Love Without Boundaries (5 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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“So we are doomed.” Qays said and Oryon saw the spirit of these fit and worthy males fade.

“No. We are not doomed.” Oryon told them. “No thanks to our own deeds and arrogance but because those same females, the one that we judged so harshly and the ones we thought we could steal without consequence, have shown us the way back into the Goddess’ good graces.

Qays asked.

“By honoring them.
By realizing that they truly are the most important thing in all the known universes.”

“We already know that.” Huntley said.

females are,” Oryon emphasized. “Tornian or not they have the
to Join with a male… or not. They have the right to choose the male they want, no matter if he’s reached a high status or not.”

“My Lord, the other females…”

Oryon knew what Phong was asking.
“Are under King Grim’s protection on Luda.”

“So the males on Luda will all have females,” Huntley spat out.

“No. I know that is what many are going to think but the King contacted all the Lords to let them know that it has been decided that for the next two months,
male is allowed to present himself to the Earth females, including his own. The females understandably need time to adjust to all we have put them through. In two months, interested males will be allowed to send an
to Luda requesting permission to be allowed to present themselves to the females. The
will then decide which males are allowed to come to Luda based on that application. Only
will a male be allowed to go to Luda.”

A stunned silence fell over the room as Oryon finished speaking, each male looking shell-shocked. They
had a chance to have a female…

Chapter Three

 It was late when Oryon finally returned to his chambers. Much later than he had planned, but once the questions had started, they had just kept coming and he had needed to stay and answer them.

Entering his resting chamber Oryon found it dark, the only light coming from the dying fire that had once warmed the room. His eyes immediately went to the bed and felt his heart drop. His Isis wasn’t there. Had she become angry that he hadn’t returned earlier? It was something he’d never had worried about before, her waiting for him.

Crossing the room, he headed up the stairwell. If she were angry, she would just have to get over it for he was never going to rest without her again. Pausing at the top of the stairwell, he was surprised to find a cold darkness greeting him. His Isis never allowed her chambers to become cold and she always left a low light on.

If she wasn’t here…

If she wasn’t in his bed...

Where was she?

Storming back down the stairs, he was across the room and ready to rouse the entire House when a small movement near the fire caught his eye. Silently he moved towards it and felt his heart dropped again. There she was… his Isis… curled up in his chair covered with an afghan he knew came from her chambers, her head resting against one of the chairs wings, her eyes closed.

There she was.
His love.

Oryon must have made a sound because slowly Isis opened her eyes. “Oryon?” she asked huskily.

“I’m here Isis,” he reassured her, moving to squat down next to the chair, running a gentle hand along her leg. “Why aren’t you in bed my love?” he asked, the endearment slipping naturally from his lips because it had always been true.

“I was waiting for you,” she said reaching out to caress his cheek. “I didn’t want to rest in
bed for the first time without you.”

Her words had Oryon’s heart and eyes filling.
was something they should have had for years now. Why hadn’t they?

Isis frowned seeing his eyes fill. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong my Isis. I am just very happy that you are here and I am questioning why it has taken me this long to see that it is where you’ve always belonged.” Isis rewarded his words by leaning forward to capture his lips in a gentle kiss; a kiss Oryon quickly deepened as he lifted her into his arms.

Standing Oryon carried her to

Isis sighed into Oryon’s mouth as he laid her down for the first time in the center of what was
bed. This is what she wanted. What she had

He’d placed her in the center of their bed, her thick black hair spread out around her, the perfect contrast to her pale rosy skin. The feeling in those dark eyes staring up at
him making
him feel like the most powerful male in the universe. Sitting back on his heels he let his eyes travel down the beautiful body that had always aroused him. He found she was wearing a covering he’d never seen before. It was silky, with triangles of material that barely covered her breasts, held up by thin straps.

“What is this?” he asked running a gentle finger down along the thin strap, caressing the curve of her

“It’s a covering I like to rest in,” she told him.

“Why have I never seen it before?” he asked gruffly.

“Well,” she said arching up encouraging his finger to continue its journey, “normally when I am here it is to
and I am wearing a Joining covering. When you come to my chambers, I wear a robe to cover this because I thought you would not find it appealing.”

“You are wrong, I find this very
” Oryon told her, leaning down to kiss the valley between her breasts.

“You do?” Isis asked breathlessly.

“Yes, but not as appealing as when you wear nothing at all,” he murmured against her skin. Sitting up he carefully slid the thin straps down, revealing all of her beautiful breasts before continuing to pull until he had completely removed it from her body and tossing it over his shoulder. Now she was naked the way he most loved. “You are a goddess Isis,” he told her his fingers going to his shirt.

“Here, let me help you with that,” Isis said,
to her knees, unconcerned with her nakedness, her fingers replacing his as she unbuttoned his shirt. Isis took her time with the task, letting her fingers caress each bulge of muscle, letting them explore each deep crevice in between that made up his massive chest before traveling along his toned abs making their way to the waist of his pants. Leaning forward, she pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his chest as her hands tugged the shirt loose.

“Isis…” Oryon growled.

“Shhh…” she whispered, “I want to explore you.” Dragging her tongue along his chest, she enjoyed his salty flavor then licked at his nipple, watching it tighten in response. Looking up at him through her lashes
she continued flick her tongue over it as she asked. “Will you let me?”

,” Oryon growled feeling his shaft harden at the sight of her mouth on him, the feeling as she licked him as if he were her favorite treat. Shrugging out of his shirt his hands returned to sink into her hair meaning to show her just where he wanted
but she quickly pulled away.


” she told him. “Your hands stay here,” she ordered softly, pulling them from her hair to press them onto his massive thighs wondering where this bold female was coming from.

Oryon’s eyes widened at Isis’ command. Never before had his Isis taken control of their Joining, not even in the last weeks when their relationship had changed so drastically. Gripping his thighs, he couldn’t help but wonder what she would do next. He didn’t have to wait long.


Isis wasn’t sure what had caused her to think she could order Oryon around, but when he obeyed, the rush of power she felt was amazing. To have this
powerful male doing what
told him… it made her want to see how far he would let her take it.

 Once she was sure Oryon’s hands were going to remain where she had placed them, Isis leaned back and let her eyes travel over the magnificent body on display before her. Her Oryon’s body rivaled that of a male half his age. He carried no extra weight as so many other males his age did, Lord and warrior alike. They let their bodies softened as they aged, believing they no longer needed to stay fit. Not her Oryon. He relished his daily workouts with his Warriors and retained all the muscle and strength he’d had when they’d first
. It made her
to lick and explore every inch, every crevice. She wanted to try all those things Abby and Kim had told her about.

Would Oryon allow it?

Leaning forward she gave his other nipple the same attention she’d given its twin, licking and teasing it with her tongue the way Oryon would tease her bud when he pleasured her.

“Goddess Isis.”
Oryon’s entire body jerked, a tremor running through him when her mouth latched onto him. His knuckles turned white as he gripped his thighs to prevent himself from throwing her onto the bed and Joining with her. He had told her she could explore him and he would let her, even if it meant he shamed himself like a young warrior and released in his pants.

Isis couldn’t believe that she, a female, was able to make this powerful male tremble and a new sense of confidence surged through Isis, making her bolder. Dragging her nails along his lower
her hands slipped under the waist of Oryon’s pants as he sucked in a startled breath and grazed his shaft.

“Isis!” Oryon’s hips surged forward at her touch.

Isis raised her eyes to him. “I want to see it,” she whispered.

Oryon’s hands immediately ripped open the front of his pants, his shaft springing out for her inspection.

“Goddess Oryon…” Isis’ eyes widened at the sight before her, in all these years she’d only ever gotten glimpses of this part of him. He was large, larger than she had ever imagined he could be and long, so long. How did that fit inside her? Tentatively she gripped him and found his skin was hot but so much softer than she’d expected, squeezing gently she found the softness ended with his
was as hard as Tornian steel. Slowly, she began to stroke him finding her fingers couldn’t touch especially at his even wider base.

As she stroked him, Oryon involuntary rose on his knees giving her access, for the first time, to the heavy balls that hung between his legs. The low growl that burst from Oryon’s throat as she cupped him had her eyes shooting up to his and found them narrowed and glittering.

“Am I hurting you?” she whispered.

“You’re killing me,” Oryon ground out and immediately saw her pale. She would have jerked her hands away if he hadn’t grabbed her wrists.
“With pleasure Isis.”
He ducked his head so she could see the truth in his eyes then slid her hands back to where they were. “Never has anything felt as amazing as you touch on my body. Don’t stop.”

“You’re sure?” she asked the bold, confident female disappearing at the thought of causing him pain.

“Yes Isis, touch me.”

Slowly, this time much more delicately, Isis let her fingers explore his heavy sacks, gently rolling them in her hands and felt them draw up. Leaving one there the other moved back along his thickening shaft, her thumb gliding along the thick vein on its underside, feeling it pulse.

Reaching the large bulbous head of his shaft, her thumb slowly circled it before gliding along its wide slit, capturing the pearly drops of thick white fluid that had begun to escape.

Lifting her thumb to her mouth, her eyes closed as Oryon’s strong, sweet and slightly wild flavor exploded across her tongue for the first time. Goddess nothing had ever tasted as good to her. Without conscious thought, she leaned over and gripped his shaft, taking all of him in her mouth.


Oryon’s breath left him as he watched his Isis. At first, he had thought nothing could feel better than his Isis’ hands exploring his chest, her mouth teasing his nipples. Then she had slipped her hands into his pants, stroking his shaft and that had been better. But she hadn’t stopped there, she went on to cradle his balls in her soft hands, causing him
nearly cum then and there, and he knew
had been better.
, the seed he had tried so hard to hold back, spilled forth and instead of being offended, she had captured it, tasted it and he knew
would ever be better than that.

, his Isis was doing something he had never even
of a female doing. She was taking him in her mouth and suckling him as if her mouth was her channel.
Pumping his shaft in and out, her tongue twisting and flickering around him as if it were her favorite treat.

Goddess! No warrior could be expected to withstand such pleasurable torture.

“Isis!” he roared seconds before grabbing her by the shoulders. Pulling her from his shaft, he ignored her cry of protest, tossed her onto her back in the center of their bed, and covered her.


Isis couldn’t believe how amazing this was. She truly hadn’t believed Kim and Abby that it was possible for her to pleasure Oryon with her mouth the same way he did
and that she would enjoy it.

They had been right. She did, to feel him shake and tremble, and know it was because of what
was doing to him was an unbelievable feeling and one she never wanted to end. When he pulled her away from his shaft, she cried out in protest only to find it cut off as his lips covered hers in a deep, hard kiss, filled with uncontrolled passion.

Feeling his shaft, that had just seconds ago been in her mouth, at her entrance, she eagerly wrapped her arms and legs around him, welcoming him in.

In the back of his mind, Oryon knew he needed to regain his control. He had done nothing to pleasure his Isis.
had done all the pleasuring and yet here he was, moments from Joining with her.

“Please Oryon. I need you inside me.”

Any possible chance at regaining his control was lost at his Isis’ whispered plea and he surged into her with one strong thrust.


“More Oryon!
Goddess more!”
She hadn’t realized how close she was to her release.
Hadn’t realized that giving Oryon pleasure could bring her pleasure too.
She would not forget it in the future but right now, all she could do was feel that sweet tightening pleasure that she had discovered happened just before she released with Oryon deep inside her.

“Oryon!” she cried out in pleasure, her entire body arching up as her release hit her.

Feeling his Isis’ body clamping down around him, hearing her cry of pleasure, Oryon thrust one last time, as deeply as he could and roared his release into her.


It was much later, as he was looking down at the sleeping love in his arms that Oryon wondered if he dared confess his untruths to her. He had watched her blossom these last few weeks in the presence of the females from Earth. She had found females of like mind and ideals and it had given her
a confidence
he had never realized she lacked.

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