Loving Ashe (7 page)

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Authors: Liz Madrid

BOOK: Loving Ashe
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Ashe was seated in a round armchair which made his long lean form look uncomfortable, although ‘wedged in’ was probably a better description of his position. The chair-back was too low, the seat too shallow for comfort and the rounded armrests made lounging almost impossible. But Ashe had managed to squeeze himself into the armchair somehow, with one leg bent at the knee over an armrest and his torso tilted slightly diagonally to his left.

“Alright, stop it with the slacking off,” she said, nudging his boot playfully. “I need to get through.”

“Oh, let me do that,” Ashe said, unwinding himself from the armchair. He still wore his beanie and Riley wondered how he’d managed not to get noticed. She also wondered what the hell he was still doing there.

“Thanks,” Riley said as she watched him put the books away. She was tired, her legs badly in need of a rest, but she had to be someplace else in half an hour.

“You seriously have been here for the last two hours? Are you sure you’re not stalking me?” Riley asked him when he returned to the armchair, gathered his leather jacket and slipped it on.

“Yes, ma’am. But no, I sure am not stalking you,” Ashe replied in a polite Southern drawl, complete with a tilt of his head and a huge grin. “I certainly hope it’s not a crime to live close by.”

She was about to retort when her phone alarm went off to remind her that she needed to be elsewhere. Without waiting for him to speak, she turned around and headed towards the door. Ashe was right behind her, and soon walking next to her.

“My meeting didn’t finish till an hour ago, and I thought I’d wait for you. Besides, I can’t get it out my head, this ménage à quatre of yours,” he grinned. “You’ve piqued my interest so much I had to cancel the rest of my plans for the evening and hope you’ll let me watch.”

Riley stopped and stared at him. “Are you out of your mind? What I do is not worth anyone canceling their plans.”

“I lied,” he said, giving her a sheepish look. “I actually had no plans this evening so I had nothing to cancel. But if you want me to leave you alone, I will.”

Riley felt bad. He looked so sincere, she thought, and she was actually flattered that he’d waited for her. “I really don’t want you to leave, but what about your movie? The promotions and the interviews and all that?”

He shrugged, digging his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “We just got back from Madrid yesterday, and for the rest of the week I’m free. I’m afraid I’m still jet-lagged so the old brain’s a bit fuzzy,” he said. The word ‘fuzzy’ sounded more like ‘fozzy’ when he said it.

“What about your friend? Where did she go?”

“If you mean Charmaine, she’s a journalist. She interviewed me for a Hampton’s magazine feature, and we were supposed to do the interview at around one at their office. But I did a photo-shoot that went two hours past schedule, so she suggested a nice restaurant down the street. But then I saw this place and remembered how it’s known for its caffè — ”

“Caffè Medici,” Riley said, still walking as her phone alarm sounded again.

“When I saw you that you were my barista today, I couldn’t believe my good fortune,” Ashe said, serious now. “I’ve been wanting to call you, Riley. I know where you live, but it wouldn’t have been proper to just show up at your door.”

“It would have been creepy,” Riley said. “Thanks for the flowers, by the way. They were gorgeous.”

“You’re welcome,” he grinned.

“Did you write the note yourself?” she asked.

“Of course,” he replied. “Can I at least walk you to wherever you need to go?”

“To my foursome, you mean?” Riley smiled. “You’re really that curious about my foursome, aren’t you?”

“In a strange way, I am.”

“Would you like to actually join me? Not just watch?”

“I’d love to.”

Riley took a deep breath. “Well, I can always use an extra hand. I’ve got to warn you, though — a foursome can be messy.”

“I don’t mind messy.”

“It can be loud.”

“I don’t mind loud,” he said.

“It can be very exhausting. The participants can be very demanding.”

“I can handle that, too. I work in Hollywood, remember?”

“You might even regret it and disown all possible progeny.”

“I’ll … take the risk,” he replied, though Riley noticed the pause. Then he gave her a sideways glance, as if suddenly unsure of his decision to come along.

The walk to her destination was fairly short, a mere ten minutes, and as Riley walked up the steps of a beautiful brownstone, she pulled out the elastic that kept her hair off her face and shook her hair about her for dramatic effect, feeling like Greta Garbo.

“What are you doing?” Ashe asked.

“Trying to look sexy,” Riley said. “You want to impress your hosts, don’t you? Take off your beanie. Look manly — like you can handle what’s to come.”

Ashe gave her a look that was almost distressed, as if he were no longer sure that this was a good idea, but he took off his beanie and ruffled his hair. Then he cleared his throat and squared his shoulders, appearing taller and more refined.

They heard the sound of a woman laughing from behind the door, then high heels tapping on wooden floors.

“Are you ready for this?” Riley asked, pursing her lips at him and lifting one shoulder in the best silly seductive move she could think of.

“I … think so,” Ashe replied, the tension on his face even more obvious now.

“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you, Ashe Hunter, because you’re about to experience the most amazing, mind-blowing ménage à cinq you’ll ever have in your life. I hope you brought protection, too,” Riley said, winking, “if you know what I mean.”

She glimpsed a look of panic in Ashe’s eyes as the door opened to what could only be described as pure chaos.


Beautiful Again

“Oh, wow, Riley! Is this your sacrificial offering?” Paige asked as she opened the door, three 4-year old boys dressed up as Ironman, Captain America and Thor running past her. She was dressed in a beautiful Monique Lluilhier full-length gown that shimmered about her feet and as Riley stared at her, she twirled, showing off the ensemble in full effect.

“He stopped by the Library, and figured he’d help me out with the boys.”

“She makes a wonderful caffè Medici,” Ashe said, grinning.

“You still have a chance to get out of this, you know,” Riley said as the triplets, Trey, Trevor and Thomas stopped in their tracks and stared at him. Then before she could introduce the boys to Ashe, Trey, dressed as Thor, yelled at the top of his voice,
I am Thor!
before running off while the other two chased after him.

“And miss out on my first ever ménage à cinq? I don’t think so,” Ashe said as Clint appeared at the top of the stairs dressed in a tuxedo. Clint was in his early fifties, with dark wavy hair and a hawkish nose. Although he came from a wealthy family that reeked of old New York status, he wasn’t the type to sit back and wait for the checks to come in. After his father had squandered most of the family inheritance, Clint had had to quit college and go to work. It took him fifteen years to build up the family fortune again through real estate and investment banking. He owned an investment company that specialized in commercial and residential buildings all along the East Coast, which meant he and Paige often found themselves attending charity balls and inaugural dinners. It allowed Clint to socialize and certainly didn’t hurt Paige’s love for attention.

“Paige, Clint, this is Ashe,” Riley said in a loud voice, above the shouts of the triplets who hushed immediately the moment Clint told them to and disappeared into their playroom. “Ashe, this is my sister, Paige, and her husband, Clint Caldwell III.”

Clint made his way downstairs and shook hands with Ashe, grinning broadly. He always reminded Riley of the American version of Gary Oldman, especially when he wore his reading glasses.  “What a nice surprise! Riley’s never brought anyone over before to help her coral the three terrors. I guess she figured she needed reinforcements tonight.”

“It’s probably best that he not know what he’s getting into just yet, dear,” Paige laughed before extending her hand towards Ashe. “Very nice to meet you, Ashe. Riley has apparently been keeping you a secret,”

“Unfortunately, I haven’t been around long enough for anyone to show me off properly but it would be nice to change that,” Ashe said. “There’s no point in disappointing the audience now, is there?”

Everyone laughed, except for Riley, who glared at Ashe before one of triplets tackled her with a hug. Soon all three surrounded her, telling her all their plans for the next few hours.

Let’s play with trains, auntie! No, I wanna build trains. Let’s read a story. I want Finding Nemo. No, I want Chuggington! I want some mac n’ cheese! Chicken nuggets! I am Thor! 

Before she was swept away by the triplets into the living room, she reminded Ashe that it really wasn’t too late to back out now.

Clint laughed. “I won’t blame you if you decide to leave, Ashe. My boys can be quite a handful, but somehow, Riley manages to coral them quite well.”

“Now don’t scare him, honey,” Paige said.

“I don’t mind. Really, I don’t,” Ashe said, chuckling.

“As long as you know what’s in store for you, Ashe. Many a brave man would easily run away from something like this,” Paige laughed, leading Ashe into the living room where the triplets were showing Riley their newest toys, which were partly still in their boxes. It was a Lionel train set and they were telling her all about how they planned to assemble all the parts tonight.

“Well, I’m certain it will be fun,” Ashe said.

After a few more minutes of small talk, with Paige wanting to know how Ashe had managed to find Riley (“purely by chance,” he said for he’d heard of how good the caffé Medici was at the Library Cafe), Clint reminded her that they had to leave. The town car was idling outside their brownstone and after loud good-byes and air kisses, they were on their way, leaving Ashe and Riley with the children.

“You can still get out of this, you know,” Riley said again. “I won’t hold it against you.”

“I can leave if you really want me to,” Ashe said. “But I’m perfectly fine right here with you.”

Riley couldn’t help but blush at the way Ashe looked at her. His blue eyes seemed to appear darker, more intense, when he gazed at her, a mischievous smile on his lips.

“Alright then. First things first,” Riley announced, gathering some of the toys that littered their playroom and faced the triplets. “Who wants to help me make mac and cheese?”

The triplets all jumped up and down, raising their hands up to volunteer, and like the pied piper of Hamelin, she led them to the kitchen with Ashe following right behind them. When she saw his look of amusement — or was it awe — she decided to let him in on her secret.

“I let them add corn chips to their mac n’ cheese as topping,” she whispered. “It’s like crack.”

With the boys enjoying their dinner, Riley found some leftover roast chicken in the fridge and proceeded to make chicken salad sandwiches with almonds for her and Ashe, along with a light salad. He helped out with the salad and she was quite impressed with how he created his own ‘everything’ salad, adding just about every fixing he could find in the pantry — sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, almonds, just to name a few.

After dinner, while she insisted she rinse the dishes and load up the dishwasher, Ashe helped the boys assemble the toy trains and the tracks around the playroom. He had removed his jacket shortly after Paige and Clint left, and by the time dinner was over, he was moving around the play room in his bare feet, on his knees putting anything he could find together while the boys climbed all over him, directing him what to do. By the third hour, the triplets were bored of their brand new train and insisted they watch
Finding Nemo
, but not before Ashe read them
Green Eggs and Ham 
by Dr. Seuss, complete with sound effects. Even Riley had been assigned the role of the grumpy narrator, much to her nephews’ delight, who laughed and giggled every time she made a grumpy face and lowered her voice.

By the time
Finding Nemo
was playing they were all on the couch, exhausted, including Riley and Ashe, worn out from the triplets’ never-ending demands. They were actually more well-behaved than this, Riley told a yawning Ashe who brought his arm over her shoulders on the couch, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Trey and Trevor were curled up on his opposite side while Thomas had settled under the crook of Riley’s arm. It was 9:30 and already Paige and Clint were running late.

“You and your sister are like night and day,” Ashe said, shifting slightly on the couch so that Trey could lay his head comfortably on the pillow on Ashe’s lap. Trevor was curled on the couch the opposite direction, so that his feet was pressing along Ashe’s side. “How did that happen?”

“She opted for security and status,” Riley replied. “She married someone much older and already successful so she could be whatever she wants to be and in Paige’s case – Miss Perfect. But don’t get me wrong — she loves Clint very much.”

“And you? What did you opt for?”

“Me? I chose a life of misadventure and uncertainty.”

“Really?” Ashe looked at her suspiciously. “Working as a barista is a life filled with misadventure and uncertainty? Somehow I find that hard to believe.”

“Well, that’s just my disguise,” Riley chuckled. “We all need something to hide behind, right?”

Ashe was thoughtful for a moment. “I’m not so sure about that. I don’t think we really need to hide our mistakes — if that’s what you mean by misadventures.   Sometimes it’s just part of your past, something that makes you who you are.  As for uncertainty, life is always uncertain.  Here today, gone tomorrow.”

When Trevor yawned, Riley announced it was time for bed. She and Ashe marched the boys upstairs to their rooms, helped them brush their teeth, slip into their pajamas, and then tuck them all into bed. The boys were so worn out that within minutes, they were fast asleep in their beds. Then Riley and Ashe went downstairs and tidied up the house the best they could before collapsing on the couch.

The TV was still playing the Disney movie but Riley turned it off.

“So how was that for your first foursome?” Riley asked him as she sat on the couch a few feet away from him. “Was it everything you expected?”

“I’m not so sure. For one thing, I never realized how foursomes can be so exhausting,” Ashe replied, shaking his head in mock annoyance. He was speaking in the way he’d read the story to the triplets earlier and Riley began to giggle as he continued.

“Messy, too. And I can’t believe how demanding partners can be. How inconsiderate. They can’t even wait till you catch your breath for the next round. Always
more, more, more
. I don’t like this type of foursome. No, I do not. I do not like, Riley-I-am.”

Riley was laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes as she listened to Ashe speak. She had to make sure that she was laughing as quietly as she could, afraid to wake up the boys upstairs or they’d have to start putting them back to sleep all over again.

“I’m just joking, by the way,” he assured her with a light pat of his hand on her thigh. “Though they do make me doubt about wanting any progeny — at least of the multiple kind. You were right about having protection.”

When she was done giggling, she realized Ashe had moved closer to her. His face had grown serious, his eyes shielded by thick lashes. His gaze rested on her mouth.

The way he was watching her made Riley nervous, in a tingly kind of way. She’d fantasized kissing Ashe ever since she first met him. She’d also dreamed of doing so much more after seeing a clip of him online — in GIF form, no less which meant it looped again and again — of a full frontal scene he did in one of his first films which had since been an art house favorite.

“So what are you thinking of, Ashe-I-am?” She asked, hoping to shift the mood away from where it was heading, which was heading to the hot and bothered territory. He was watching her with a look that told her he didn’t mind being in hot and bothered territory at all. But for a few moments, he didn’t answer her, though when he did, Riley could have sworn he’d somehow appeared much closer to her than he had been.

“I’m thinking of kissing you, Riley-I-am,” he murmured, his head dipping towards her before she could react, though he stopped, his mouth just inches from her lips. “Would that be alright?”

“I don’t see anything wrong with that, Ash-I-am,” she whispered as her eyes closed in response to the feel of his lips against hers. There was nothing else she could do except that — close her eyes and savor the moment. He smelled amazingly good, the scent of sandalwood with a hint of vetiver mingled with his own sweat. It made her nostrils flare and she took a deep intake of breath that was his own, minty fresh.

She felt his hand gently touch her face, his fingers molding along her jaw and her cheekbones, cradling her as he continued to kiss her. Her mouth opened and she felt his tongue slip between her lips, tasting her and taking his time as he did so.   He was an amazing kisser, she thought, and every brush of his tongue made her insides feel like Jell-O. Riley felt herself melt as he kissed her, her arm circling him, needing to hold him and make sure that he was real, and that this was really happening.

When his tongue slid along the top of her mouth, she trembled, feeling a rumble from deep within as her belly clenched and she almost whimpered. Riley pulled away, needing to catch her breath but also to stop herself from going any further. Was she really this desperate? She barely knew him!

“Are you alright?” He asked, his eyes turning a dark shade of blue as he gazed at her.

Staring at his eyes was a mistake so she kept her gaze on his lips, which in hindsight was also a mistake but her options were quite limited. She didn’t want to seem rude. But at the same time, if she’d look into his eyes, Riley knew she’d only drown in a sea of her emotions, and knowing that he’d soon be taken in by the publicity machine that was part of his work, she’d just be another notch on his bedpost if she kept going.

“I’m…” Riley tried to find the words to tell him that she couldn’t do this, that she didn’t want to get hurt again. Why did she have to pick the handsome ones? The ones most likely to cause the most damage to her heart — her soul? The ones that made her tremble beneath their touch, their gaze, and their smiles? The ones who, when they would leave her, would shatter her completely, and this time, there would be no way to put her back together again?

But something inside her roiled, wanting more of what it had just been given a taste of. Ashe had kissed her in a way no one else had ever done in a long time — not even Gareth – but that was only because it had been forever since they were together. It was time to move on.

“Ah, hell,” Riley breathed as she leaned towards him, her whole body twisting to face him as this time, she initiated the kiss, wanting more — so much more. She had to start living, even if it meant getting hurt again. Who knows? Maybe she could do this just once. Just once — and then walk away. She could do it. But she had to start somewhere and so far, this was a nice place to do just that. A kiss surely wouldn’t hurt.

Ashe pulled her towards him, so she was straddling him, her knees on either side of his thighs. He kissed her again, this time their tongues playing with each other, tasting each other. His hands held her face, before moving down to trace the curve of her neck, her back and lower along the swell of her hips. She was discovering him as well, her fingers tugging at his shirt, pulling it upwards so she could rest her palms against his bare chest.

The only sound in the room was their breathing, heavy and laden with so much expectation. It was a heady mix that turned her on, blending with the sensations that teased and cajoled deep inside her, coaxing her out of her shell. It had been three years, Riley thought, three long years of being a good girl.

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