Loved By a Warrior (8 page)

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Authors: Donna Fletcher

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“It's another celebration we'll be having,” the woman said when she was almost upon them.

Tara was too stunned by the woman's exuberance to speak, but she did cast an anxious glance to Reeve.

“Don't worry, I'll protect you,” he whispered.

“Tell her,” Tara whispered. “Tell her now that I am not your wife.” A shudder raced through her at the mere thought, or was that a shiver of excitement?

“The thought that upsetting?” he asked, though without a trace of his usual teasing. He actually appeared serious.

“No, that dangerous.”

“And why are you carrying her?” the woman demanded once she reached them. “Is she not well?” Her face suddenly beamed with joy. “A babe! She's with babe. Lord have mercy, it's two grandbabies I'll be having soon.”

Tara turned, looked at the woman, and shouted though she hadn't meant to. “No, I'm not with child.”

“That's all right, dear,” the woman consoled. “You will be soon enough.”

Tara turned pleading eyes on Reeve.

“Tara, meet my mother, Mara. Mum, meet
my friend

Mara patted Tara's arm. “It's good to be friends first. My husband Carmag and me were friends first and we're remained best friends ever since, though he does try my patience at times.” She looked to her son. “Why are you carrying her?”

“She's hurt her ankle.”

“Why didn't you say so?” Mara scolded, and gave his arm a playful slap. “Come set her down and let me have a look.”

Tara almost feared letting go of Reeve once at the table. The men were a large lot, each one of them seeming bigger than the next, though none as tall as Reeve, but certainly wide. How the small petite woman tucked between two of them managed not to get squashed amazed Tara.

The diminutive woman with hair as black as Tara's and eyes as blue as shimmering sapphires moved to stand, and the man to her right instantly stood and, with a gentle grab of her waist, had her up and over the bench in a second.

Seeing her rounded stomach, Tara assumed that she had to be Mercy, Duncan's wife, and the man who had lovingly lifted her had to be Duncan. He was wide and thick with muscle and had fine features despite the slight crook of his nose and a scar at the right corner of his mouth. And that he loved his petite wife was obvious by his loving touch, tender smile, and reluctance to let her go. The woman eased his hands away and walked around the table to join Mara.

Reeve confirmed it when he made fast introductions of everyone from Bryce, to Duncan and Mercy, and finally his father, Carmag. Trey wasn't present, and when Reeve asked after him, he was informed that he wouldn't be home for about a week.

Tara felt awful that Mara chased her husband off the end of the bench so that she could rest Tara's leg up on it. And she gave a shout for Reeve to take Tara's cloak.

“I hope you didn't let her walk on this,” Mara said, glaring at her son.

“I got her a horse.”

Mara beamed. “That's my son, doing the right thing.”

That started a rash of ribbing among the brothers, and Tara enjoyed listening to the good-natured exchange.

After Mara and Mercy examined her ankle, Mara announced, “Not much you can do but stay off it.”

“That's what Willow recommended,” Tara said.

“You saw Willow and Old Jacob?” Mara asked of Reeve. Before he could answer, she asked, “How are they doing?”

“They could use some help. The king's men were tormenting him when I arrived, and he had hid Willow in the root cellar.”

“The king has stepped up his activities in his pursuit to prevent the true king from claiming the throne,” Carmag said.

“But the people continue to rally,” Duncan advised.

“Tara being one of them,” Reeve said, sending her a nod. “She has offered to give the MacAlpin clan her fortune in return for her making this her home. She only asks for a cottage where she may live peaceably and safely.”

Everyone raved about her generosity though truly it was her father's generosity. But she intended to make no mention of it, just as Reeve hadn't mentioned the true reason she was there.

Tara lifted the end of her red velvet dress and tore at the hem. One by one, she withdrew purses heavy with coins and some with gems and placed them on the table, until finally there were no more, at least no more that they could see. She wasn't foolish. If something should go wrong here, she would need money to go elsewhere, and so she kept two purses for herself.

They all sat staring at the substantial amount, except Mara, who said, “Now that looks like a good
bride price
to me.”

Chapter 9

ara's eyes never failed to captivate him. At the moment, however, they were filled with utter fear, and he knew that she worried about his family discovering the truth. This was her chance to start anew, and he wanted to make certain she got the opportunity. He wanted that dumb curse dispelled once and for all.

However, he could not lie to his family, and so he said, “Tara is a widow.”

“Oh you poor thing,” Mara said, patting Tara's arm.

“She would like to start fresh.” Reeve went with the truth while omitting other facts.

“Well, you're welcome to make your home with the clan MacAlpin,” Mara said, and the others sang out their agreement.

Tara smiled. “Thank you all so very much. I know this will be a good place for me.”

“There's a cottage not far from the keep, with a sizeable kitchen garden beside it,” Mercy said. “I think you would like it.”

Reeve knew Tara would prefer to be a distance from others, but for some reason he preferred she remain close to the keep. He supposed his feelings were thus because he had been protecting and saving her ever since crossing her path. Besides, who else was there to look after her?

“There's also old Alan's place,” Bryce suggested. “It's close to the keep—”

Mara interrupted shaking her head. “It may sit close to the keep, but it sits alone, removed from the closeness of others, and it has fallen in disrepair.”

“I'll take it,” Tara said.

Reeve grinned. He knew she would; it was perfect for her and for him. It was what she was hoping for, and it was close enough for him to keep a frequent eye on her.

“Have a look at both first before you make a decision,” Mara suggested, handing Tara a tankard of hot cider.

“Thank you, I'll do that,” Tara said, wrapping her hands around the offered mug.

She may have agreed with Mara's suggestion, but Reeve knew that her mind was made up. She would choose the secluded cottage.

“I can take care of any repairs that need doing,” Reeve offered, knowing that none of them would be going on any lengthy missions until Trey returned from his.

“We all can give a hand,” Duncan said, and nods rippled around the table.

“Thank you,” Tara said. “I am grateful for your generosity.”

“It is you who have been more than generous,” Carmag said.

And more than tired, Reeve thought, noticing how her shoulders slumped, and her head rested slightly to the side. She was exhausted and probably in pain though she would not admit it.

“She needs sleep,” Reeve said, going around and scooping her up in his arms. “I'll put her in my bedchamber.”

He was surprised when she didn't protest. She simply sighed, and, before resting her head to his shoulder, she asked, “I don't wish to deprive you of your bed.”

“Reeve can sleep in my sewing room,” Mara said.

All heads turned to Mara, her sewing room a sacred sanctum that one could only enter with her permission. Reeve repeated, as if he hadn't heard her correctly, “Your sewing room?”

“Yes,” Mara snapped. “And you'll be careful not to mess anything.”

Reeve nodded vigorously.

“Now go,” Mara said, shooing him off. “There are clean linens on your bed, and I will have hot water and towels fetched for Tara's use, and I will bring a platter of food to her.”

“Thank you again, and I am pleased to have met you all,” Tara said cordially.

“After you have settled Tara, meet us in the solar,” Carmag said.

Reeve knew he needed to advise the others on the status of his mission. He would do as Carmag said though he wished he could linger with Tara for a bit. He had found her company pleasing. And he greatly favored the feel of her in his arms. Missed her when she wasn't there, and the thought startled him.

“You are lucky to have such a loving family,” Tara said, as he climbed the spiral stone staircase.

“They are your family now too. Clan is family.”

“Unless your clan is not pleased with you.”

“My family is pleased with you,” Reeve said, the lonely ache in her voice disturbing him.

“For now,” she said softly.

“For always,” Reeve corrected.

Tara raised her head off his shoulder and looked into his eyes. “I pray you are right.”

Her lovely lavender eyes sent a jolt through him, and he felt his body burst alive with desire. Feeling wicked, he turned a sinful grin on her, and whispered, “I'm always right.”

Then he did something out of sheer instinct, he kissed her quick, his lips touching hers for a mere instant, though long enough for him to get a taste, and damn if he didn't like the flavor.

The shock of his unexpected actions left her speechless, and he hurried to his room, knowing she would probably explode with anger any moment. And he didn't want his family hearing her.

Surprisingly, her silence continued even when he entered his bedchamber, and he sat her on the end of the bed. He stood looking down at her and noticed that her bosoms heaved, as if she was breathless.

Had his innocent kiss stirred her?

He hoped it had since it certainly had more than stirred him, and he was now thinking how delightful it would be to taste her luscious breasts, sitting high and full in her low-cut dress. The succulent mounds invited, and he was hard-pressed to ignore them.

“You'd best do as your father asked,” Tara said.

Reeve scrunched his brow, suddenly unable to recall what it was his father wanted of him.

“Meet him and the others in the solar,” Tara reminded.

Reeve nodded, his father's words coming back to him. “You'll be all right?” He didn't want to leave her though he knew full well she was safe. But would she be safe if he lingered?

His thought startled him, and the fact that she had not reprimanded him for kissing her made him realize that they both could be in trouble if he remained even a moment longer. If he did, he most certainly would kiss her plump lips again. And this time, it would not be a brief innocent kiss he gave her. Strangely enough, he didn't think she would stop him.

“Your mother will be here shortly,” she said.

She warned that they would soon not be alone, but she did not warn against him kissing her. And he realized that he would kiss her again and soon, very soon.

“I'll come bid you good night when I finish with my father and brothers,” he said.

“No!” she said quickly. “I am tired and wish to sleep. I bid you good night now.”

“Then I bid you a fond good night and sweet dreams,” he said, and bowed gallantly before turning with a grin and leaving the room.

It was obvious she worried that he would kiss her again and that she wanted him to. His grin widened as he descended the steps two at a time to the second floor. She liked his kiss, though it was more of a peck. Wait, just wait until she tasted a full kiss, she'd be wanting more for sure.

He halted before reaching the solar, suddenly struck by an unexpected thought.

What if he wanted more? Much more than a kiss?

“Lost?” Bryce asked jokingly, with a slap to Reeve's shoulder.

“You might say that,” Reeve said, the haunting thought continuing to nag at him.

“Interested in the widow, are you?”

Reeve swung his head around, a denial ready to spill from his lips, when he suddenly slammed his mouth shut.

Bryce laughed. “Not sure are you?”

“I just met her.” Reeve shook his head as they entered the solar, Carmag and Duncan there waiting for them.

“Where did you meet her?” Carmag asked.

“I came upon a band of inept thieves trying to rob her.”

“And you saved her?” Duncan asked.

“I did,” Reeve said, knowing they expected to hear the details. “And she offered me money to keep her safe and find a new home.”

“And her family?” Carmag asked.

“I don't know details,” he admitted, which was the truth. “I only know she was not wanted there.”

“Do you feel she is telling you the truth?” Bryce asked. “Or could there be more to her story?”

They all stared at him, and he knew they waited for the truth.

“What I share with you stays among us,” Reeve said.

“What is said in this room among us always remains in this room,” Duncan reminded.

Reeve knew that it did, that they had been sworn to secrecy since they had been young and trained to protect the one who would be king. The reason he was compelled to tell them the truth. There could be no secrets between them. Nothing could stand in the way of the true king taking the throne.

Yet he felt an overpowering urge to protect Tara, and in sharing the facts with his family, could it somehow cause her harm? The brief moment of doubt passed quick enough. If he had actually thought that, he would have never brought her here.

“Tara is considered a
death bride,
” Reeve said, and went on to explain the exact details of when he had first met her and all that he knew.

“I had the feeling she was running from something,” Bryce said. “And she confirmed it when she chose old Alan's cottage. She wants to remain separated from people.”

“To her way of thinking, to protect them,” Reeve said. “I believe there is more to this curse than she tells me, but she refuses to discuss it.”

“What do you think of this curse?” Carmag asked.

“I've never been one for the likes of curses and spells and such,” Reeve admitted. “It's just nonsense to me.”

“Not to others,” Duncan said.

“Especially to ones who have experienced it,” Carmag said.

“Are you telling me she is not welcomed here?” Reeve asked defensively.

“Not at all,” Bryce said, “but we have a duty to our clan. If something does occur, and the people find out that we knew about a curse and had not warned them, they will be angry, and justifiably so.”

“Then let their anger fall on me,” Reeve said, his chin jutting up. “No one need know that I shared this information with you.”

“Would that be fair to the villagers?” Duncan asked.

“Would it be fair to Tara to turn her out alone?” Reeve asked. “And what of the money she has given us? You know as well as I do that our coffers are near empty. Her money will provide us and the villagers with much-needed items. And also help further our mission.”

“He is right about that,” Bryce agreed. “There are people out there starving and in need of our help and who will fight when the time is right if they know that their families are cared for.”

“And a king to the southwest, who for a fat purse, will join our cause,” Reeve said.

“So that is how your mission went,” Carmag said.

“King Osgar of the Western Isles says that King Kenneth pays him handsomely for his patronage. But more coins could sway his favor.” Reeve shook his head. “He will keep no true allegiance to any king who doesn't fatten his coffers, and he doesn't see to the care of his people as he should.”

“He will be dealt with when the time is right,” Carmag said. “In the meantime, we will seek allegiance from his people by seeing they are given the coins rather than their king.”

“We cannot do that without Tara's generous patronage,” Reeve said. “Will we accept it or turn her away?”

“You know damn well we would not do that,” Bryce said.

Reeve smiled. “I knew I was right. I'm always right.”

“Are you right about keeping this from mum?” Duncan asked.

Reeve cringed. “She'll have my hide.”

“She'll have all of our hides since she knows we share everything,” Bryce reminded.

“It's a chance we must take,” Carmag said.

Carmag's serious tone had them all staring at him.

“Your mother has seen the effects of a curse. She believed that her best friend from when she was young had been cursed, the results devastating. She will not take kindly learning that we knew of it and did not share it with her.”

“Are you suggesting we confide in mum?” Reeve asked.

“Heavens no,” Carmag said, shaking his head. “I fear it would worsen matters since she would feel helpless to help Tara and would warn you against falling in love with her.”

“I'm not falling in love with her,” Reeve said quickly.

“On the verge then?” Duncan joked.

“Nowhere near it,” Reeve protested.

“I don't know,” Bryce said, shaking his head. “He was standing in the hall with a mighty lost look on his face.

“I only met her four days ago. You can't fall in love that fast,” Reeve said.

“It can start that fast,” Carmag said. “I knew I loved your mother the very first time that I saw her, and I still do.”

“Had you heard her sing yet?” Bryce asked with a laugh.

Carmag cringed. “No, she saved that surprise for me until our wedding celebration.”

The brothers laughed.

“Love knows no time,” Carmag said to Reeve. “It simply strikes.”

“I'm not in love with Tara,” Reeve insisted.

“I wager by the end of the month he will be,” Bryce said.

“I say two weeks, and he'll be making a fool of himself over her,” Duncan chortled.

“I am not falling in love,” Reeve repeated more strenuously.

He wasn't ready to fall in love. Didn't want to fall in love. Wasn't a good time to fall in love. And he'd be damned if he'd let himself fall in love.

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