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Authors: Zuri Day

Lovin' Blue (2 page)

BOOK: Lovin' Blue
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Jansen frowned as he slowly eased his finger off the trigger. He'd seen a lot of reactions from suspects in his near-decade of life as a cop, but he had to admit—this was a first.
Are you bluffing? Huh? We'll soon find out.
“Stay on the floor. Don't move,” Jansen commanded, even though it seemed quite clear that the suspect had no intention of changing positions. Jansen moved the coffee table with his foot and, with the gun in his left hand still trained on his target, used his right hand to turn over the intruder so he could see his face. As he did so, the baseball cap came off, and a head of long black hair cascaded over the hand clutching the suspect's shoulder. Jansen's frown deepened. He kept his weapon trained on the unconscious female and hurried over to turn on the overhead light. As the harsh, bright light flooded the room, the suspect groaned and opened her eyes.
Jansen's heart clutched in his throat. He'd thought often of Michael's younger sister in the past few days, especially since staying here at her brother's house. Michael had told him that Eden was moving back to Los Angeles, but he'd mentioned nothing about her staying at the house. In fact, he'd assured him that they'd probably not cross paths at all because the condo she'd found was in a totally different part of town—Santa Monica, an area Jansen rarely frequented. Yet here she was, sprawled on the floor. Jansen hadn't seen the girl-turned-woman he used to mercilessly harass in at least ten years, and he quickly took in the curves he'd missed in the heat of the moment, and the onion that begged to be peeled. Jansen had to admit . . . she looked good lying down.
“Girl, you sure know how to make an entrance,” Jansen scolded to cover his concern and unexpected attraction, even as he hurried to her side to help her up. “Breaking into someone else's home, even your brother's, is a good way to get shot!”
Eden's eyes narrowed as reality dawned. She hadn't seen Jansen, otherwise known as her childhood tormentor, in ages, probably since marrying her college sweetheart. After the divorce, she'd buried herself in work, and her trips back home became infrequent. Except for the house-hunting trip, Eden hadn't been back to LA in three years, ever since her mother relocated to Phoenix. The last she'd heard of Jansen, he was married and living in Chicago. She also remembered Michael saying he'd become a police officer. But still . . . what was he doing here? And why was he one towel shy of being naked?
“You!” Eden spat, her ire part anger, part chagrin, but mostly relief. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, now, little sis,” Jansen responded, his voice soft but firm. “I could ask you the same question.” He assumed his favorite wide-legged stance, crossed arms across a massive chest, and noted Eden's eyes were larger and more almond-shaped than he remembered. And were her lips always so full and luscious?
Jansen's arm-folding action caused Eden's heart to flutter a bit as she watched his pecs ripple with the movement. Her eyes slid to the wide, muscled shoulders, down the six-pack to a narrowed waist, inverted navel, and over the strong powerful legs that held up a man she determined had gotten finer with age. And why was she imagining what lay just beyond the beige-colored towel shielding his manhood? Eden closed her eyes and licked suddenly dry lips.
A lazy, knowing smile crept across Jansen's face. “Liking the view?” he asked cockily as he leaned against the stair banister. “I can part the, um,
if you'd like.”
“Still arrogant, I see,” Eden said, turning away from him and reaching for her suitcases—just for something to do.
“Arrogance is when a person thinks he's all that,” Jansen shot back. “Confidence is when he knows it.”
Eden ignored Jansen's comment.
Dang, I was looking at him like he was a piece of chicken, and I was the colonel getting ready to fry.
She picked up the ball cap from the floor and placed it back on her head, feeling a semblance of composure coming back. After all, this was her brother's best friend, the one she'd known since she was five years old. The one who had stuttered as a child, squashed bugs, and then picked up their remains and chased her with them. Who had collected the most Halloween candy but still stole the mini Snickers bars Eden received. Who had refused to take off his “Thriller” jacket Christmas gift for a whole week, but later scared the bejeebers out of her by donning a monster mask and jumping out of her bedroom closet. This was “germy Jansen”—the name she'd called him when they'd gotten older and Jansen and Michael had begun to play sports. They'd come home sweaty and funky, and Jansen would insist on nabbing a hug, giving Eden the willies. This was Jansen all grown up . . . but Eden tried not to think about that now.
“What are you doing here?” she asked again. “Where's Michael? And can you put that . . . thing away?”
“Are you sure you want me to?” Jansen asked, wriggling his eyebrows. Eden huffed. “Oh, you mean the gun.” The Glock was almost an extension of himself. Jansen had forgotten he was holding it. He placed it on the third step, where Eden couldn't see it. “Is that better?”
Eden nodded. “A little. Where's Michael?”
“Out of town. Actually, out of the country.” Jansen tightened the towel around his waist. “He asked me to watch the place.”
Oh, so that's why I couldn't reach Michael. And why the police car is out there.
“Well, if you're just patrolling the area, why are you taking a shower in his house?”
“I believe the official term for what I'm doing is ‘house sitting.' ”
“You're staying here?” Eden was surprised to hear a trace of panic in her voice.
“Yeah, why? Are you? I thought you got a condo over there in prime-real-estate Santa Monica.”
“I did. I mean, I do. But there's a problem. It's not ready. . . .” Eden's voice trailed off as her exhausted mind tried to process her predicament. When the contractor had begun the kitchen makeover, mold had been found under the sink and behind the refrigerator that had come with the house. Further inspection confirmed it had spread underneath the hardwood flooring and under the baseboards. The job that was supposed to take three days would now take two weeks to finish. Eden had planned to save her money by staying with her brother. But now . . . “I can't stay here,” she finally said, sighing, the thought of getting back into her car and looking for a hotel tiring her out more than she already was. Once again, she reached for her luggage.
“Don't be ridiculous. You can sleep in Mike's bedroom.”
“Don't try to tell me what to do!” Eden snapped, feeling ten again.
“Eden, it looks like you drove here. That means you're probably exhausted, which is why you passed out.”
“No, I passed out because I saw the shadow of the Incredible Hulk pointing a gun at my chest.”
“Sorry about that, baby, but I thought you were a burglar. There's been a rash of them in the area, which is why I'm here at Mike's house. I'm sleeping in the guest room. You can either sleep in your brother's room or on the futon in the weight room. C'mon, now. You know you want to stay and soak up the charm of the knight.”
“You are so full of yourself.”
Jansen chuckled. “I'm just messing with you, girl. But on the real tip though . . . you know you can't resist me.”
“I'm going to take a shower.” Eden grabbed her purse and began pulling her luggage toward the staircase.
Jansen raced to her side, quickly picking up the gun Eden eyed with disdain. “Don't worry, it won't bite you. Here, let me get that.”
Eden batted away his hand. “I can get it myself.”
“Oh, it's like that? See, I'm trying to be a gentleman, and you're acting all independent and whatnot. But I understand, baby girl. Things happen when I get too close to a woman, and even in that raggedy T-shirt and jeans, I can see that Mike's little sis is definitely all grown up!”
Eden hoisted the suitcase onto the first step and then the second. By the fourth step, her strength was drained.
Why didn't I think to just get out what I needed and leave the datgum case downstairs?
Now Eden felt she'd put herself in the position to prove that she could indeed carry the suitcase up the entire flight. She took a deep breath, grabbed the handle . . . and suddenly felt the weight of nothingness as Jansen took the case from her and effortlessly mounted the stairs.
Eden raised her head to deliver a sarcastic comment but just as quickly lowered it. The towel around Jansen's waist was a short one that perfectly outlined his round, hard buns. Two more steps, and Eden knew there was a good chance that she'd be able to see the package Jansen was working with. And even though they would be under the same roof for only one night . . . Eden knew life would be easier if she didn't know.
After a long, revitalizing shower, Eden realized she was hungry. She'd spent the night in Phoenix and then delayed her journey to spend the morning with her mother. Eden had pushed herself the last three hundred and fifty miles into Los Angeles—across the Arizona desert blazing with August heat, into the cooler, greener California, and finally into the burgeoning City of Angels. All the way up the 10 freeway, she'd tried to reach her brother and had promised her mother that she'd call as soon as she reached his house and found out what was going on.
Eden used the towel to squeeze excess water from her hair and then combed it back and put it in a ponytail. She donned her favorite lounging outfit—black yoga wear. The pants were formfitting yet comfortable, both they and the oversize top made of soft, organic cotton. After uncovering the house shoes that were at the bottom of her luggage, she plopped on the futon she'd made up with fresh, clean sheets in the weight room and reached for her phone.
Even though it was close to midnight, Phyllis Anderson answered on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Mom, it's me.”
“Hey, baby. You in Los Angeles?”
“Yes, I finally made it.”
“You're just now getting there?”
“No, I got here about an hour ago.”
“And you're just now calling? Where's your brother? It's not like I can catch him half the time either, but still, I'm worried sick.”
“Michael's fine, Mom. He's out of town.”
“What's that got to do with why he's not answering his cell?”
“He's in London. Promoting some new, hot band. Guess he's late on getting one of those international calling plans,” Eden uttered amid a yawn.
“But you got into his house okay. You had a key, right?”
“Uh, yeah, I got in. And almost got shot in the process.”
“What?” Phyllis sat straight up in bed, the
magazine she was reading falling on the floor.
“Jansen's here. Thought I was a burglar.”
“Jansen McKnight?”
“Who else.” Eden explained why Jansen was in Michael's house.
“Kathryn told me he was thinking about moving back after the divorce. But I didn't know he was already back there.”
Jansen's divorced?
Eden looked up to make sure her door was closed. Even so, she lowered her voice. “How did I miss that news flash? Jansen isn't with his wife anymore?”
“Child, please. You've been so busy it's hard for you to remember your own name, much less what someone tells you. I told you three or four years ago that he and his wife were having problems. Come to think of it, though, that was when you were in the throes of the Obama campaign. That part of your life is probably just a blur.”
“That's for sure.” Eden yawned again, and her stomach growled. “Mom, I'm going to go now. See if I can scrounge up something resembling a vegetable in Michael's kitchen.”
“Yeah, well, good luck with that. You're the only vegetarian in the family. Your brother is strictly a meat-and-potatoes man.”
“Don't remind me.” Eden's stomach lurched at the thought of having to endure meat in the refrigerator, even for a night.
“I feel good knowing Jansen is there with you. Tell him I said hello and not to be a stranger.”
“I will, Mom. Bye.”
Minutes later, Eden hesitantly opened her brother's refrigerator. The pickings were slim but were much as she'd feared: a six-pack of cola and another of beer on one shelf, a couple leftover takeout cartons on another, and various packaged, processed meats and cheeses in the see-through crispers. There was nothing even green, much less fresh. Eden began opening cabinet doors and fared no better.
“Sorry, I haven't been to the store yet,” Jansen said. “But there's some lunch meat in there. And some chips in the other cabinet.”
“No, thanks,” Eden replied, reaching for a box of shredded wheat she spied on a cabinet's top shelf. She glanced at Jansen, thankful that he'd covered his body, even though the pristine white wife beater T-shirt, paired with low-riding shorts, accented his athletic physique almost as good as the towel.
“What, you too good for bologna now?”
“No.” Eden again looked into the refrigerator. There was every condiment known to man in the door, but no milk. “I've been a vegetarian for the last five years.” She poured some of the biscuits into a bowl and began to eat them dry.
“But you still eat, what, chicken and fish?” Jansen watched in fascination as Eden popped one wheat mini biscuit, and then another, into her mouth.
Eden shook her head, still chewing. “I don't eat meat or fish of any kind, and I'm weaning myself off dairy. I plan to become vegan within the next year.”
“What's this, some kind of religious position or health kick or something?”
“It's the way I choose to live. Makes me feel good.” Eden crunched down on another mouthful of wheat and then rose and began scanning the cabinets again. Then she walked back over to the refrigerator. The shredded grain may have been healthy, but it wasn't doing much to assuage her appetite at the moment.
Jansen sat down at the table Eden had just vacated. “Little garden,” Jansen said, using the nickname he'd used to call Eden just before he'd mess up the thick, naturally curly locks Eden used to wear all over her head. “Guess you're trying to live up to my moniker.”
“Don't flatter yourself.” Eden laughed. “I'd forgotten all about that stupid name. Ooh, you used to get on my nerves with that.”
“I got on your nerves with a lot of things.”
“Tell me about it. Between you and Michael, it's a wonder I made it out of the house without losing my mind.”
While Jansen and Eden ate bowls of vanilla Swiss almond ice cream she'd found in the freezer, they caught up on each other's lives.
“So what have you been doing since graduating Howard in what . . . 2000?”
“1999,” Eden corrected around a spoonful of creamy goodness. “With a degree in business administration.”
“Human relations? So how'd you get into politics?”
“My minor was political science, but trust me, I hadn't envisioned a career on Capitol Hill when I moved to DC. That just sort of happened after an internship with a senator during my junior year.”
“And a marriage sort of happened, too, correct?”
“Yes,” Eden said, finishing the last scoop of ice cream. “For the both of us, from what I understand.”
“Yeah, my marriage just sort of happened. But my divorce was well thought out.”
Jansen placed Eden's empty bowl on top of his and walked to the sink. Eden watched him, admiring his firm, round backside, broad shoulders, and narrow waist. She'd forgotten how nice Jansen could be when he wasn't being a knucklehead. But she remembered other things as well. Like how much of a player he'd been during his teen years, and how many hearts he'd broken. Given his dark brown bedroom eyes and how he was wearing that sleeveless T-shirt, Eden imagined the pain hadn't ended when he'd left Crenshaw High.
“I'm up and out by six-thirty,” Jansen said as he washed out their bowls. “Hopefully, I won't wake you.”
“I'll probably sleep like a log,” Eden replied, “and will be gone by the time you get home.”
“So your place
“Not for another week or so. But that's okay, I'll find a hotel.”
“Ha! Can't stand the heat, can you? You know that if you stay here, you'll try to seduce me.”
Eden fixed Jansen with a look. “Me, try to seduce you? That will be the day.”
“Well, why are you running then? If ”—Jansen ran a hand down his well-toned abs—“all this ain't bothering you, save your money and hang out.”
“Whatever, Jansen. Good night.”
“You just know you couldn't handle staying here with me,” Jansen said to Eden's retreating back. “You know you've always had a thing for me, girl. And now I know it, too.”
These words stopped Eden in her tracks. True, she'd been among the goo-goo-eyed females who'd relished watching Jansen run up and down the basketball courts. He'd been a star senior, after all, a sports stand-out, and she'd been a lowly freshman, vying to make a statement amid fast, fly girls with their own various bags of talent. Eden was hardly an introvert, but she had been the more studious type. And there was only so much sexy that her mother had allowed. What was a fourteen-year-old to do but dream?
But Jansen doesn't know this. There's no way he could know about the crush I had on him from the time I was in junior high. And there's no way he'll ever know.
Eden came out of her musings to hear Jansen singing a famous Gap Band song about putting pedals to the metal and burning rubber. He ended the chorus with hearty laughter, obviously garnered at her expense. As tired as she was, Eden couldn't get back into the kitchen fast enough.
“You might have it going on with all these other sistahs in LA, but you forget that I knew you when you stuttered, your knees were ashy, and your head was too big.”
Jansen turned to face Eden fully. His brown, almost black eyes bore into hers. “So you're not attracted to me?”
“Boy, you're almost my brother, and hardly my type.”
“Not even a little bit?”
“Because you know . . . I'm not your brother.” Jansen wriggled his eyebrows.
“Jansen McKnight, I am not attracted to you in the least.”
“Then prove it. Stay here until your place is ready. And I guarantee that before you leave, I will have seduced you. That is . . . if you don't seduce me first.”
“Get over yourself, Jansen. I'm not feeling you like that.” Eden's smirk was not because of what she'd said, but that she'd successfully pushed that lie out of her mouth.
“Then you have nothing to worry about.”
“And unlike the other women you've obviously encountered, I don't give in to soft touches and warm words.”
“Which makes the challenge all the more exciting. . . .”
Eden spun on her heels and walked toward the stairs.
“So can I take that as a yes?” Jansen yelled out. “You're staying?” Jansen came around the corner and leaned against the wall. Effortless self-assurance oozed out of his pores. “I dare you. In fact, I double-dog dare you!” When Eden didn't respond, a smile broke out on Jansen's face. Eden's heart did flip-flops even as her back stiffened and her chin showed the slightest tilt. “Trying to get your nerve up, I see. You would need to.”
“You're pretty sure of yourself, huh? Who's to say it won't be you who'll end up panting after me, that the tables will turn and you'll be the one who ends up getting seduced?”
Jansen wasn't necessarily opposed to this idea. His interest in Eden had been piqued a few years ago, when Michael had come back from a Thanksgiving holiday with pictures of the family. Jansen had joked about Eden looking old, but the truth is that he'd wondered when she'd gotten so fine.
“So you think you can seduce me,” he drawled, his voice lowered along with his eyelids.
He licked his lips, and the squiggle that had begun in Eden's stomach moved lower. She crossed her arms and raised her chin higher, showing a bravado she was far from feeling. “Guess there's only one way to find out. Wait a minute, what's the prize? What do I get after successfully seducing you?”
“Trust me, baby girl,
am your prize.”
Eden rolled her eyes.
“Okay,” Jansen shrugged. “You name it, I'm game.”
Eden tapped her chin with a forefinger, in serious thought. “Let's say that if—I mean
I seduce you—you'll take yoga classes and eat no meat for a month! Oh, and you'll lose the ego, find some humility, and treat me with nothing but the utmost respect for as long as we live.”
“Okay,” Jansen answered, much too quickly for Eden's taste. “And what do I get for seducing you?”
“What do you want? Wait, let me rephrase that.”
“Yeah, watch your words because I'm going to get what I want. But right now we're talking about the prize relating to the dare.”
“It doesn't matter what you come up with. You'll never get to experience whatever it is.”
“If I win,” Jansen said thoughtfully, totally ignoring Eden's last jab, “you'll come to the shooting range with me, learn how to handle a firearm. And I'll get to handcuff you . . . at a time of my choosing.”
BOOK: Lovin' Blue
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