Lover's Bite (18 page)

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Authors: Maggie Shayne

BOOK: Lover's Bite
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Finally Briar drew a breath and turned to face the two mortal women once more. Ilyana was tense as a cat. She was petrified of Briar, more so, even, than Vixen was.

“Well?” Roxy asked. “Did you reach them?”

Briar nodded. “Much as I hate to admit it, mortal, you were right. Seth, Vixen and Topaz have vanished from the establishment they went to check out—a place called Casa Crisa. In fact, there's no one there at all, though their car is still in the parking lot.”

“Oh, no,” Ilyana whispered.

“Reaper said a vampire named Rosa at some sort of vampire whorehouse—”

“Vampire whorehouse?” Ilyana repeated, interrupting, and earning her a glare from Briar, who went on without explaining or answering Ilyana's unasked but obvious question.

“This Rosa told Reaper that the vamps at Casa Crisa are Bella's protectors. Kind of a rogue gang of their own. And that people who show up asking questions about her generally disappear.”

“He thinks this gang has taken them?” Roxy asked.

“Looks that way,” Briar said, as if she really didn't care. “And now I suppose we're going to have to rescue them, or we'll never get back on Gregor's trail.”

“You're right about that,” Ilyana said.

Briar shot her a look that was slightly surprised. “Agreeing with me? Even though you think I might…How did you put that again? Rip out your jugular?”

Ilyana's jaw tightened. “I'm sorry about that.”

“You shouldn't be,” Briar said. “I might. Not tonight, though. Tonight I suppose we need to get to Casa Crisa to help search for the missing misfits.”

“I'll get Shirley,” Roxy said, running inside for the keys to her oddly-named, customized conversion van. “Meet me around front.”


Reaper had been stunned to hear Briar calling out to him mentally. He and Seth were searching Casa Crisa and, so far, finding nothing of use, when he felt her summons.

Reaper. Answer me.

He'd paused in what he was doing and focused only on the sound of her voice, a voice that played up and down his nerve endings like a bow over taut violin strings. It made him hum and vibrate inside.

I'm surprised to hear from you, Briar. Is something wrong?

Your mortal bitches are worried about you. Asked me to make contact.

And you agreed?
Interesting. She never did anything unless it benefited her.

Seemed the quickest way to shut them up. Has anything gone wrong?

He wanted to think that Briar, too, had been concerned. That Briar, too, wanted to make sure nothing had gone wrong. He wanted to see something in her that would justify his feelings toward her. Something that gave a hint she might have a shadow of a soul, or even a trace of a heart.

But what he wanted to see tended to shade what was truly there, at least where she was concerned. Reading between the lines with Briar was nothing more than an exercise in self-delusion. She was what she was. Evil. Selfish. Shallow. Cruel.

He told her what had happened, what he'd learned from the madam, Rosa, and that he and Jack had arrived to find their three friends missing. But her final message had surprised him.

Do you sense that they've been harmed?
she asked.

Frowning, he bit back the sarcastic reply that sprang to his lips. The one that asked her if she would care.
No. I don't sense any pain or fear. What worries me is that they haven't called out to us. If they were able to, they would.

Briar replied,
Gregor found a way to block mental communications between the vampires inside his fortress and those beyond its walls. Perhaps these vampires have done the same.

He shook his head, though she couldn't see it.
They don't strike me as geniuses, Briar. I haven't met them, of course, but the essence they left behind at this place suggests rather ordinary mental capacity. No hint of a brilliant mind.

There was a brief pause, and then Briar told him,
I'm bringing the mortals. They'll only drive me insane if I don't. We'll be there to help you search as fast as that ludicrous van Roxy insists on calling Shirley can carry us.

There was no more.

“Reaper! Look at this!”

Reaper snapped back to the world, drawing his focus from Briar, and extending his attention instead to Jack and the matter at hand.

Jack held an envelope in one hand. It had been opened, but its contents remained. It appeared to be a utility bill—electricity, perhaps. Reaper frowned.

“An electric bill?”

“Yeah, but not for this address,” Jack said. He handed the envelope over.

Reaper examined it. “We need to find this place,” he said. “Are there any maps around here?”

“Yeah, top desk drawer. Over there.” He pointed toward a small office opening off the east wall.

Together they went to the desk, unfolded the maps they found there and began searching for the address on the bill.


Topaz groaned as she opened her eyes. Whatever they'd used to knock her out, it hadn't been the tranquilizer with which she was familiar, the only one known to be effective against the undead. No, it must have been something far weaker, far more common. But an ordinary drug should only have been effective for a few minutes on a vampire. And surely more time than that had passed.

She looked around and tried to get her bearings. She was dizzy, her vision hazy, but even so, it was clear that she was no longer in Casa Crisa. She was in a white room. White ceiling. White walls. No windows. She was lying on a hard table of some kind, covered in a white sheet.

Beside her, there was an IV pole.

That, more than anything, sent a rush of adrenaline surging, and she sat up fast, only to sway and nearly tumble from the table.

A woman gripped her shoulders, brown hair as crazy as the look in her eyes. “Easy. It's okay. No one's gonna hurt you.”

Topaz lowered her head and pressed the heel of one hand to her brow, remembering the girl. Crisa. The one who wasn't quite right. “What the hell did you people give me?”

“Just some Thorazine. Big dose.” She nodded at the pole. “It wouldn't have kept you out long enough, but as soon as you went down, I put in the IV to keep you out until we had you settled in. And now it's okay for you to wake up.”

Topaz lifted her head slowly, looking suspiciously at the woman-child. “
put in the IV?”

“I'm a nurse. Or I was.”

And now you're a nutcase, Topaz thought. She heard a moan and turned to see Seth sitting up slowly on a gurney nearby, and kitty-corner from him, she saw Vixen, also beginning to stir.

“They're fine, too,” Crisa said.

“Why are we here?”

“Because you asked about Bella. We don't like people asking about Bella.” She looked around the place, smiling. “Do you like our clinic? We set it up to help injured vampires. It happens sometimes. You need a private place, lots of blood, and plenty of—”

“What the hell's going on?” Seth growled, sitting up, holding his head just as Topaz had, shocked by the throbbing, no doubt. “Aaaah, hell. Where are we? What did you give us? What's—”

Give me a minute here, Seth. I'm getting what I can from her.

He glanced toward Topaz as she sent her thoughts to him, then to Vixen, and Topaz knew the shifter had received the message, as well. Seth struggled to his feet, glancing down at the bandage on his forearm and the IV pole nearby. Shaking his head, he landed on the floor, and shuffled slowly and unsteadily over to Vixen.

“Don't fall down,” Crisa warned. “You won't be very steady for a little while yet. Another hour or so. Then you'll be fine.” She turned back to Topaz and reached toward her.

Topaz pulled back instinctively, but the little thing was only trying to touch her hair. Her fingers made contact, ran along one strand, then retreated. “I love your hair,” Crisa said. “I wish mine were long like that.”

She was definitely a few nails short of a full coffin, this one, Topaz thought. “Thank you. I…like yours, too.”

Crisa smiled shyly. “I have to go get Rey-Rey. He said to tell him when you all woke up.”

“In a minute,” Topaz said. “I was dying to hear more about what you were saying. You don't like people asking questions about…who was it again? Bella? Do you mean Mirabella DuFrane?”

Crisa lowered her eyes to hide whatever was in them, but she was painfully easy to read. That was exactly who she meant.

“So she's alive, then?”

“I have to go get Rey-Rey.”

“Crisa, wait. You don't understand. Mirabella is my mother. I've been searching for her. My friends have been trying to help me find her. She wouldn't want you to drug me and hold me captive this way. She would want you to tell her about me. Couldn't you just do that? Just tell her I've come, and see for yourself what she wants you to do.”

Blinking rapidly, her eyes welling, Crisa said, “That's what we were going to do. But she was gone. And we don't know where.”

Topaz felt something slam into her chest with the velocity of a wrecking ball. “Gone? What do you mean, gone?”

“Rey-Rey thinks someone took her.”

Topaz closed her eyes and shouted mentally, knowing the message would be weak, even though she put everything she had into it.
Jack! Jack, can you hear me? I need your help.

The door to the small room crashed open then, and three men, mortals, wearing suits that were nearly identical, surged inside, aimed their weapons and fired, even as Crisa spun around in surprise.

The tranq darts hissed. Crisa jerked as one hit her, smashing into a covered window, shattering the glass with one flailing arm, then sinking to her knees. Topaz scrambled off the far side of her gurney. She should have been faster. Would have been, at full strength, but there were narcotics poisoning her veins. She wasn't as fast as she normally would have been, and she wasn't certain her call to Jack had been heard. She only knew she was in trouble.

And these three mortal idiots were dead meat.

She saw a dart hit Seth as he launched himself at them, intent on attack. Then another hit Vixen as she ran to his aid, and Topaz felt one sink deeply into her own belly at the same moment.

As she sank to the floor, she saw beyond the men, through the open door and into the hallway, where Reynold lay unconscious. And then her line of sight was blocked by a dark-suited man with steely hair to match his eyes, a man she vowed would be dead before another night passed.

“Take this one,” he called to his cohorts. “Leave the others. She's been dying to meet her mother anyway, right? We're doing her a favor.”

“Jack did good after all, didn't he?” said the man who scooped her up and turned to carry her out of the room.

“Yeah, I guess he did.”

Jack? No. No, please, God, not Jack, Topaz thought. He can't be responsible for this. Not this!

The pain that exploded in her heart then was so crippling, so intense, that it buckled her body. She bent forward on a sob that nearly broke her spine. And the man carrying her looked down in surprise as she jerked in his arms.

“Hey, I think this one's having some kind of reaction to the drug,” he said.

The other one glanced her way. She was aware of his perusal even through the gray haze of her pain and the dulling impact of the tranquilizer.

“She's crying, that's all. Damn, she's
crying. Hang on to her. Don't drop her, for God's sake.”

“Shit, she's damn near convulsing.
try holding her!” The man's arms tightened around her.

She closed her eyes and fought it, but the shakes continued, and the tears flowed freely.

“They really do feel things more than we do, don't they?” the third man said.

“Pretty thing, isn't she?” The one holding her bent his head close to her face. “It's okay, you'll be asleep in a minute. Just let it go. Let it go, okay?”

“Yeah, why don't you read her a bedtime story and tuck her in, asswipe? She's a

“Doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings.”

“Get her the hell out of here. Now.”

Her captor nodded, and carried her through the door and into the hallway. “You're gonna be okay,” he told her. “I promise.”

“Never. I'll never be okay again,” she managed to whisper. She saw his eyes when they met hers. Blue, and even compassionate. And then they faded from her vision.

She was glad the tranquilizer finally kicked in and stole her consciousness away. She hoped, in that final moment, that she would never wake up again.

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