Loving the Senator (Capitol Affairs #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Loving the Senator (Capitol Affairs #1)
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I looked down, remembering how dreadful my mom looked last time I saw her. She weighed no more than ninety pounds, arms peppered with track marks, hair falling out, and her skin gray and sickly. She was so strung out; she didn’t know I was her daughter.

“I’m sure she is in lousy shape if she’s still doing the same things,” he said.

The trip going down memory lane upset me, and I snapped out of the memories. “Why did you want to see me today, Alex?” I asked.

“Well, I wanted to see if you would go on a proper date with me?” he said,

Thank God for the seat; otherwise I might’ve passed out.

“A date?”

“The campaign is over and it wouldn’t be inappropriate. You surprised me with that kiss the other night, and what you said. Of course, that other thing you did caught me off guard. The way you took charge and grabbed my tie was sexy, Prudence. I had every intention on seeing you the night of the election, before
happened,” he said. He sat down again in front of me. I noticed how muscular his thighs were as they pushed up against the desk. I could only imagine what they looked like bare. His stomach was flat and his chest seemed broad as he leaned forward on his arms.

“Yes, I will go out on a date with you. I waited for you the night of the election. When I woke up the next morning, I was disappointed you never showed up.” I uncrossed my legs and tried to be still as he watched me.

“To get to know you better and be alone with you was how I wanted to end that evening. You had me very intrigued, to say the least.” He watched me expectantly-and maybe even nervously.

“Well, I’m sure we can pick up where we left off.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“Great. How does Friday sound? I’ll pick you up at your condo and we’ll have dinner and see what happens,”

He touched his bruised eyelid with the tip of his finger and winced. I wanted to nurse him back to health. He needed a nice relaxing message, and I would love to volunteer.

I glanced at my Gucci purse and expensive leather boots and couldn’t believe Senator Conrad asked me out on a date. It amazed me how far my life had come, from my hand-me-down clothes, poverty, and a drug-addicted mother, to sitting in a senator’s office and being asked on a date. I sometimes wondered if it was a dream that I would wake up from and suddenly be back to the nightmare of my trailer park life. Thinking about that reminded me of what I wanted to show him before I left. Now was the time.

I lifted up my arm and pulled back the sleeve of my jacket.

“Do you remember this?” I asked, showing him what I had kept for so long. His eyes got big as he looked at my wrist.

Chapter Four


Alex looked at my wrist and then back at me. The expensive watch had a scratched face and its black leather band was worn out in places. I remembered that day like it was yesterday. He’d given it to me so I got to school on time.

In our trailer, my mother didn’t believe in clocks or worrying about time. I panicked at night, worried I would not get up in time for school. I’d always forced myself to go to bed early so that I never overslept. Living in that nightmare, I was only late for school once. I had mentioned it to Alex, and he saw how upset it made me that evening when he came over. He took off his watch and put it on my wrist. It had a built-in alarm and he showed me how to set it so I would never be late again. I had to hide it from my mom so she wouldn’t pawn it for drugs. Somehow, I’d manage to keep it all this time.

“You still have it?” he said, twisting my arm and smiling. His lips so full and yummy; it took all I had not to kiss him.

“I still have it and didn’t want to wear it during your campaign,” I said. He stood near me again, and my body felt fevered.

“I’m shocked you kept that thing. It still works,” he said, staring at his old watch.

“I always told myself I would give it back to you one day when the time was right. I didn’t want a bunch of questions from everyone or rumors, that’s why I waited till after your election. Now I can give it back to you,” I said. I began to take it off, and he stopped me.

“Please, keep it, Prudence. I’m honored you still have it,” he said.

From that moment, I knew we were meant to be together. We shared a past no one else could understand. It was something more than just friendship or a working relationship. It was deeper and more meaningful. He nearly laid his life down for me so that I could have a better one. He protected me when I had no one else. There was no doubt, there was no question. I felt so lucky to have him in my life.

“Funny, I forgot I’d given it to you. It looks good on you now. You have grown into it.” He tried to smile without hurting his eye.

I had grown into a lot of things, I wanted to tell him, but he could discover that himself.

“Hey, the campaign song worked out by the way. You were right. It was perfect. The voters obviously loved it,” I said.

He hesitated and looked away from me.

“You played it nonstop in that trailer, and I hated it then. After a while, I grew to love it. I couldn’t get it out of my head. It’s my favorite. I have it on my iPad, phone, everything. You didn’t want me to use it and said it was corny, but I told you it was catchy and it would work.” he said.

I sat there and let the memories of that song come back to me. That song got me through some pretty tough times. When my mom left me home alone for days, terrified of the dark, that song settled me down. When I didn’t have food to eat, or the heat had been shut off because my mom had spent our money on drugs, “Barry White’s Greatest Hits” got me through. We stared into each other’s eyes and didn’t say a word. I wanted to kiss him again, but I knew if I did, I would not be able to get through the day or the week. Now, Friday seemed so far away. He looked at me and took in everything about me. The buzzer on his desk went off, and we both jumped.

It was his receptionist informing him his eleven thirty appointment was waiting.

“Well, Prudence, this half hour went by too quickly. I will pick you up Friday; how is seven o’clock?” He straightened his tie and took another sip of water.

“Seven will be just fine,” I said, grabbing my purse and standing up.

“Thanks for coming by today. I enjoyed our little visit. I look forward to our date Friday,” he said, with a wink.

As I headed toward the door, I could tell his eyes were following me. I turned around to wave to him, and caught him staring at my ass.

“See you Friday, Senator,” I smiled. I felt like a woman for the first time.

Chapter Five


Throughout the week, Thomas rode me about why I was in such a good mood. He figured something was up because I acted giddy around the office. I sang and smiled, and that is not how I usually conducted myself. Once at work, I was all business until I walked out at the end of the day.

“Sweetie, what’s this new personality coming out this week? Did you get laid?” he asked one morning at my desk.

“What? No, I didn’t get laid. Can’t a girl just be happy?” I smiled. I caught myself singing Alex’s campaign song repeatedly, and thinking of him constantly.

“Sure, but you don’t ever act like this at work. I think something is up, and you aren’t telling me. I will find out. I have my ways,” he smiled.

“Nothing is up, Thomas. I’m just happy for once. I’m doing well in school, and the crazy campaign is over, and I have more free time now to relax.”

I admired my reflection in the window as I worked. My daily trips to the gym paid off. My hair was the perfect length, and I got regular manicures and spray tans. Beulah and I frequented the spa once a month for our body wraps and facials. I was finally satisfied with my appearance. In fact, I had never looked so good.

“Uh-huh, I’m not buying that for one minute. I’m going to have to get you drunk and then you will tell me. We need a night out. I think a particular man is involved in this new mood.”

“Thomas, shut up,” I said blushing and trying to cover it up.




Friday night took forever to arrive. I got home from work, poured myself a glass of wine, and put on my favorite Bocelli CD to help me relax and get in the mood. I showered, shaved, and oiled up every part of my skin I hoped Alex touched. My new Chanel blouse, skinny jeans, and heels were what I chose to wear. Grabbing my leather coat, I put on his watch with time to spare. I added gold jewelry and sprayed on my signature perfume.

He arrived right on time, punctual like me. I heard him pull up and watched him get out of his car. One more glance in the mirror and I headed for the door. My breath escaped me as I saw this sexy man standing outside my door, wanting to take me out. Of all the women in Washington D. C., I was the luckiest.

“Come in, Alex,” I said. He stepped inside and it was the first time he had been in my home.

“Prudence. You amaze me every time I see you,” he said looking me over.

“How’s that, Alex?” I asked.

“You’re more beautiful every time. I didn’t think it was possible, but tonight you are stunning. I should have brought flowers, but I didn’t think of it until I pulled in the driveway,” he said.

He looked so handsome in worn out jeans, a t-shirt, and black vintage leather coat. Like the other day in his office, the sight of him took my breath away. He was good enough to eat and I wanted to take off every stitch of his clothes and do just that. I would have been fine with staying in, and getting to know him better, especially what was in his pants.

“I’m not the flower type girl, Alex, so it worked out fine. I’m not into the romance thing. I know what I want and need, and it’s not flowers.”

I licked my red lips as I looked at him hoping he would take the hint.

“Is that right, Prudence?” He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me. He looked shocked at what I just said. Alex went to put his hands through his hair, but shoved his hands in his pants pockets nervously.

“I first have to kiss you again before I lose my mind. I’ve wanted to kiss you since Monday in your office. Your kisses are very addicting,” I said.

For some reason, he had that effect on me. I blurted everything out with no filter. We stood by the door as he started to ease closer to me, but hesitated.

“I can’t get over the fact that you kept my watch and even remember when I gave it to you.”

“I remember more about you than you know. You ran every day even in the scorching heat, you love Fiats in every color, you hate mushrooms, and sometimes you talk to yourself when you are in deep thought. I also remembered how you love Van Halen, but you said only the Sammy years. I never forgot you hate the color lavender, and sometimes you skip to the end of a book because you don’t have time to read.”

Without hesitation, he came toward me and kissed my lips, grabbing my head in his hands to pull me closer. He kissed me like a man with confidence and skill. Not too hard, just soft enough to make me feel it in all the right places. I wanted to ravage him from top to bottom. His body radiated heat and sexuality that made me shameless with desire for him. I kissed him as seductively as I could when his mouth closed over mine once again. I wanted him with a need that I had never felt with anyone, before him. I moaned as his tongue swept inside my mouth. We stopped for a second and I looked up into his eyes. His hands moved to my waist, pushing me up against him. I was aware of every inch of his perfectly thick cock pressed against my hip.

“I had a crush on you at sixteen. You were the most handsome man alive.” I kissed him again. This time I ran my tongue inside his needy mouth. He moaned as he sucked on my tongue once more. I couldn’t help but think he would treat my clit the same way, sucking on it, agonizing slow, making me ache and want more. I loved what happened to my body when he touched me and the way he reacted when I touched him only made me hotter. I felt like running my hands in his hair, but I just played with the ends around his neck. His hands slid to my ass as he ran them over it. My clit throbbed so intensely that I wondered if he felt it up against him.

“We could stay in and enjoy each other’s company.” I was engrossed in the moment and did not want it to stop. I playfully bit his ear.

He kissed my eyes and my forehead, letting his hot breath dance on my burning skin and kept his hands on my ass. It seemed like he was in a trance. He stopped and looked at me, his eyes glazed over.

“You have the most enchanting eyes and soft skin. I won’t be able to control myself, Prudence. I could eat you alive right now without hesitating. We need to take our time with each other. We need to slow down and give it more time before we go at it. You could make me lose my mind, and I can’t let that happen,” he said.

“What were you planning on doing with me election night? I didn’t invite you over for milk and cookies. You not being a gentleman is fine with me, Alex. I prefer that you weren’t.” I reached up and caressed his face with my fingertips. I let my finger trace around his perfect full lips. He had my lipstick on his mouth and I wiped it off.

“Prudence, we have to control ourselves. I was over-the-top happy that night. I wouldn’t have used my best judgment with you then. I wouldn’t have been able to control myself, like tonight when I have time to think. Besides, I’m still sore from the accident and not up to par. Let’s go out and get to know each other, not like campaign manager and candidate, but a woman and a man. I don’t want to rush us. Believe me, I would love nothing more than to take you into that bedroom and explore every inch of your body. The thought of touching and teasing every part of you, makes my head spin. I have done nothing but think of you since the campaign started.”

He walked away from me.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

He tried to change the subject, walking to the door, giving me a glimpse of his amazing ass; I couldn’t help but notice during the campaign. It was tight, round and totally bitable. I was hungry all right. My appetite for him raged.

“Sure. I would love to go eat and maybe we could come back here, relax, or pick up where we left off. Maybe if I get you drunk, Alex, I can take advantage of you.”

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