Love_Unleashed (4 page)

Read Love_Unleashed Online

Authors: Marcia James

Tags: #Contemporary/Fantasy/Paranormal

BOOK: Love_Unleashed
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He turned off the faucet and switched on the jets, the suddenly churning water matching her bubbling nerves. Then, eyes still dark with passion, Ron cupped her face in his palms and took her mouth. The kiss was demanding, but his hands were gentle on her skin. When he pulled away, they were both breathing hard again.

“That first time was just the appetizer,” he promised.

Before that comment could sink in, he lifted her and placed her in the Jacuzzi. The water was just this side of too hot, and the pressure of the jets was almost more than she could stand against her super-sensitized skin.

“Scoot forward,” he instructed. Then he slipped behind her in the tub, his hard chest supporting her back with her long braid trapped between them. His muscular legs were braced on either side of hers, and her bottom snuggled up against his crotch.

Ron reached for the soap dish and picked up the bar. Dipping it into the water, he worked up a lather and smoothed it over her shoulders and chest. Cara sighed dreamily. Maybe he wasn’t turned off by her sexual needs. Would he touch her like this if he no longer wanted her?

Setting down the bar, he used his soapy palms to caress her breasts, exploring them and tweaking the nipples until she was squirming under the sensual onslaught. Then he dropped his mouth to her shoulder and sucked the skin until she was sure she had another love bite. There was something deliciously territorial about those bites. Cara shivered in pleasure.

There was an answering twitch as his cock swelled against her bottom. He retrieved the soap and ran it down her tummy until his hands disappeared under the roiling water. He thoroughly washed her, sliding across and into her over-stimulated body until she cried out his name.

“Tell me what you want, Cara.” His breath teased her ear and she shivered again.

“God, I need you.” Her breathing stuttered at the erotic possibilities filling her mind. “I want to take you in my mouth.” Ron’s deep moan gave her the courage to continue. “I’ve dreamed of sucking you, stroking your cock, licking you until you come.”

His lips brushed her nape and he tugged her braid. “That’s definitely on tonight’s sexual menu, but first…” He trailed off as he lifted her and held her over the head of his cock. They both sucked in a breath as he sank relentlessly into her swollen flesh.

He slid his hands below the water to the apex of her thighs. Shifting their bodies closer to a whirlpool jet, he held open her folds, the water striking her most sensitive spot with the power of her vibrator on high. Gasping, she tried to twist away, but he held her in place, not moving or thrusting within her, until she climaxed.

“Yes, come for me, baby,” he urged. “Squeeze me tight. Jesus, that feels so good.”

Before her contractions faded, he picked her up and turned her until she faced him. Then, his eyes fixed on hers, he drove back into her. His fingers clamped hard on her hips, and he set the pace, surging into her again and again.

She braced her hands on the back of the tub, which placed her breasts near his lips. And Ron enthusiastically sucked first one and then the other nipple deep into his mouth.

It was too much, the sensations so strong, she couldn’t possibly orgasm again. But he drove her up with his mouth and his cock until she climaxed, her cry blending with his guttural shout as he joined her in release.

Cara collapsed, boneless, across his body with her head on his chest. Beneath her ear, his heart beat rapidly in rhythm with hers. His arms enfolded her, and Ron kissed the top of her head. She could stay like this forever.

She must have fallen asleep, because the water had cooled when she became aware of Ron stirring. How much time had passed? Her goose bumps had goose bumps.

“Hi, sleepyhead. It’s time you woke up.”

Cara raised up, almost afraid to hope this new sexual compatibility would last. “You wore me out.” She pressed her lips to his chest, right over his heart.

Ron grinned, looking the picture of relaxed male satisfaction. “You just need some fuel. I’ll feed you in a minute, but let’s warm up in the shower first.”

With his assistance, she stood on shaky legs and waited while he opened the tub drain and stepped out to start the shower. Once he had the temperature to his liking, he helped her from the tub and into the shower.

The hot water was heavenly on her chilled skin. Cara closed her eyes and let the wonderful heat seep into her. Her pulse fluttered when Ron’s soapy hands smoothed over her chest and down her body, exploring and dipping inside. His touch was possessive, but soft and tender. And she felt cherished.

Opening her eyes, she went up on tiptoe and kissed him with all of the love she was feeling. She savored his taste and the way his tongue tangled playfully with hers. How could she have gone so long without this man?

Taking the soap from his hand, she lathered up his chest, letting her hands glide over the swirls of dark hair accentuating his muscles. Then she washed off the suds so she could nibble his tempting male nipples. He jerked at her teasing bites and made a noise very close to a growl. Cara grinned, delighted to discover his nipples were as sensitive as hers—the better to drive him wild.

Following the line of hair down his stomach to his groin, she ran the soap over, under, and around until he was covered with bubbles and very aroused. Ron’s recovery time was truly amazing.

Standing to the side, she let the shower spray rinse him off. He was powerfully built, and she loved every hard inch of him. And she very badly needed to taste him.

Would he let her? Was he really enjoying their sex play or just doing what he thought she desired? Taking a deep breath, she met his hot gaze. “I want to suck you.”

Ron nodded, his jaw clenched and his eyes flashing dark with passion. He leaned against the shower stall and watched as she knelt in front of him. Reaching up, he adjusted the showerhead so the spray hit her back and not her face.

Focused on her goal, Cara barely felt the unyielding tile beneath her knees. Like a child in a candy store, she didn’t know what she wanted to eat first. Her hands skated up his thighs, his muscles trembling under her fingers. A feeling of power thrilled her as she cupped him and brought his erection to her lips. She looked up to see Ron observing her every move through slitted eyes, his chest rising and falling like a bellows. He was already on the edge, and she hadn’t even begun her sensual torture.

With deliberate slowness, her gaze never leaving his, she licked the silky head of his cock. In response, he throbbed in her hands. Carefully, she teased his warm, thick flesh, alternating between sharp little bites and languid licks down the impressive length of him.

Ron groaned. “Cara, you’re killing me.”

She wet her lips. “I haven’t even started.” Then she opened her mouth and sucked him deep.

He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing ragged, as she pleasured him with her lips, tongue, and teeth. His salty taste fueled her own excitement, her pulse racing as she used her hands to add to his stimulation. Cara wanted Ron to lose himself, to give into her and climax, but when his control finally snapped, he surprised her.

Ron pulled away, yanked her to her feet, and placed himself between her and the shower spray. “Wrap your legs around me,” he commanded, his voice rough and urgent. He lifted her and she did as he asked, gasping as his erection grazed her sensitive bud. Bracing her shoulders against the wall, he curved his hands around her bottom, his fingers brushing her wet core.

Then he was inside her again, fucking her with long, hard strokes. Stars flashed behind her closed lids. It was too much. It was everything she wanted. It was the man she loved taking her to a sexual plane she’d never achieved before.

She grasped his shoulders, her nails digging into his muscles, and held on for dear life. The pace was punishing and exhilarating, and her breath came out in sobs. Each time he slammed into her, he stretched her wider and hit that perfect spot.

Suddenly he drove fully into her, shifted her weight with one arm, and slid his other hand between their bodies. He found the nub at the apex of her thighs and gently squeezed. The orgasm exploded through her body.


He caught her cry with his mouth and kissed her as he climaxed.

For several moments, they remained braced against the wall, their foreheads touching, as they caught their breath and their pulses slowed. Cara’s thighs quivered under the strain of the night’s activities, and she could feel tremors running through Ron as well. This had been an incredible evening—one for the record books.

The shower spray was barely lukewarm when Ron let her legs slide to the floor and helped her out of the stall. He took a large bath towel and lightly rubbed it over her skin, finishing by squeezing the water out of her braid and unplaiting it so her hair could dry.

He swept a couple of damp strands off her face. “You have beautiful hair. It’s just one of the things I love about you.”

Joy spread through her at his words, but he kissed her before she could speak. Then he quickly toweled himself off and, telling her to wait in the steam-filled bathroom so she wouldn’t get chilled, walked into his bedroom. In a minute, he returned, wearing a pair of gray Ohio State University sweatpants and carrying her pink terrycloth robe.

Cara gaped at her favorite bathrobe. “I thought I’d lost it.”

He grinned a little sheepishly. “When you were packing to leave, I hid it so I’d have something to remember you by—something that smelled like you.” He helped her into the robe, pressing a kiss to her temple. “C’mon. Let’s get something to eat before you faint from exhaustion.”

She poked him in the chest. “I’m not the only one with wobbly legs.”

In retaliation, he tickled her ribs, spurring her to stumble giggling into the bedroom. They mock-wrestled, laughing like kids, until he tumbled her onto the bed.

When he had her pinned down with his body, his expression sobered. “I’ve missed you so much, Cara.”

Her heart ached at the pain she’d caused them both. “I’m so sorry I didn’t trust in us enough to share my fantasies with you. I may have been the one who walked out, but I never stopped loving you.”

He dropped his forehead to hers. “I love you with all of my heart. I want to wake up with you every morning and explore your erotic dreams every night. Will you give us a second chance?”

Tears, happy ones, welled in her eyes, a few sliding onto the pillow. “Yes. Yes, please.”

Ron kissed the moisture from the corners of her eyes. “Does that mean you’ll move back in? Right away?”

She nodded, so elated she couldn’t speak.

A yipping bark sounded from the next room, and they both laughed. Charlie was apparently awake and wanting attention.

Cara stroked Ron’s chin, his five o’clock shadow feeling bad-boy sexy against her fingertips. “Can we keep Charlie permanently?”

“Hmmmm.” He made a pretense of giving the idea some deep consideration, his beloved features set in serious lines. “That depends on whose job it is to use the pooper-scooper.”




Six o’clock on a June Friday, Ron closed the garage door and carried the heavy bag from Forbidden Pleasures into his house. Cara’s shelter van was parked in the driveway, so he knew she was already there. Having her and Charlie with him had transformed this place into a real home. It’d been a month since she’d moved back in and put her condo on the market. She was as committed as he was to making this relationship work.

He set the bag on his oak table, walked to the closed sliding glass door, and looked into the fenced-in back yard. Cara was tossing a felt ball for the crestie, who valiantly chased after it. As he watched, the dog snapped up the ball but managed to do a semi-somersault before he could come to a stop. Ron laughed aloud.

Charlie cocked his head at the sound, then ran barking to the glass door. Cara gave him a welcoming smile that made his heart swell. God, he loved them both.

Ron slid open the glass door and picked up a wiggling Charlie. The dog licked his chin, tiny tail flicking against Ron’s wrist. Then Cara joined them, closing the door against the early summer heat.

“Well, Charlie, your master is finally home,” she said.

He set the crestie on the floor and tossed him a treat. The dog caught it, then dropped the nugget to sniff it for a moment, before crunching it in his sharp little teeth.

Ron gathered Cara close. “That’s ‘lord and master’ to you,” he joked as he brushed his lips over that spot near her ear that always made her squirm. She didn’t disappoint him. “I bought us some playthings for the weekend.”

She glanced at the bag on the table and did a double-take. “My God, Ron, how many adult toys does it take to fill a bag that size?” She grinned up at him and performed a suggestive eyebrow jiggle. “Is there something in there I can use on you—like fur-lined handcuffs?”

He chuckled, loving her willingness to explore new sexual experiences. “The sales girl knows me by name now. I think we ought to buy stock in the company if we keep giving them so much business.”

“Hey, the clerk at the grocery store is starting to give me the fish-eye, thanks to the number of batteries I buy—particularly those tiny ones that fit in the finger massager.”

That little vibrator was a favorite of his. It slipped over his index finger, and he could press it to Cara’s clitoris when he took her from behind. Just thinking of the last time they’d used the thing had his body rising to the occasion.

Cara noticed and rubbed her fingers down his awakening cock. It felt great even through his jeans. She wet her lips, desire clear as crystal on her face. “Looks like dinner will have to wait.”

“We can have dessert first,” he offered. “I bought a jumbo jar of edible body paint—the dark chocolate variety because you can never have enough antioxidants.”

Grinning, she tugged his head down for a kiss, which turned hot and desperate almost immediately. God help him, he’d never get enough of her.

Charlie sighed, apparently used to the lovebirds’ amorous activities. He trotted into the living room and settled down to gnaw on a rawhide strip.

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