Love Without Boundaries

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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By M.K. Eidem

Science Fiction Romance



Tornians Book 3.5


M.K. Eidem

Copyright © 2014 by Michelle K. Eidem


First E-Book Publication December 2014


Kindle Edition


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Lord Oryon and Lady Isis of House Rigel are returning home from an historic meeting of the Assembly of Lords. Their universe has drastically changed in the last weeks since they arrived on Tornian and both are trying to adjust.

For Oryon, he was amazed how his Isis had blossomed. The support and companionship of the Earth females had given her a confidence he had never realized she lacked. She now touched him as she said she had always wanted to. She rested with him every night and was demanding to take a more active role in their lives.

For Isis, she couldn’t believe the things Earth females considered normal, that she had never known were possible.
Resting with a male.
Going when and where they wanted to go and talking to whomever they wanted to. Being involved in the running of their own House and then there was the amazing things they had told her that males and females could do together… during Joining.

House Rigel is going to be turned upside down and not everyone is going to be receptive to these changes.

Chapter One

Isis silently gazed out the open dome of their spaceship the Hunter, watching as Betelgeuse grew larger. Goddess her home world was beautiful. A shining jewel in the blackness of space, guiding them home and she had never even realized it. All those years… and she had never seen what her world looked like from space. Why? She always wanted to. She would ask Oryon to bring her this room the first few years after their Joining but something else had always been more important and finally stopped asking.

Once a year for over twenty-five years, she had been allowed to travel to Tornian with Oryon and be present to hear the Emperor’s first address of the year to the Lords. That had occurred earlier this year with Emperor Wray presenting Kim, declaring her Tornian and making her his Empress, shocking everyone. The only other Assembly females were allowed to attend were Joining Ceremonies like the one they had just left.

So this time, she hadn’t asked. She had just left their chambers and opened the dome herself. Several warriors had given her strange looks as she passed, but no one stopped her. Why hadn’t she done
this years

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the Comm Empress Kim had given her, and she knew why she hadn’t done it before. She hadn’t considered it possible that a female could come and go as she pleased, that she had the
to do so. She knew better now, thanks to her… friends.

She now had females she considered friends and because of them she now realized there were a great many things she had the right to like helping rule her House and there were things she had never thought possible… were, like her releasing while Oryon was Joined with her.

She wanted to do more than
at Oryon’s side as he’d allowed for the first time just the other day. She wanted to
by his side and be a major part of his life,
life and help him rule Betelgeuse, not just be the female that gave him offspring.

Would he allow it? He had enjoyed the changes in their relationship since the Joining Ceremony. They now rested together every night, all night, whether they Joined or not. They kissed and it was amazing but Isis had learned after talking with Kim and Abby that there were even more amazing things they could do together. Things Isis wanted to try.

“Isis?” Oryon’s quiet question had her turning to find the only male she had ever wanted, joining her in the room.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Why are you here?” he questioned. He had received dozens of frantic Comms, detailing every step of his Lady’s journey. None had known what to do when they’d seen her walking the corridors without him, nodding to them.

“Did you realize this is the first time I’ve ever seen Betelgeuse from space?” She asked, ignoring his question. Her gaze returned to the planet on the other side of the dome.

“What?” Oryon looked from her to their planet. “That can’t be. We’ve returned home many times and…”

“And every time I asked you to bring me here, other things were always more important.”

“That’s not true!” Oryon denied but thinking back he realized it was. Isis
asked during the first years of their Joining and he
brought her. “Why did you not say something?”

“Would it have mattered?” she asked, already knowing the answer and Oryon snapped his jaw shut.

Oryon didn’t know what to say. His Isis had changed so much in the last few weeks. Their
had changed and he was still trying to adjust. Never before would Isis have dared to venture out of their chambers alone. Never before would she have questioned him, not like this. Yet never before had he been so… satisfied. He and Isis were now resting together, every night. They shared kisses, special touches and meals together. Why had he never thought to do this before? Because he never thought she would allow it. Tornian females rarely had contact with their male outside of Joinings and then, only to tell him what they wanted in order to remain or they would leave to
with another male. Yes, Isis had been different, she actually spoke to him about their offspring and allowed him to touch her outside Joinings but she had never indicated she would desire more.

they ate meals together and he found he enjoyed them, enjoyed telling her about his day.

Isis would press her lips to his in that wonderful thing called kissing that they had learned about because of King Grim and his Queen and he enjoyed that too.

his Isis rested with him, every night. Waking to find her in his arms was… Oryon wasn’t sure what it was, but he treasured it.

But it was her allowing him to touch her… whenever he wanted to and her returning that touch that he cherished the most. It excited, yet soothed him, at the same time. It felt right, it felt natural and he knew he could never live without it now.
Especially not when so much else in their lives had changed.
Ynyr, his third male had been chosen by the Emperor himself, to replace Bertos as Lord. To say Oryon had been shocked was an understatement. Isis had always told him that Ynyr was special, that he was more than what his manno saw, and she had been right.

was the one that had insisted he send Ynyr to the Emperor for special training, so he could return to Betelgeuse to assist Oryon with the training of his warriors. Making House Rigel, the place all would want to send their young males for training.

Now Ynyr would be taking that training to Etruria where he would need every skill he had learned to repair the damage Bertos and Risa had caused and create
his own

Ull, his first male, was struggling to come to terms with all that had happened. Ull hadn’t been selected in the Joining Ceremony and while it had hurt his pride, he would have been able to overcome that since
male had been chosen. But then, Ynyr had been made Lord of one of the most important Houses in the Empire and an Earth female had chosen
as her male.

Ull wasn’t handling well, and Oryon knew that was partially his fault. Ull had never had to struggle the way Ynyr had. He had never truly understood what it felt like
to be a first male. Oryon did for he had been his manno’s second male and knew his place was to support his brother. It wasn’t until his twentieth year, at the death of his brother in
battle, that
Oryon had become next to rule.

Ull had always known that one day he would be the Lord, and because of that, he would have at least one female. He had never once had to doubt it, now he did.


“My Lord.”
Oryon turned to find his Captain behind him. “We are approaching Betelgeuse.”

“I know that Shen,” Oryon said impatiently, watching as Isis moved closer to the dome.

“I… yes my Lord,” Shen stuttered surprised by the impatience in his Lord’s voice. “But you always wish to personally supervise our arrival.”

“Not this time Shen, take care of it.”

“Yes my Lord.” Giving Isis’ back a quick look Shen bowed and left the room.

Oryon waited until Shen was gone before he moved to stand behind Isis. Slowly he reached around her touching a spot on the dome. “That is where our home is,” he quietly told her, his lips grazing her ear as he spoke.

Isis raised her hand, slowly covering his fingers with hers, as she too touched their home. “There?” she asked softly.

“Yes,” he said, curling his fingers to capture hers.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed out, leaning back against his powerful chest.

“Not as beautiful as you are,” he told her gruffly.

Tipping her face up, she found his lips a hairs breath away and truth blazing in his amazing grey eyes. “You think I’m beautiful?”

“The most beautiful creature the Goddess ever created.” He told her before capturing her lips for a hard kiss.

Twisting, Isis wrapped her arms around him returning his kiss, pulling him even closer.

“Goddess, Isis,” Oryon groaned, his hands sliding down to grip her firm ass, grinding her against his throbbing shaft. He couldn’t believe how quickly she could arouse him now. All it took was a touch, a look and he was ready to
with her.

“Touch me Oryon,” she begged, guiding one of his hands to her breast, squeezing it encouragingly.

“Yes!” he agreed taking it further by sliding his hand up, pulling down the sleeve of her covering revealing the glorious piece of flesh to his gaze. Leaning down he captured the taut dusty nipple with his mouth, sucking on it the way he’d discovered drove her wild.

Stretching onto her toes, Isis offered him more. “More Oryon,” she pleaded, feeling her channel flood and clench with need, never had their previous Joinings been like this. While they touched more and rested together, Oryon still pleasured her with his mouth first. Oral sex, as she had been informed by Kim and Abby, making her channel slick enough for him to enter her. Now, she knew her channel was already slick enough and she wanted him inside her, wanted to know if she could release while he was inside her the way Earth females could.

Reaching down she unfastened his pants, her hand slipping inside to grip his rock hard shaft, freeing him. This was something else she’d always wanted to do, but never thought possible, now she was going to do what seemed right, natural with

“Isis!” Oryon gasped, ripping his mouth away from her breast in shock. Goddess, she’d never touched him like that before and his hips instinctively pumped into her hand. It felt amazing.

“I want you Oryon,” Isis said raising dark eyes to his, letting him see her need as she tightened her grip.
I need you inside me now!”

Oryon’s mind was reeling. This was not the proper way to
with his Isis. He needed to pleasure her with his mouth first, but his hands weren’t listening. They were pulling her covering up and out of the way, lifting to brace her back against the dome while he positioned himself between her parted legs.

As the massive head of his cock nudged her entrance, its hot slickness had him pausing, as a moment of sanity returned. “Isis…” he began but before he could say more, the legs that were wrapped around his hips tightened, jerking his cock into the only place it wanted to be, deep inside her.

Gasping, Oryon slapped a hand on the dome. Goddess she was hotter and slicker than she’d ever been before and he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting even deeper into her.

“Yes Oryon!” Isis cried out, gripping his shoulders as her hips rocked against him, her channel already tightening around him. “More,” she demanded.

Oryon couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt so out of control, not even during their first
when it had been
first time inside a female. That experience had altered his life, making him a male but this… this changed
. His Isis wasn’t just allowing him to take his pleasure, she was contributing to it, driving his pleasure even higher with each stroke and seemed to be receiving as much pleasure in return.

With every deep, pounding stroke, he swore she got tighter, squeezing him until suddenly she cried out, her walls tightening painfully around him. He could do nothing but roar, as he released inside her.


Oryon discovered his legs weren’t the strong, steady ones he’d relied on all his life, as he fought to keep both of them upright. Never before had he experienced anything as magnificent as feeling his Isis releasing while he was inside her. It had made his own release more powerful, as if it had exploded from his very soul and he knew they were now Joined together for all eternity.

“My Lord!”
The sound of his warriors rushing in to see why their Lord had roared caused Oryon’s strength to quickly return. He quickly separated their bodies, making sure Isis was steady on her feet, before stuffing his still semi-hard shaft back into his pants. No one saw his Isis like this. She was his vision and his alone.

Spinning around, he found more than a dozen warriors had stormed into the observation room, their mouths dropping open as they took in the condition of their Lord.

“Why are you here?!!” Oryon demanded.

“My Lord,” Warrior Shen spoke, his eyes flying to the reflection of Lady Isis in the dome as she fixed her covering, but not before he saw the luscious curve of her ass. “We heard your roar and thought you were calling for assistance.”

“Since when do I need assistance when I am with my Lady?!!” Oryon growled angrily. “Leave! Now! Or you will all meet my sword!” His warriors stumbled over themselves obeying their Lord.
Shen being the last to leave.

Oryon waited until he was sure they were alone before he turned back to Isis. His breath caught at what he found. Isis’ forearms were pressed against her heaving chest. Her fists covered her lips, swollen from his kisses. Her face was flushed and tears leaked from her tightly closed eyes. Goddess what had he done? How could he ever make this right?

Then she did something he never expected, she opened her brimming eyes and started to laugh. A mirth filled laugh that had her eyes sparkling and a large grin breaking across her face.

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