Loving The British Billionaire (BWWM Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Loving The British Billionaire (BWWM Romance)
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Kelly sat up, her face animated with the news. It would have been comical for Chandra, if it wasn’t about her.


“You’re kidding. I thought he was married though? What's he doing here?”


“I don’t know and he is divorced, they had already filed when they were here. And I don’t really know what he is doing here. He saw me getting a drink with Liam and asked me to talk to him alone. So then he pulls me into a coat room and starts kissing me.”


Kelly was hanging on her every word. She waited for several breaths before she urged her on. She wanted to know what else had happened.


“And then someone pounded on the door and he left. I left when I could and here I am.”


“Wow that is some story. So what about Liam?”


“Well he is probably going to be mad at me. Safe to say. I don’t blame him though. I totally stood him up, well, mid-date.”


“Brandon is going to bitch me out for you doing that to his friend, so I hope Keith’s cock was worth it.”


“I don’t know, but I think so. I still haven’t even seen it.”


Kelly shook her head and got up from her seat. Her cell phone was ringing and after she checked the number, she put her finger to her lips to silence Chandra.


“Hey, love. What are you doing? I thought you had to work tonight?” Kelly’s face scrunched up and she sent a look over to Chandra and rolled her eyes.


“I know, baby. Well there isn’t any sense in getting mad. It just doesn’t work out sometimes. She what?” Kelly’s voice got higher. “Well I will have a talk with her for sure.” She hung up the phone and they started giggling.


“Well you really hurt his feelings, Chandra. What did you do to him?” Kelly stopped when she saw the look on her friend’s face. She stuck her hand up. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. You got to fix this though. He told Brandon that you just left with one of the guests from the club.”


“When did men become so whiny? As soon as you treat them the way that they treat us, heaven forbid.”


“So seriously, what’d you do to him?”


Chandra laughed and gave Kelly the details she was fishing for. She agreed that she would apologize to Liam. She just had to come up with a plausible excuse to tell him. Chandra went and lay down after checking on her daughter who was fast asleep. Keith was back and she could once again not sleep.




“Mom, where were you last night?”


“I just went out with a friend, love. Did you have fun with Kelly?”


“Yes. I don’t want to leave here.”


“Well there is still some time. I know you like it here, but this is not life for most people and certainly not us, Angela. Kelly tells me that you have a little boyfriend?”


“Not for long. His parents are staying for the summer and then he will go all the way back to Washington and I will never get to see him again!” Her voice had raised several octaves and Chandra could tell she was upset. She gave her a hug and wished then that her first love was not so quickly going to turn into her first heartbreak. Chandra knew that there would be more though and she did not look forward to the idea in the least bit.


The two had gone out to do a little shopping in the mall and were finishing up a late lunch. It was Chandra’s first day off in two weeks and she had promised Angela that she would spend it with her. After she got several calls and texts from both men, she turned her phone off and let it sink to the bottom of her purse. She had a lot to think about when it came to Liam and Keith, but right then, she just wanted to be a mom. It was all for her in the end and Chandra was already able to save up enough to get them a place when the summer ended. That information alone was leaving her more relaxed and able to enjoy herself.


“Why don’t we go for a swim, Mom?”


“Sure, Angela, that sounds good.”


“Can Michael come? He is here with his uncle and they are just bored like we are.”


“Sure, that’s fine. I would like to meet that little boy anyways. Why don’t we go back to the apartment and get changed and you can text him to meet us there?”


“Okay.” Chandra watched her daughter run off to the direction of the apartment as soon as they were outside. There was a new glow in Angela and she herself knew the feeling. It was strange what one man or boy could do, to change the way a girl looked at the world. Chandra had a lot of issues to take care of when she got back to work.


Chapter 11

Liam was waiting for Chandra when she got to work the next day. She smiled at him, but he did not return the smile back. She didn’t even get to him before he started in on her.


“Where the hell did you go last night, Chandra?” As she got closer she could see that he was red-faced in anger. There was not much of an excuse to be had for her actions and she put her hand up to calm him.


“Do you know how you left me, fuck, Chandra.” His last words were soft and higher-pitched. The anger had given way to another emotion that made her even less comfortable. Uncovered need was hard to deal with for a woman who was building walls to fight emotion.


“I’m sorry, Liam. I was just upset after talking to Keith and I just left.”


“What do you mean, upset?”


“You know, just upset.” Chandra certainly did not want to get into it with Liam, but it was clear she had no choice. The least she could do was soften the blow. “It’s nothing, really. We will have to schedule again soon, okay?”


Chandra put her apron on for the poolside bar and waited for him to move out of her way so she could clock in on the computer. When he still didn’t move, she met his eyes. The anger was back and mixed with lust.


“What about now? We have fifteen minutes till the bar opens.”


There was a flood of wetness to her insides, preparing the way, but her mind was pushing against the idea. She wanted Keith and when confronted with another, it did not hold the same appeal. She shook her head and stopped his advance with a palm on his chest. He looked down at it and then up at her. “Now you don’t want me cause rich boy is back in town? Is that it?”


Chandra could hear the bitterness in his words. She wanted to make him feel better, but she was affronted by his words. Having anything sexual with Liam was becoming less appealing as the seconds passed. His face screwed up in anger and he was unrecognizable from who she had thought he was. For a moment, she almost wished that she had gone into the backroom with him, but she squared her shoulders and pushed the wish away.


“It's not even like that, Liam. Do you really want our first time to be only fifteen minutes?”


Liam came towards her and kissed her. His teeth grazed her neck in a soft bite, while his hands pushed her against the bar counter. “Just give me a few minutes to pound you and that will be enough.”


Chandra shivered, her senses being taken over by Liam. He was devilishly handsome, strong and had a way with words, as well as his hands. Chandra didn’t want him to stop, but she knew that she had to. While she would not admit it to herself, she really wanted to see what would happen with Keith. There was a connection there that she wanted to experience. Her mind pushed her hands up to stop him, while her body fought to get closer. Chandra was tugging back and forth with herself, but she finally said to wait.


“I don’t want to. Come on, let’s go.”


“No, Liam, I just think we should be friends.”


The look in his blue eyes changed and his hands dropped away from her. He took a couple steps back and nodded his head. “I see.”


Chandra was sorry to have said it that way. He looked mad again and for a second she realized how alone they were, even though they were in a pretty public place. No one was there to witness anything. “I'm sorry, Liam.”


“No, it's okay, I understand.”


Liam walked off, leaving Chandra breathing hard and a bad feeling taking hold in the pit of her stomach like a bad seed. She knew in her heart that something was going to happen from that moment. Chandra shook off the ill feeling as best she could and started to cut the fruit for garnishments. Liam did not come back for the rest of the shift, so Chandra’s day was very busy. She saw Keith for a couple of minutes, but was unable to really talk to him with all of the people needing drinks. He slipped her a napkin as he was leaving when she was finally able to get her attention back to him. Keith seemed slightly peeved that she couldn’t give him her undivided attention, but she tried to ignore it.


“Later, Chandra.”


Chandra nodded and watched him walk off. She was starting to wonder why men seemed to be so hormonal. She was also very aware of the looks a few people gave her. Keith did not have the same need to be discreet as she did and she hoped that the wrong person didn’t see them together and make assumptions. It could turn out even worse if they went to the wrong person in the command chain. She had almost forgotten about that fact when she was around him, but she needed the job more than she needed to get laid. She looked at the napkin in her hand and stuffed it in her pocket without looking.




It was later that night after her shower when she was putting her apron in the hamper that she felt the napkin in the pocket. She pulled it out and opened it up. Her body dripped with water as she read the few words scrawled.


“Your place at eight. Be ready.”


Chandra read the words several times and then she walked through the apartment naked, trying to find out what time it was. Her daughter was having a sleepover with Kelly’s daughter, so it was just her there. When she realized that it was five minutes to eight, she looked down at herself and then there was a knock on the door. She froze, unsure what to do. There was another sharp knock as she looked at the knob, half expecting it to open on its own.


“Just a minute.”


Chandra cursed under her breath and ran back into her room to throw something on. She knew exactly why he was there, but was not ready to answer the door naked, especially not the first time. Chandra slipped on some cotton shorts that barely covered her round ass and a white tank top that showed off her assets beautifully. Skipping the bra, Chandra teased her nipples and tugged on them as she walked to the door.


His eyes locked on the hardness and she smiled as he looked at her hungrily. She may not have been ready, but as soon as she saw him standing there in front of her, she was. Her breath started to catch in her throat with the intensity of his gaze. “May I come in?”


“Yes, of course. Sorry.”


Keith stepped past her and stopped in the small entryway. He waited for her to take the lead, watching the dimple in her ass reappear with every step. “You look beautiful, Chandra.”


Chandra turned to thank him and almost ran into his hard chest as he was so close. He grabbed her face and pushed her back as his leg kicked the door shut. His lips fell on hers and his push made her back up until she almost fell back onto the couch. His body pressed against her and she could feel his excitement against his pants. Her hand went to his bulge, while her tongue danced in his mouth.


“Mmm, yes Chandra. I have waited so long for you to touch me there.”


Chandra took his words as an urging and she made quick work of his zipper. Pushing him back as he stood there staring at her intently, her eyes cast a look up as she took her first taste of his length. She moaned and the vibrations made Keith groan loudly. “Oh God, Chandra.”


She smiled up at him and loved the way his dark blue eyes followed her every move. His breath came in short hitches and it drove her absolutely wild. “Do you want me to put it all the way into my mouth, Keith?” Her mouth hovered over his length, waiting for his answer. He nodded quickly and she was rewarded with a thrust forward from his hips. His cockhead pushed towards her throat and did not stop until she was choking on the hard length.


Her hands went to his upper thighs and she pushed back to catch a breath of air. His eyes were still on her, so she decided to give him something else to look at. Chandra pulled her shirt up and over her head. Her large tits bounced and rubbed against his thighs. She sat up higher on her knees and pushed her boobs together, giving him a sweet cleft to slide in from underneath. She licked the head every time it pushed through to the other side and pointed at her mouth.


“Oh Chandra, they are so beautiful and that feels so damn good.” Her mouth was full so she was unable to answer. He grabbed her breasts and pushed them tighter together to give him a tighter vessel. She moaned again, her hand pushing into her shorts to play with her engorged clit. The touch of her own hand seeking her heat made her jump a little against him. Chandra whimpered. Her eyes closed with the pleasure, until he pulled back and out from the valley in her chest.

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