase is living with you now,” she says, making it sound like a question.

Yes,” I answer, not looking at her. For now, the move is supposed to be temporary, but I have a feeling it will be permanent soon. I don’t tell her any of that though.

I continue to look through the dresses
, waiting for her to walk away. Of course, it’s not that easy. She’s just standing there, staring at me. I can’t take it anymore. “Is there something you want?”

She just shakes her head and turns to walk away. After a few steps, she stops and turns back to me.
“Enjoy it…while you can.”

Something in her voice sends
a chill down my spine. It’s like she knows something I don’t. Has Jase done something he shouldn’t have? Has he been seeing her on the side? What about Becca? She’s been extra nice to me lately, but I thought she was my best friend last time. That didn’t stop her from sleeping with him then. I pull out my phone, but I stop just before I hit Jase’s name. I have to trust him. I have to believe he’ll be faithful. Without trust, our relationship will end before it even has a chance to begin.

Sliding the phone back into my purse, I continue to look through the dresses on the rack.
I finally pick out a knee length black dress with a deep V in the back. It’s sexy but not too flashy and hangs loose over my stomach. My aim for tonight is not to look like a whale. I make my way to the counter, passing Brittany on the way. I ignore her as I pay then head out the door without giving her a second glance.

After getting home, I give Jenny a quick kiss then rush to my bedroom.
I spend the next hour getting ready. I’m just putting on my shoes when Jase walks in. I expected him to still be in his work clothes, but he’s not. His hair is wet, and he is freshly shaved. He has on faded blue jeans that fit snug on his ass and a black button up with a grey tee underneath. He’s always been handsome, but right now, he is sexy as hell.

You ready?”

Nodding, I grab my clutch from the top of the dresser.

As I walk toward him, he extends his hand for mine.
As soon as we touch, he pulls me in for a hug. “You look beautiful, baby.”

I run my hand down his chest.
“You’re not so shabby yourself.”

It takes a few minutes for us to say goodbye to Bethany and Jenny. Jenny is crying
; she wants to come, and she’s doing her best to convince her daddy to let her. It would be easy for me to step in and solve the problem, but I want to see how he handles it. Plus, I know he wants to do this himself.

He has been trying to become more active in parenting Jenny.
He even mentioned that sometimes he felt like he was more like a friend than her dad. He didn’t say it, but I could tell he didn’t like that at all. Here’s his chance to prove he can be both parent and friend. I nearly laugh as he does what every good parent is forced to do from time to time. He bribes her.

If you quit crying and be good for Aunt Bethany, I’ll take you to Dairy Queen for breakfast.”

Her eyes brighten
, and a mischievous smile crosses her face. “If you promise to take me to Subway for lunch too, you’ve got a deal.”

Oh shit, our little girl is
turning into a spoiled brat. Being home, she has an entire family to dote on her, and she is using it to her full advantage. I thought that was a good thing, but I’m not so sure anymore.

Jenny…” I start but shut up quickly when Jase’s eyes fly to mine. They are both angry and amused, not a good combination for a parent.

When he looks back at her, he crosses his arms over his chest.
“How about this? If you keep acting out, I’ll not take you to Pop’s after school tomorrow.”

’s face falls, and her lower lip starts to wobble. “But, Pop is gonna teach me how to flush out a radiator.”

’s eyes move to mine as he stifles a laugh. We must be the only parents in the world who have a nine year old daughter that dreams of being a mechanic. He shakes off his humor and looks back at her. “Well, then I guess you better be good for Aunt Bethany.”

Okay, Daddy,” she says as she runs up and gives him a hug.

After a quick round of goodbyes, we walk outside.
Jase leads me to his truck, helps me get in, and we head out. The ride is really quiet, unusually so. He always has something to say, either about his work or talk of his family. Tonight, he is nearly silent. I can tell he’s nervous, and I have no idea why. It’s freaking me out a bit. He fidgets in his seat, tapping on the steering wheel. He keeps stealing looks at me, but turns back to the road every time I look at him. Shit, he’s making me nervous too.

Instead of going to a restaurant, like I assumed
we would, he drives to the opposite side of town. Past his Pop’s house and the old park before finally pulling into the high school parking lot. It’s completely deserted; only the lights surrounding the field break through the darkness.

What are we doing here?”

Jase smiles at me
, but doesn’t answer. He gets out, walks around the truck, opens my door, and helps me out. Holding my hand, we walk toward the football field. “I’ve got a surprise.”

’s a blanket and a cooler sitting beside the field, in the exact same spot he had asked me out for the first time all those years ago. He leads me right to it and sits down. He pulls me onto his lap and kisses me softly.

I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw you in that dress.” His voice is a whisper against my mouth.

What took you so long?”

I was too fucking nervous,” he says with a laugh.

’ve never seen Jase like this before. He’s always so confident, so self-assured. He’s been all jumpy since the ultrasound. I can’t stand not knowing what’s going through his head. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

He gives me a small smile and places me on the ground beside him.
I can feel my heart quicken as he starts to stand. He goes to one knee and pulls a small box from his pocket.

Oh my God!

BOOK: Love Song Series Box Set
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