Lumberjack (A Real Man, 1) (4 page)

Read Lumberjack (A Real Man, 1) Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #may/december, #younger woman, #older man, #contemporary romance, #lumberjack, #Contemporary, #Romance, #short story, #General

BOOK: Lumberjack (A Real Man, 1)
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“I don’t care what you do either way, but I’m guessing the storm’s gonna kick the power off, and after that you’ll be shit out of luck.”

And then he turned away and went back into the kitchen. I sat there for a moment contemplating what I should do, and after only a second, I just said fuck it.

“I’ll be quick,” I said, setting my glass down. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I figured if Jake was going to attack me, he could have done it already. Me cleaning up and trying to relax wouldn’t change the situation, aside from making me feel a hell of a lot better.

Chapter Five


earing that damn shower kick on made me feel like Pavlov’s dog. My already stiff cock seemed to get even harder. I reached down and adjusted the motherfucker, but even rubbing my hand over the denim-covered length had a guttural groan leaving me. I was doing my best to keep my shit under control, but it was hard with Vivian in my cabin where she would be staying the night.

I’d never been one to take something from a woman when she wasn’t willing, and I wouldn’t start now. But I also wasn’t blind to the fact she had been eye fucking me since I opened the door. She hid it pretty well, maybe even a little better than I was, but I wasn’t blind.

I felt drawn to her, and I couldn’t really understand why. But I also wasn’t about to question it too hard. In the last five years I’d had sexual desires, obviously, but hadn’t wanted to go into town to get a piece. I’d just built this wall around myself, because even if my ex hadn’t been the woman I’d seen myself marrying and having a family with, she’d still fucked things up for me in that department. The betrayal had been really fucked up.

But, at thirty-five I wasn’t getting any younger, and having Vivian here really made me think how long I’d isolated myself.

If it came down to it and she was ready to get this on, I was more than willing to give her a night she wouldn’t forget.

I braced my hands on the edge of the sink and looked out the window. The sun was almost fully set, but even with the little bit of light in the sky, I could see the angry clouds rolling in. Yeah, I’d heard about this storm coming since yesterday, had even made a special trek down the mountain and into town to grab provisions. This was going to be a bad one, but it looked like I wouldn’t be spending it alone.

Hell, even if I didn’t get to sample the little redhead, having her in the cabin, and the sweet scent that seemed to surround her, was pretty damn nice. It made me realize how much I fucking missed a woman.

Or maybe it’s Vivian that has me feeling that?

After I’d made her a sandwich, just in case she was hungry, I heard the shower turn off. I clenched my hands at my sides and couldn’t help but envision her stepping out of the shower naked, water dripping off her body. Even through her clothes, I’d been able to tell she was curvy in all the right places. Was she a natural redhead? Fuck, just thinking that she was, and that her pussy hair was the same intense red as the long waves that covered her head, had me unable to hold back a groan.

I grabbed a bottle of water and the plate with the sandwich on it and headed to the living room. Setting the items on the coffee table, I ran my palms over my thighs and stared at the fire. I was antsy to see her again, and that should have had this awkwardness filling me. But the truth was no one, not even when I’d lived in the city, had ever made me feel like this. I could blame it on basically being celibate for so long, but I liked looking at her, hearing her voice, and seeing her reaction to comments I made.

The sound of the fire crackling didn’t stop the hum of lust moving through me. I grabbed a few more logs and put them in the fireplace, stoking it with a poker. I was trying to keep myself busy and my mind off shit that I shouldn’t even be thinking about.

And then the bathroom door opened, and I couldn’t help but look.

Vivian had my robe wrapped tightly around her, the material so oversized I couldn’t help thinking she looked cute in it. She had her hand up by her neck, clutching at the lapels and looking nervous.

Moving over to the chair and sitting down by the fire, I gestured to the plate and water. “If you’re hungry.” I kept my head slightly lowered as I watched her approach.

She sat down across from me, grabbed the plate, and eyed it a little. “Thanks ... for everything.” Vivian lifted her head and our eyes connected.

I could have said it was no trouble and I’d do this for anyone, but that would have been a lie. If some asshole had come out here looking for a place to crash, I would have sent him on his way. I wasn’t a prick; I just liked my privacy.

But then I’d seen Vivian standing on my doorstep, and I’d wanted nothing more than to bring her inside and make her mine. The attraction had been instant and consuming.

“You’re welcome,” I finally said after long seconds of silence. I didn’t stay sitting, though, and instead got up and grabbed candles. I knew the power would go out sooner rather than later.

Fuck! Being alone with her with the power off, the only light coming from the fire and the candles ... yeah, the very image almost had me coming right in my fucking jeans.


e’d been sitting here for over an hour. I’d finished the sandwich and bottle of water Jake had given me, and I was trying desperately not to reveal my desires. We really hadn’t been talking; after I’d finished eating, I’d helped myself to one of the many books on his shelves. But I wasn’t reading the damn thing. I couldn’t help but watch what Jake was doing this whole time.

Candles had been lit just in time as the lights began to flicker off and on, and then finally off for good. The thunder and lightening was fierce, and the rain pelted the windows.

Jake now sat across from me, cleaning and sharpening the blade of his ax. Maybe doing that should have scared me, because it was intimidating watching him do it, but I wasn’t afraid of him.

I was wet for him.

Watching Jake run the cloth over the metal, following the sharp end of the blade as he sharpened it ... all of that had my body so coiled I knew if I’d gone into the bathroom and touched my clit, I’d come in seconds.

Jake set the cloth down, got up, and put his ax back up on the hook on the wall. Never in my life would I have thought a lumberjack could be so damn sexy.

I was aroused, so damn wet I couldn’t even think straight. I’d never been this turned on, and nothing sexual had even happened. Was I so sexually repressed that some alcohol, the ambience of no electricity, a roaring fire, and a lumberjack—literally—of a man, had me so turned on I couldn’t even think rationally?

Did I even want to think rationally? Did I want to just “play it safe”?

“Do you want more?” he asked in that gruff, deep voice of his, gesturing toward my empty whiskey glass.

I nodded, because right now a little more liquid courage would definitely help ease my nerves and my heightened arousal.

I watched as Jake walked into the kitchen. The cabin was small, but definitely comfortable. It suited him, although I had no idea who he was as a person. But just looking at him, knowing the small fact that he was here and was a lumberjack, I thought this space fit him well.

He had his back to me as he poured us more whiskey, and I took the time to stare at the muscle definition of his body. I wasn’t blind to the raw power he exuded. He was all man, through and through, and I felt like a girl in heat at how much I wanted him.

And then he turned and faced me, the two glasses in his hands now filled with the amber colored liquid. I let my gaze travel over the lines and dips, the hollows and ridges of his chest. His pectoral muscles were shaped, and the six-pack lining his abdomen, and the V of muscle that disappeared beneath his jeans had my inner muscles clenching.

Just looking at him and I felt like I hadn’t been with a man in years, like I’d never been properly fucked. But hell, I just
Jake could more than handle that job. The images in my head were pretty dirty, certainly not ladylike, but I didn’t care. I wanted him, and the alcohol I’d consumed was helping my inhibitions diminish every single second.

The electricity was off, and the only light came from the fire and the few candles placed around the room. The alcohol flowed through my veins, and the sight and scent of Jake—male in all sense of the word—I just wanted to let loose and say fuck everything else. I’d never had one-night stand, and that’s all being with Jake would ever be, but the very thought of just giving into my basic urges was so very appealing.

He handed me the glass and sat back down. I greedily drank it while I stared at him. I’d only been here for a few hours, and already I felt like tearing off this robe and just presenting myself to him in the most erotic, obscene gesture imaginable.

God, I am being so insane right now.

He hadn’t taken a drink yet; instead, he watched me act like a lush.

“I don’t usually drink this much.”

It was the truth, and I guess my arousal was so intense it was clouding my brain.

“So you’ve been out here alone for that long?” I asked although he’d already told me as much. I took another drink and watched him lean back on the chair. His chest clenched from the movement, and my mouth watered as I tried not to look like a creep because I wanted him really badly.

“Yes,” he said and took a drink of his whiskey.

“And you’ve been alone this whole time?”

He took another drink, moved the glass away, and balanced the glass on his knee. “Yeah.”

I nodded and looked down at his feet. They were bare, and I noticed even they were attractive.

“And you chop wood for a living?” Obviously he did, but I was nervous rambling now.

“To break it down to its simplest form, yeah, I chop wood for a living.” He smirked, just the corner of his mouth lifting up, and I felt my entire body heat.

I looked over at the ax he had on the wall. It was huge, the handle worn, but the blade freshly cleaned and sharpened. I imagined the kind of power it must take to wield that thing day in and day out.

When I turned my head to face him again, I was surprised to see he was leaning forward, his focus on me. He was braced on the edge of the chair, his glass now on the coffee table, and his forearms resting on his thighs. He kept his focus right on my eyes, and I felt my heart jump into my throat.

“How about we cut the shit, Vivian?”

The way he spoke, the words he said, were heated, aroused.

I clenched my fingers tighter around my glass.

Was the room getting hotter, or was it just me?

“What?” I said softly. “What are you talking about?” God, even hearing myself, I sounded like I was full of shit.

He lifted his eyebrow at my question, but didn’t respond right away. After another moment of silence, he finally spoke again. “You want to act like you’re not aroused right now, that you don’t feel this crazy as fuck chemistry?”

I swallowed, not saying anything, but knowing my answer was probably written all over my face.

“You want to pretend like you’re not eyeing every part of my body, maybe wondering how big my cock is?”

Oh. God.

“Because I sure as fuck have been eyeing you, wondering if your pussy hair matches what’s on your head.”

The deep sound of his voice had my inner muscles clenching even tighter in desire.

His eyes were half lidded as he stared at me. “Because I’ll tell you one thing.” A moment passed before he continued. “Red is my favorite fucking color.”

I think my ovaries just exploded.

Of course, I’d wondered if the bulge I’d seen him sporting was just as impressive in the flesh.

“I haven’t been with a woman in five fucking years, Vivian.”

I felt my eyes widen. And then he stood, and all I could do was sit there and watch him come closer. He took the glass out of my hand and set it beside him on the table. But he didn’t move after that, just stood in front of me, his jean-covered dick right in my face, his erection tenting the material.

“Admit you want me as much as I want you.”

I lifted my eyes from his bulge to his face. His eyes were half-lidded, his lips just barely parted.

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